“―It’s delicious, Onii-chan!”

“Yes, it is.”

Right now, we’re eating spaghetti.

I had spaghetti with spinach and bacon, while Sakura-chan had carbonara.

Sakura-chan’s eating pace was supposed to be slow due to her small mouth, but she filled her mouth with carbonara and ate it like a squirrel, as if she was trying to beat my pace.

It was cute and I wanted to watch her eat more, but I felt sorry for her if I rushed her too much.

“Sakura-chan, you can eat at your own pace.”

“But I want to play with Onii-chan more, so I’ll eat faster!”

I told her to eat slowly, but she said such a nice thing and started to munch again.

…She wants to eat quicker just to play with me, she’s just too cute…

I almost couldn’t stop the grin from forming on my face at Sakura-chan’s words.


There’s cream on Sakura-chan’s mouth…

“Sakura-chan, wait for a moment.”

“Eh? ―Unn”

I stopped Sakura-chan from eating and took the cream off her with a paper napkin.

“Haha, Sakura-chan is eating in a hurry, so the cream must have gotten on your mouth. You can take your time eating, you know.”

I said to Sakura-chan with a smile, and her face turned red.

O-oh, did I make her feel embarrassed…?

In the meantime, Sakura-chan started munching again.

…Could it be, she became stubborn again because of earlier…?

The way Sakura-chan was eating now was not the elegant, mouth-filling way she had been eating earlier, but rather she was kind of gobbling it up.

Perhaps because of this, she had cream on her mouth again.

I didn’t take it off, but watched Sakura-chan eat it, because the way she ate it, the cream would come right off.

*Chira― (TLN: *Glance, tell me if you guys want it to be in JP or leave it as is in the comments)


*Chira Chira―

What is it…?

Ever since earlier, Sakura-chan seems to be looking at me for a moment in between eating spaghetti…?

As I watched, Sakura-chan’s cheeks began to puff out.

一What’s up with her…?

Her mood even seems to be worsening…?

…E-ehh…What’s she doing…?

It feels like her cheeks are becoming puffed even more, and I think it kind of looked like she purposely put a fork with cream on it next to her lips…?

That’s why her mouth looks so sloppy right now.

I don’t have a choice…

“Sakura-chan, stop eating for a second.”

When I said that, Sakura-chan smiled and stopped eating.

…Why were your cheeks puffed up earlier, but now you’re smiling…?

Well, I don’t care if she’s in a better mood now.

More importantly, I need to wipe her mouth.

“―There you go, Sakura-chan, it’s okay now.”

“Thank you, Onii-chan!”

When I said that, Sakura-chan thanked me and started eating her spaghetti slowly with a smiling face.

I think she finally got tired of eating at a fast pace.

“Those two are so cute together~”

“The little sister must’ve been really like her brother~”

As I looked at Sakura-chan, I could hear voices from around saying something like that.

I was just wiping her mouth, so why does that mean Sakura-chan likes me?

Is it because Sakura-chan allowed me to wipe her mouth…?

―I wondered about the voices I heard around us earlier―

―In the afternoon, we came to the game center.

However, we didn’t come here to play games.

Because, Sakura-chan doesn’t really play games that much.

However, she wanted to use a photo booth, so we went to the game center.

…Photo booths are nostalgic to me…

Whenever I hung out with her, she would always take a picture of us at the end of the day as her request.

As I walked into the photo booth machine, I was reminded of Haruka, whom I don’t see anymore. (TLN: For those who don’t remember Haruka, her first appearance was a memory of the MC from Chapter 5. She was the girl that the MC was very close with before that got insulted by the person who was pushed off by the MC)

“―Onii-chan, pose! pose!”

Sakura-chan, who was setting up with the money I gave her, said and hugged my arm.

It seems that the preparations for taking pictures are now over.

…Actually, why does this girl link our arms as a matter of fact…?

Well, I was already pretty much used to it by now, but it’s kind of scary to think that I started to get used to it…

From then on, we followed the photo booth machine’s cues and took pictures.

But Sakura-chan was changing her poses in various cute ways, while I was just doing a piece.

That’s because I was embarrassed to do all kinds of poses in this kind of situation…

After taking a few pictures, Sakura-chan went outside the photo booth machine to change into her cosplay costume.

Of course, I had to give her a break…

Rather, I was surprised that Sakura-chan went for a regular cosplay.

She didn’t seem to be interested in that kind of thing.

