
I couldn’t help but sigh at the situation I was in.

“Is there a problem, Onii-sama?”

“Onii-chan, are you okay?”

Because of my sigh, Rin and Sakura-chan looked up at me with a worried look on their faces.

I’m sure they’re good enough to worry about me with just a sigh― but the main reason that I’m sighing is because of them too.

You see―

“Hey, what do you think of that?”

“At the very least, I’m pretty sure that guy’s karma is deep…”

“Hey, isn’t that just a little bit cunning?”

“Eh, no… You like that?”

“No, no, did you look at them properly? Aside from their looks, they’re really cute.”

“Ah… that’s true! …But I don’t think I can handle it…”

“Ah, ah, ah… Minmin’s in a place like this…! And the other one is Mirisu-sama…!” [TLN: Megumin and Aqua-sama]

“It’s true! The smaller one has a slightly different hairstyle, but they’re the heroines from “God’s Celebration On This Amazing World!.” [TLN: Yeah definitely KonoSuba reference here kekw]

“Why are those two hugging that mob character?”

“…Of course, it’s because they are girls you hire to pretend to be your girlfriend!”

“I-I see! Okay, I’m going to sign up now!”

―It’s because we were now the center of attention in the town.

As one would expect from the content of the conversation, the reason for our attention was that Rin and Sakura-chan were cosplaying as some of the characters from “God’s Celebration On This Amazing World!”.

Rin is cosplaying as Mirisu-sama, a kind, gentle, yet mischievous goddess, and Sakura-chan is cosplaying as Minmin, a loli character who only cares about casting special powerful magic, but is actually a very nice and patient girl. [TLN: Aqua and Megumin from KonoSuba]

…Why are these two cosplaying just to go to town to hang out?

And where did those ears go since you guys are getting a lot of reaction from others, but respond immediately to my sigh?

I’m already getting stomach aches from this, you know?

In addition, both of them look great in their cosplays, which is hard to say…

Rin’s eyes are a different color than Mirisu-sama’s, but she looks like Mirisu-sama because she wears a silver hair wig and usually acts like a lady.

Sakura-chan has an eye patch over one eye and is very cute, like the friendly Minmin.

I’m also very happy that Sakura-chan is wearing this cosplay, because my favorite character is Minmin.

…If it weren’t for this situation!

Sakura-chan, I thought you still had some common sense, but why are you even cosplaying in the street!?

―No, I know!

Rin inspired you, didn’t she!?

Perhaps because Rin knew that I would reject her if she was the only one wearing a cosplay, she made Sakura-chan her partner.

And now that I had Sakura-chan on my side, there was no way I could compete with her, so I allowed her to go out and play in cosplay.


As I was pondering over the two of them attracting attention with their cosplay, a small fat man spoke to me.


I responded to the man, but―

“Oh, I’m not here for you, I’m here for that girl.”

―He points to Sakura-chan.

Then Sakura-chan hid behind me.

“Oh… you don’t have to be afraid, okay? I’ll pay you too, I just want you to be my date!”

It seems that this man is the one who said he was going to make an offer.

I didn’t expect the offer to come directly from him, rather than from a website― but I couldn’t let him scare Sakura-chan away.

So when I was about to complain― Rin spoke up before I could.

“Get the hell out of here, you filthy pig!”

The little fat man and I were surprised by his words and looked at Rin’s face.

Rin smiled and continued.

“You’re not the right person to be talking to. You should know your place and get out of here, you despicable pig”.

“Ah… ahh-…”

The man who was disgraced by Rin seemed to be unable to speak properly, perhaps from despair.

I’m so sorry to hear that…

Even though I should have been pissed off about Sakura-chan a while ago, I felt sorry for the man who was subjected to Rin’s vulgar remarks.

It would break anyone’s heart to be told this much.

“Disgraced by Lord Milis…! She even called me a despicable pig…! …..What a great day this has been! What a treat to be rewarded like this!”

…Apparently, he didn’t lose his voice because of despair, but because he was too happy.

You see this a lot in manga and such, but there were really M characters like this…

Even though I’m a fellow otaku, I’m still a bit turned off by this…

Of course, Rin also had a very creepy look on her face.

Sakura-chan was hiding behind me so I couldn’t see her face, but I don’t think she really cared.

