Right now, I was waiting in the living room for Sakura-chan.

Sakura-chan had gone to change her clothes because we were going out together.

I also changed into my going-out clothes, but I was able to get ready faster than Sakura-chan, who is a girl.

Since I was going out with Sakura-chan, I thought I would ask Kisaragi-sensei to set my hair like before, but she just said, ‘Sakura knows that you are cool, so you don’t have to go and get your hair set.’

When she said those words with a smiling face, I thought ‘Is she really an angel?’

Sakura-chan, who doesn’t care about other people’s looks, is a truly admirable human being.

W-well, I know that people who don’t care about their looks are no good, so I don’t mean to put myself on the shelf.

But I was still very happy to hear her say that the way I am now is fine.

…Right now, I’m very concerned about what people think of me, but in the past, I’ve given advice to two girls who were bullied because of their distinctive looks: ‘Don’t worry about what people think about it.’

Yeah, from where I stand now, I’d say, ‘Who are you to talk like that?’

My cousin, who was cute, went off in a strange direction because of the nonsense I said at that time when she was still young…

And because I’ve been praising her for it for so long, it’s gotten to the point where there’s no turning back…

The other one is Haruka, who I met in elementary school―when I met her again in middle school, she never talked about it again, so I’m sure she doesn’t remember. [TLN: People might’ve forgotten again, anyways, she’s the one Kaito protected during their middle school years.]

Haruka was characterized by her beautiful bell-like voice, but she also seemed to have light pigmentation in her hair, and her natural hair was cream-colored.

Because of this, Haruka was bullied by her classmates in elementary school.

She was crying because she didn’t like the color of her hair, and I told her that she had beautiful hair that was different from other people’s, and that she should grow it out with confidence.

But I didn’t say those words to encourage Haruka.

Haruka’s hair color was really beautiful, and I thought she was a very pretty girl when I first met her.

Perhaps the boys who were tormenting her were doing it out of their own adolescent feelings of tormenting the girl they love.

The next time they see Haruka again, they’ll realize that she’s actually a very pretty girl. 

The next time I saw Haruka was when we went to the same middle school together, but she had long hair instead of short hair when I met her before, so maybe she believed me.

The reason why I became friends with Haruka was because I was teaching her how to study, but since she never once brought up that incident in elementary school, I guess she either forgot or didn’t realize it was me.

I only remembered Haruka because she had a distinctive hair color.

But even in middle school, many of my classmates called Haruka a “light girl” because of the color of her hair.

She was very concerned about that.

At the time, Haruka’s friends from elementary school and I covered for her, but she transferred to another school on her own…

I hope the new school doesn’t mess with her hair again…

“―Onii-chan… how is it…?”

As I was reminiscing about the past, Sakura-chan called out to me, sounding a little bit embarrassed.

She probably wanted my opinion on whether the clothes looked good on her or not.

I think Sakura-chan would look cute no matter what kind of clothes she wears.

I looked at Sakura-chan with that thought in my mind and stumbled over my words.

Go-gothic Lolita clothes…?

She was currently wearing a black and white outfit that looked like a maid’s outfit at first glance.

There is a large black ribbon attached to her chest, making it look like two pieces of black and white clothing overlap.

The short black dress had a frilly cut at the end, with a long-sleeved white dress coming out from underneath.

And the white dress also had frilly cut edges.

The pink frilly dress Sakura-chan wore before had a childish look to it, but this time it was a perfect gothic lolita outfit.

But Sakura-chan’s short stature and her very pretty young face, all in all, made it look good on her.

And now Sakura-chan is aware that she is wearing a gothic lolita outfit. When I looked at Sakura-chan, she turned her head down and looked very uncomfortable.

N-not good… she’s too cute…

Naturally, I couldn’t hide my excitement at Sakura-chan.

Or rather, there’s no way for an older brother not to get excited when his cute little sister, who always has an angelic smile on her face, wears clothes like this.

“I-is it weird…?”

As I silently looked at Sakura-chan, she turned her head and asked me in a voice that sounded like she was about to cry.

I think I made her think that her clothes didn’t look good on her because I didn’t show any reaction.

“No… it’s very cute.”

When I told her that, she looked up at me.

Her eyes were sparkling.


“Yes, it’s true. I mean, I think you’d look cute in any outfit, Sakura-chan.”

“I-is that so…?”

When I complimented Sakura-chan and told her how I honestly felt, she smiled happily and went “Ehehe…”

I nodded with a smile at her words.

I think such a cute girl would look really good in any kind of clothes.

“But this is the first time for you to wear gothic lolita, right? Did you always like that kind of clothing?”

“Hmmm, I like these very cute clothes, but I was hesitant to buy and wear them. But I thought Onii-chan would be happy to wear these clothes, so I bought them!”

Sakura-chan said so with a lovely smile on her face.

…Yeah, I knew this girl was an angel!

She’s a really good girl who went out of her way to buy and wear a very expensive gothic lolita outfit for me!

Wait, Sakura-chan had the money to but this. 

…I’m sure that my father has been spending a lot of his savings on our cute little Sakura-chan…

He doesn’t give me a lot of allowance, but he does seem to have a lot of money.

Well, I make my own money, so that’s fine…

But I’m still a little confused about it.

I mean, doesn’t Sakura-chan know what I like…?

I don’t think I’ve told Sakura-chan much about what I like, but is she aware that otaku in general like loli girls?

If so, that’s fine, but I’m a little nervous that she might be aware of my sexual preferences as well, she doesn’t know, right…?

“Well then Onii-chan, let’s go!”

Sakura-chan then held my right hand with her left hand and hugged me.

Like a hail of bullets, Sakura-chan’s plump br**sts hit my right hand, and the puffy feeling was pleasant.

…I knew she was going to hug me…

I’m still not used to the feeling of br**sts, and I’m embarrassed about it, but I wasn’t that upset because I expected Sakura-chan to hug me.

Sakura-chan was carrying a large handbag in her right hand.

I wondered why she was carrying such a large handbag today when she usually carried a small pouch.

“Sakura-chan, what’s in that handbag?”

I was curious, so I asked Sakura-chan about it.

“Ehehe… it’s a secret!”

Sakura-chan said with a mischievous smile, then quickly hid her handbag behind her body so that I couldn’t see it.

The way she acted, I don’t think she would make me hold it even if I asked her to.

Just what exactly is she bringing with her…?

Not knowing what was inside the bag that Sakura-chan was carrying or why she wanted to go to Akiba, I tilted my head and left the house with her―.