Chapter 149: grey world

Chapter 149 The Grey World

A strong ominous atmosphere hangs over the city of Shivadani.

The Eye of the Horizon is wrapped in a majestic and powerful black aura, and it falls straight from the sky to the city of Shivadani.

next moment.

In the black aura, lines of thought power that were as fine as mycelium suddenly spread out, spreading in all directions within a short period of time.

If you look up from the bottom at this moment, you will think that the sky has cracked countless fine cracks.

Numerous psychics in Shivadani City sensed this sudden and ominous aura.

They went outside as fast as they could.

They appeared on the streets, on balconies, and on top of buildings.

"What it is!?"

The psychic practitioners of Shivadani City looked up at the black psychic aura that spread like mycelium falling from the sky, their expressions were shaking, and their eyes were trembling.

this moment.

No one knows what the "eye of the horizon" is, let alone where the source of this black aura comes from.

However, with the fall of the black aura, every one with the ability to read is full of vigilance.

They have the protection of "mind", maybe they don't have to worry about the threat from the black mind power field.

But this black psychic aura seemed to cover the whole city, and it was inevitable that their hearts would come to their throats.

in comparison.

Crowds of people on the streets, and people in the mall building…

was unaware of the black thoughts that were about to land.

On the roof of the Hunter Guild Building.

Pariston, who was wearing a bright golden suit, looked up at the black psychic power that fell from the sky.

In the face of this ominous black psychic power, Pariston still maintained a sunny smile, and seemed not to worry about any potential danger at all.

"I've always been curious about where the biggest piece of the 'jigsaw' is. It turned out to be such a 'picture'..."

Pariston's eyes were always as black as the abyss.

Although he was always smiling, his true emotions were never hidden at the bottom of the abyss.

"I always think something interesting will happen."

On the roof of the empty building, Pariston's voice dissipated with the breeze.

Hunter Building, inside the tea room.

Moyu's figure was no longer there, and Nitro was sitting cross-legged in front of the low coffee table, with a thoughtful look in his old eyes.

Above the corridor.

"Thoughts after death..."

Moyou's eyes were solemn, and he walked quickly through the corridor.

Although he is not a mind remover, he has a very sensitive perception of "afterdeath thoughts".

At first, I thought... maybe it was because of the opportunity to remove thoughts given by "perception", and sent the knowledge that belonged to the removal of thoughts into his head, so he was so sensitive to "thoughts after death".

But later, I thought of the time when I first learned to "wrap" thoroughly.

That night, he suddenly noticed the existence of "afterdeath thoughts".

Now that I think about it carefully, the reason why he is so sensitive to "thoughts after death" is probably the reason why his body died once.

So the moment that aura appeared just now, Moyou instantly concluded that it was a thought after death.

After realizing this,    said to Nitro in a hurry and left the tea room in a hurry.

Through the window of the corridor, Moyu, who was running, saw the black thoughts hanging down to the ground like mycelium.

is like a drizzle, the amount of which makes the scalp tingle.

At the moment when the situation is unknown, Moyu's thought at this moment is to rendezvous with Chido and the others as soon as possible.

"10th floor, office area."

Moyu took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a text message to Sambika.

He expected that Sambika would be working hard in the research room in the Hunter Building.

"Find Chita first..."

Moyu frowned.


Just after a corner, Moyu suddenly heard Pyeon's urgent shouting, stopped subconsciously, and looked in the direction of the voice.

, still dressed as a bunny girl in a short skirt, hurried to Moyu from the other direction of the corridor.

When the    meeting was about to end, Pyeon was going to block a wave of Moyu, but President Nitro cut him off.

In desperation, Pyeon could only wait for Moyu to come out near the tea room.

Never thought that an astonishing ominous aura suddenly appeared over the city of Shivadani.

Pjorn observed the situation through the window at the time, and planned to rush out of the building to further confirm the situation.

But when she was just walking, she suddenly thought of Moyou, so she changed direction, which is why she met Moyou here.


Pyeon rushed to Moyu, wanting to briefly explain the situation outside.

However, he was interrupted directly by Mo You: "I saw it, that thing... Probably made by the 'Qing Rin Team'."

