―I was standing alone on the usually busy streets of Akiba.

…Even though I’m by myself, there are a lot of people here. 

Yeah, I mean like, there are a lot of people here.

Having said that― my little angelic sister isn’t here.

But that doesn’t mean that she’s lost.

I know how directionless she is, so I’ve never let her out of my sight.

But you can’t just follow her when she’s out picking flowers, can you?

Besides, I have a plan in place for when we get separated.

Before going out this time, I put an app on Sakura-chan’s phone that allows us to find each other’s location through GPS that’s been installed on our cellphones..

…I didn’t just put it in without permission, okay?

I’ve gotten Sakura-chan’s approval, okay?

And if Sakura-chan decided to go out with a man, I wouldn’t use it to follow her, okay?

……….It’s true, okay?          [EDN: sus]

“Onii-chan, I’m back!”

As I was talking to myself in my brain, I heard Sakura-chan’s cheerful voice.

It’s just that the people around me are starting to get agitated by Sakura-chan’s appearance.

I wondered what was going on.

When I turned around―――I saw an elementary school student there.

Moreover, it is a two-dimensional elementary school student.

“Could it be Mana-chan!?”

The moment I saw the girl, I was so surprised that I called out her name.


The girl smiled and nodded in response to my question.

Mana-chan― the main heroine who apprenticed herself to the main character in “Ryuuou no Shogi”, which I love to read. [TLN: Definitely not “Ryuuou no Oshigoto” kek.]

It’s not that Mana-chan was right in front of me― but rather, Sakura-chan, who was cosplaying just like Mana-chan.

Sakura-chan’s hair, which is usually tied up at the top of her head like a bun, was now tied up at the bottom of her head.

She was wearing Mana-chan’s trademark white hat, and her clothes were the same cute white and dark blue that Mana-chan wore in the original story.

“The reason I wanted to come to Akiba today was so that Onii-chan could see me in this cosplay! I heard that there are a lot of cosplayers in Akiba, so I thought I could play with my brother in this outfit! And the hat is a bit different, but the outfit was made by Sakura!”

Sakura-chan spun around with her hands out as if to show off her cosplay costume, and said this while looking up at me with a smiling face.

“Oh, you made it yourself?”

I asked in surprise, and Sakura-chan nodded happily.

The contents of that handbag contained this cosplay costume!

And isn’t it amazing that it was handmade!?

Oh no, what should I do!?

She’s too cute!

I held my mouth and turned away from Sakura-chan because of how cute she was.

“How is it…? I was wondering if Onii-chan would be happy with this…?”

Sakura-chan asked me in an anxious voice because I immediately turned my face away from her because she was so cute.

“Ah, I’m sorry, it’s because you’re so cute It was as if Mana-chan had really jumped out of 2D!”

I replied, and Sakura-chan smiled back and hugged me in her arms.

…Oh no…!

Am I being hugged by Mana-chan right now!?

I was so moved by the experience that I could only see Sakura-chan as Mana-chan because of her cosplay.

Then I heard the sound of a camera shutter clicking. I heard the sound of a camera shutter being clicked loudly.

Sakura-chan and I were startled by the sound and looked around.

We were surrounded by people, probably otakus, who were taking a lot of pictures of us.

Well, it’s mainly Sakura-chan who is being photographed…


Sakura-chan clung to me with a frightened, almost crying expression at what had happened.

“Um―! This girl is not a cosplayer, so please don’t take her picture!”

I hugged Sakura-chan, covering her so that her picture would not be taken, and called out to the others.

“What are you talking about? She’s a cosplayer, she’s a liar!”

“Yes, that’s right! Let me take a picture of her!”

“I want to touch Mana-chan too!”

But my voice was easily muffled by the voices around me.

Kuh― Why are these people so excited!?

Are the otaku of Akiba this outrageous!?

I mean, even if she was a cosplayer, touching her is strictly forbidden!

―They are probably excited to see Sakura-chan, who looks like she just stepped out of the 2D world.

The novel has been made into an anime, and it’s really popular.

I just feel sorry for Sakura-chan, she’s so scared!

Even if she tries to escape, she’ll be surrounded by other otaku since she’s in the middle of Akiba…

What should I do…?

“I wish men would just die―!”


As I was trying to figure out how to get out of this situation, I heard a scream coming from the part of the room where the otakus were surrounding us.

And instead of stopping, the screams were getting louder and louder.

“Disappear, disappear, disappear―! Men should just disappear―!”

And mixed in with the screams of the otakus was the voice of a girl with a high-pitched voice.

The words were even quite disturbing too.

“R-Run! You’ll get killed!”

“A street demon! There’s a street demon!”

With someone’s words as a signal, all the otakus disappeared like a spider.

Then there was a girl, not much taller than Sakura-chan, standing there with a wooden stick that resembled a naginata.

The girl was a foreigner with silver hair and had cat’s ears― a lovely face that was still young.

…Why would such a young girl have such a thing that is so dangerous…?

And the silver hair is probably because she is a foreigner, but why the cat ears…?

