“……….What are you doing?”

I was asleep in my futon, and the first thing I said when I woke up was that question.

“Good morning, Onii-sama.”

Rin replied to my question with a cute smile and a cheerful voice.

So I asked her again.

“No, what are you doing?”

“I’m nursing.”

Rin replies in a pleasant voice.

“I see… so this is nursing…”

“Yes, I’m nursing.”


The two of us stare at each other in silence as Rin answers my question by saying she is nursing.

Then I held my head.

“You… where have you found someone sleeping with the person they’re nursing…?”

The reason why I said such a question when I woke up was because Rin was sleeping with me on the futon, arms attached to me.

It was such a surprise that my mind went blank for a moment.

“I thought it was Onii-sama’s dream to have a beautiful girl sleep with him.”

Rin said to me with the same smile as ever.

No, certainly it’s true that I would like to have a beautiful girl sleep with me, and Rin is undoubtedly a beautiful girl― but where have you heard such a person say they are a beautiful girl?

…No, come to think of it, I remember a girl who would say that quite a bit…

But I didn’t want Rin to be that kind of person…

“Or rather, what happened to Sakihime and Sakura-chan?”

I’ve been looking at those two lately, and Sakihime doesn’t seem to allow Rin to sleep with me, and Sakura-chan seems to be worried about me and staying by my side, but I can’t see them.

I was shocked to see that Sakura-chan wasn’t there, let alone Sakihime.

I wondered if they were worried about me.

No, I’m not going to say that I want them to worry about me or anything creepy like that…

“I don’t know about the one who poisoned Onii-sama, but Sakura-san is changing her clothes right now.”

“…Changing her clothes?”

The person who poisoned me, huh…

W-Well… it did have the effect of making you suddenly unconscious, but the poison was pitiful.

…The color was also purple, like poison, but…!


Just now, did she call Sakura-chan “Sakura-san”?

I’m pretty sure she called her “little girl” when I was awake before…?

When did they become friends?

“I thought it was about time for Onii-sama to wake up, so I asked Sakura-san to go change into the clothes I had prepared for her. In the meantime, I slept with Onii-sama and waited for you to wake up.”

“…You really knew I was going to wake up…?”

“Of course! A little sister knows everything there is to know about Onii-sama! It’s a given!”

“No, don’t of course me, I’m afraid that you might be right! And you’re not my little sister, you’re my cousin!”

This girl has always been like this. She’s got some kind of psychic powers, doesn’t she!? 

I didn’t have to tell her the name of the girl I was playing with, she knew who I was playing with, she knew my hobbies, and she even knew I was playing eroge even though I never told her about it!

…Even if she’s just randomly saying when I’m going to wake up, the fact that he knows about eroge and stuff means she’s not snooping on me, right?

Well, Rin entered my house a few years ago, so I don’t think it’s anything to do with batteries or anything― but with this person, you never know what she’s going to do, so it’s not inconceivable that it’s without my knowledge.

When I get home, I’m definitely going to check my room…

“―R-Rin-chaaaan… No matter what, this is just not possible…”

While Rin and I were talking, Sakura-chan sounded like she was about to cry.

What’s wrong with her?

“Don’t worry, Sakura-san! I’m sure they’ll look great on you!”

“I-I’m not happy… to be told I look good in this…”

The one who appeared with such a tearful voice was Sakura-chan― dressed as a kindergartner…!


When I saw Sakura-chan, I froze, unable to speak.

Sakura-chan is currently dressed with a kindergartner uniform, and her eyes are teary with embarrassment.

And even though she looks great dressed as a kindergartner, because of her small stature and young face, her large, and unbalanced breasts make me feel immoral.

Rin you bastard… What a great job you just did…!

“Oh, you’re really awake, Onii-chan― but don’t look!”

Sakura-chan shouted and hid behind the sliding door fusuma, looking embarrassed.

Then she glanced at us, peeking out from behind the sliding door.

I’m not sure what to do… She’s always been as cute as an angel, but now Sakura-chan is several times cuter…!

“How is it, Onii-sama!? Wasn’t my assessment perfect!?”

Rin, who is standing next to me, looks at me as if to say, “Praise me.”

“Well done Rin! As expected of my cousin!”

I was so excited that I praised Rin loudly.


Sakura-chan was watching the exchange between us with a shy look on her face.

“Sakura… is not this young…!”

No, she seemed to be sulking a bit, and instead of her usual smiling face, her cheeks were puffed up like a balloon.

However, her appearance is not scary at all, and she looks even more adorable because she’s so young.

“Sakura-san, it’s a great talent to look good in that costume!”

“I’m not happy at all…!”

Sakura-chan’s eyes tear up even more as Rin looks at Sakura with sparkles in her eyes.

Oh no, Sakura-chan is too precious and I’m going to lose my mind…

But there was one thing that bothered me.

“Hey Rin, when did you become so close to Sakura-chan that you even lent her your cosplay outfit?”

When I asked Rin that, she looked me straight in the eye and opened her mouth.

“It seems that Onii-sama has misunderstood something.”


“Yes. Onii-sama probably thinks I hate all the women around him, right?”

“…Aren’t you? Because you used to drive away all the girls I play with behind my back.”

“That was because they were all lousy people who came by Onii-sama’s looks. I can’t let those people get close to Onii-sama, the supreme being, and defile him! That’s why I was chasing them away!”

Rin explained to me forcefully.

I stared at Rin for a moment and then―

“So, what’s your real intention?”

―Is what I asked her.

“Any woman who comes near Onii-sama will go to hell!”

I’d like to ask what the hell she was talking about earlier, but Rin simply flipped her hand.

Yeah, that’s right…

This is the kind of person she is…

“But is Sakura-chan good?”

When I heard Rin’s true feelings, I returned to my original question.

Rin looked at Sakura-chan, who was still hiding behind the sliding door and glancing at us, and mumbled in a low voice so that only I could hear.

“That woman―she’s mysterious. Even though she is supposed to be a hindrance to Onii-sama. In fact, she even seems to like me.”

Rin replied, tilting her head.

A-As expected of Sakura-chan…

My angel is even liked by this yandere cousin who only sees other than me as an insect… 

“Well, just looking at Sakura-chan is soothing and she’s a cute girl…”

When I told Rin what I thought about Sakura-chan, she shook her head.

“No, that may be part of it― but I think she’s more like Onii-sama.”

“Similar to me? You mean Sakura-chan?”


“…No, she’s the exact opposite, isn’t she?”

First of all, I don’t have to tell you how I look, but I don’t have the same personality either.

I can only study math, while Sakura-chan can study so well that she ranks third in her grade at our school.

In addition, I am good at sports, but Sakura-chan is probably not good at sports…

Ah, no, I’ve heard that she can run away very fast, so maybe she’s actually good at it?

Even Sakihime has the ability to exercise.

But… there’s nothing else that comes to mind when I say they’re similar, right?

“I’m not saying she’s a supreme being like Onii-sama, but she sees things differently than we do― that’s how I feel about her.”


I couldn’t help but fall silent at Rin’s words.

“Well, it’s just my woman’s intuition, but when I talked to her while Onii-sama was sleeping, I thought she might be reading my thoughts.”

“I see…”

I nodded curiously at Rin’s words― but in my mind,

“Rin― you’re too much of a chuunibyou…”, is what I thought―. [TLN: Please don’t tell me I have to explain what “chuunibyou” means. I swear you wouldn’t be reading this far into this series if you don’t know this xD]