Chapter 157: The black flames, the envelope and 'They'

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 157: The black flames, the envelope and 'They'

So, after Chris had gotten a quick peck on the lips from Dora, it was decided that the red one would be Cythia or Cindy, and the Blue one would be Selena or Sally.

After the two babies had fallen asleep, Chris decided to get to serious work once again, but Nyxie, who had still not fallen asleep, followed him to the basement.

"Hmm? What's up with you?" He asked as he patted her head.

"Mewww," she said after settling on his shoulder.

"So, you're finally growing up, huh?" Chris smiled. Nyxie was asking for training.

Before, Nyxie used to be too temperamental and sometimes even used to attack people in her anger. Thus, Chris hadn't taught her much of attack magics and her attention span was too small and she had always seemed unwilling to learn. Thus, Chris being the doting father, had decided to let her enjoy her childhood. He just taught her basic stuff and had also asked her not to try and copy every random magic, since magics like space magic could be dangerous, so she shouldn't try it without his supervision.

Chris thought that it was a waste for her to not train. After all, she was very talented. This had already gotten apparent when she had copied the disillusionment charm without much difficulty. Her sensitivity for magic was a lot more than even Chris's, maybe due to her innate drakonic advantages and her high exposure to pure magic since birth.

Looking at the determined Nyxie, Chris nodded,

"It seems you're ready now," Nyxie has matured a lot very quickly. She was just a baby like Sally and Cindy just two years ago. Chris sighed like an old man who's been through many vicissitudes of life, , "Kids sure grow up fast," he said as he rubbed her head.

Nyxie became annoyed once again for being treated like a child, but she still didn't seem unhappy.

'I'm an adult now!' Her thoughts seemed to say.

Dragons really do mature faster. The normal ones are considered adults in just two years.

"Let's start. Try this," Chris started with the most useful thing that isn't dangerous: Corpomency.

It's something that's still in the development stage and with a lot of potential. Initially, it was meant to make an invisible armor for his body to shield him from all kinds of attacks. But, even though he hasn't been able to make it invisible, it has still become much more versatile since it gives the option of shape manipulation as well.

As Chris raised his hand, the magic began pouring out of it and began to form into a dazzling and intricate multicolored armor which covered Nyxie's body. And Nyxie's big eyes were full of surprise when she felt it.

"Try learning this for now. After this one, I'll teach you some attack magic," said Chris as his mind started to fill up with various ideas.

$"Attack magic?!"$ She exclaimed. She was now fully motivated.

But for now, he left Nyxie to practice it while he moved on to do his own things. His work seems to have increased by lot. He has to learn Swordsmanship, make the sword, try out his new powers of the bond, find out about anti-magic, and a lot more. He simply doesn't have the time for all of this.

"I need time..." he murmured. Fortunately, that should be taken care of this year. He had talked with Flitwick, and with his academic performance, it wouldn't be a problem. He's very curious about time magic.

He got to work and started working on his sword first. The research on Crysanium, the most magical metal of the word seemed to be going well. The previous pure magic was already absorbed into the molten alloys. And now the differences were starting to show as some were already saturated while some still had the ability to absorb and grow even further.

All of these were small samples, formed by the combination of the most precious metals of the world. But the cost of even these small samples was something that would make someone vomit blood. It truly showed off the extravagance of a young master.

But, it's not like he's ever going to sell these. He values these metals more than he values money. And all these small samples can be used in a lot of his projects as well.

"Hmm... it's time I made another country your and help the filthy rich muggles of France lessen their 'burdens'..." he murmured. His supplies of precious materials were running low and he won't get caught as long as he uses a wand without a trace.

Even if the wizard is adult, the ministry can find out at least the location and nature of the spell used even though not their identity

Thus, if excess magic is used in the muggle world, the ministry would quickly send someone to investigate. He had atleast guessed this to some extent, thus, he never used any dangerous spells or questionable spells with any of the wands that he hasn't made by himself. He's mostly been wandless since that helps in training as well.

Now he's understood some of the mechanism of how it all works. All legal wands sold at shops have traces, and those who are found with wands without traces are heavily penalized. But of course, there are ways to remove the trace completely as and it's also possible to acquire a traceless wand (corrupt ministry).


While Chris was making his plans, suddenly he saw a bright light from the corner of his eye.


Nyxie was flying around happily with a layer of Corpomency barrier swirling around her.


"Well, she learns fast," Chris muttered.

She flew over and landed in front of him, $"Attack magic?"$ She asked expectantly.

"Alright," Chris sighed, "But first tell me what you can already do,"

"Myu?" Nyxie blinked innocently at him.

"uh-uh, don't play innocent now. You ARE a dragon. You can breathe fire, and I've seen it,"

"Here," Chris raised his hand and a piece of metal flew right into his grip.

"You have to fire your breath at this," he said as he floated in the air. "I won't teach you anything unless you melt this down,"

Nyxie looked down nervously, "Mewm..." she murmured. It seems that Nyxie was afraid that Chris would see her differently if she showed him this.