She’s probably just scared of this guy.

However, the people around us were naturally shocked, and the looks they gave us were even more painful.

Deciding that it was best not to get involved any further, I left the man in a state of joy and walked away with Rin and Sakura-chan.

However, as misfortune would have it, as soon as I started walking, another problem arose.

“―Ouch, huh!? Ah, my arm’s broken! How are you going to take responsibility for that, huh!?”

Rin had been hit by a strange delinquent-looking boy, and was getting into trouble with her.

No, she didn’t hit her, but she clearly bumped into him from over there…

I didn’t know there were still people who used this old trick… It was a pain in the ass.

“Hey, hey, what’s going on?”

Then a couple of guys walked up behind him.

I froze when I saw the face of one of the men, probably his companion.

“It’s nothing, man! This girl in cosplay just bumped into me and broke my arm!”

“Whaaat~!? That’s a big deal! What are you going to do, Kiri-chan!?”

“I’m going to have to ask for a fee for that, okay!? But money is pathetic, so we’ll let you off the hook if you just hang out with us for a bit.”

The men exaggeratedly acted like this and looked at Rin.

They were probably after Rin from the start.

Rin is a beautiful girl with a pretty face, silver wigs in her hair and odd eyes, so depending on your point of view, she may look like a flashy gal with colored contacts.

I guess that’s why she caught their attention.

It’s just that― the nickname “Kiri-chan” that the guy muttered earlier―.

And although his face has changed a bit because he’s grown since the past, there’s no way I’ll forget this face.


As soon as I saw the face of Kiriyama, who had joined us later, I felt my insides boil over.

I didn’t feel guilty for letting Kiriyama die in the past, but I was filled with anger for some reason.

But perhaps because my face was obscured by my bangs, Kiriyama didn’t even look at me, but shifted his gaze to Sakura-chan, who clung to me like a frightened child.

…No, not Sakura-chan, but Sakura-chan’s breasts.

“Hee~, you’ve got a great body! You should come with us!”

Kiriyama then reached for Sakura-chan’s hand, but I brushed it away.


Kiriyama’s hand was swatted away by me, and he started shooting at me.

“Don’t you dare get carried away!”

Kiriyama’s companion reached out his hand to me, but Kiriyama stopped him.

“You’ve got some nerve, man. If you’re going to fight with me, you must’ve been prepared, right?”

“…You’ve become more of an asshole than ever.”

When I said that, Kiriyama looked at me with a dubious expression on his face.

So I raised my bangs with my own hand so that he could see who I was.

“―! Y-You’re… Kanzaki…!”

When Kiriyama recognized my face, he looked surprised― and then his expression changed to one of hatred.

It seems that the other side had a lot of grudge against me.

Well, it was because of a fight with me that this guy ended up in the hospital, and one wrong move and he would have been dead.

It was a complete backhanded grudge, but I could understand why he hated me.

I don’t know why he’s in a place so far away from our hometown, and I didn’t want to be a part of it, but I won’t forgive him if he messes with my precious things.


However, Kiriyama exhaled deeply, whatever he was thinking, and suddenly smiled at me.

It’s creepy…

“Well, we’ve been through a lot in the past, but it’s behind us now. Let’s let bygones be bygones. And I’m sorry for messing with you.”

Kiriyama said with a smile, put his hand on my shoulder and walked away.

“Ha!? Hey, Kiri-chan!?”

“Oi, oi, what’s going on!?”

As Kiriyama walked away, his two companions hurriedly chased after him.

…What the hell are you doing?

I felt weird about the sudden change in Kiriyama’s attitude.

There was no way that this vindictive man was going to let bygones be bygones.

And just before that, he had shown his hatred towards me.

…This is something I’d better be wary of.

“…Onii-sama, do you know him?”

Rin, who had been quiet earlier, looked up at me.

“No, it’s just a rotten relationship. I was more surprised at Rin’s silence. You’re actually scared of him, aren’t you?”

“No, I was just trying to get this out.”

When I asked Rin what she genuinely thought, she shook her head and showed me something.

“…A stun gun…?”

“Yes, it took me a while to get this out… It’s a shame, I was going to suffocate him with this…”

“…Why do you have that? No, more importantly, you’re joking about taking his breath away, right?”

