Chapter 148: you bad old man is bad

Chapter 148 You're a bad old man

Nitro's understanding of Moyu comes from Chito and Bisji.

Life, experience, secrets.

It may even involve "disaster-level" after-death thoughts.

In fact, in Nitro's view, none of these things are as important as "personality qualities".

is like Moyu's reaction just now.

Because the secret was revealed, it was inevitable to be shocked.

But after another breath, the frightened boy quickly guessed that Chito told him the so-called secret, and calmed down.

the reason is simple.

The teenager trusts Chito's actions and judgments, that's all.

Nitro's mouth showed a slight smile.

Like him, doesn't he also trust Chito and Bisji's comments and opinions on Moyu?

So even though he has not been in contact with Moyu for a long time, Nitro has already gotten to know Moyu more deeply through Chito and Bisji.

This is a rare junior.

Talented and good character.

After a brief silence.

Moyou let out a slight sigh and asked, "Has Chita said everything?"


Nitro stroked his beard and did not answer, but instead asked: "Young man, do you care about this kind of thing?"


Moyu was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "On the contrary, but you haven't answered my question yet."

"It's all said, under the 'forced question' of the old man, huh huh."

Nitro stared at Moyu with interest.


Moyou thought for a while, and said calmly: "The matter of covering up the secret is actually what Qi Duo advocated. I didn't know the reason at first, but I can understand her approach."


Nitro raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I don't know the reason, but can I understand the practice..."


Moyu looked directly into Nitro's eyes and said calmly, "Whether Chito's actions are right or wrong, her starting point is to protect me, that's all."


Nitro nodded lightly and asked very seriously: "So, should I call you Kester now, or another name?"

"Moyo Isaac."

In the face of Nitro's oblique question, Moyu gave out his real full name without thinking.

And he felt that the old man must know his name, but he had to ask it knowingly.


Nitro said thoughtfully: "Perhaps, the old man has something to do with your family."


Moyu looked at Nitro suspiciously.

Nitro smiled and said, "The old man's full name is... Isaac Nitro, the name is the same as your surname."

"Just a coincidence."

Moyu shook his head.

The world is so big that it is normal for people with the same name and surname.

"Then consider it a coincidence."

Nitro said indifferently.

Moyu raised his eyelids.

I thought it was just a coincidence, but I was curious why Nitro said that.

As a normal development, Nitro would give reasons to disprove his claims.

Conetro did not play cards according to the routine, and directly agreed with his statement.

This aroused his curiosity even more intensely.

"It's also possible that it wasn't a coincidence."

Moyu looked straight at Nitro.

However, after arousing Moyu's curiosity, Nitro simply changed the subject, pointing to the teacup and reminding: "The tea is going to be cold."


Moyu sighed in his heart.

This old man…

shook his head slightly, Moyou took a cup of tea and took a sip.

Nitro stroked his beard and smiled.

His first name, Moyou's surname.

There is indeed some origin between the two.

But it has nothing to do with blood…

is the inheritance of master and apprentice.

The disciples of the ancient era would change their surnames because of their extreme worship.

This practice was very common in those days.

For Nitro, this kind of thing doesn’t matter.

Saying it out of the mouth is a bit suspect of boasting.

"Moyu, Bisji speaks highly of you."

Nitro suddenly talked about another topic.

Moyu paused while holding the teacup, only to hear Nitro continue: "Bishji said, with your talent, you can defeat this old man in just ten years."

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Hearing this, Moyou almost choked to death with a mouthful of water.

Nitro calmly picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Wait until Moyu comes over and wants to explain.

Nitro put down the teacup, poked his ear with his little finger, and said earnestly, "The old man suddenly remembered that she never said such a thing to Bishiji."


Moyou opened his mouth, then fell silent.

I will never accept this old man's "chat" invitation next time.

Nitro looked at Moyu who was silent.

"But Bishiji did say, 'You are the most terrifying talent and hardest working person among the people she has ever met', so this old man thinks that the statement just now has a certain possibility."


Moyou's eyes drooped, how could he talk to him.

He didn't expect Bi Sji to vent with Nitro, and even thought of himself so highly.

is wrong.

It shouldn't be Bisji who took the initiative to tell Nitro, but Nitro who took the initiative to find Bisji to understand?

The question is... what does this old man want to do?

Seeing Moyuna's uncompromising reaction, Nitro directly showed up.

"While there is still time, do you want to 'play' with the old man for a while?"


Moyu looked at Nitro with a slightly strange look.

Play ball for a while?

Do you call that playing ball?

You want to play with me!

It turns out that you, a bad old man, have long developed the habit of using playing ball as an excuse to play with juniors!

is very bad!

"It's not impossible, but I think..."

Moyu put down the teacup, and under Nitro's gaze, he slowly said, "How about coming back in 'ten years'?"


Nitro laughed out loud.

in the following time.

Nitro didn't do anything more, and chatted with Moyu as usual.

talked about the thoughts after death that shrouded the temple, talked about the principle of Numao's ability, and talked about some interesting skills in battle...

Time passed slowly like this.

One old and one young gradually learned something about each other during the conversation.

"If you are idle now, you are also idle. Let's 'play' with the old man for a while."


The sudden suggestion interspersed in the chat made Moyou slightly startled.

is still paving the way, right?

I said why you old man suddenly became normal!

I'm going to be 'played' by this old man for a while, no, do you want to 'play' a ball with this old man?

Moyu hesitated.

He likes close combat and doesn't mind being weak in battle.

But he doesn't like being toyed with.


Just when Moyu was hesitating whether to agree or not, a sudden ominous aura came from above.

Moyu, who was very sensitive to such aura, looked at the sloping ceiling like a conditioned reflex, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Nitro also looked in the same direction, frowning.

at this moment.

Over the city of Shivadani.

An eye wrapped in a majestic aura chased down the city of Shivadani like a meteor.

On the street, in cars, in buildings.

Most people don't notice this impending catastrophe.

Thank you for the 11,000-coin reward from the boss of Liao Zhaiwen, and thank you for the reward! Thanks: 4,500 coins for Chasing Dreams, 2,880 coins for Xie Wu Ming, 5,000 coins for HZL, 1,500 coins for Orange Flavor, 1,500 coins for Bright Flower Burial Moon, 1,000 coins for 10,000 Years, o Ji Xiangyao·Mirror Star Rong o's 500 coins, Yang's someone's 500 coins, Twilight and Demon's 100 coins, and book friends 20170720012115044's 100 coins.

(end of this chapter)