“Look at those two!”

“Wow, what a beautiful pair of siblings!”

“Hey, look at that…”

“What’s with that angelic girl…She’s hugging the guy and smiling…!”

“Oi, what does it take to make a pretty girl like that delirious?”

“Isn’t it obvious? It’s the drugs of course!”

When Sakura-chan and I were walking, we would hear voices like that.

I’ve been getting tremendous attention ever since I left home.

Well, though, I don’t hear so many words that sound malicious.

The last guy is the only one I’d like to hear some of his logic as to how he even managed to reach that conclusion…

It’s just―

…I wanna go home.

―I was just going through the motions.

I’m sorry to say that Sakura-chan, who is happily clinging to my arm with a smiling face, but this amount of gaze was unbearable for me.

And as always, when Sakura-chan sticks to me, her breasts are pressed against my arms…

This is something she’s aware of, isn’t it…?

Why doesn’t she show any sign of caring at all…?

I thought to myself and looked at Sakura-chan.

“What is it, Onii-chan?”

Sakura-chan said, looking up at me with a scowl.

…This is bad, combined with the cuteness of her clothes, she’s even cuter than usual…

I mean, Sakura-chan really does look like an elementary school student now…

“It’s nothing, I’m just glad that Sakura-chan is having fun.”

“Unn, it’s very fun just being with you Onii-chan!”

Sakura-chan smiled at my words as she said such happy things.

Ahh, Sakura-chan’s really an angel…

“Hey, those siblings are both very beautiful, but they don’t look alike at all, do they?

“Now that you said it, you’re right…Maybe they’re a couple…?”

“T-then, that boy is reaching out for an elementary school child…? Isn’t that a crime…?”

“Should I call the police…?”

The people who had been smiling and talking just now started to say something terrible.


No, I understand what you’re saying, but!

I understand but, let’s not call the cops!

Why is the lady over there picking up her phone with a suspicious look on her face?

Where’s the friendly atmosphere you had just earlier!?

“What’s wrong, Onii-chan?”

Sakura-chan looked up at me with concern as I was breaking out in a cold sweat at the sight of a lady who looked like she was about to call the cops.

…Doesn’t this kid realize what’s going on around her?

Come to think of it, this kid didn’t care at all when she was attracting attention at her previous school…

“Nah, it’s nothing…Anyway, let’s get going now…”

After deciding that it was better to leave quickly, I gave Sakura-chan a big smile and headed for our next destination.

Part 2


Sakura-chan shouted in admiration a little while after we arrived at our destination.

We were currently at the zoo as per Sakura-chan’s request.

I can’t believe she likes the zoo too, Sakura-chan is really cute…

My heart was filled with joy when I saw Sakura-chan looking at the group of monkeys with sparkles in her eyes.

I don’t know how cute the monkeys are, but just seeing Sakura-chan like this makes me very happy that we came here.

I’m not that interested in animals per se.

I like cats a lot, but I don’t really like other animals.

By the way― When I was in preschool, we visited a zoo, and I remember holding a squirrel in my arms. I got bitten on the finger as hard as it could when I lifted it.

At that time, I quickly learned that you can’t let your guard down even if they’re cute.

…Speaking of which, the angel who’s attached to me right now with a smiling face is definitely someone I can’t let down my guard with.

If I’m not careful and say something inappropriate, I might step on an unexpected mine and the devil with a smiling face will descend.

I also found out the other day that she has a habit of running away from people who try to talk to her, even though she has a friendly face.

She’s really like a cat. 

Anyone who can talk to Sakura-chan at school will be recognized as a good guy by the people around them, or something like that…

Whether it’s Momoi or Sakura-chan, I wonder if these sisters were born with a need to leave some kind of lore for the school…?

“Onii-chan, I wanna go see the panda!”

Saying that, Sakura-chan was pulling my arm in a cooing manner.

…Seriously, this kid is just really cute…

I was in love with Sakura-chan from beginning to end as she begged me in such a cute way.

Well, aside from that, this zoo has pandas, as Sakura-chan mentioned earlier.

…No, that’s the reason why we came to this zoo…

It’s been quite a while ever since a new panda was born, and there was a big news report about it.

When the panda became available for viewing, only people selected by lottery were allowed to enter, and even then there were quite a few people lined up.

When I saw the news about it, I didn’t want to go see the pandas or felt jealous, but rather―

I feel sorry for the pandas…


At the time, I couldn’t help but feel pity for the panda being used as a freak show.

After all, I got a lot of stares when I was in middle school, too…

Though, it was the opposite kind of gaze that pandas get…

But still, I can somehow understand how pandas feel…

“Onii-chan, I can’t see them…”

Sakura-chan then looked up at me, looking sad.

There are so many people looking at the panda right now that it’s even hard to see it from my height, let alone Sakura-chan’s height.

But that’s not to say that I can truly understand the panda’s feelings.

It’s just that I’m watching them from the sidelines…

Not again―

“What do you think? Are they really brother and sister?”

“Hmmm, the brother looks as cool as a model, and the sister is as cute as a child actress. But they don’t look alike, do they…?”

“Hey, hey, I want to switch places with that guy and get hugged by that girl, what should I do?”

“No, I think we should get rid of the guy first.”

“Nee~ nee, those siblings are so cute.”

“Oh really…? As for me, I’d like to punch that guy in the face…”

―These are what they’re saying…

The other customers, who were bored because they couldn’t see the pandas, were paying attention to us all over the place.

Especially, what the guy was saying earlier, are all mainly hatred towards me…?

I didn’t do anything to you guys, did I…?

―Sakura-chan is still watching the backs of the customers in front of her to see the pandas, so she doesn’t seem to notice the stares around her…

Don’t tell me…It’s going to be like this all day, today…?

*Pull pull―*


―And Sakura-chan called out to me, pulling on my arm.

“What’s wrong?”

I look at Sakura-chan’s face.


Sakura-chan looked up at me as she said that.



Right now!?


I ask Sakura-chan back, breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Because, I want to see the pandas…Is it a no…?”

Sakura-chan asked me with a sad look on her face.

…Sakura-chan, you’re really evil…

In the midst of all this attention, you want me to give you a piggyback, a pretty girl like you?

Does that mean you want me to die socially…?

I was thinking about this when I looked at Sakura-chan’s face.

…Sakura-chan was looking up at me with her eyes welling up.

…Do whatever you want…!

I was so desperate that I carried Sakura-chan on my shoulders―

…Sakura-chan was overjoyed to see the panda, but the guys around her said―

“””Riajuus should just explode!”””


(EDN: Riajuu is a Japanese internet slang mostly used on 2chan boards for somebody that has goodlife, popular with their peers and with a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.)

No, I wouldn’t do this even if I were a riajuu!!!

―And I, who was giving Sakura-chan a piggyback, shouted this in my mind while receiving a piercing stare.