
“Eh, what is…?”

When I came to Momoi’s class and approached a girl who seemed to be Momoi’s classmate, she gave me a very suspicious look.

…It’s been a while since I’ve felt this stare.

Now, no one in my class looks at me the way they look at this weird guy anymore.

On the contrary, they look at me with fear because of the blonde gal.

…Although, I haven’t done anything wrong though…

With this in mind, let’s quickly finish our business and leave.

“Is Momoi-san here…?”

“Eh… are you confessing? …Sorry, I don’t want to say this but, please don’t do it.”

When I asked if Momoi was there, the girl looked at me with pity.

…When did anyone even say something about a confession…

Even if they don’t look at me like that, I’m the most aware of the fact that I’m not good enough for Momoi…

In fact, the reason why she’s taking advantage of me is because I’m her family…

“It’s not like that. It’s just, I have some errands to run.”

I was tempted to complain, but as usual I’m not good with new people, so I answered by saying that.

“Ah, yes, yes, that’s right. You say it isn’t a confession, so you just called it an errand.”

The girl in front of me then patted me on the shoulder with a disappointed look on her face. 

…Can I lose my temper now…?

Listen to me properly…

“That’s why―”

“He’s here for me, isn’t he? You can leave the rest to me.”

“Ah― Momoi-san…”

As I was about to tell Momoi again that I had an errand for her, she emerged from the class.

I thanked Momoi.

I was almost about to lash out at this girl.

…Hold up…?

When did I become such a person…?

I would never have and could never have lashed out at someone I just met, right…?

Well, now is not the time to worry about that, it would be better for me to leave here as soon as possible.


“Oi, it’s that guy, right?”

“Have you finally come to mess with her sister…?”

“Shh―! If you say anything strange to him, you’ll just make an enemy of Saijo-san!”

“Hey, hey, you think this is a confession?”

“I’m sure it is. That’s why he wants to see Momoi-san.”

“Even though he already has Saijo-san?”

“If you put it that way, there’s also Momoi-san’s imouto.”

―The whole class was looking at us because Momoi appeared in front of me.

I had expected this― Well, it’s only just very curious gazes…

For the time being, I don’t care about the clumsy teacher anymore, can I go home?

I’ve said many times before that I don’t like to be the center of attention…

In that case, it would have been better for me to stay as a loner…

I was very tired of all the eyes on me.

“―Let’s bring this talk somewhere else.”

I’m not sure if Momoi noticed that I didn’t like it, but she offered me a helping hand.

I nodded and left the class with Momoi.

“Oi, do you want to follow them?”

“That’s right… I’m curious about them…”

As soon as we left the class, I heard such a conversation.

Those guys…

I’m so irritated at Momoi’s classmates.

It’s really annoying that these people can be found anywhere.

Don’t you guys understand how rude it is to listen in on other people’s conversations?

“―Would you mind not following us?”

Looking towards the direction of the voice, Momoi was glaring at her classmates with eyes that contained a coldness like absolute zero.

…I’m scared…

I trembled despite the fact that the gaze was not directed at me.

Naturally, Momoi’s classmates paled and rushed back to class.

“I’m sorry for that, UmiKai-kun…”

When her classmates were gone, Momoi apologized to me with an apologetic look in her eyes.

She’s really a different person when she’s alone with me…

With this in mind, I reply to Momoi.

“No, it’s not your fault. It’s their fault.”

When I said that, Momoi laughed as if she was troubled.

I’m sure Momoi thinks it’s her fault, even though I already told her it’s not.

…Really…you’re not the one at fault here…

Those at fault are the ones who follow Momoi around out of curiosity.

There is nothing for Momoi to worry about.

…She’s been having a hard time at school for a long time already without me knowing about it…

Just because I came earlier, that many eyes were on Momoi as well.

Normally, it would be hard to resist, but Momoi has put on a mask of cold-heartedness to endure it.

―Somehow, I wanted to make sure that this person could have a peaceful life.

However, the peace on my side is being lost…

I felt indescribable, and looked at Momoi.

Momoi’s troubled smile is gone, and it looks like she’s trying to hold back a smile, forcing herself to make a serious face.

I continued walking, tilting my head at Momoi’s expression―.

“―So, what happened?”

Momoi asked me as we moved to the back of the gym.

However, I want to know why we came to the back of the gym.

Moreover, I want to hear what the reason was for taking the long way around.

…We didn’t need to travel this far…

Although I’ve been thinking about it for a while, I’ve never been able to say anything about it because Momoi seemed to be enjoying it, although she wasn’t smiling.

“I want you to return the flashdrive one with the program in it that I handed you before. I’m in urgent need of it.”

I said, and held out my right hand to Momoi.


Momoi followed my words and took it out of her skirt pocket and handed it to me.

…That skirt… it had pockets in it…

It’s not important, but I reacted to it because I didn’t know it had one.

“Thank you―that’s all I have to say.”

When I said that and tried to nip back at his heels.

“Eh… that’s all…? You’re leaving already…?

―Momoi said with a sad voice.

I stopped at the sound of her voice and looked back at Momoi.

Momoi had the same sad expression as her voice.

…Eh, why does she look so lonely?

As always, I couldn’t understand the subtleties of Momoi’s emotions.

Perhaps it’s because she doesn’t have anyone to talk to casually, let alone isolate herself from her classmates.

So maybe she wants to have some more conversations with me, who she can talk to quite easily nowadays…

…Yeah, that makes sense…

I concluded that, I went to Momoi’s side and sat down like I did when I had lunch with Saijo before.

If Momoi wants someone to talk to, I’m willing to spend the entire lunch break with her.

…I’m going to miss lunch but― I’ll make that grudge up to that clumsy teacher later.


Momoi sat down beside me on the stairs as I entered the gym, looking very happy.

I was impressed that she put a handkerchief underneath herself before she sat down.

At any rate, I thought it was really cute that Momoi sat down so happily just because I stayed to talk to her.

“Ah, by the way, thanks for that program.”

As soon as Momoi sat down beside me, she looked at my right hand and said so.

“Did you use it properly?

“Yeah! I was able to work much faster. Thank you so much for making it for me, it made me very happy.”

Saying that, Momoi smiled.

…I’m sorry, Momoi.

I apologize in my heart to Momoi who had such an innocent smile on her face.

That program that Momoi is so happy about― the clumsy teacher turned it into a piece of garbage of data…

That person… is a real pain in the ass…

In the meantime, I’m afraid that if I don’t do something about her spoiled guts, she’s going to do something irreversible…

I’m sure you all can understand now why I’ve been avoiding that clumsy teacher.

She’s really spoiled and annoying…

I smiled back at Momoi as I thought about it.

“I’m glad you said that. So, have you been able to make others use it as well?”

I asked Momoi, even though I thought I was being mean.

“Of course I did! Everyone was happy to use it!”

Momoi stuttered a little, but then smiled.

This person is really …….

I was dumbfounded by Momoi, but I couldn’t ask her any more questions than I already had.

If I ask her, she’ll ask back how I know about it.

Well, I’ll let Momoi do what she wants for now.

But, if she starts to stay outside late at night again, I’ll complain to her by then.

For now, since I can talk to Momoi at school, I want to have a pleasant conversation.

I concluded that, and Momoi and I talked about our favorite light novels until the lunch break ended.

…It goes without saying, I gave the clumsy teacher a lecture afterwards―.