“―Sensei, can I just say something…?”

“Yes, what is it, Kaito-chan?”

“You…―What the h*ll did you just do!”

I said so, glaring at the clumsy teacher standing next to me with a wry smile.

“Ahahaha―I’m sorry!”

The clumsy teacher apologized to me, bowing her head.

I’m currently on my lunch break― I was picking up Sakura-chan with Saijo when suddenly this clumsy teacher of mine came running at me with tears in her eyes, grabbed me, and brought me to the student council room.

The momentum was so strong that even Saijo was taken aback.

And what this clumsy teacher did this time was― she turned the macro I had made for Momoi into a trash file…

No, when I say trash file, I don’t mean I threw it in the trash.

Rather, it was much better that way.

This teacher had made my program unusable.

That’s why she was crying out to me for help.

“To begin with, how did you even know that I made it…?

I asked the first question that came to my mind.

“Hmm…? It’s because Momoi-san was boasting about it with great joy? Although she didn’t say the name of who made it, I just thought it was Kaito-chan.”

Kisaragi-sensei smiled as she put her index finger on her cheek.

“By the way, how did you know it was me because of what Momoi said?”

“Eh? Well, she said that her family made it for her, but she looked kind of embarrassed, so I’m guessing it was Kaito-chan who just became her brother, not her father…Incidentally, all the student council officers were surprised at the expression on Momoi-san’s face at that moment.”

Kisaragi-sensei saluted as she finished her last words, but no one asked for that.

More than that, I was really surprised by this clumsy teacher.

Is she really clumsy…?

No, I just called her that on my own volition…

And speaking of which, this clumsy person is also a teacher, so it’s not surprising that she knows that we’ve become a family.

Although the school has a huge number of students, it is not surprising that Momoi, who is a member of the student council that she advises, knows about the family situation.

However, I’m pretty sure that this teacher is a klutz, because she completely trashed the program I made.

The name of the sheet has been changed, and the button to start the program, which was placed in the part of the sheet that could not be tampered with without unlocking the password, is gone.

On top of that, it has erased all the source code that I had written, something that this teacher who doesn’t understand programming couldn’t possibly do.

I can no longer feel anything but malice towards her…

This person didn’t really do it on purpose, did she…?

“Anyway, how did you unlock the password for the sheet?”

When I asked about it, the clumsy teacher answered with a nice smile.

“I was just clicking around and it asked me to enter a password, so I just went with my gut and entered the password and it worked! I guess I have good instincts after all!”

Does this klutz even understand that she’s done something wrong? 

What are you even bragging about…

It’s true that I used a password that was just an easy sheet name with a zero in it, but… I didn’t think I’d bother to unlock it in the first place…

Or perhaps I should say, could she even type on the keyboard properly?

“Sensei, can you type on the keyboard properly?”

I was curious about that, so I asked Kisaragi-sensei.

“Of course I can.”

“If so, why aren’t you helping Momoi with her paperwork?”

Momoi told me that she was too mechanically illiterate to be entrusted with this task, but if she could type on a keyboard, it shouldn’t be a problem.

“I helped her once―Then she told me to never touch a computer ever again…”

Then Kisaragi-sensei became depressed.

I understood everything that Kisaragi-sensei said.

Maybe this clumsy teacher had messed up some important files, like this one.

…If so, then why is she touching this program without any proper knowledge…

I was curious about that, but I stopped asking because I knew I would only get a cavalier answer.

“…Then, why did you rename the sheet and lose the buttons?”

“I was playing with the sheet name and changed it somehow, but I couldn’t get it back ― and then the button disappeared without me even knowing!”

“…In another case, how did you delete all the source code I wrote?”

“Source code…? Oh, if it’s full of letters that look like English, my hand hit these two buttons and something came up. When it came up, I thought it would be bad if I didn’t delete it, so I did!”

“―You really shouldn’t touch the computer anymore!”

I reflexively shouted at the clumsy teacher, who was still smiling and saying such things with no ill will.

If she had said something like, “Tehe,” I might have slapped her in the head.

“Uuu―Kaito-chan got angry…”

“That’s right, I’m sure even you’ll get angry if someone did something stupid like this…”

Rather than that… You’re kidding me right?

The two buttons are very far apart, and one of them is in a place that is rarely touched…

Most importantly, if you see something you don’t understand, don’t play with it first…

First of all, deleting the source code is so stupid…

Furthermore, why did you save it?

Normally, if you messed something up, you wouldn’t save it right?

But there’s no point in asking that either.

Even if I ask her, she’ll probably say, “Isn’t it common sense to save it?”, is what she’ll most likely reply…

However―I’m not going to be able to fix it during my lunch break if it’s this bad.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that I can’t do something about it.

“Since Momoi’s computer didn’t have a password on it, I should be able to open the other board members’ computers, right? When I gave Momoi this program, I told her to distribute it to everyone so that they could share the burden, so all she had to do was transfer it from her computer.”

I said, and looked at the other officer’s computer.

I’ll be sure to give Momoi a good lecture about not having a password when I get home.

Or rather, I really want to ask her, “How bad is the student council?”…

It’s common sense to put a password on your computer…

“Ah―no one but Momoi-san has it, you know? That’s why I stole Momoi-san’s eyes and used it just now.”


When I tried to start up another board member’s computer, Kisaragi-sensei said something like that to me.

“Momoi-san was holding that program carefully and said, ‘I’ll take care of all the computer work as usual,’ and didn’t hand it out to anyone.”


