Chapter 151: The egg

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 151: The egg

Sebastian took out very instruments from his bag, making the dining table on our side quite full. But it was alright since everyone had already eaten and the dishes were cleared.

While Sebastian was taking out the instruments, the discussion of the other people had also come to a temporary halt, since they also wanted to know about the Sword of Griffindor. In fact, this was Moody's first time seeing it. Thus, Moody casually dismantled the charms Sebastian had placed. In his haste, Sebastian had just cast the rudimentary ones.

Sebastian then took out his final instrument, his wand, and now, he was ready to get work. With his breathing unstable and heartbeat rapid, he stretched out his hand towards the sword. But...just as he was about to touch the sword with his gloved hand, Chris moved the sword away from him.

"Uh-Uh, not so easily," said Chris cheekily.


Sebastian's eyes widened when he realized just how badly Chris had gotten him under his foot this time. Currently, Chris could even ask him for his wife, and Sebastian might find himself agreeing. That's how much the sword of Griffindor was worth. Of course, Chris knew it as well.

Currently, Chris had the grin of the devil as he looked between the sword and Sebastian. He was having too much fun.

Dora shook her head exasperatedly as she saw the scene play out but her eyes held fondness. Her friend still hasn't changed his old habits.

'But... he... he's my b-boyfriend now,' she thought as recalled their toe-curling kiss just this morning. She felt butterflies in her stomach.

Fleur on the other hand scoffed internally, 'He's really such a wicked person!' she fumed. Why did she have to develop a crush on this kind of person?!'

Fleur didn't know that this is what the muggles call the bad-boy charm. In Chris's previous world, even a wimp like Draco Malfoy has such a huge number of girls fangirling after him. Then what about our giga-chad bad boy MC?

Sebastian sighed, "What do you want?" He asked in defeat. He still hadn't noticed that the privacy spells he'd set up were long taken down. So he continued, "Just remember, if it's something too unreasonable, then..."

Everyone thought that his next words would be, 'I'll reject,'

But his next words were, "then just don't let my wife know about it. She'll kill me. Now, the sword! Quickly!"

"...." x Everyone.

All of their eyes went to Appoline, whose surrounding temperature went up by several degrees as she narrowed her eyes at her husband.

Chris nodded, "Alright, I need to know all the information about this sword's creation. Describe every single process and every single enchantment that you can infer from your thorough inspection."

Sebastian looked at Chris for several moments, "That... that's it?" He asked, looking out of the loop.

Chris laughed, "I know it's too easy and I also know that I could have asked for a LOT more. But... don't worry. You are family, so I won't take advantage of you. I can plunder from the rest of the world."

Dora smiled fondly at Chris. She already knew he was just joking around earlier. He's done that a lot to her.

But Fleur, upon hearing his words, had her allure destabilized suddenly as it flared out a bit.

'So, he's not so bad after all...'

Moody looked deeply at Chris, 'This one's clever, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Already got the sword of Gryffindor's approval, loyal and courageous heart. And has a true Hufflepuff madly in love with him.'

Camille on the other hand looked at her son adoringly, 'Such a sweet child.'

Meanwhile, Sebastian was quite relieved and grateful to hear Chris's words, "Oh, thank you so much! I really would have been in trouble if you'd asked something unreasonable. Gosh! you spared me from a lot of trouble."

Chris looked at him in pity, "Uh... I wouldn't be so sure of that..."

But Sebastian ignored his words and picked up the sword with great reverence. And Chris was also much approving of this since Read latest chapters at Only

He first examined the sword without any instrument, not even activating his enchanted goggles. He was purely appreciating the beautiful craftsmanship and artwork created through goblin-smithing, which involves a number of methods quite impossible for wizards to follow without the correct instruments.

Just when Chris was about to get impatient, the man sighed in satisfaction and took up his wand and tools. What he did in the next five to ten minutes was quite difficult to understand, so the people went back to their discussion. From time to time, he'd nod in understanding, sigh in admiration, or straight up exclaim when he found something interesting or awe-inspiring.