I was genuinely wondering why she was carrying around a stun gun, and I wanted to believe that Rin was just joking when she said she was going to stop him from breathing, so I asked Rin to make sure.

“Stun guns are a necessity for girls, you know, Onii-sama? I have exactly three of them, and since we can’t be sure that the insects won’t get involved again, Onii-sama and the others should have one too.”

Rin smiled and handed Sakura-chan and me the stun gun.

“I’ve never heard of such a necessity though!? And why do you have three of them!? And why did you leave out the part about joking!?”

“O-Onii-sama, you’re attracting a lot of attention because of the pests you just saw, so let’s get going!”

“No, you’ve been attracting attention from the start. And don’t be so stubborn as to ignore me.”

There are no stun guns on the market that can deliver enough current to kill a person, but you can make one if you modify it.

Normally, I’d like to believe that she hadn’t modified it― but given the seriousness in Rin’s eyes, it wasn’t impossible.

Rin continued to ignore my questions, and I couldn’t shake my uneasiness―.

Part 2

(**Kiriyama’s POV**)

“Kiri-chan, why did you let those guys off!?”

“That’s right, Kiri-chan told Tooru to get involved with Kanzaki!”

After I left Kanzaki and the others, my companions Kazuya and Tooru followed me and asked me about what I had just said.

“Hey Kazuya, did that female Kanzaki have an older brother?”

I don’t remember Kanzaki having a sister, so I asked Kazuya, who seemed to share the same hometown as the female Kanzaki, about it.

“No, Kanzaki is supposed to have always been an only child. I know Kanzaki well because she dyed her hair in junior high school and her eyes stood out due to it’s oddity. And since she is the granddaughter of a famous local landowner, everyone in our area knows about her family, and Kanzaki is an only child.”

“I see…”

So I guess that means they’re cousins with the same last name.

However― I knew he had moved, but I didn’t realize he had moved so close to where I had moved…

This was a delightful miscalculation.

“Hey Kiri-chan, what was that guy about?

Tooru, who played the role of a bumpkin, asked me about Kanzaki.

“He’s the guy I told you about before, the guy who pushed me down the upstairs hallway and sent me to the hospital.”

Well, the truth is that I tried to push Kanzaki, but he ducked and I couldn’t stop and fell, but there’s no need to be foolish about that.

“Seriously!? Then again, why did you let those guys off the hook in the first place!?”

Fuun, let him off?

No, of course not.

I’m determined to get revenge on him, you know.

In any case, because of him, my classmates gave me the cold shoulder and I couldn’t stay in school, so I had to move to my mother’s grandfather’s house.

And if it weren’t for him, Haruka would’ve been mine, too…!

“Hey, which one do you think?”

“Ha? What is it?”

“The one Kanzaki will be more shocked at if you destroy it.”

“It’s the little one, isn’t it? If a girl like that is all over him, he’ll love her.”

“Eh? Kiri-chan, you’re going to rape a little girl like that? Aren’t you supposed to hit on that man instead?”

“Oh, that Kanzaki guy, it’s more effective at hurting the people he cares about than it is at hurting himself. Besides, the little girl had nice breasts, didn’t she? I’m tired of the last girl I got, so this is a perfect time.”

I know Kanzaki very well, so I’ll tell Kazuya and the others about him.

And while I’m not interested in the little girl herself, I was interested in her breasts.

“Eehh… Not that Kanzaki…?”

But Kazuya seemed to prefer the female Kanzaki, and complained.

Well, she’s what he was aiming for originally.

“It’s not good. She wasn’t intimidated by us at all, and it’s going to be hard to break her heart. It would be easier to break the heart of a little kid who was blatantly scared.”

“Fuuun~… So, are you going to start following them now?”

“No, not for today. You couldn’t tell from his appearance, but Kanzaki is a pain in the ass. I don’t think he’s going to let his guard down for the rest of the day, so there’s no point in following him. It’s not like I don’t know where he is thanks to Kazuya. There’s no need to panic.”

I said to Kazuya and the others with a smile, and started walking again.

Thank you, God.

Now I can repay my old debt.

I was thrilled to be able to destroy Kanzaki’s precious things as payback to him―.