—On Saturday, I was alone in the city, shopping for clothes.

I’m not too fond of clothes which means that I don’t have any clothes I would wear when I go out with a girl.

Speaking of going out with a girl, last time, when we played eroge together to make up with Momoi—

“She’s really too cute…”

I muttered to myself and held my face with my right hand.

I wondered what would happen when I angered her, but as a condition of playing eroge together, Momoi demanded that I should become her backrest.

She said, “It’s hard to play games for long periods of time without a backrest, so I need you to support me.”

It was a bit embarrassing for me when I heard her request, but if it would put Momoi in a better mood, I accepted the offer anyway——From there, she sat down in between my legs and leaned directly against me.

Yeah, that’s right…

Momoi said she wanted a backrest.

So why did I think I was going to sit beside her and lean against her like usual?

In addition to that, she said that I would be the one to operate the mouse, so from time to time when I stretched out my arm to move the mouse, I kind of wrapped myself around Momoi.

What’s more is that Momoi smelled very good after taking a bath and looked very sexy… I did my best at holding myself back from hugging her…

When the H-scene came, the fact that Momoi’s body was so close to me got me very excited…

Uwaa~…I’m really the worst…

Also, I fell asleep…

When I woke up in the morning, Momoi was already gone.

I’m sure she went back to her own room to sleep, but I was very nervous that she might’ve been angry with me for falling asleep.

Well, when we saw each other at breakfast, for some reason it bothered me when she called me UmiKai-kun, but she was smiling normally. Perhaps, this was caused by me being able to properly promise to play with her on Momoi’s birthday…

“Ah, It’s Kanzaki-kun!”


Suddenly, someone called my name, so I removed my hand from my face and looked at the person who called me.

Who is it…?

There should be no one calling me this way anymore…



The one in front of me was the clumsy teacher.

“Nee-nee, what are you doing here all by yourself?”

“Good morning Sensei. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

I ignored Kisaragi-sensei’s question, greeted her, and turned back.

“Wait a minute!”

Kisaragi-sensei tugged on my arm.

I gave her a look of annoyance and—

“Umm…Who are you? I think you got the wrong person…”

—Is what I said.

“No, no, you just called me “Sensei” earlier. Why are you avoiding me recently?”

Kisaragi-sensei, or the clumsy teacher—or is it the other way around?

Well, it doesn’t matter either way.

At any rate, she looked kind of shocked.

“What did you do this time?”

“I haven’t done anything today yet though!? Also, why are you saying that even though I just called out to you!?”

Kisaragi-sensei said to me in a loud voice as if she was shouting.

…Well, that’s because this person always calls out to me after she has done something wrong…

Also, when she said “yet” means that she knows that she’s going to do something soon, right?


A girl who had been watching our exchange called out to Kisaragi-sensei.

She’s like Sakura-chan in terms of her short stature and young face.

Though her face is completely different and does not have a friendly face like Sakura-chan, she looks like a calm and gentle girl.

Sensei was there a time when you told me that you have a younger sister who looked like an elementary student…

…Why am I even associating Sakura-chan to the appearance of an elementary school student…?

“Ah, I’m sorry Karen. I’m really sorry but Kanzaki-kun was so mean to Onee-chan that led me to show you something strange.”

—And then Kisaragi-sensei looked at me with a frown.

…I wasn’t trying to be mean, I was just plain disgusted…


Did she just call her “Karen”?

If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t Karen the same age as me?

“Erm…Is she your sister of the same age as me that you were always talking about…?”

I asked Kisaragi-sensei, a little incredulous.

“Hmm? Yes, that’s right? Like I said, isn’t she a very cute little sister? This child is particularly—”

As Kisaragi-sensei started to boast about her little sister again, I looked at Karen-san while not listening to her.

…You’re kidding me right…?

Are you sure she’s the same age as me…?

Seriously, she looks like an elementary school student…

“Ah… umm, I’m Kisaragi Karen. Nice to meet you.”

Karen-san introduced herself while clinging to the teacher.

Now, I see… Sensei is very proud of her because she’s indeed a pretty girl.

She just looks like a child that you’d want to protect…

“Hi, I’m Kanzaki Kaito, I’m always indebted to Kisaragi-sensei. Nice to meet you too.”

I made a social call and bowed to Karen-san.

“Yes, that’s right, I always take care of Kanzaki-kun!”

That’s what the clumsy teacher, who got all worked up by my words, told Karen-chan.

What a mouthful this clumsy teacher has…

I remember having taken care of her more times than I could count on, but I don’t remember an instance where she took care of me…?

“So, Kanzaki-kun, what were you up to just now?”

“Nothing much really, I just came to buy some clothes.”

I just wanted to get out of the way before I got involved in something weird again, so I returned the message without hesitation.

