“Hmm, okay, it’s done!” The clothes are perfect and you look really cool, Kaito-chan!”

The next day after I went shopping for clothes―Kisaragi-sensei patted me on the shoulder, saying so.

“Thank you very much…Also, can you seriously stop calling me chan?”

I thanked her and then also gave her a dubious look.

“Hmmm… All things considered, the outfit I picked for you looks great, but you left out the ones that looked best on you, doesn’t that mean that the girl today isn’t your number one?”

As usual, Sensei didn’t listen to what I had to say and said something like that.

She doesn’t really listen to me, does she…?

I mean, I feel like it’s useless to try and get her to stop calling me chan anymore…

“I didn’t mean it like that, but…”

“Hmm~ Is that so~?”

Sensei grinned when she heard my words.

It’s not that I intentionally left out the best clothes I was told.

It’s just, I thought it would look unbalanced if Sakura and I walked around in very mature clothes.

“Good luck…!”

Karen, who was standing beside me while I was getting my hair styled, gave me a small gut-punch and a shout of encouragement.

“Thank you.”

I thanked her with a smile.

I think this girl is as good as Sakura-chan, cheering me on so that I don’t make any weird mistakes.

…Is it just me, or her eyes looked like they were twinkling?

You’re not getting some kind of weird misunderstanding, are you…?

―Or rather, I’m going to go back home from here…

I was currently taking the train to Kisaragi-sensei’s house to have my hair styled.

That’s why Karen was there with me.

If I wanted to meet her somewhere, I would have done so, but Sakura-chan has no sense of direction.

If I tried to meet her at a bad place, she would go in the opposite direction and it would take twice as long to meet her.

“Well then, give my regards to Momoi-san’s sister~”

“Yes, thank you very mu―Eh? How do you know who I’m meeting with?”

When I was about to leave Kisaragi-sensei’s house after thanking her, I asked how she knew who I was going to play with today, even though I hadn’t told her.

“Hmm? I’m not entirely sure, but today’s outfit is probably not in accordance with Saijo-san’s taste because it’s very mature, and Kanzaki-kun doesn’t look nervous at all, so I thought it might be Momoi-san’s sister, who is familiar with him and loves him like a sister.”

Then Kisaragi-sensei smiled at me.

“…Sensei’s surprisingly amazing…”

I couldn’t help but say that to Kisaragi-sensei.

Why doesn’t this person display this keen observation on a regular basis?

If that was the case, she wouldn’t be a clumsy teacher…

“Fufufu, I have confidence in the area of fashion and romantic relationships.”

Then Kisaragi-sensei threw out her rather large chest.

“By any chance, does this mean that Sensei has a lot of experience?”

I asked Kisaragi-sensei.

If so, she might be able to help me with my problems with women (my Imouto who has random landmines, my sister-in-law who has become a spoiled brat, and the blonde gal who is still a stalker).

“Of course, when it comes to me―”

In response to my question, Kisaragi-sensei began to talk about things I didn’t even ask about.

However, I’m thankful for that too.

I think I might be even able to establish a friendly relationship with this person―

“Onee-chan is not taken seriously by anyone because of her personality… That’s why she’s been studying fashion and other things, and it seems that she’s gaining knowledge from there…”

―And while I was thinking about it, Karen secretly told me about it.

Ahh, so she’s one of the so-called Midoshima… (TLN: I kept looking for the reference of this but the only one that came up was Yu Midoshima from Clock Tower. Here’s the raw for it 所謂いわゆる耳年増みみどしま)

I look at Kisaragi-sensei, who still has her eyes closed, her finger up, and keeps blabbering about something.

…Even though she doesn’t have any experience, her advice was really good for me.

If I ever need help again, I’ll ask for her advice.

…In return, if she gets in trouble again, I’ll help her out…

“Well, I’m going now. Please tell Sensei my regards to her.”

“Unn, take care!”

