Chapter 156: Flamels

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 156: Flamels

Chris and Dora stood in front of the egg which was showing obvious signs of hatching. Dora was communicating with the two babies inside through the mental bonding, coaxing them to come out.

"Any moment now..." said Dora excitedly. She turned to Chris, "Aren't you excited too?" She asked. She wanted to know what Chris was thinking right now.

Chris smiled as he put an arm around her, "Of course I'm excited! After all... it's our first child together, isn't it?"


( @_@ )

Dora blushed hard as she struggled to get out of his embrace, "H-Hey! It's not"

"It's not? How is it not?" Asked Chris, cutting her off, "We're both bonded to it, and it'll see us as its parents. So, you're naturally going to be its mother." He paused as he made sure to highlight the next words, "while I'm going to be the father of your child," he added slyly.

Dora couldn't take it anymore. She hit his chest with small fists in to quell some of her embarrassment which didn't hurt at since she couldn't put strength in her assault, but Chris still pretended.

"Ow! Ouch! Damn! Why is my girlfriend so violent?!"

Dora just decided to ignore him for now. The egg was going to hatch. And Chris also became serious when it was time.

Dora started coaxing the creatures to come out, "Come on, baby! Come on out.." said Dora as she patted the egg while bending down, "Don't to want to want to see momma?"

"...." Chris, who got a nice view of her shapely bottom from over her slim pyjamas sighed.

If she keeps saying words like that, he didn't know about the snakes inside the egg, but the snake hidden inside his trousers would definitely come out quite enthusiastically to meet her.

Even though the babies inside couldn't understand English, they could feel her emotions, and thus, the babies renewed their struggle.

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Tiny cracking sounds of the egg were heard as the fissures appeared along the smooth surface of the egg.


*Pop* *pop*

Two small heads popped out of the egg one after another. The two tiny snakeheads looked around, looking at the outer world for the first time as they blinked their eyes and flicked their tiny tongues.

One was reddish-brown, matching its big eyes. It had patterns of back on its body. The other one was a cerulean-blue blue, with the same cerulean-blue eyes and black patterns on the body.

Both of them had two small horns on their heads which looked more like cute stubs right now. And fine glowing lines of multicolored Pure Magic were running throughout their whole body, looking extremely beautiful and mesmerizing.

"Wow..." Dora was completely enthralled, and Nyxie, who was sitting on Chris's shoulder also looked quite moved. She felt similar to how a single child would feel after seeing their baby sibling for the first time.

Chris step forward, getting their attention as he pointed at himself, $"Daddy,"$ and then pointed at Dora, $"Mommy,"$ and then pointed at Nyxie, $"Sister"$ he said as he patted their head lightly with his forefinger and gave them pure magic.

By now, Chris had long realized that if he focused a lot on Nyxie and then tried to speak Dragontongue, he can speak it. Thus, he just did the same just now and unlike the last time, when in his second year, it must have worked this time since he felt a magic in his voice similar to the one he felt in Harry's Parsel language.

Though Dora heard it like it was common English as she couldn't notice such minor fluctuations of magic.

Snakes understood his words, the red one quickly found Dora, who had been mothering these two for a while, but the blue one regarded Chris, whose magic they had been absorbing the whole time.

Due to the magic he passed just now, the creatures got a powerboost and started breaking free of the rest of the egg and Chris also helped them and more of their bodies were revealed.



Just when more of the egg's surface was removed, Chris and Dora got surprised when they saw that both the creature were actually 'one'... Their heads were connected to a single body!

But their surprises weren't ending just yet.

Just as the two cute little creatures got free of the confines of the egg, one of them tried to move in Chris's direction while the other one in Dora's. At that moment, their body glowed, and then...

They split into two different bodies!


Under their astonished gazes, the blue one slithered towards Chris and the red one towards Dora.

Chris's head began racing with thoughts.

How could that be possible?!

Metamorphagus abilities... maybe.

She shook her head, "The Laurants are known to have the best senses. I'm able to notice, but... it should be fine as long as he's not in the close proximity of one,"

Durant nodded, "But you should still continue searching for more methods,"

Camille rubbed her neck which had gotten sore from looking through books, "Of course, I will."


In a place filled with various types of Potion ingredients, test tubes, jars, and cauldrons, an old man sitting on an armchair, deep in thought.

"You're still thinking about that matter?" Asked an old lady. Despite her wrinkles, her face clearly showed that she was once very beautiful.

The old man nodded, "It doesn't make sense. He has very little of the bloodline. Yet, his blood seemed to give off... an unusual scent," the old man frowned, "But it was hidden by the two rings. The others wouldn't be able to notice."

the old lady as she still couldn't believe the old man's words.

"I couldn't see much though, except talent," she said dubiously.

The old man nodded, "It will be more noticeable later. After all, the characteristics develop only when he gets older," the old man smiled, "At that time, others will start noticing as well,"

The old frowned, "This is the first time someone has managed to interest you so much after Dracula,"

The old man chuckled, "That's the beauty of it. We're getting surprised by something that's the results of our own creation."

This old couple was no ordinary couple.

These were Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel. But that's not their real identity. It's just something they took after they had made the Philosopher's stone.

Their real identity is something that dates back much longer... The Progenitors.

They are the very first Vampires, a result of a series of complicated rituals. At first, they had only managed to make their lifespan a little longer, and there were numerous side effects.

Thus, they tried to do similar rituals on other people and got varying degrees of responses. Some straight-up turned undead monsters who drink human blood at nights, but some... some managed to give them a good surprise.

They got the best of both categories and had unique and specialized abilities.

The progenitors called them the Noble Vampires and categorized them in a Hierarchy, from Barron to Duke.

These Vampires were able to keep the best of both worlds and thus helped Nicholas and Perenelle in getting good research data. They just let them roam free to get more research data.

Some of them settled down in the wizarding and Muggle world and had a family, some went on to create popular dark magics like the Blood Magic, and some... like Dracula managed to surprise even Nicholas and Perenelle by almost becoming Immortal. As a result, these two were also able to make changes in their rituals and prolong their lives even further.

The Progenitors were having wilder ambitions and got arrogant. They didn't even hide their trails properly anymore, thinking themselves invincible.

That was until 'that man' himself came after them.


The Sorcerer had powers they could never comprehend. The man killed Dracula and had managed to eventually hunt them down as well. But these progenitors had already made various followers in the wizarding world by then. If the Noble Vampires went on a rampage, chaos will ensue.

Thus, they were able to leverage their lives, but in exchange, they had to make a legally binding oath, the terms of which were decided after much negotiation.

And that was when they decided to settle down and took the identity of Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel, the Alchemists.


Back in the lab, the Perenelle brows furrowed when she heard Nicholas mention Noble Vampires, "If the others come after him, won't the pact be broken?"

Nicolas smiled, "It won't. After all, even if by a little amount of blood," his smile turned into a grin showing his sharp canines, "He's also one of one of us,"


A.N.: Hehehehehe B-) Thoughts?

I've left about 5 to 10 hints in the previous chapters about this.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and its been explained in the upcoming chapter.

Please don't forget to vote! Each and Every POWERSTONE Matters!

For reading ahead,

P /Snollygoster

remove space.