“Don’t ever let that girl come into our home again while I’m gone!”

SakiHime, who’s going to attend the student council training camp for three days and two nights starting from today, is nagging me with her large luggage behind her back.

She’s been like this ever since she woke up this morning.

After being lectured so much yesterday, this was a depressing way to start the morning.

“I understand already. You’re going to be late for the meeting, so get going now.”

“Mouu~.., you didn’t need to try to get rid of me like that… I’m going to be gone for a little while today…”

SakiHime said, and looked up at me with a sultry look on her face.

I think it’s cute that her face is puffed up and childish.

I also got the urge to poke her puffy cheeks.

Well, I would never do that because it would make SakiHime even more angry…

“Ah― I’ve got to go, I’m going to be late! Let me tell you one last thing, if you take advantage of my absence and touch Sakura, I will give you a terrible time! Well then, I’m off!”

SakiHime said one last thing and left the house.

There’s no way I’m laying my hands on Sakura-chan…

I like Sakura-chan, but only as a younger sister, and unfortunately I do not have the sexual proclivities to lust after a younger sister.

“And off she goes…”

Sakura-chan muttered sadly as SakiHime disappeared.

She seems to be a very sweet girl once you get to know her, so she must be sad to see SakiHime go.

Or rather, three days starting today― until, the third day, SakiHime will come back, so it’ll be just me and Sakura-chan at home for a little while…

…Yeah, I’m not exactly sure but, if you think about it, isn’t this dangerous…?

Even though Sakura-chan looks like an elementary school student (except for her chest), she and I are only one year apart in age.

And although we are siblings, we are not actually related by blood.

From today onwards, the two of us will be living alone together for a little while.

This is out of character for the people around us, isn’t it…?

W-well, just as long as we don’t make any mistakes!

I conclude that, and decide not to think about it anymore.

In any case, I can only look forward to a life alone with Sakura-chan.

Because it’s just the two of us with this angelic girl, you know?

I don’t have SakiHime, who’s been pushing me all over the place lately, so I’ll be able to just keep getting a healing treatment from Sakura-chan.

“Onii-chan, Sakura, there’s a place I want to go!”

Sakura-chan suddenly tugged on the sleeve of my dress and said with a big smile.

“Yeah, where do you want to go?”

I smiled back at her as well.

Just from Sakura-chan’s smile alone, my face almost breaks out into a sloppy grin.

“W-well… you see….”

Sakura-chan looked a little embarrassed and faltered in her speech.

Where does she want to go if she’s so shy?

But if Sakura-chan wants me to come along, even if it’s the other end of the world, I’ll take her there.

As soon as I made up my mind that I would listen to whatever my little sister wanted, Sakura-chan opened her mouth as if she had made up her mind.

“You see― Sakura wants to go to a place called Akiba!”


―The place where Sakura-chan said she wanted to go was a place that was said to be a sanctuary for an otaku.

I’m not a fan of crowds, so I’ve never been to Akiba, no matter how much of an otaku I am.

Still though, why would this girl want to go to a place like that…?

I had an indescribable uneasiness, but there was no way I could refuse my cute little sister’s request, so I made up my mind to go to Akiba with her―.