I held my head in my hands at this unexpected turn of events.

What the h*ll is she doing ……?

I made a program that can be used by student council members who are slow at typing on the computer, but if you take on all the work, you’ll end up carrying all the burden…

“You’re really loved huh~ Kaito-chan.”


As I was wracking my brains trying to figure out what Momoi was doing, the clumsy teacher started saying things that still made no sense.

“It’s nothing. Leaving that aside, if you don’t fix it quickly, your lunch break will be over you know?”

This person…

Why does she make such a mess of things herself and then act like it’s someone else’s problem?

In addition, the fact that she even thinks it will be fixed soon is even more annoying…

“Unfortunately, I’m afraid I can’t fix it right now. I have the original program back at home, and I’ll bring it back tomorrow.”

“―No! If you do that, Momoi-san will beat me up!”


I was surprised by Kisaragi-sensei, who came crying to me with tears in her eyes at my words earlier.

Why did she become so desperate all of a sudden…?

“Didn’t you know, Kaito-chan!? Girls are scary when it comes to the things they love! And when it comes to Momoi-san, you’ll never be able to come to school!”

Sensei was trembling as she said this.

Ahh, so that’s why she was so bloodthirsty and kidnapped me…

Well, I can see why this program is so important to Momoi.

After all, without it, you’re back to the grind and the hard work.

Or rather–

“Why did you play with this program if you didn’t know that much about it…?

I asked my question from the beginning.

In the first place, if this clumsy teacher hadn’t stolen Momoi’s eyes and played with the program without permission, none of this would have happened.

“Because… Momoi-san was very proud of it, but she wouldn’t let me touch it at all…”

The teacher said sulkily, her lips pouting.

What is she even doing all this time…

Don’t brag about it, distribute it properly to other people…

Besides, if you do that, you’re going to ruin Momoi’s image, you know?

―I talked to the teacher, amazed at Momoi’s childishness.

“Even so, I need to go home to get it done okay?”

“If that’s the case, Sensei will allow you to leave school early and go get it!”

“Oi, Sensei!”

What in the world is this person even saying…

What kind of a teacher highly encourages their students to leave school early, as long as Momoi won’t get mad at them…

“It’s because~”

Kisaragi-sensei crouched down with tears in her eyes.

Ehh… No matter how much you crouch, there’s nothing you can do about it.

…Ah, no―

“Maybe Momoi has the program. If you can get it from her, I can handle it.”

I still haven’t gotten the program back from Momoi that I used when I made it and gave it to him.

That’s why she must still have it.

“You go get it, Kaito-chan…”


“Because if I asked for it, she’d never lend it to me!”

“You’re right…”

I was convinced by the clumsy teacher’s argument.

No matter what I thought, I would never give the program to this clumsy teacher.

The only thing she would do is lose it or delete it.

“But I don’t have her contact information… I can’t just go and pick it up in her class, can I?”

“How come you don’t know despite being a family member…”

“Please spare me already…”

I’ve been thinking about it a lot too.

I’ve always wondered why she didn’t exchange contact information with me even though we’re family…

But I’m afraid to ask, so I can’t help it.

“For the time being, Kaito-chan go get it from her!”

Then Kisaragi-sensei put her hands on my shoulders.

“Absolutely not!”

Naturally I refused.

If I try to talk to Momoi at school, I don’t know what they will say to me later.

That’s from both Momoi and the other students…

“Kaito-chan, Momoi-san’s birthday is coming up and you haven’t decided on a birthday present yet, have you?”

While the two of us were staring at each other for a little while, Kisaragi-sensei suddenly said something like that.

“Ugh… You can’t blame me. I don’t even know what to buy as a present for a girl…”

I answered honestly.

I know, I know that.

It’s Momoi’s birthday soon.

After all, the three of us are going out together.

I’m not stupid enough to forget about the gift.

However― I don’t know what would make Momoi happy.

I have given a present to a girl once in the past.

It was for Haruka’s birthday. (TLN: For those who don’t remember her, MC got angry for tarnishing her image right in front of him after she transferred schools back in their 2nd-year Middle School days, which led to the “pushing the other classmate down” incident. This explained the overall appearance and attitude of the MC)

I gave Haruka a hair clip for her birthday.

The only reason I was able to give it to her at the time was because she looked at me like she wanted it when I went out with her.

Right now, I don’t even know what Momoi would want.

I’m sure she’ll be happy with a light novel or something… But I don’t think that’s the best birthday present for a girl.

Which is why, I was in a pinch.

“I’ll show you to a good restaurant that I recommend to you, Kaito-chan! However, I still think it’s better that Kaito-chan chooses the present, so you should do your best from there. But in exchange of telling you―”

“You want me to get the program from Momoi, right…?”


I interrupted Kisaragi-sensei to ask, and she nodded with a very nice smile.

Well, that’s right… I can trust this teacher’s recommendation.

Surprisingly, this clumsy teacher has a very good sense of fashion.

―Yes, so much, that I think she made a mistake in choosing her profession…

Which is why, I’m sure she’ll be able to find something that will please Momoi.

…There’s no helping it…

This is also to please Momoi…

“I understand, I’ll go then…”

“Yay! Then, take care~!”

I was sent off to Momoi’s classroom by the clumsy teacher’s carefree voice―

Why am I….

―And of course, I was not satisfied with the unreasonable development of the situation.