From Chita, Moyou learned that the "Qing Rin Team" has been collecting "Remains After Death".

That's why the "Qing Rin Team" will focus on Irina and Hawke.

To be more precise, it is to stare at the Libra who is currently trapped in looking up at the stars.

The large-scale after-death thoughts that fell from the sky outside must be one of the "remaining things left after death" abilities collected by the "Qing Rin Team".

Is it to stop the hunter's association's actions...

The thought after death of this scale, I really don’t know how much the “Qing Rin Team” paid.


Without wasting time to explain further, Moyu directly asked Pyeon's wishes.

"it is good."

Pyorn agreed without thinking.

When the situation is unknown, it is natural to act in a group, which is more appropriate.

She glanced at the direction of the tea room, but she wasn't worried about President Nitro's safety.


As far as she knows, even if the entire Hunter Mansion is dead, President Nitro will definitely stand unharmed until the end.

"follow me."

Seeing Pyeon answer, Moyu left a sentence and ran ahead.

at this moment.

The black thoughts that fell from the sky, like slender mycelium, silently fell on the crowd outside.

The black air thread quietly merged into the head of the passerby.

Immediately, the ability activates.

The passers-by who were parasitized by the black thought suddenly stopped moving.

Their eyes were instantly like cataracts, covered with a white mucous membrane.

at the same time.

A layer of black thought power emerged from their bodies, wrapping them in, but they turned into a black cocoon within a few seconds.

One, two, three…

Looking down at the ground from above, the people wrapped in black cocoons one after another, like sparks that were gradually ignited, quickly gathered into a group, forming a huge black cocoon that rapidly expanded in all directions.

Pavement, cars, traffic lights, buildings, green plants…

Everything is trapped in the huge black cocoon space that is expanding.

The same phenomenon occurs simultaneously throughout the city of Shivadani.

The ability of the "Eye of Vision" is feeding on the spiritual power of the citizens of Shivadani City, and crazily giving birth to one after another miniature mind space.

And after these thought spaces touch...

Countless mental powers like trickle-down flow gathered in one place, thus forming a larger-scale mind space.

This is spreading very fast.

It is foreseeable that in a short time, the mind spaces located in various places will converge to one place and then cover the entire city of Shivadani.

And the psychics who were originally active in various areas of Shivadani City were shocked when they witnessed this scene, and at the same time they had different thoughts.

But soon, they found out…

The black thoughts that fell from the sky could not penetrate their thoughts that were exposed outside the body surface.

This means that as long as you have the protection of "mind", you don't have to worry about being parasitized by these black air threads.

"No matter where this 'mind' came from, this momentum looks very bad. Fortunately, I can use 'mind' to resist..."

Somewhere in Shivadani City, a telepathic person watched with lingering fears as ordinary people turned into black cocoons.

"I really don't know what the **** this is, anyway... let's run first."

This psychic person didn't dare to stay too much, so he found a direction and slammed his head.

Seeing that a large range of unknown thoughts hit Shivadani City, all he wanted at the moment was to escape from Shivadani City as quickly as possible.


This psychic person who had just run a distance, suddenly stopped, and stared at the edge of the black cocoon that was gradually compressed from all directions.

"What a joke...!!"

The edge of the black cocoon seems to be a dense fog surging and permeating, invading every place and every crevice.

After occupying the ground, it is like a waft of smoke, which gradually climbs up along the building surface like vines.

This psychic, who originally wanted to escape from Shivadani City, could only watch the edge of the black cocoon coming from all directions, and finally condensed to one place and erased his figure.

Hunter Guild Building.

Those who can stay in the building and work are not all professional hunters.

Clerical workers like bean noodles people can be said to be scattered all over the building.

So when the ability of the "Eye of the Horizon" invaded the building, the formation of the black cocoon space was an inevitable result.

Before Moyu and Pyeon could find Chita, they stepped into the mind space that permeated through the wall.

A sense of   grey's vision instantly covered Moyu and Pjorn's eyes.


The two were slightly startled and quickly looked around.

The place where    is located has not changed, it is still the corridor in the Hunter Building.


