
Rin-chan, who was taking care of Onii-chan who had fallen asleep after eating Onee-chan’s food, was looking at Onii-chan’s sleeping face with concern.

Sakura was staring not at Onii-chan’s face, but at Rin-chan’s.

The color she saw on Rin-chan’s face was the color of kindness, love, and compassion.

I think Rin-chan really likes Onii-chan, and feels happy to be with him, and also worries about Onii-chan’s collapse.

But― the color of the blur that Rin-chan wears around her body is black.

Unlike the white color that Onii-chan and Onee-chan wear, black represents a bad person.

So Rin-chan is a bad person.

But from the emotions I saw in Rin-chan when I came here today, she doesn’t seem like a bad person.

The emotions Sakura saw in Onee-chan were terrible, but it was just jealousy.

It was a feeling that Sakura also had, so even if it was to a different degree, it didn’t make her seem like a bad person.

And yesterday, when Rin-chan was the first to admit defeat in the cooking battle, she didn’t lie.

She was truly admitting her mistake and was willing to give Sakura the win.

That’s why Sakura asked her to call it a draw.

I thought it would be a pity to take Onii-chan because Rin-chan didn’t seem like a bad person, and I also thought that even if Rin-chan was a bad person, maybe Rin-chan would change her mind and change the decision to a good person.

But― even though Rin-chan honestly acknowledged what Sakura had said, she was still judged as a bad person.

Onii-chan doesn’t show it in his gestures, but in his heart he’s scared of Rin-chan, but Sakura knows that he cares for her.

That’s why she doesn’t think that the girl Onii-chan cares about is a bad girl.

She’s also Sakura’s cousin, so Sakura wants to be friends with her.

For that reason, Sakura wanted to know why she was being judged as a bad person.

Fortunately, Rin-chan seems to like cosplay as much as Sakura does, so we have something to talk about.

I wanted to do my best to get to know Rin-chan.

“You look cute in your cosplay today.”

Sakura tried to talk to Rin-chan as she replaced the towel on Onii-chan’s forehead with a new wet and wrung out towel.

Rin-chan looks at Sakura for a moment and then goes back to her work.

But she responds to Sakura’s words.

“It’s not often that I get the chance to be seen by Onii-sama. That’s why I’m wearing a cosplay costume that I’m very proud of, so it’s only natural that I look pretty.”

Rin-chan replied as if it was only natural.

Rin-chan was right, the current cosplay costume suited Rin-chan greatly and was very cute.

The cosplay that Rin-chan is wearing today is of a character named Anko, a magical girl who fights against an enemy called a witch in a manga that Onii-chan has.

Anko-chan had red hair in a ponytail, but Rin-chan had pink hair, so she wore her hair in a pink ponytail.

She was also wearing the same red outfit as Anko-chan, with a glass accessory that looked like a ruby on her open chest.

Rin-chan has large breasts, so I wondered if she wouldn’t be embarrassed to open her chest. But she didn’t seem to be embarrassed.

Rather, she seems to want Onii-chan to see her, and is disappointed that Onii-chan doesn’t wake up.

“Sakura, too, has made cosplay costumes to wear!”

“H-Hee~… is that so…”

When Sakura mentioned that she also wore cosplay costumes, Rin-chan just brushed it off with an indifferent attitude.

But it seemed that she was just acting like she wasn’t interested, and Sakura could tell that she was very interested.

“For example― this one!”

Sakura showed her phone a picture of a cosplay costume she had just made.

It was a cosplay costume of Onii-chan’s favorite cat character that she was going to wear next.

Rin-chan’s eyes lit up when she saw Sakura’s smartphone screen.

“That’s amazing… Did you make this by hand?”

“Un! I worked really hard on it!”

“…By the way, do you have any other pictures of the cosplay costumes you made?”

As Sakura had expected, Rin-chan was interested in the topic of cosplay costumes.

“Sakura had just created a cosplay costume, so she only had one more to make, but―oh, here it is!”

Sakura said, showing Rin-chan her Mana-chan cosplay from “Ryuo no Shougi”, which she had taken a picture of when she played with Onii-chan the other day.

Then Rin-chan put her hands on her cheeks and her eyes lit up again.

“Wow… it’s like you’re the real Mana-chan…!”

Rin-chan also seemed to know about Mana-chan.

