Chapter 408 92.4 - Hidden Currents

Chapter 408 92.4 - Hidden Currents

Verian Drakos, leader of the covert operation within the Arcadia Hunter Academy, watched Lucas Middleton walk away, the shadows lingering around him as a testament to his newfound allegiance.

Verian's satisfaction, however, was short-lived as he felt a faint vibration in his pocket. He retrieved his communication device and activated the secure channel to his superior.

"Verian," a cold, authoritative voice resonated through the device. "Report on the status of the operation."

Verian's expression turned serious as he responded. "The operation is progressing. We've successfully planted demonic seeds among the students, and I've secured a key target—Lucas Middleton. However, there's been an unexpected development."

"What kind of development?" the voice demanded, a hint of impatience seeping through.

"Lucas Middleton provided information indicating that our activities may have been compromised. Two operatives, Callum and Amelia, former graduates of Arcadia Hunter Academy, are here undercover, monitoring our movements."

"Is the information reliable?"

"I was just going to confirm that now."

"I see....."

The voice stopped for a second, but Verian knew it wouldn't end.

"I will be waiting for your confirmation."

"If we confirm the information had been leaked, what should we do?"

"...It will be hard to tell without seeing the details, but we will require a step down from the scene, most likely." Follow the latest novels at


The fact that the operation that they had been working for three years would need to be abandoned alone made Verian suffocated. He wanted to curse, but he held it in."


"Contact me immediately once you finish your investigation."



With that, the call was over, but his job was not. He instantly contacted their insider within the academy.

Verian activated his secure communication device and spoke in a low, commanding tone. "R, I need you to check the surveillance footage. Focus on the crowd and identify any unusual patterns or the disguised individuals I am going to send some pictures of. Report back with your findings."

There was a reason why R was someone who could easily infiltrate the academy. His abilities were unparalleled.

After all, he had the special trait of [Web]. Once he had analyzed a pattern, he would understand everything clearly.

A few moments later, a voice crackled through the device, calm and efficient. "Understood, C. Accessing the footage now."

As Verian waited for the analysis, he reflected on the unexpected asset Lucas Middleton had proven to be. The information Lucas provided had already shifted the tide of their operation. If this new lead turned out to be accurate, Lucas's value would increase significantly.

Several minutes passed before R's voice came back over the line. "C, I've identified at least ten hunters in the crowd. Their disguises are sophisticated, but their behavior patterns are consistent with undercover operatives."

Verian's eyes narrowed, a mix of satisfaction and concern washing over him. "Excellent work, R. This confirms our suspicions. The academy has heavily fortified its defenses."

R's voice carried a note of curiosity. "C, how did we come by this information? It seems remarkably precise."

"It is not an information you can access."

Agent Zero was silent for a moment, processing the information. "Understood, C. What are your orders?"

"There is no need to do anything more. Lay low for the time being. When the necessary time comes, you are going to be contacted."


With that, the call was ended. However, the expression on the face of Verian wasn't good.

'We are going to lose another piece.'

The fact that there was an internal information leak meant there was a high chance that their undercover agent could be revealed.

And to leave no open endings, there was one thing that needed to be done.

"....Sigh....It is annoying...." Callum shook his head, looking at Eleanor.

'She had changed.'

If it was before, she wouldn't behave like this. If it had been before, she wouldn't have risked the lives of civilians to catch just a random executive.

But she was different now.

'It is because of her, isn't it?'

Callum was there, too, when countless students had been massacred by a certain student at the graduation ceremony.

The face Eleanor made. The face when she witnessed her supposed best friend killing her comrades.

Callum's voice softened, tinged with both frustration and concern. "Eleanor, your hatred shouldn't dictate your actions. Not everyone is like 'her'—"

Before he could finish his words, he sensed the mana around them fluctuating. His eyes widened in surprise as the air around them seemed to hum with energy.

Eleanor's sharp gaze caught the change immediately. Callum raised his hand in a gesture of defeat. "Alright, I'll shut my mouth now."


After saying that, Eleanor turned to look at them.

"You have already identified at least 20 different members, but none of them are executives. Those cockroaches won't reveal themselves easily."

Eleanor continued, putting pictures on the table. Each picture showed people secretly putting some 'seeds' into others.

"We still couldn't completely analyze the structure of these 'seeds.' They are new products, and their creation seems to be more complex compared to the previous ones."

Callum and Amelia leaned in, examining the pictures with serious expressions. Amelia furrowed her brow. "So, what's the plan, Eleanor?"

Eleanor's eyes were resolute as she laid out the strategy. "They will most likely carry out their attack when the most important duel happens, which is the last duel of Victor Blackthorn and a surprise opponent."

Callum raised an eyebrow. "A surprise opponent? Who could it be?"

Eleanor shook her head. "You don't need to know about that. But it's clear that this duel will draw the largest crowd and the most attention. That's when the Valkara executives will show themselves."

Amelia nodded slowly, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Pretty simple but efficient. But what if they carry it on a different duel?"

"If that is the case, it is better since the risks are a lot lower."

"I see. At the end, we need to be ready."

"Exactly," Eleanor affirmed. "We need to be ready for that moment. Our best chance to catch the executives is when they feel confident enough to execute their plan."

Callum crossed his arms, contemplating the situation. "Alright, so we set up a perimeter and monitor the crowd closely. We'll need eyes everywhere and a quick response team ready to act the moment the executives show themselves."

Eleanor nodded. "Yes, and we need to ensure that the students and spectators remain unaware of our presence until it's absolutely necessary. We can't afford to cause panic."

Amelia added, "We should also have a plan in place to evacuate the crowd safely if things go south."

"The academy personnel had already been trained for such cases. There won't be any problem regarding this."

Callum looked at the pictures once more, then back at Eleanor. "Alright. If that is what you wish, we will do our best to assist you."

"That is good to hear."


<Arcadia Hunter Academy, Friday 9 A.M>

The amphitheater was buzzing with anticipation as the final day of the duel period commenced. The crowd had grown even larger, with students, faculty, and spectators eager to witness the culmination of a week filled with extraordinary battles and displays of skill.

The headmaster, Jonathan Verdict, stood at the center of the arena, his presence commanding the attention of everyone present. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the excitement and tension of the upcoming duels.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Jonathan's voice boomed through the amphitheater, "welcome to the final day of our duel period. We have seen incredible displays of strength, skill, and determination over the past few days. Today, we will witness the finest of our academy's talents as they face off in the ultimate test of their abilities."

The crowd erupted into applause, the energy palpable. Jonathan raised his hand, signaling for silence as he continued.

"Our first duel of the day will feature two exceptional students...."

He stopped letting the crowd sink in. "Seraphina Frostborne and Irina Emberheart."