Chapter 146: Finally!

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 146: Finally!

Dora was just planning to start doing some magic practice in her room after taking a bath. It was, by no means, the time to sleep. Who sleeps at 9 p.m.? But Chris insisted that everyone turn in early for the day for some reason.

But, as soon as she began her basic spell practice, the door was knocked on by someone. And it turned out to be Chris.

"Why are you here?" She asked, but Chris just straight up hugged her.

"Why else?" She heard him whisper in her ear, making her shiver, "I came to properly catch up."

Dora's breathing got a bit uneven as she tried to rid her mind of the naughty thoughts.

'Just what are you thinking, girl?! He's still young!' Reprimanded the Angel Dora. She should just take his words literally. 'Yeah... it's good that he came to catch. Now I can show him the egg.'

'But... from which angle does he look young?' Whispered the devil Dora suddenly. And her thoughts strayed again. Indeed, just looking at him, no one can guess his age. His height is about 5'7, which matches hers, and his body...

Dora gulped. Chris's body seems perfection itself, low age can't lower its appeal.

Usually, Dora is free of such thoughts and she's always been focused on her goals. She doesn't like to be in close proximity with any male other than her father due to her past experiences, but Chris has somehow broken past those barriers.

In the beginning, she thought of him as a cute kid and thus never felt any revulsion from his close proximity. But, as she spent more and more time with him, she realized that he was sometimes even more mature than her. She began to treat him as an equal, and before she knew it, she'd already fallen in love with him.

And now, meeting him after so long and seeing his matured appearance, she can't help but be attracted to him physically as well along with the emotional attraction. But, there's still that instinctual fear and aversion that she's developed over the years, which is stopping her from taking the last step. She still needs time.

Thus, when Chris pulled back from the tight hug, she was both disappointed and relieved.

'This is enough for now,' Chris thought as he stopped the heavenly hug. He was also aware of how much he can push at one time.

To a virgin watching hentai or a rapist, it might seem quite easy and reasonable to just push her further and expect her to accept it, but firstly, Dora is not that kind of girl and secondly, he does not enjoy it when it's forced. From his past experiences, he knows that not all girls are so weak that they'll just meekly accept whatever you want to do with them, and especially not Dora. Many girls are strong-minded and for them, no means no. If you push further, you risk losing your relationship forever and being categorized into the YAHAMa category (Yet Another Horny Animal Male).

That's especially the case with Dora. She isn't ready yet. It's not like Chris hasn't tried in the past. She has this instinctive rejection whenever things start to proceed further. So, he's going to wait patiently since it's no fun unless she's hundred percent willing on her own. His ego wouldn't let him use magic. He tried it, and it didn't feel right... at all.

Keeping his arms still around her, he said, "Actually, besides catching up, there's something else I came here for. Have you already forgotten about the surprise I mentioned earlier?"

"It was real? What is it?" She asked curiously.

Chris grinned wickedly, "Oh you're going to love it. It'll be so good that once you try it, you wouldn't want to stop. It'll take all night and you'll be begging me for more after tonight" He said, his voice becoming huskier with every sentence.

Hearing his ambiguous words, Dora couldn't help but be flustered,

"N-No, what the hell"

But Chris cut her off,

"I know it will be your first time, but don't worry. You might feel scared at the beginning, but once you realize it's magic, you'll be thanking me with your sincere heart. So, don't feel scared Dora, I'll be there to guide you all the way," he whispered as he looked into her eyes.

"Get ready, I'm going to pull it out now," he said as he back up a little and put hands near his pants.

Dora was thrown completely off balance right now, "Wa" she began, Chris already put his hands in his pants and pulled out

The Vanishing Cabinet.


"That's a Vanishing Cabinet. Have you heard of it before?"

Dora looked at the Vanishing Cabinet with question marks and exclamation marks on her head. She shook her head in denial.

'Did I just... misunderstand something?' She thought in utter bewilderment.

