"...*Hic...*Hic...*Gulp.....How terrible....."

Right now, it's about 7pm— I've been crying on my bed since yesterday.

I was looking forward to going on a date with Kanzaki-kun for my birthday, but she stole it from me.

Also, what he said after that. He forgot my birthday which became the last blow that got me to my knees.

Because that would mean he didn't care about me...

You didn't care about me, so you forgot about my birthday..?

...However, this is just the selfish me.

I'm not Kanzaki-kun's girlfriend.

I'm not in a position to complain about who he hangs out with and when.

From Kanzaki-kun's point of view, it would seem as if I was unreasonably angry with him.

...And I think so too.

But, you know...Since Kanzaki-kun has been listening to my wishes recently, I couldn't resist thinking that he would accept it this time too.

Before I knew it, I became that selfish...

But, I can't help it...

Since junior high school, I've always worn a mask of cold-heartedness and pushed people away.

I've always wanted to feel the warmth of other people.

I was in desperate need of help when he came to my rescue. He also became the person that I had taken a liking to.

He had a troubled look on his face but was kind enough to accept me even if I was selfish.

So I became more and more selfish as he became more and more indulgent towards me.

But then– He refused to do what I was looking forward to the most.

I know he didn't mean any harm.

Besides, I told him about my birthday on the first day we started living together.

That was about two months ago.

We were fighting all the time, so he most likely forgot what I said.

But yesterday, I took out my irrational anger on him.

So it wasn't him who was really terrible, it was me.

And he also kept apologizing to me yesterday.

If I continue like this, he will start to really hate me.

Still, even though I understand that in my head, my heart won't listen to me.

I'm very.....afraid that Saijo-san will steal Kanzaki-kun from me...

But, I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

So I kept on crying.


A notification from my phone...?

I picked up my phone from under my pillow and looked at its screen.

Oh... It's from Umi-kun...

What I saw on the screen was a notification from a social networking site I use called "Tsukitta".

The account name of the sender of the message was written as "Umi".

That's the account name of the person I love.

The person he sent the message to is "Hanahime" which is my account name.

But he doesn't know that it's me.

Lately, I didn't have any contact with Umi-kun...

The reason for that is...

Because I've been by your side for a long time now. There's no need to bother and contact me through messages when you can just talk to me directly.

I can't just send a message back when I'm right next to him.

He might ask, "Who are you in contact with?". I didn't want him to think that I was communicating with another guy.

I only reply to them before I go to bed or when I woke up in the morning.

...So Umi-kun, what on earth did you just send...

I open the message Umi-kun sent me.

It reads as—

"I've hurt an important person in my family and I want to make up with her, can you help me?"

—That was what's written.

An important person...

This is me, isn't it...?

Don't tell me you had a fight with Sakura-chan too, and this person was actually Sakura-chan...?

If that was the case, I'll resent you, God...

"Why did you hurt her? (>_<)"

That's the message I wrote and sent to Umi-kun.

I really wanted to ask him about who the girl is, but I thought that if I suddenly asked him about that, Umi-kun might say "Why?".

"I forgot about her birthday and had to run an errand for others...I've already turned down that errand, but I've still hurt her feelings which is why I want to make up with her somehow."

Soon after I sent my message, Umi-kun messaged me back.

Ah—It was really about me...

I was very happy to hear that Umi-kun called me an important girl.

Also, the promise he made with Saijo-san, he actually turned it down...

I might have done a bad thing to Saijo-san...

But, is it because I'm a family member that I'm important to you Umi-kun...?

Doesn't he see me as a girl...?

I was curious about that and decided to ask Umi-kun, thinking that he wouldn't find out anyway.

"Do you like that important girl you say, Umi-kun? (*´▽`*)"

I wrote that and sent it to Umi-kun.

Uwaa~...I'm so embarrassed to ask him if he likes me...

But if he says that he doesn't like me, I'll be shocked...

"It's because she's an important family member to me."

A little while after I sent the message, Umi-kun replied.


That's not what I wanted to hear!

And you're slurring your words a bit!

This is not surprising, really.

He's always been this sly of a person...

"Well, do you like her as a girl, not as a family member? (*^_^*) Because you're not related by blood right, Umi-kun? (/・ω・)/"

I wrote that as my message, though I'm feeling a little bit frustrated.

By the way, I was afraid that he would try to make some excuse like "because we are siblings", so I made the first move to say that she is a girl who is not related to him by blood.

"No, isn't it strange to look at family members that way, even if they're not blood-related?"

Umi-kun immediately replied so.

What's up with this guy!

Though, I could say you're right!

That's the right way to think about it.

Even though you're not blood-related, you're acknowledging the other person's child as your own family.

But, I don't want you to see me that way now!

"It doesn't matter ( `―´)ノ Because you're step-siblings who aren't related by blood, you can get married! I don't care about such pretense, just tell me how you feel Umi-kun! (。-`ω-)"

I may have strayed slightly from the character of "Hanahime", but right now I was more interested in hearing about his feelings.