“Ah, for a date!”


For some reason, this clumsy teacher of mine started saying things that I didn’t understand just because I told her I was here to buy clothes.

“I mean, that’s the only reason I could think of for you to buy clothes!”

“—Can I ask for the reason…?”

I asked Kisaragi-sensei because I was annoyed even though I know she’s going to say something unpleasant.

“Because when I talked with Kanzaki-kun about clothes before, you showed no interest at all! And yet, the fact that you went out of your way to buy them on your day off is very suspicious!” (TLN: Amogus) (EDN: SUS SUS SUS AMOGUS AMOGUS.)

…Did we ever talk about that?

No, well, maybe we did, but I don’t remember because her story goes through my left then goes out from my right.

“Well, we’re going out, but it’s not a date.”

I told sensei about that fact.

“Hmm? Aren’t you going out with a girl?”

“Well, it’s a girl.”

“So, it’s a date—right?”

“No, that’s wrong.”

“Just the two of you?”

“I guess?”

Well, if it’s Momoi, Sakura-chan must be there too.

“That’s a date, right?”

Kisaragi-sensei tilted her head, but instead of asking me, she asked Karen-san.

“Unn…That’s a date, I guess…?”

Karen tilted her head in the same way.

…Is it really a date?

Because we’re just going out to play, right?

“Kanzaki-kun, are you saying it’s not a date because both of you only agreed to go out and play?”

“Yes, that’s right?”


The clumsy teacher made a foolish face at my words.

Hey Sensei, what’s with that face!

You can’t just look at a student like that!

“Well, okay. Let’s go then!”

With that said, Kisaragi-sensei grabbed my arm and started walking.

“What? Why are you pulling on my arm?”

“Eh? Because I have to choose clothes for Kanzaki-kun.”

Kisaragi-sensei said so and tilted her head.

…What kind of thought process does this clumsy teacher of mine even have…

Why are you going to buy my clothes?

Where did you say that in the conversation we had just now?

“Umm… If Onee-chan decided already, she won’t listen anymore…”

While saying that, Karen had an apologetic look on her face.

Ugh… I can’t force myself to run away now when you say it that way…

“Also Kanzaki-kun, leaving it up to your own tastes, I’m sure you’ll embarrass the girl.”

Kisaragi-sensei said that to me with a very nice smile on her face.

…Hooo~…This clumsy teacher is trying to pick up a fight with me…

“Nothing special, I’ll be fine on my own I guess?”

“Kanzaki-kun, do you read fashion magazines?”

“I don’t.”

“Do you watch a lot of models on TV?”

“I’m not interested in them.”

“Do you talk about fashion with your friends?”

“I don’t have any friends.”


I wonder, for some reason, I’m in a terribly awkward mood.

Karen gave me a pitiful look—and then her eyes turned to something that looked of the same kind like a kindred spirit.

…This girl doesn’t have any friends either?

Well, she doesn’t seem like she’s very good at talking…

“Where does your confidence even come from, Kanzaki-kun…”

Kisaragi-sensei was holding her head in her hands.

What is it about this person that makes me feel so sorry for myself when she does this…?

“Let’s get you a haircut first.”

“I don’t want to.”

I immediately responded to Kisaragi-sensei’s words.

“Somehow, we used to have this conversation all the time… Do you really hate it that much?”

“Yes… Though it’s not as bad as it used to be, I’m still worried about people looking at me when I’m around people I know…”

“In other words, it’s okay if you don’t know each other?”

“Well, I guess so…”

Thanks to Momoi, Sakura-chan, and Saijo, I think my communication disorder has largely disappeared.

However, I’m still worried about the stares I get when I’m around people I know.

“Okay now, Kanzaki-kun wait a minute here with Karen-chan!”

With that said, Kisaragi-sensei walked into the drugstore.

…Seriously, that person…

You wouldn’t usually leave a man and a woman who never met before alone together, right…?

“Ah, umm…”


As soon as Kisaragi-sensei was gone, Karen opened her mouth.

I thought that we would be both silent and the atmosphere would be awkward…

“Umm, you don’t have any friends right?”

“Ah, yes…”

D*mn, it’s hard to be asked like that…

“If you don’t mind, I’d like you to be friends with Karen…”

She asked shyly.

“I’d be happy to be your friend!”

I replied to her immediately.

“I’m glad…”

Karen patted her chest as if feeling relieved.

I looked at her and made a small gut pose.

For the first time in my life, I had a real friend!

A real friend, not just any poser!

But a girl of the same age who looks like a grade-schooler, isn’t that variety show worthy….?

No, well, that’s rude to her.

This is a normal thing to be happy about.


“Why did you suddenly ask me to be your friend?”

I asked, wondering as to why so.

