Chapter 147: The fruit is ripe, ready to be eaten

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 147: The fruit is ripe, ready to be eaten

While Dora had a tearful reunion with her parents after a long time, Chris sat at the edge of his terrace of his Villa for some time, looking at the London skyline in the distance. He was feeling too happy that Dora had finally given him the kiss he so desired.

The last one and this one were different. The last one was just a touch, while this one was a real kiss. And this time, she knew that he was awake.

Chris had decided. The fruit was now ripe to be eaten.

"The next time we're alone, I'm gonna... hehehehehe" he laughed wickedly as he rubbed his hands together.

For some reason, he was craving a cigarette right now. This was also something he'd quit after returning to Hogwarts.

'Well, just one wouldn't hurt to celebrate tonight,' he thought. Now, that he'd decided, he only need the cigarette. But how to get it? He was feeling too lazy to move. He activated the trigger and put his hand up in the air.

"Accio Cigarettes?" he called out and slowly increased the magic output. Soon, he had a few packs on hand.

"Neat," he muttered in satisfaction as he picked the best brand one and held it in his mouth.

"Incendio," small flames began dancing on his index finger, lighting up the cigarette, he took a long drag. The taste was Marlboro black menthol.

'This one indeed brings back memories.'

But, the familiar dizziness and rush he was expecting didn't hit at all. He even tried smoking the second one, but it was all in vain.

"Damn it!" He threw away the rest of the cigarettes.

"This dragon body won't even let me smoke now," He muttered as he stood up from the edge of the terrace. He's now immune to nicotine as well. It can't affect his brain anymore. Heck, even normal muggles develop a good resistance to nicotine if they smoke regularly. But they compensate for it by smoking more. But it's just useless for Chris who now has complete nicotine resistance.

[Warning: Smoking and Tobacco kills. It can cause slow and painful death .]

Chris decided to go back to his home now. Now that Dora was here, he wasn't able to give Esme a lot of time as he had promised. The little girl's face was pouting the whole day today, what could he do? He didn't know that Dora would suddenly turn up.

Thus, he went to Esme's room for the night. The little girl is awake, playing with Nyxie. Chris entertained them till late night and even helped Esme practice with his gold wand, so as to make up for the slight neglect which she would inevitably notice for the duration of Dora's stay.

In the end, the three of them fell asleep with Chris in the middle and Nyxie and Esme cuddled on either side of him.

"Well, this much better than smoking alone," he decided before he fell asleep.

The next morning, Chris woke up early to do his exercises and magic practice. In his routine, he had also added swordsmanship to his routine. He's been researching Swordfighting and fencing for a while now.

For now, he's mostly practicing Fencing since it's mainly focused on the defense. He finds the aspect of cutting down and defending multiple spells coming at him more difficult than slashing out sword beams. Thus, he's currently focusing on defense more.

On the other hand, he's also been trying to incorporate various magics in his Fencing and Swordsmanship.

All this sword training is also helping him figure out what kind of sword he's going to make for himself. He'll need Sebastian's help, but there's no need to go to him. That busy man will make time and come to Chris by himself now that he's heard about the Sword of Griffindor from the other Delacour's. A geek knows another geek the best.

Today, Chris didn't practice for much since he also had to go and pick up his girlfriend from her home. Dora was already calling him through the Diary.

Chris went through the Vanishing Cabinet and apparated directly to the Tonks residence.

*knock* *knock*

Andromeda was the one who opened the Door. As soon as the door opened, Chris was enveloped in a tight hug as kisses rained down his head.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!- - -"

Chris patted her back as a sign of tap out or surrender, "Hey... hey! It's alright, it's alright! I need to breathe, mom."

That got her to stop instantly, "W-What you say?"

"Um... it's alright?"

"No! After that."

"I need to breathe?"

"No! No! After that! What did you call me?"

"Err... Mom?"

Well, it was indeed the first time he called her that. But she really gave off a similar feeling like the mom in his previous life (personality-wise), and also, she's most likely his future mother-in-law, so it's not a big deal, is it?

Andromeda hugged him once again, this time with some tears in her eyes.