Rin-chan looked at the image intently.

“I don’t agree with approaching Onii-sama― but you seem to have a lot of potential, unlike the rest of us. In fact, there’s a cosplay I made for you before, even though I knew I couldn’t wear it myself. It may need some adjustment in the chest area, but when Onii-sama is well again, would you like to try it on?”

“Eh, you don’t mind?”

“Yes, I’d like to see it myself, so yes”.

When I said this, Rin-chan smiled at Sakura for the first time since we arrived.

“Ah… un!”

Sakura was happy to hear that, and smiled back at Rin-chan.

But―the blur that Rin-chan wore was still black…


“How’s Umikai-kun doing…?”

As Sakura and Rin-chan were talking, Onee-chan came into the room with a sense of trepidation.

Then Rin-chan’s expression changed.

“How dare you go near Onii-sama after feeding him poisonous food? You’re interfering with my care, can’t you go away?”

Rin-chan said and looked at Onee-chan as if she was looking at garbage.

And the look on her face is something like, “I wish you were dead.”

I thought it was… very scary.

I’m not kidding, she really thinks like that.

It’s not like she’s thinking about doing anything to Onee-chan, but she’s not joking about it either.

She really wants Onee-chan to die…


The expression on Rin-chan’s face was scary, but Sakura didn’t want Onee-chan to feel this way, so she tugged on the sleeve of Rin-chan’s dress to get her attention back to Sakura.

“Is this really your older sister? You were a very good cook, and above all, you knew exactly what Onii-sama liked. You didn’t judge me by my looks, and you knew how to talk to me. But― this older sister of yours is the worst kind of person who judges people by their looks, just like any other human being. In fact, she even poisoned Onii-sama. Honestly speaking, she doesn’t deserve to live.”

I don’t remember Onee-chan saying anything about Rin-chan’s appearance, but from the look on Onee-chan’s face, she might have thought so.

It’s true that Onee-chan judges people by their looks.

That’s why she didn’t like Onii-chan at first.

But― I think that’s true for most people.

Because normal people take good care of their appearance, and most people judge that if you don’t look right, then you can’t even take care of yourself.

Sakura can see people’s hearts before they can see their looks, so she doesn’t judge them by their looks.

Earlier, Rin-chan said “Just like any other human being”.  

That’s why Rin-chan doesn’t like people other than Onii-chan.

Maybe― there’s a hint as to why Rin-chan is judged as a bad person…?

“You didn’t have to say anything like that!”

Onee-chan, who had been silently complaining to Onii-chan since yesterday because of her guilt for letting Onii-chan eat her poison, or rather her failed dish― finally got angry when she was told that she was not worth living for.

Awawawa… W-What should I do…?

“What’s that? You’re saying that what I’m saying is wrong? I didn’t say anything about your stupidity of trying to compete with us when you can’t even cook properly. The only thing that pisses me off is the fact that if the dish was a failure, you should have just thrown it away, but you brought it to them hoping that Onii-sama would be kind enough to force himself to eat it!”

“Wha―!? That’s like calling me an idiot for competing with you! And it’s not like I was expecting it or anything!”

“Then why did you bring it to them? You brought it because you were hoping he might eat it, right?”


Onee-chan wasn’t expecting that Onii-chan might eat it, but she brought it because she wanted him to eat what she made too.

But it wasn’t something that could be eaten, and Onee-chan knew that, but she couldn’t throw it away, so she brought it there.

So it’s not like she brought it thinking that Onii-chan would eat it, but Rin-chan, who can’t read other people’s minds, couldn’t help but see it that way, and Onee-chan couldn’t say anything back.

―Sakura thought it would be worse if she didn’t, but she knew Rin-chan a little better than she had in the past two days, so she gave Rin-chan some words to get through this.

“If we fight here, it’ll be too noisy and wake up Onii-chan, so let’s change places.”

Sakura said to Rin-chan, and Rin-chan, who puts Onii-chan’s needs first, obeyed Sakura’s words.

Onee-chan, who also cared about Onii-chan, moved on without saying a word.

Sakura led Onee-chan and the others to the room where their fathers were, and asked them to stop Onee-chan and the others from starting the rematch―.

What should I do… Rin-chan and I seem to be getting along, but Onee-chan seems to be fighting with Rin-chan…

―From there, Sakura was worried about the future―.