Chapter 150: Escaped Crisis and Chriscalibur

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 150: Escaped Crisis and Chriscalibur

[Let me make it clear, Moody is speaking French. He's a master of his craft, able to speak in different languages that he learned for his undercover missions and for escorting the Minister to foreign countries.]


Chris looked at everyone innocently.

"Why are you guys so surprised? Didn't I already tell everyone yesterday? It's why I got the special services award."

"...." x everyone.

The people present were quite speechless. They remembered his earlier words which were: 'I got this special services award for slaying a fantasy creature, nothing much.' How were they supposed to believe him at that time?!

Moody was surprised at the reactions of the people, "Eh? You lot didn't even know that? I thought this was something that any young lad would brag to whoever would listen,"

The ever-present smile on Camille's face was gone as she was in empty space, "A Basilisk can kill through sight. And it's venom is one of the most poisonous substances in the world. It's an XXXXX category beast, almost extinct," then, her expressionless gaze turned towards Chris, "Son, why? How? when? What were you thinking?"

"...." Somehow, Chris actually felt terrified of that gaze.

Chris just didn't tell them because then they'll stop him from going to Hogwarts and instead send him to Beauxbatons. He would have gladly agreed to there too, if only there wasn't one minor problem. No other school is retarded enough to give him a time turner. He can't feel the time magic at other schools.

As for all the Dog and Rat nonsense? He could care less. And the werewolf is already NTRed, the pitiful creature.

'I'll give him money so he can at least live well. Meanwhile, I'll properly take care of the one who was supposed to be his future wife in another timeline, ha ha something he couldn't do in the canon, got her killed by mobs... mobs which she can easily handle with her eyes closed now.'


'Oh right, I have to calm this scary mother first,'

Chris couldn't meet his mother's scary gaze, "Mom, we have guests right now. Can we talk about this later?"

Moody shook his head, "Oh, don't mind me, lad. I would also like to hear about it. Dumbledore was didn't say much in his letter. Does anyone else mind?"


'What the? Is this man trying to screw me over for real?!' Chris couldn't understand why Moody couldn't get the hint and stop asking.

Appoline nodded in Moody's agreement, "I would also like to hear about it."

"And me," added Fleur.

"Oh! Me too! Me too!" Of course, this was Gabrielle.

"Well, I would have preferred the swor ouch, yes I also want to hear it." This was, of course, Sebastian.

'Oh, man...' Chris was all too familiar with this scene. It's similar to times when he'd get caught after he tried out some extreme sport or pulled a dangerous stunt in his previous life without his mother's permission, which he could never get anyway. Fortunately, he also had the experience to get away with it without needing to apologize.

Chris raised his hands in surrender, "Well, let's at least sit?"

After they all say at the dining table, Chris first made the introductions, "First let me do the introductions, This is Alastor Mad-eye Moody, retired senior Auror from British Ministry and Dora's mentor. A true warrior who's dedicated his whole life fighting crime. Mr. Moody, you already know me and my dad, that's Camille Martin nee Black, she's my dad's master and my mother, this cuteness incarnate is my little sister, and you should have heard about the Delacour family," he said, gesturing towards the Delacours, to which, Moody nodded. New novel chapters are published on

He had already guessed their identity, just by looking at the three Veelas. And this was indeed a very welcome surprise. Not because of the beauties, but because if he played this right, he can also get the Delacour family involved in the matter. After all, the threat is Voldemort is not small, and no amount of support is enough.

Chris continued, "The beautiful lady over there is Appoline, she manages the Delacours business Empire, and that's her husband Sebastian, the genius Enchanter, and their charming daughters Fleur and Gabrielle."

Moody nodded and exchanged greetings with them. This lad is doing all the work for him. It looks like his visit might just be more successful than he'd thought. Moody already knows that Dumbledore plans to try and persuade the Delacour family and the French Minister as well to give their support when the time comes, but Moody didn't think he'd get the opportunity this early. If they also got the Delacours' support, Dumbledore might just start dancing in joy.

"Now, to give an explanation for the Basilisk thingy, well, I would've told everyone, but I thought it was a better choice not to," he said, and then explained, "I always tell you things that'll make you guys happy and feel proud of me. That's why I told everyone about the Special Service Award. If I told you about the Basilisk, would you have felt proud or would you have felt worried about my well-being and anger towards my recklessness?"


'Wait a minute...'

While thinking this, Chris suddenly had an epiphany that chilled his heart! And it angered him a LOT. So much that he had to control it through occlumency.

'The support of Delacours can only be obtained if the family is involved,' this was something he already knew and probably the Dumbledore of the canon also realized after the fourth year.

So... what if... just what if Dumbledore got one of his people to get involved with their daughter? What if their daughter decided to involve herself in this? Then wouldn't the Delacours also have to provide their support?


...Too cold and calculating? There's nothing too cruel in the name of the greater good. Not even sacrificing a 17-year-old student. So what's this?

And, it was a master's stroke, if it was indeed planned. With this also came another thought.

'What if he did the same for Dora?'


No one could see, but both of his hands inside his pocket had blood dropping from them. The thought he had could be true or it could be false. But just the thought was enough to almost burst out his Super trigger red. Thus, he had to go with the same old method, which was to clench his fingers so tightly that his nails would pierce his palm and draw blood.

Chris looked around to make sure that no one should have noticed, his mother in fact somehow noticed instantly and looked worried.

'Just how did he get injured by just sitting?!' She wondered.

Camille was sure that when her son brings out his hands from his pocket, it would definitely have blood dropping out of it. But, to her surprise when Chris brought out his hands, were in perfect condition, just that his one hand was holding the sword of Griffindor and there was a little cut on his finger.

'Oh? It was only this much? Must be my imagination,' thought Camille as she once again paid attention to the discussion.

'Phew,' Chris sighed in relief when his mother looked away. 'Damnit, just how does she notice these small things so quickly?!' There was something off about this matter. It wasn't even the first time he thought something was fishy.

He turned his head around only to get another fright.

At the seat where Esme was sitting previously before Camille sent her away,

Sebastian was sitting right there, looking at the sword in his hands totally ignoring the serious discussion going on.

'Oh well, it's good anyway,' he thought, since he also needed to distract himself to calm down his anger. Also, now he can finally get started upon his sword project.

If he gets the knowledge from Sebastian, he can incorporate it in his own research and magic-crafting which he's developed over the years of experiments with his special magic casting. His methods rely heavily on runes, and Transfiguration, and he hasn't tried out many things which could be used in forging. Thus, this field has potential.

Sebastian took out his wand and cast a silencing ward around the both of them and also cast a notice me not. Then he put a bag on the table which he had brought from home. Chris knew that this was his tool kit which was, of course, shrinkable and had extended space. It might be extremely rare to possess them, but he can actually make them, so of course, he'd have one.

"Hehehehhe! Let's get this started," he said excitedly as he rubbed his hands together, cracked his fingers, and then took out two gloves from his tool bag and put them on. Then took out his enchanted goggles and snapped them on as well.

Chris nodded, thinking that he was indeed watching a master at work.

'This man can definitely help me out a lot,' Chris was planning to make a sword much better than even this Legendary Sword. And even though he'll make it all by himself without letting anyone know about its full capabilities, he can use all the indirect help he can get.

And the sword's name would be...



AN: its a joke, though I might just decide to name it that.

powerstones... powerstones... please...