And with such a cute face, why was she shouting such disturbing words…?

Or rather, for a foreigner, she speaks very fluent Japanese.

I had so many questions running through my head because of what had happened.

“Good grief! What’s with the sudden outburst?”

While I was looking at the silver-haired girl, a woman I recognized appeared.

―She was Alice-san’s escort.

So that means―

I looked in the direction the woman had come from.

And there was a blonde girl, Alice-san― walking in a languid manner.


“…Kai…? What a… rare place to meet…?”

When I called out Alice-san’s name, she looked surprised.

I’m sure she’s surprised that I’m in Akiba, where there are a lot of people, since I’m not good with people’s gazes― but I’m also surprised that Alice is in the holy land of otakus.

“It’s those men’s fault! I did the right thing!”

Beside me and Alice-san, the silver-haired girl from earlier was buzzing her hands at Alice-san’s escort and making some excuse.

…No, for whatever reason, you can’t just use a wooden stick that looks like a cleaver to cleave people, okay…?

I thought about the silver haired girl’s excuse.

Of course, the escort said the exact same thing as me.

It’s just― she saved our lives, so we might as well defend her a bit.

…And if you don’t leave here right away, the police might come…

As I was about to join the conversation between the silver-haired girl and the escort― Alice-san tugged on the sleeve of my clothes.

“You should not do this… okay…? You’re going to be… attacked by a walking cat-eared bomb, you know? Besides―”

For some reason, Alice said that the silver-haired girl would attack me if I spoke to her, and she turned her gaze to the side of the silver-haired girl.

I followed her gaze and looked in that direction― Sakura-chan was walking up to the side of them.

“U-Umm…! Thank you very much! I was so scared, so thank you for your help!”

Sakura-chan thanked the silver-haired girl and bowed her head.

The silver-haired girl honeycombed Sakura-chan as if she was embarrassed.

“No, no, it’s okay! Those men were an eyesore, so I just cleaved them out!”

The silver-haired girl said to Sakura-chan with a smile.

No, yeah, you saved me a lot of trouble, but… no matter how much of an eyesore they are, don’t just cleave them off, okay?

I tweaked what she said in my mind.

I knew why Alice-san had stopped me because of what she had said earlier.

This girl probably hates men.

In short, if I had spoken to her, there’s a good chance I would have been subjected to the same fate as those otakus.

…Why are all of Alice-san’s acquaintances so disturbing…?

I looked at her and saw that she had gone to her escort.

“Later… Alice will tell you… Don’t interrupt them now…”

At Alice-san’s words, the escort bowed her head as if to say, “Understood.”

Do not interfere…?

Ah― It’s because Sakura-chan and the others are having a conversation right now.

Sakura-chan and the silver haired girl were currently having a conversation with a happy smile on their faces.

“―But it’s great! It’s really cute, just like Mana-chan!”

“Ehehe~―Is that so? I’m very happy to hear you say that.”

…Looking at it this way, it’s nice to see two lolis talking to each other in a friendly way…

“Smiling Venomous Tongue.”



As I was watching the two lolis smiling at each other, for some reason, Alice-san’s escort hit me on the head. 

“Why did you just hit me!?”

“Because… Kai looked like a criminal…”

When I complained to the escort, Alice-san said in a bad mood.

Eh, did I look like that!?

That’s why Alice-san is so angry!

But no violence is needed, okay!?

“…Do you… want another one…?”

Alice-san asked me, tilting her head.

“No thanks!”

I said quickly and bowed my head.

It’s not unreasonable, but if I say anything back, I’ll be attacked mercilessly.

“My name is Sakura Momoi. Nice to meet you!”

“I’m Camille von Lorraine! It’s nice to meet you too!”

Sakura-chan and the others started to introduce themselves, while we were having this exchange.


So she’s an aristocrat?

“The walking cat-eared bomb… is a first year… student at Alice’s school. Since elementary… she has… been attending the same school as… Alice and the others for some reason… German aristocrat… Today, the… walking cat ear bomb wanted to… come to Akiba…”

When I tilted my head and looked at Lorraine-chan, Alice-san explained to me that.

This girl is also a high school student…?

Aren’t there too many high school girls who look like lolis? 

…But the cat ears― they’re so cute…

“Smiling Venomous Tongue.”


“―Ouch! …Another one!?”

As I was looking at Lorraine-chan, I was hit on the head by the escort in the same way as before.

Moreover, her head slaps are very painful!

I was annoyed the second time, but―

“Apparently Kai… needs more punishment…”

“It seems so.”

“N-No, that’s enough!”

―I quickly bowed my head, losing to the pressure of Alice-san, who was getting even more grumpy, and the escort, who was smiling and sizzling closer.

After that, we parted ways with Alice-san and the others, who seemed to be tired and ready to go home, and we wandered around the streets of Akiba.

It’s a shame, of course, that Sakura-chan had to go back to her gothic lolita outfit.

…However, even though she didn’t get her picture taken, she still got the same amount of attention.