—Then, about an hour passed.


Why aren't you replying...

Since the message that I just sent, I haven't received any reply from Umi-kun.

When I tapped on the message I sent, I saw the word "read" on the screen.

So, there's no doubt that he has read the message I sent.

The other night, I was wondering how much Kanzaki-kun was trying to irritate me...

I'm starting to think recently that he might have such a habit.


It's finally here—!

I immediately opened the message.

There it was read as—

"I'm a little bit worried."

—That's what was written in the message.

"Yatta!" (TLN: It means Yeah or yes, it doesn't do enough justice in English) 

I rejoiced aloud.

It didn't mean that he likes me, but I was just happy to know that he was interested in me.

Furthermore, he's a tsundere which could possibly mean he's a bit deceptive.

Ahhh—The idea of him being a tsundere is in the back of my mind!

Even though he said it plainly, his face was a little bit embarrassed and he also cares about me!

I knew my eyes weren't deceiving me!

"More importantly, I'd like some advice on how to make up with her..."

While I was being too happy all on my own, Umi-kun sent me a message soon after.

I messed up...

If I only replied right away, I could've asked about what he was interested in me, but now it looks like it would be hard to achieve that.

If I further tried to get more story out of him, he'll start becoming sharp and suspicious towards me.

You're usually sharp, but I don't think you've noticed that I'm trying my best to appeal to you, do you...?

There are many times when I wonder if he's doing this intentionally...

With that being said, I think this is a good chance for us to make up.

If I guide him well, he might act accordingly and all I have to do is to forgive him.

"Well, maybe you could do something that would make her happy? (^^)/"

"But, I don't know what would make her happy..."

That's what Umi-kun replied back to my message.

Ehh...? You've been with me for so long and you still don't know that...?

If I may say so myself, I think it was very easy to understand because I was only hanging out with Kanzaki-kun...

Why is he so insensitive like the protagonist of a romance novel?

Don't tell me he's trying to create a harem by doing so? (TLN: Yes, you're in a harem romcom novel xD)

Give me a break, I'm kind of going through with that right now, and I can't take on any more girls!

The protagonist may feel okay, but the heroines are suffering every night with their breasts bothering them!

I don't care if you get stabbed one day for playing with a girl's feelings, okay?

Or rather, should I stab you already?

...I'm just kidding about that.

But, as I see...

I'll be happy with anything as long as Kanzaki-kun gently spoils me, right?

How should I put this...

Even if I told him to pat me on the head, Kanzaki-kun would never do that...

—That's it!

"I'm sure she'll be glad to play eroge with you!" (TLN: eroge = erotic games)

...No, not that!

I take it back!

I have to take it back!

—Ah, I couldn't make it in time!

What the hell were you thinking of sending that to him!?

No, I just thought of something that Kanzaki-kun wouldn't resist much on, and doing that would also make me happy.

But, this would definitely be strange to a normal person, especially for "Hanahime" to say something like this in the first place!

"E-eroge...? Wouldn't that be unpleasant to her?"


I'm pulling my image down to Umi-kun!

That's not good!

"Hanahime" would be thought of as a strange girl from now on!

I have to make it sound like it's a joke...No wait, it's already over when you make a joke like this!

After all, a normal girl wouldn't joke about eroge!

...Since it came to this—!

"Don't worry, just believe in your friend! ( `―´)ノ If you don't believe in me, then I don't know Umi-kun anymore who doesn't believe in his friends ( ̄^ ̄)"

—I sent it.

I'm sorry Umi-kun!

But I'm desperate too!

I know I'm messing up a lot, but please forgive me!

Besides, since Kanzaki-kun and I are already playing eroge together, he shouldn't give that much thought about it.

I have no choice but to use this to make what I said earlier seem hush-hush!

"Okay, I'll try it."

He immediately replied to my message.

Thank goodness...

I was relieved that I had successfully diverted the conversation.

Ah—This means that Kanzaki-kun would be coming over and my eyes are all still swollen from crying. I need to take a bath and clean myself up...

That's what I thought as I got up out of my bed—

—*Knock *knock *knock

"It's Kaito, could you please listen to me?"

—And Kanzaki-kun came in front of my room.

Wait, it's too soon!

I'm not ready yet!

Kanzaki-kun. you're moving too quickly!

I don't want Kanzaki-kun to see the swollen face I'm crying with!

"I know I made you upset, but can you please come out?"

As I was pondering about this alone, Kanzaki-kun spoke up once again.

That's wrong, I'm not mad at you anymore!

In fact, I'm very happy!

So just give me a minute, please!

I want to scream that, but then he would go like, "Why did you have a sudden change of heart?"

If I ever want to take that back, I have to deceive him very well...


I opened the door a little bit so that he couldn't see my face entirely and looked at Kanzaki-kun.

He was looking at me with an apologetic look on his face.

"How about we play Sabbat of the Witch together? You've only conquered one main heroine, and Momoi wanted to do the others too, right?"

When Kanzaki-kun said that, he scratched his cheek with his finger, looking embarrassed.