“Ah, well, there’s actually someone at school that I have a crush on… I’m trying to change to get closer to him…”

After saying so, Karen smiled.

Oh, that’s great…

You’re trying to change in order to get closer to the person you admire…

I could tell from the way she spoke that she was not very good at talking to people.

But she was trying to change, which I thought was honestly amazing.

“It’s great that you’re trying to change yourself… Nice to meet you again, Karen-san.”

“Thank you… Nice to meet you too, Kaito-chan.”

I smiled and she smiled back in return,

It’s just—

…What’s up with that Kaito-chan…

Oh no, I hate it…

Because it’s really embarrassing…

But, I don’t feel comfortable saying that to this girl…

“Yes, yes, that’s good Kaito-chan!”

“Ha!? Sensei, when did you get here?”

Before I knew it, sensei was standing behind us with a bag from the drugstore in her hand.

“Not yet right? I see, I see, you to have become proper friends~. Though, the next time you go out with a girl, it’s not a good idea to mess around with her okay, Kaito-chan?”

Then, the clumsy teacher pretends to be angry.


“Anyways, I have three things I want to say to you—But, if you call me again, I will interrupt your class.”

I said so while glaring at sensei.

“Don’t worry Kanzaki-kun, I know you don’t have the guts to do so!”

And, the clumsy teacher just laughed it off.

…This clumsy teacher, I want to make her cry.

“—Rather, what did you just buy?”

“You mean this?”

When I asked her what she bought, she pulled something out of the bag.

“What’s that?”

I couldn’t identify what she had taken out, so I asked.

“Ehhhh!? Kanzaki-kun, you don’t know about wax?”

Kisaragi-sensei was surprised by my words.

Heee… so this is a wax huh.

I’m seeing it for the first time…

I mean, why did sensei buy wax if it’s something that men use?

“Do you use wax, sensei?”

“You’re always so sharp, but sometimes you’re so insensitive or stupid Kanzaki-kun…

Kisaragi-sensei has been looking at me with the eyes of a very disappointing thing.

…It makes me terribly angry when this teacher says that, like really now?

At the very least, I’m supposed to be better than this clod.

“This is for Kaito-chan. Kaito-chan’s bangs are long enough to cover his eyes, so if you use wax to raise his bangs, it will show his eyes. That should make all the difference, right?”

“Ha!? You’re using this on me…? Or rather, could you please stop calling me chan!

What’s up with this person calling me chan foolishly!

“Well, if you’re not going to cut your hair, this is the only way to make it look better, isn’t it?”

Kisaragi-sensei tilted her head and said something like that to me.

You’re ignoring everything that I said!

Speaking of which, I’m pretty sure this is who she is…

As Karen said earlier, this person really doesn’t listen to you when she starts talking and also doesn’t listen to others.

In other words, she’s a pain in the *ss to deal with.

“No, I think my hair is fine as it is though…?”

I already put off her calling me chan and started talking about my hair instead.

“Like I said before, if a guy isn’t cool, he’ll embarrass the girl. Besides, your date is with either Saijo-san or Momoi-san’s sister, right? If you’re going to take on one of those two incredibly cute girls, you’d better make sure you look good or you’ll regret it you know?”

“How do you even know who I’m going with…?”

And no, well, it’s not a date because we’re only going to play though…

“Eh, well, it’s because you’re famous around the school for being with one of those two girls.”

…Seriously now…

Why is there a rumor going around that I don’t even know about…

…Wait, that’s right!

I’ve been eating lunch with them all the time, and they’ve been hugging me!

I was stupid enough to think that wouldn’t start a rumor!

“I really need to wet your hair once and shape it with a hairdryer, but since we’re just only trying it out, for now, let’s try it like this.”

And then Kisaragi-sensei approaches me with a smile.


“You’re putting it on now?”

“Yes! You probably don’t know how to wax, and I’m quite interested in your face!”

“No, you just want to see it!”

I finally spoke to her in casual language.

“Well, well, leave it to me for the time being.”

She urged me to sit down, not caring about my tacit words.

“It’ll be over faster if you let Onee-chan do what she wants… I think?”

Karen, who was sitting beside me, said with a sympathetic look in her eyes.


You clumsy teacher, I’ll remember this at school.

Just like that, I swore revenge on my clumsy teacher.

“”Oh, wow!””

I gave up and allowed sensei to wax me, but soon after when they saw my face with my hair styled, they made a ruckus.

“W-what is it now…?”

I asked while frowning and then—

“This is a piece of unexpectedly great news! Kaito-chan, please go out with Sensei!”

—The clumsy teacher said something really outrageous just now.

“You’re really an idiot… You’ll get fired as a teacher if you do that you know…?”

“As long as Kaito-chan can provide for me, that’s fine!”