Chris, who could understand it all through the bond, began to laugh.

Fleur had thought none of it... until the girl herself confronted her. She had wanted to talk in privacy, so Fleur, after remembering Chris's warnings, had agreed to talk to her in the great Hall during lunch with privacy charms, notice-me-not, and clear to blurr everything.

And soon as the Charms were installed, Louise's face took a 180 transition and became an annoyed and haughty look.

"How did you do it?!" She asked.

Fleur was puzzled, "What are you talking about?"

Louise scoffed, "You don't need to keep up the presence anymore. I know that you know,"

"...What are you talking about," Fleur repeated her question. Her occlumency was on, showing no fluctuations on her aloof face. She was fishing for more information.

And Louise didn't disappoint her when she clicked her tongue,

"I've seen how you've been looking at me with a guarded expression as if I'll attack you at any moment, and you're also being overly cautious when eating your meals, you are always surrounded by your followers, never being alone as if you might be attacked. Do you need me to point out more? So, you clearly know it was me who did it that day,"

(???) Fleur was still completely clueless. She was doing all this because Chris had ordered her to. And he had also warned her that Louise will definitely try to pull something. That's why she had been cautious and guarded against her. But her expression still showed no fluctuations.

Louise continued, "You were infected with Veela de leflau. How did you realize it so quickly? And how were you able to duel when you should have been unable to do so for at least 30 minutes even after taking the best one?"


Veela de leflau?!

It was a poison that wasn't lethal at all, instead, it only inflicts Veela with a sickness that sometimes happens to Veela. If it's in small quantity, it would pass off just like that natural sickness and no one would suspect it was due to the poison.

Its translation is Veela's Bane.

It's similar to how werewolves have wolfsbane and Vampires have Bat-thorn. Clearly, the creator put veelas in the same category as these creatures.

And Louise was saying with certainty that she was infected by it. It can only mean that this bitch tried to poison her and even succeeded to some extent. Then, how come Fleur never realized it?

'Wait a moment!'

She only recalled feeling dizziness and a mild headache. And she was feeling slightly feverish. She thought that it was nothing and her magic will take care of it. And was going to go to the duel.

'And then Chris...'

Chris had given her something her, and it certainly wasn't a pepperup Potion as he had claimed. After drinking that miraculous thing, other than those groundbreaking occlumency and allure effects, Fleur also realized that she no longer felt dizzy. She was so energized that she thought that she might even defeat Chris at that moment.

Fleur had realized everything, and had etched that matter deep into her heart. Chris clearly didn't want anyone to know about the Potion, and it was for good reason. He'll definitely get into trouble for it if the word got out. Thus, she has kept this to herself, and it has definitely contributed to the hopeless crush she has on him.

She recalled what Louise had said after that, "What did you think? You'll get rid of me after humiliating me in front of everyone through your boyfriend? See the situation now? Barely anyone now remembers the scene! All the photos were deleted! And the photos of me lying beautifully in the hospital were released. You just wait for me Fleur Delacour. I'll climb back up even higher and get back at you one day for this humiliation," with that, Louise turned into the goddess persona again and left her after sitting alone, with hundreds of thoughts plaguing her.

And now she's seeing that Louise's photos in various angles, all moving.

There she was, lying down pathetically on the ground with her but sticking out comically, tears and snot on her face, her mouth leaking saliva, and the close-up of her butt, with even her underwear torn to shreds. Did anyone notice that Louise was wearing a thong? Most likely not. It was covered rather quickly by the headteacher. Most likely, no one even noticed that big and ugly mole on her right butt cheek due to the debris and blood.

But now... everyone would.


Camille was worried. Chris's blood had somehow become more special overnight. And not only him, but his girlfriend Dora's blood had also become special.

Oh, Camille knew she was his girlfriend. She could tell easily since their scent was all over each other and they also spend the nights in the same room, even though Chris tries to hide by properly putting on disillusionment before entering and exiting her room.

Her son is using his amazing talents for naughty things, but he doesn't know his mother detect him by his scent easily, except for the very first time, when he even hid his smell and sound, probably in precaution if the house had some pet with high senses. But he removed them after he removed the Invisibility cloak and Camille instantly knew it was him, and he has a lot of talent.

Camille wasn't worried about Dora, since she was human and thus protected by the Pact. 'But Chris...'

Chris was one of them. And if he has such enticing blood, 'they' are going to come for him.


Camille's fists clenched involuntarily as her nails and canines grew longer and sharper. She had already lost her parents. She wasn't going to have her son taken as well.


A.N: A 30

00 word chapter. If you don't know how long that is, if only written two other chapters this long upto now. And it's about as big as two chapters of other authors.

Also, more info on the vampire related matter in the upcoming chapters. I don't want to dump everything in one go and have you forget everything.

Please give power stones, or else it feels like I'm doing all this for nothing.

And I got really late today since I was writing the R-18 chapter of this novel on the pa treon.

P /Snollygoste