I left Sensei alone as she continued to talk, and with a cute smile from Karen, I went home.

Part 2

“I’m home.”

I said so and went inside the house.

“Ara-ara, what’s up, Kaito-kun? You look very cool.”

When I entered the house, Kanae-san greeted me. (TLN: For those who don’t remember, she’s the step-mother)

Today was Sunday and the hospital was closed, so both my dad and Kanae-san were at home.

Since I’m always shut in my room, I only see them when I greet them in the morning or when I eat…

“Thank you. Is Sakura-chan here?”

“Maa~ maa~, you dressed up for Sakura-chan, didn’t you? When we always eat our dinner together, I think both of you get along so well!”

Kanae-san looked happy at my words.

I guess she’s happy that her daughter and her new partner’s step-son are getting along so well.

As for me, I’m also happy to see Kanae-san like this.

“He~, Just for Sakura-chan huh? fuu~n”

As Kanae-san and I were talking, Momoi popped up from the living room.

However, her face looks very unhappy…

“Why are you in such a bad mood…?”

I asked Momoi, who was looking at me with a fierce glare.

It’s weird… At the very least, I think I didn’t do anything to offend her…

After all, Momoi brought a manga to read while I was working on my program yesterday.

…By the way, the manga isn’t mine, it’s Momoi’s, so for her to bother herself to come to my room just to read it is a mystery to me…

“I’m not particularly in a bad mood or anything…”

“E-ehh… Go look at yourself in the mirror…”

“Fuu~n, I have a face of a Buddha anyway~”

Momoi turned away at my words.

Her cheeks were puffed up, sulking like a child.

Seriously, why’s this person in such a bad mood…?

E-even though I didn’t do anything….?

I left early this morning, so we didn’t see each other earlier…

“Ara~ara~, just because Kaito-kun is getting cooler for Sakura-chan, it doesn’t mean you should be jealous of your sister, you know?”

Kanae-san said, smiling and patting Momoi’s head.

“I’m not jealous…”

Momoi escaped from Kanae-san’s hands and glared at me again with a fierce look.

…Kanae-san, that’s a very misguided thing to do…

Momoi’s mood is getting worse…

“Ehehe, Onii-chan, sorry to have kept you waiting…!”

While we were having this sterile conversation, a very dressed up and cute Sakura-chan came out. 

The dress had a pale pink motif with frills on it, and the white ribbon tied in her hair looked good.

It’s just that this was a childish outfit, not to say a gothic lolita outfit.

This is why it suits Sakura-chan so well…

Or perhaps I should say, Sakura-chan would normally be able to wear a gothic lolita outfit…

“W-what do you think of my looks…?”

As I was admiring Sakura-chan, she shyly asked me while holding the hem of her dress.

S-she’s too cute…!

“Yeah, you look very pretty and cute, Sakura-chan!”


When I said she was cute, Sakura-chan asked me back with a very happy expression, and I nodded with a smile.

I’ve heard that it’s hard for people with large breasts to wear a dress because it makes them look fat, but Sakura-chan is just so cute now.

“Onii-chan looks very cool too! It’s like, the old Onii-chan became even cooler!”

“Haha, thanks. Sakura-chan is really cute too.”

I returned the compliment to Sakura-chan who smiled at me.

“Good for you, Sakura.”

“Un! Ehehe…..”

Kanae-san, who had been watching our conversation with a smile on her face, called out to Sakura-chan. Sakura-chan happily put her hands on her cheeks and smiled, her cheeks turning red.

But there’s something I’m more concerned about…

Momoi has been staring at me with eyes that have lost their light for a while now.

I-I’m scared…

It’s been a while since I’ve seen Momoi’s face like this…

Are you really that unhappy about me taking Sakura-chan?

Well, it’s true that Momoi’s a person who’s very fond of Sakura-chan…

…I’m not going to get stabbed by Momoi, am I?

I remembered the conversation I had with Karen yesterday and shuddered at the danger to myself.