Maybe he's embarrassed to ask a girl to play an eroge with him.

...S-so cute...!

That's what I thought when I saw that expression on Kanzaki-kun's face.

I've never seen such an embarrassed expression on his face since he usually keeps a clear face.

I've seen embarrassing faces before, but this is my first time seeing such a blatantly embarrassed expression on someone's face!

"What do you mean...?"

I wanted to jump on Kanzaki-kun's offer right away, but that would ruin a lot of things, so I kept a curt attitude.

Ugh...It's hard to respond to this casually...

Or rather, how will he respond to this question?

Don't tell me he's going to say, "I want you to forgive me.", will he?

I'm fine with that because I already know why, but saying something like that would usually result in disillusionment and dismissal, right?

I gazed at Kanzaki-kun and waited for his next words.

"Well, I want to be with Momoi, can't I...?"

He turned his head away after saying so.

...So cuteeeeeee!!!

What's this, eh, he's so cute!

Why do you look so embarrassed!

It makes me swoon!

Moreover, I'm so happy when he told me that he wanted to be with me!

"Well, I'd like to go take a bath first so that I can wash my face and stuff, but I'll come under one condition, is that okay?"

"What's the condition?"

"That is—"

I was so excited by Kanzaki-kun's expression that I ended up making a condition.

Part 2

(TLN: There's a 50/50 lewd colored illustration depending on what you think coming)

—I'm on a roll, aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!

I couldn't help but want to scream out loud.

It's because—

"M-Momoi...I'm sorry, but, I think this will be the only time I'm doing something like this."

Said Kanzaki-kun, who's directly behind me, in a confused voice.

—Yes, I was now sitting on my knees with his legs open, leaning against Kanzaki-kun.

—I can't help it!

I just wanted to make him feel more embarrassed!

Also, I thought it would be killing two birds with one stone since I could be spoiled at the same time too!

But still, this is so embarrassing to try!

"T-that's fine..."

This is why I also agreed with Kanzaki-kun's words.

Still, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop.

In fact, I couldn't even tell him to stop.

"Let's get on with then, shall we?"

With that, Kanzaki-kun reached for the mouse and proceeded to open Sabbat of the Witch.

Inevitably, our bodies are closely aligned, making me feel like as if I'm wrapped around by him.

This was also something I had requested.

But I didn't say, "I want you to wrap yourself around me," okay?

I also asked him to control the mouse.

He told me there was an Auto feature that allowed the story to move forward on its own, but I refused, saying I didn't want that because I wanted to read at my own pace.

I'm sorry that I'm giving off a lot of reasons, but I was really anticipating ending up in this position...

Kanzaki-kun listened to everything that I said even though he was confused as if he was very concerned about what happened yesterday.

Anyways—This position, makes me so happy.

It was very embarrassing since I could feel his body heat on my back and hear his breathing in my ears.

Also, the way he wrapped me up in this position made me feel very safe.

...A-ah, I really love you, Kanzaki-kun...

I wished this could go on forever, but that's impossible—

—Two hours later, I was starting to regret having myself put in this position.

Or rather, my embarrassment has doubled.

That's because—

I glanced at the screen.

—There's was another girl transforming into a witch and the protagonist overlapping one another.

Awawawa...Such an innocent-looking girl is very disturbed...

The voice that flowed from the screen was very hard for me to describe.


Somebody, help me!

I'm so embarrassed!

I want to say that we should stop this, but I'm so embarrassed I don't even know what to say!

I don't want people to think I'm getting off on H-scenes!

I'm not that lewd of a person!

...I'm not sure, but I feel very uncomfortable sitting for a while now...

There's something...hard...around my waist...



You're not supposed to notice this!

There's nothing here!

I didn't notice anything at all!

That's what I kept telling myself, and I got through this awkward time.

—After about four hours of playing, the story suddenly stopped progressing.

But it's not that the screen is frozen.

For some reason, Kanzaki-kun wasn't clicking.


I looked back at Kanzaki-kun, wondering—


—I looked back at Kanzaki-kun and saw that he was asleep.

Ah—He fell asleep...

If you look closely, you can see that he has dark circles under his eyes.

He was working late into the night last time, and I think he's been sleep-deprived for a while now.

Maybe, you still had to do that much in order to get the job done...

And yet, you gave up your precious time for me to play eroge with you, Kanzaki-kun...You are really too kind of a person.

Usually, or rather 90% of the time, the way he speaks is plain and harsh, but even so, the meaning of his words is filled with kindness, and his attitude itself is very gentle.

I love Kanzaki-kun because of that.

Also, I came up with a new way to call him.

I love Umi-kun, and he is also Kanzaki Umi Kaito-kun.

So I decided to call him this.

"I love you, UmiKai-kun. *chuu"

I said so and kissed UmiKai-kun on the cheek.

You said you were a little worried about me, so this is good as it gets, right?

With that in mind, I stopped playing the game, turned off the computer, and leaned against him till I fell asleep.