“Onii-chan, what do you thi―No wait, what do nyaa~ think of this?”

“Eh…? Nyaa…?”

I looked in the direction of Sakura-chan’s voice, and there she was.

“A maid with cat ears…?”

―Sakura-chan was there, wearing cat ears on her head and a maid outfit.

…Eh? Are you kidding me!?

It would be a surprise if she did either one or the other, but I didn’t expect her to combine the two!?

When did this girl learn all of this!?

“Ehehe, what do nyaa~ think?”

Sakura-chan said, curling her right hand up beside her face and tilting her head to look up at me.


It’s so cute, it knocked me unconscious for a second!

“O-oi, look at that…”

“It’s too brutal… And I wish I had God’s little sister like her―!”

“Stop messing around! Why do all the handsome guys get such good treatment!?”

“It’s a cat-god. Let’s enshrine her as the cat-god!”

The men in the general public who were watching us were all writhing in admiration of Sakura-chan’s cuteness.

…No, they’re right…

That’s what happens when you’re this cute…

Especially the second guy, you’re right! This girl is God’s little sister!

But I’m not going to give her to you!

And as for the last guy, stop worshipping other people’s sisters!

“Onii-chan…? Is it weird…?”

Sakura-chan looked up at me anxiously as I rambled on in my head to the general audience.

“Ah, sorry, I was just thinking for a little bit…Like, you’re seriously cute!”

I said, and Sakura-chan smiled at me, looking very happy.

…Seriously, she’s too cute…

Or rather, this girl doesn’t even care that the other customers made so much noise about her…?

Could it be that?

It’s not that Sakura-chan is insensitive or deaf, but it’s because she doesn’t really care…?

Well, well, it doesn’t matter what happens to the other guys because she’s so sweet to me…

At any rate, I want to take a picture with this very cute cat-ear maid Sakura-chan as soon as possible!

“Well then, let’s go back to the photo booth machine!”


With such an impure motive, I invited Sakura-chan to join me, and the two of us took a friendly picture―

By the way―Sakura-chan made this choice because she thought I liked the cover of a light novel that was in my room.

It was like a compliment to my past, but at the same time, it made my sister aware of my sexual proclivities, which made me think twice about it.

And of course, this picture will become my permanent treasure―.

“―This is the anti-virus software with modified AI functions that you asked for.”

Two days before the revised deadline, I had come to hand over the delivery to Shinjou at Byodoin Systems.

“Ooohh―! KAI-sama is so amazing! Like, really, I was so worried about what would happen to my neck if the deadline date was changed and you weren’t able to meet it! Thank you very much!”

Shinjou received the delivery from me, and for some reason, he seemed to be extremely relieved.

What a strange person…

Even if you’re in such a hurry, you shouldn’t shorten the deadline by harassing others…

Besides, the actual release of this anti-virus software would have been a few months away.

If I didn’t meet the deadline, it would be my responsibility, but the man himself shouldn’t be in that much of a hurry.

No, well, they might be held accountable for setting an unreasonable deadline, but I don’t think that’s going to be enough to get them fired…

―And that’s okay.

I don’t have to deal with this company or this man anymore.

“Well then, KAI-sama, as promised, the portion that will be deducted from your taxes will be put into a separate account first, and only the portion that will be in your possession will be put into the designated account.”

Then Shinjou bowed his head.

”Eh…? You already prepared it…?”

I was surprised by Shinjou’s words.

I didn’t think that a sum of money as large as 20 million would be moved that quickly.

And I haven’t even checked to see if my anti-virus software works properly yet.

“I was ordered to do so by the higher-ups―”

“By who…?”

I questioned what Shinjo had said and asked him back.

“Ah, no, nothing at all!”

But then, Shinjou hurriedly denied it.

However, I was sure that he had slipped up because his face had a look of “Oh no!” meaning he really slipped up.

Though from the looks of it, if you questioned this guy, he probably wouldn’t say anything.

It’s probably an internal secret.

If that’s the case, it’s not worth bothering with.

The program is already finished, and I won’t get in contact with them anymore.

And by “higher-ups”, I assume he means Byodoin Aria.

If she’s the president, she knows that I was involved.

If it was anyone else, it would be a breach of contract.

But it’s useless if Byodoin Aria tries to contact me in any way.

From now, It would be impossible for them to contact me anymore―.

I concluded that and left the Byodoin Conglomerate.