Everything the eyes can see has lost all color, leaving only the gray of black and white photos.

"Do you read space?"

Judging in an instant, Moyu tilted his head to look at Pjorn.

The latter also looked at Moyu at this time.

The two looked at each other.

"Your eyes..." x2.

Moyo and Pyeon spoke at the same time, slightly surprised.


The surrounding environment, as well as their clothing and skin, have faded.

But the eye color is still there.

So Moyu saw Pyeon's coral eyes, and Pyeon saw Moyu's pale blue eyes.

In this gray-toned space, the eyes of each other seem to be emitting a faint luster.

"Is only the 'color' of the eyes still there..."

Looking at Pyeon's reaction, Moyu understood this without hesitation.

On the other hand, Pyeon lifted the corners of his skirt and glanced.

"What are you doing?"

Moyu was stunned.

In the startling glance just now, he saw the rabbit cartoon under the skirt.

It does not matter.

was just puzzled by Pyeon's sudden action.

Pyeon put down the corners of his short skirt and explained indifferently:

"I'm wearing super pink underwear today. It's obviously such a conspicuous color, but now it's turned gray. It seems that in this mind space, only the eyes really retain the color."


The corners of Moyou's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "You're acting like this is superfluous."

"How come, this is also one of the ways of verification."

Pyeon took out his mobile phone as he spoke. After glancing at the screen of the mobile phone, he immediately raised the mobile phone to face Moyou and said calmly, "The signal is gone."


Moyu nodded, then walked to the window and looked at the street below.

Like the environment in the corridor, everything outside the building has also lost its color.

It’s just that the cars on the road are frozen, and the sidewalk is empty.

Moyu's eyes turned and looked in a certain direction.

"The there?"

He could sense the after-death thought that was still releasing its breath.

The information is limited, and the nature and capabilities of this mind space are not yet clear.

But as things stand, there doesn't seem to be any danger.

"The source?"

Pyeon came to Moyu with a puzzled look on his face.

Moyou glanced at her, then pointed in the direction of the breath, and asked, "Can't you feel it?"


Pyeon followed the direction Moyou pointed, frowned, shook his head and said, "I can't feel anything, and after entering this mind space, those scattered ominous auras have disappeared."


Moyou's eyes were thoughtful.

Located in this mind space, one's sensitivity to "after-death mind" has not decreased, on the contrary, it has increased.

"Anyway, let's explore the surrounding situation first."

Moyu withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the end of the gray-toned corridor.

Pjorn responded.

They don't know anything about this mind space, so they can only focus on exploration first.

took a while.

Moyo and Pjorn searched the building and found none.

This thought space seems to reproduce the real world environment, and there are only two of them.

Without stopping in the building, Moyo and Pyeon left the building and went to the road outside.

The prosperous city in the perception, but at this moment, against the background of the gray tone, it exudes a dilapidated atmosphere that is visible to the naked eye.

"Boom, boom..."

The ground suddenly trembled slightly, and there was a dull sound in the distance.

Moyu and Pjorn looked in the direction of the sound source for the first time.

What catches the eye is a cartoon version of a rabbit head that is huge enough to be comparable to the surrounding buildings.

This huge rabbit head with erect ears, eyes narrowed into a crescent moon, and rabbit teeth exposed...

is following the road, bouncing up and down, in the direction of Moyu and Pyeon.


Moyu looked surprised, and suddenly looked at Pyeon's chest.

The bulge of the black sleeveless top was printed with a cartoon rabbit head, which was exactly the same as the appearance of the huge rabbit head in the distance.

But Pyeon didn't pay attention to Moyu's actions, instead, his eyes were shining brightly at the giant cartoon rabbit head that was jumping up and down.

"so cute."


Moyu was speechless for a moment.

Hunter Guild Building.

fade all colors inside the tea room.

at this moment.

Opposite of    Nitro sat a white-haired man.


Nitro looked at the man's silver eyes with a faint glow.

A close friend who was executed by his own hands would do so in such a way...

appeared out of thin air in front of his eyes.


The silver-eyed man called Jade said in a calm tone: "I said, even if I die, this resentment will not disappear."


Joint seal

(end of this chapter)