After he was done, he sighed in utter awe and admiration as he finally began to explain to Chris,

"I'll explain what I can understand through the primary analysis, but for more, I'll have to do a detailed study."

Chris nodded in understanding and Sebastian continued, "So, in the creation of this sword, a special technique of Goblins Forging has been used. In this process, the spells are woven into the very metal of the sword throughout the smelting, the upsetting, and the hardening and tempering process! We call it the Goblins Weaving! It is due to the flawless execution of this process that all the enchantments on this sword are still going strong." Sebastian began in a serious tone but got excited as he explained.

"First of all, it is quite difficult to weave a spell into metal, and the Goblins protect this kind of knowledge with their lives. Any artifact made by this type of Goblin forging with a single spell is an inestimable price, since the collectors would literally empty their coffers for it!"

'Damnit!' That was a low blow. And it landed right where it hurts.

Dora wanted to punch this girl in the face. But at this moment, Chris came back carrying the two little girls on each of his arms.

"What's the matter? He asked. He still had a smile on from playing earlier and Esme and Gabrielle were also cheerful.

Fleur smiled smugly as she shook are head, "Nothing at all, I was just asking Dora about some things, right Dora?"

Dora inwardly gritted her teeth, but still nodded, and Chris could tell that she was positively murderous right now.

It was time for the Delacours to leave, and Chris lent the sword to Sebastian for further research. When Sebastian was cheerfully leaving, everyone else was looking at him like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, since Appoline had a scary smile on her face as she left after him with her wand drawn. She still hadn't forgotten Sebastian's earlier words.


After they left, Chris took Dora to her room while they held hands.

"What's wrong?" He asked as lightly squeezed her soft hand.

Dora shook her head she smiled at Chris, "It's nothing," She didn't want Chris to feel bad because of his age. In fact, he didn't even look young. Dora felt that in their relationship, age felt such a useless concept. But... it still hurts bad when someone calls her a pedophile, and that's not Chris's fault.

Hearing her response, Chris sighed.

'When a girl says it's nothing, then there's definitely something.'

Dora changed the topic as they reached the room, "I have been wanting to show you something, but we never got the chance," she said while opening the room excitedly.

'What's she gonna show me?' Chris couldn't help but start having naughty ideas since she was now his girlfriend.

"Really? Show me then," he said as he jumped on the bed reclined comfortably, ready for a show.

But Dora took out her pouch which Chris had gifted her. From inside, she took out a box. This box didn't have any space extension charms on it, but it had many charms placed on it to keep the egg stable and safe. It was like an incubator. She put the box on the bed.

"Uh, you wanted to show me this?" He couldn't help but think that he got excited for nothing.

But Dora was oblivious to his wicked thoughts as she remained excited, "You won't believe it when I tell you just what it is! Haha, you're not the only one who can get good things out of luck. This time, I got one as well," she said smugly as she patted the box, but then she sighed, "But... there's something wrong with it."

Chris sat up straight as he looked at the box, "Well, if you're hyping it so much, it had better be something good," he said as he thought of what he had imagined she would show him, but it turned out to be a box.

Dora nodded eagerly as she smiled while looking up at him, "Oh don't you worry, it will be worth your while..."


Chris wondered if something was wrong with him. His mind is only thinking of 18+ content.

Dora opened the box, and inside was a big egg-shaped object. Dora first removed all the gold sheets that were wrapped around it. And the egg which emerged was colored in Orange-blue. Chris could tell that it was not an ordinary egg.

"Oh? An egg?!" Asked Chris in surprise.

"Hahaha, yes, an egg!"

"When did you lay it?!"

"I b-bastard! I didn't lay it!" She began hitting Chris who was making fun of her. Though she couldn't bring herself to put up much force.

Chris got serious. "Alright. Tell me who's egg it is, how you got it, and what's wrong with it," he said as laid a hand on the egg. At first, there was almost no feeling,


And what he sensed from the egg surprised him quite a bit.


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