She had indeed never heard of the Vanishing Cabinet before. How is this thing supposed to give her a surprise that'll make her beg for more?

"Oh, you haven't? Well, that'll make it all the more satisfying to see your reaction when you realize its function," he grinned as opened the door for Dora. Follow current novels at novelhall.come on in," he said as he climbed in as well.

'What did I ever do to deserve this? Why is he doing all this for her?'

'At this rate, I might really be able to overcome all the reservations and traumas in my heart and actually experience love with him,' she thought as looked at him, her eyes were burning with passion.

She brought forward her arm, which was trembling slightly, so that they could side-along apparate to her home, "Let's go."

But this time, Chris actually shook his head, "No. I'm not going this time."


Chris held her hand as he answered, "Because, tonight is your night. You'll be meeting your parents after about two year, and I want them to focus all of their attention on you. Go spend your time with them. I'll come back tomorrow to pick you up," he said sincerely. He didn't want to intrude upon the important reunion.


Hearing his words, Dora felt a dam had finally burst open in her heart, and she could no longer control her actions. At this moment, her love for Chris reached overshadowed all her reservations, traumas, and fears as she lunged for him without thinking of what she was doing.

Before Chris knew it, Dora's arms were already wrapped around his neck as she pulled him into a kiss. But before he could respond, she'd already pulled away, her eyes were closed shut, her face was completely red and her hair was shifting into 50 shades of red.

"See you tomorrow...," was all she could manage in a panicked voice before she Disapparated away with a soft snap, leaving Chris with his hands outstretched and his lips searing.

Chris stood there for a while, trying to control his magic which had involuntarily burst out from him, and disappeared as well as soon as it had come. He then licked his lips as he grinned.

"It's good that her eyes were closed," he murmured. Otherwise, she would have seen this magic. It's a new kind of magic, and Chris has no idea what it does.

Though, there was another thing which he discovered.

"This might not be her first kiss," he deduced. She certainly knew what she was doing, though it was so I practiced and sloppy that it might as well be one. She certainly didn't kiss anyone more than twice, or more than two seconds, otherwise, she'd have learned more.

What a great use he's putting his advanced mind and occlumency to To find out out his girlfriend's kissing history.

"Well, if the lucky bastard is still alive, he might actually become my first kill," he muttered, feeling surprised that he meant it. He didn't use to mind these things before.

'Dragons really are quite territorial, huh?'


Dora stumbled and fell to her knees as she appeared in front of her home. Her heart was still beating very fast, and she could feel a brilliant energy running throughout her body. Her lips felt as if they were on fire, though in a good way, and her whole body had tingles.

"Just... what have I done?" She muttered to herself. Even though it wasn't her first kiss, it certainly felt like how the first kiss is described in fairy tales. Not the bland one which she had years ago.

But she wasn't given the chance to think further as she heard the front open. The Apparation snap was quite loud since she couldn't concentrate properly. Thus, her parents were alerted of the arrival of someone.

The door opened and she silhouette of a man "Who is it?" Hearing their father's voice after so long, Dora decided to forcefully shelve all her complicated thoughts for later as she stood up to unite with her parents.

Then she heard another voice from behind the man, "Here, at least take your wand with you. How careless," it was her mother's exasperated voice as she came to peak over Ted's shoulder to see who is it.

"It's me, dad, mom," she called out in a choked-up voice, and the tears that came out of her eyes were impossible to stop.


A.N.: So, what will happen on their next meeting?

Next chapter: The fruit is Ripe, ready to be eaten!

Have I tried this one before? ACCIO POWERSTONES!!!

[Pa /Snollygoster] for extra chapters.

I'll keep it at least 8 chapters ahead, and I'm also planning to add a new tier of 13 to 14 chapters. So you can read there and help me make changes or decide stuff and support me so that I can do this full time.

And no need to worry, the chapters would posted here as well, you just have to wait for a while, atmost a month.

Now I have to compete the chapter which I was writing and quickly post it to p atreon. Bye~