"So... there's no need to thank me, is there? After all, you don't need to thank family."

"You never brought anyone here?" She asked in surprise. He'd been living in this large villa himself? Isn't it too lonely?

Chris nodded, "Yeah, just me and Jilly of course, my house elf. That's it," he then smiled, as if reminiscing the old days as they walked through the garden which was somehow well maintained, "I used to just lock myself in the basement and do lots of training and magic experiments. The time I used to come out was to play with stocks and eat your mom's food," he said as they reached the front door.

Chris put his hand on the big handprint space that was etched into the door and poured pure magic into it. The runes lit up and the door recognized him as it swung open.


Dora was surprised by this advanced way of opening the door. This was so cool! When she was a kid dreaming to be an Auror, she had always wanted to do this kind of stuff.

"Isn't it?"

Chris, who was anxiously waiting for her reaction grinned in satisfaction. He's so glad that someone understands! Dora didn't know that she'd suddenly scored a lot of brownie points from Chris without even trying.

"The wards already recognize you, so you can directly Apparate inside form the next time. But, if you really want to use the door, here's the key," he said as he summon the key from his pocket and threw it to her.

Surprised, Dora could only obediently catch the key with both hands.

'Doesn't a man usually give the key to his girlfriend or something?' While Chris had already moved on, Dora looked at the key for a while before she pocketed it.

"Sit here," he said as he pushed her onto a comfortable-looking armchair.

"Now, get ready for a nice ride," he said as he poured pure magic into the runic socket and he the voice activation code.

'Ride?' Dora couldn't understand, but her unasked question was answered in the next moment as the armchair transformed into a sled-like ride and the ground beneath her opened.

"This is so COOooooool"

With that, she disappeared into the tunnel.

Last time, Chris had already fixed this thing up, so it will quite comfortably ride this time. Chris grinned and apparated directly into the basement as well,

"Wooohoooo!" The next moment, Dora slid in as well. Apparently, she didn't hate the experience.

The cart slowed down on its own and Chris took Dora's hand once again as he helped her up.

"How was it?" He asked.

Dora grinned, "It was sooo great! Just how did you get it installed?!" She asked excitedly.

Chris's smile diminished, "See? That's why I wasn't telling you everything," he said as walked further into the huge basement.

Dora blinked, What did she say wrong? Isn't it a good thing that she liked it? While thinking this, her gaze casually swept the huge room they were in and she froze.

The room was filled with things. They were all organized, but there was still a messiness to it that was characteristic to Chris. The first place she saw was a place with different potion ingredients lying around in jars, and there were quite a lot of exploded cauldrons stacked together. Some were so badly deformed that they were no different than a piece of scrap metal. The floor had fillings in places, and it was clear that there used to be craters and holes there.

The next thing she was was a place that was filled with rune carvings on all kinds of objects. It was apparent that all the runes there were inscribed by Chris himself. There was a separate section dedicated to all kinds of wands, staff, and other magical Foci.

The crater fillings here were even bigger as compared to the Potions section, suggesting bigger explosions. And if that wasn't enough evidence, the craters of the high ceiling were completely forgotten by the one who was repairing this mess. Apparently, the fact that the explosions would even reach that high ceiling is so absurd that even he forgot to fix it.


But the thing that surprised her the most wasn't these explosion marks. There, in the pile of rune inscribed materials, Dora saw many precious gems and stones and pieces of Jewelries. And... some of those looked very similar to the miraculous and phenomenal pieces of jewelry and stones that he'd gifted her and her family...

Dora's hand unconsciously went to the pair of earrings that was his first gift to her, then to the gem necklace, and then to the bracelets. 'All these...'

"Yes..." she heard Chris's voice whisper in her ear. "I made them all with my own genius hands...."


Dora now realized just what was the reason why Chris seemed disappointed with her just now when she asked him how he got them made.

This guy set up everything by himself.

Now she can also understand why he was reluctant to tell her everything. It is indeed a bit overwhelming...

A.N.: The next chapter: A Magical Kiss

Power Stones....just give them if you have them. It's not too difficult, and it means a lot to me when I get them.

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Part /Snollygoste