After enjoying Akiba, we went straight to a cafe to have dinner and came back home.

It was the first time we went to a maid cafe in Akiba― the maid cafe we went to was not a place that offered the commonly known “moe moe kyuun” service, but just a place where the waitresses dressed up as maids and served us.

However, Sakura-chan really enjoyed the cute service, such as waffles cut into clover shapes and beautifully arranged with cream, or having a cat drawn on her cappuccino.

Sakura-chan’s eyes lit up as she looked at the maids’ maid uniforms, so we might be able to see Sakura-chan’s own maid cosplay instead of renting one like before.

Besides, it would be awkward to go into a real maid cafe with Sakura-chan, so I’m glad we went there today instead.

Ah― but today’s Sakura-chan cosplay and the gothic lolita outfit Sakura-chan wore were both really cute…


“Hmm, what’s wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

As I was thinking about Sakura-chan today, Sakura-chan was sitting next to me watching TV and smiling happily.

The program I was watching was a comedy show, so she must have been laughing at the comedian’s jokes.

I’m also watching TV, but not that intently.

It’s because today― for the first time in a very long time, I’m having a good time talking with Hanahime-chan.

She replied to me quickly, as if it was a lie that we hadn’t heard from each other in a while.

Or rather, it’s too fast.

She replied in less than two minutes after I sent it, and we’ve been talking for about an hour now.

“―Onii-chan, who are you communicating with all this time? Is it Kirara-senpai?”

Sakura-chan asked me, looking up at me, probably because of the noisy notifications from earlier.

“No, it’s not her. The girl I’m in contact with is a friend of mine from middle school.”

In fact, I’ve known Hanahime-chan since middle school, so I wasn’t lying.

I wasn’t trying to look good.

“I see…”

When Sakura-chan heard my words, she muttered and turned her gaze back to the TV.

And then― for some reason, she put her head on my arm and leaned against me.


“Can I stay like this for a while…?”

When I looked at Sakura-chan, who was suddenly leaning on me, I saw her looking up at me.

She’s too cute…!

“Yeah, you can do that as much as you want.”

I smiled and replied to Sakura-chan who suddenly started wanting to be indulged with.

I guess she’s feeling lonely because SakiHime isn’t here, so she’s taking advantage of me.

Maybe she wanted to put her head on my shoulder, but I think she couldn’t because of the height difference.

If Sakihime did the same thing to me, my heart would be pounding so hard, but when Sakura-chan does it, it’s very comforting.

Today, I’m getting a lot of replies from Hanahime-chan, and Sakura-chan is really cute, so it’s been a really good day…

In the meantime, Hanahime-chan and I continue to exchange messages.

“Yes, yes, so how are things going with your sisters lately? (*´▽`*)”

When we had finished talking about the latest light novel, Hanahime-chan asked me about Sakihime and her sister.

She’s a very caring girl, and I’m sure she’s concerned about my environment.

“Lately, I’ve been getting along well with my sisters.”

“Oh! As expected of you, Umi-kun! (^^♪ By the way, which one of them do you get along with better? (/・ω・)/”

Which one do I get along with better…?

Who is it?

I’ve been with Sakihime since I got home, but until summer vacation, I go to and from school with Sakura-chan, and I’m also with Sakura-chan during lunch break.

Besides, I feel most comfortable when I’m with Sakura-chan…

When I’m with Sakihime, my heart is pounding so hard it’s rather difficult.

“The little sister.” [TLN: Oh boy, you messed up once again.]

I thought Sakura-chan was a better friend for me, so I replied that.

And then― even after fifteen minutes or so, Hanahime-chan didn’t reply.

…What’s going on?

Well, I suppose she doesn’t have a lot of time on her hands, so she must be running some errands.

As soon as I concluded that, Hanahime-chan replied to me.

“T-Then, the little sister is cute too? (^^)/”


It sounds like she’s upset.

But since the emoticon is a smile, and since Hanahime-chan wouldn’t have been upset by the earlier exchange, I guess she didn’t realize that she just typed it wrong.

“Yes, that’s right. The little sister is as cute as an angel.”

I was afraid that if I wrote “angel,” she would think I was a crazy siscon, but she really is as cute as an angel, so I wrote what I really felt, partly because she was Hanahime-chan.

Then― even after an hour, no reply came in.

It was still 8pm, but she might have fallen asleep or gone to take a bath or something.


As I was trying to concentrate on the TV since Hanahime-chan hadn’t replied, the intercom rang.

“Eh, a visitor at this hour?”

Sakura-chan wondered as she tried to get up.

I restrained her with my hand.

People who come at this time of night are not necessarily suspicious people.

It would be better for me to answer, just in case.

However, our house is equipped with a monitor, so if it’s someone strange, I’ll know immediately―.

So I looked at the monitor and saw Kirara’s image on it―.