No, this is hopeless…

This clumsy teacher of mine is really a useless person…

“B-but, you look really cool you know?”

With that, Karen clapped her hands for me.

“T-thank you…”

I’m embarrassed by how she looks at me.

“That’s weird! Your attitude is now different compared to Sensei earlier!”

The clunker, dissatisfied with the attitude I showed to Karen-san, started to say something strange again.

“It’s just your imagination sensei. Don’t say things based on assumptions.”

“O-oh… Is that so?”

When I gave a random excuse, Kisaragi-sensei tilted her head and began to agree.

…This person can be sharp at times, but she’s clunky 90% of the time…

That’s what I thought when I saw such a churlish teacher.

“In the meantime, I’ll do your hair for your date, so you can come to me before you go on your date!”

“E-ehh… Why do I have to…?”

I’m no longer surprised by her thoughtful remarks, but it’s still annoying…

“Because this is such a shame! If you can be like this with just a little bit of hairstyling, you’ll look really cool if you do it right! Also, I don’t think Kanzaki-kun can use wax properly so make sure you come to me!”

“Oh… Haa~…”

I couldn’t help but nod my head at Kisaragi-sensei’s pestering.


Just now, did I really rely on this person now!?

To this clumsy teacher of mine, filled only with flower fields on her brain!?

“Well then, it’s time to go shopping for clothes!”

“E-eh… We’re still going on?”

“What are you talking about? This was your main purpose earlier!”

That’s true… But, I want to go home now…

As sensei took me away, I prayed in my heart that I could go home—.

—From there, Kisaragi-sensei turned me into a dress-up doll…

But to my surprise, she has a very good sense of fashion.

Every time I changed my clothes, not only Kisaragi-sensei and Karen-chan, but also the shopkeepers and the high school girls who were there, shouted yellow shouts similar to cheers.

It was the first time that I, a loner, had been praised like this by the people around me.

Clothes really are amazing!

No wonder everyone puts so much effort into fashion!

I wondered how clothes could change a person so much.


“S-sensei… This is embarrassing, please stop taking pictures of me every time I change my clothes… Also, those people there too…”

—Yes, every time I change my clothes, for some reason, Kisaragi-sensei, and the high school girls are taking pictures of me.

At first, Kisaragi-sensei was the only one taking pictures, but then the high school girls saw her and started taking pictures as well.

In other words, the original culprit is Kisaragi-sensei, and the high school girls are probably just imitating sensei and started taking pictures too for fun…

“Ehh, why not, even though you have these perks on you!”

Kisaragi-sensei protested, saying so.

Perks you say…

You’re just taking pictures of me getting dressed…

“I want you to wear this too…”

As we were talking, even Karen-san came over with some clothes.

“A-ah, yes…”

I took the clothes and started to change again in the changing room.

Why am I even doing this…

I mean, this is me monopolizing the locker room by myself, is this really okay…?

In the end, it took me two hours just to choose one full-body set of clothing.

This is stupid!

—I wanted to scream furiously…

But, I’ve got three days on my schedule.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to wear the same dress for the first time since it’s only Saijo, but I don’t want to wear the same dress for Momoi since Sakura-chan will also be there.

On that note, I wanted sensei with her good taste in fashion to choose for me.

“I’m sorry that I’ve spent a lot of time here, but I’d like two more sets of clothes… Could you please choose two more sets from the ones you’ve made me wear so far?”

When I said this, Kisaragi-sensei looked surprised.

“Are you going to play with two other girls too?”

I nodded reluctantly to that.


“Please don’t call me that!”

“But it’s true!”

With that said, Kisaragi-sensei giggled.


Sure, I am going to play with three girls, but two of them are family…

Well, Saijo is different, but in her case, we’re just going out to play…

*Tuck* *tuck*


As I looked at the sensei who started to mend my clothes, Karen pulled on me.

“What’s wrong?”

“The same goes for the person Karen admires… If you’re too nice to others, things may get out of hand…”

—Karen said so with a bitter smile.

“What things…?”

I couldn’t help but ask, but Karen shook her head.

“You shouldn’t ask about that…”

The way she said it made me feel very uneasy and I started to break out in a cold sweat.

E-ehh…—Just what could have happened…?

No way, am I going to get stabbed like in the games just because I’ve been too nice to various girls…?

…Oh man, I’m scared just thinking about it…

But, I think I should be fine…

For now, it’s just two family members, and the only one in a proper heroine position, so to speak, is Saijo.

No, I don’t think it’s going to happen with Saijo, but at any rate, there’s no way I’m going to get stabbed by a girl…

—I kept telling that to myself.

Ah, by the way, I did exchange contact information with Karen, yes.

Also, after exchanging contact information with Kisaragi-sensei, she even made me promise to not run away again from her at school because she helped me this time around.