Chapter 407 92.3 - Hidden Currents

Chapter 407 92.3 - Hidden Currents

What is the most dangerous thing that directly affects the trajectory of a human's actions?

Believe it or not, it is emotions.

Emotions are the things that make a human unpredictable, but also things that mostly lead to their downfall.

Every empire that had once ruled the world.

They are ruined by the emperors who couldn't satisfy the requirements of governing such an empire.

But what made those emperors particularly not befitting to such a role?

The answer was clear in the books of history.

While the victorious Emperors polished their skills on the battlefield, their offspring were slaves to their emotions and their desires.

They waged war not for political reasons but rather with their emotions, unable to see the evident outcome in their eyes.

Countless different examples of such emperors existed throughout human history, and it was also the reason why matriarchal societies tended to go to war more often than patriarchal societies.

At the end of the day, one thing was crystal clear.

Humans who couldn't control their emotions were weak, and it was a plausible opportunity to exploit such humans.

That was what the devil in the religions of Earth did.

Same as the demons of this world, as well as their followers.

"Such a fine piece."

Verian Drakos, who was the leader of the operation, mumbled to himself.

They infiltrated the Arcadia Hunter Academy after preparing for almost three years. The amount of resources and time that had been spent on this project was so high that it could cover at least five terrorist attacks in Arcadia City.

Solving and formulating the wards across the Academy. Bridging the sensors, the senses of the Hunters.

Creating new technologies so that they could catch everyone off guard and make them unable to respond.

All of these were done so that they could deal as much damage as they could to the Arcadia Hunter Academy and so that the trust in the government and the world's best Academy would be broken.

This operation was a start for everything that they had been preparing for. The plan was just set in stone.

Of course, while they were planning to deal as much damage as they could to the academy, they were also looking for possible students to corrupt.

Since the duel times were the best times for emotions to go into uproar and cause dissatisfaction.

But, even he wasn't expecting such a scene to occur.

The fluctuating emotions were clearly visible in his eyes. The dark emotions that could even grasp the entire world.

The hatred, disappointment, anger, envy, jealousy, sadness, and sorrow. Strongest emotions a human could possess.


That kid had everything.

And, just a little bit of push.

Only a tiny bit of push was needed.

Lucas cursed inwardly, feeling the weight of Verian's presence pressing down on him. "What's with everyone today trying to assert pressure," he thought bitterly, recognizing that Verian was indeed displaying his strength with just his laugh.

After a moment, Verian's laughter subsided, leaving a lingering tension in the air. He regarded Lucas with a knowing look, his expression unreadable yet calculating. "If I wanted you dead, Lucas Middleton," Verian began, his voice smooth and composed, "you would have met your end long before now."

Lucas nodded slowly, acknowledging the truth in Verian's words. "That's true," he admitted, his tone steady despite the undercurrent of apprehension. "But killing me wouldn't serve whatever purpose you have infiltrating the academy."

Verian's eyebrows lifted slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before settling into a mask of intrigue. He opened his mouth as if to question how Lucas knew, but before he could speak, Lucas continued with a quiet determination.

"A demon contractor doesn't infiltrate the academy without reason," Lucas stated firmly, his gaze steady on Verian. "Your presence here and your reaction just now confirm that there's a mission at play. What do you seek to achieve?"

Of course, he was just acting. Though his logic made sense, the reason for his knowledge rather stemmed from his visions of a parallel world.

But there was no need for him to say, was it?

Verian regarded Lucas with renewed interest, his gaze narrowing slightly as he assessed the young heir of the Middleton Family. "You're sharper than I expected, Lucas Middleton," he remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Indeed, I am here on a mission, one that involves more than mere infiltration."

But then, he showed a rather relaxed smile.

"However, this is not the reason why I am here right now," Verian mumbled as he looked into Lucas' eyes.

Verian's relaxed smile intrigued Lucas, stirring a mix of curiosity and wariness within him. The seed of corruption planted by Verian's influence gnawed at his thoughts, amplifying his disillusionment with his current path.

Lucas's gaze flickered with a hint of resignation as he met Verian's eyes. "What is it then?" he asked quietly, his voice betraying a weariness that had settled deep within him.

Verian leaned in slightly, his expression earnest yet shrouded in layers of intent. "Lucas Middleton," he began, his tone low and persuasive, "you have felt it, haven't you? The weight of expectations, the shadow of comparison that has followed you all your life."

Lucas's jaw tightened imperceptibly, a bitter taste lingering in his mouth. Verian's words struck a chord within him, resonating with the years of striving and falling short in the eyes of his father and others.

"I know what it's like to be overlooked, to have your sacrifices go unnoticed," Verian continued, his voice taking on a comforting cadence.

"But imagine a world where your strength and your decisions are recognized and respected. A world where you are not bound by the constraints of others' expectations. This wretched world, where no one notices you, never cares about you. Isn't it the time for you to show it what you are capable of?"

Lucas's gaze drifted, memories of disappointment and unfulfilled promises flashing before his eyes.

Those feelings he had just now.

'Indeed. Now that I think about it, why do I need to go against them? Aren't we quite similar, in fact? Why didn't I consider this before?' Verian's smile widened slightly, sensing Lucas's internal struggle. "Join us, Lucas," he urged softly, his words carrying a weight of promise. "Together, we can reshape the future. We can ensure that your talents are not wasted, that your potential is realized."

Verian's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features as Lucas spoke with unexpected confidence. "Talking big for someone whose plans have been seen through," Lucas remarked calmly, his gaze steady on Verian.

Verian's expression shifted to one of surprise, a hint of concern shadowing his features. "Seen through?" he repeated, his voice tinged with curiosity and a touch of apprehension. "What do you mean, Lucas?"

Lucas shook his head slowly, a sigh escaping his lips. "I've seen them, Verian," he stated with quiet certainty. "The operatives you thought of were hidden, waiting to strike. They are being seen through. Look at this. Can you see who they are? "

"Callum and Amelia, former graduates of Arcadia Hunter Academy."

Verian's eyes narrowed, a calculating look replacing his initial surprise. "How... How did you come by this information?" he demanded, his tone sharper now, betraying his growing unease.

Lucas didn't flinch under Verian's scrutiny. Instead, he calmly pulled out his smartwatch and began typing, bringing up images of Callum and Amelia. "They're here undercover, waiting for your followers to reveal themselves," Lucas explained, his voice measured. "I've known about them for some time now."

Verian's expression tightened, his mind racing to assess the implications of Lucas's revelation. "If what you say is true," he began slowly, "then we are indeed facing a complication. To think they've been under our watch all this time..."

Lucas's smirk widened slightly, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "You're free to confirm it," he offered casually, though his tone carried an undeniable edge. "But time is not on your side."

Verian regarded Lucas silently for a moment, weighing his options. Finally, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a mix of admiration and amusement. "Very well, Lucas Middleton," he conceded, his voice carrying a note of respect. "I will consider this a confirmation of my proposal."

Lucas's smirk deepened, a dark intensity flickering in his eyes. "This is a gift of mine to you," he stated cryptically, his voice taking on a slightly ominous tone.

Verian's smile widened in response, understanding the unspoken implications. "Then let us begin," he declared, extending a hand towards Lucas. "Together, we shall reshape this world."

Lucas clasped Verian's hand firmly, a surge of anticipation and newfound purpose coursing through him. As their hands met, a subtle darkness seemed to envelop Lucas, a manifestation of the seed of corruption that had taken root within him.

"And so it begins," Lucas murmured, his gaze locked with Varian's. The shadows deepened around them, a harbinger of the dark alliance forged in that pivotal moment.