“Are you okay, Sakura-chan?”

*Nod nod―.

Sakura-chan nodded her head in response to my question.

But from my perspective, Sakura-chan doesn’t seem to be all right at all.

That’s because now Sakura-chan is attached to me and doesn’t want to leave me.

…No, it’s true that we always walked with our arms around each other, so you could say we were attached to each other, but now Sakura-chan is frightened and won’t leave me, just like from that day of the thunderstorm.

I guess it’s the fault of Kiriyama and his friends that she’s like this…

The pure and gentle Sakura-chan must have been scared to get involved with such men, and I was too focused on Kiriyama to pay attention to her.

At that time, I was so angry that I took care of Kiriyama, but if I had been thinking about Sakura-chan, I should have run away as soon as possible.

Besides, if it had turned into a fight, I would have been in the wrong by far.

I could have put Sakura-chan and the others in danger, so I should have reflected on my actions.

“Sakura-san, how dare you get so attached to Onii-sama! Don’t you have the shame of a maiden!?”

“…You think you’re one to say that…?”

Rin got angry, perhaps because she was jealous of Sakura-chan, who was sticking to me more than usual, but Rin was holding the other arm that Sakura-chan wasn’t clinging to.

Yeah, she’s not qualified to talk about Sakura-chan.

“It’s fine with me! Because I’m your cousin!”

“No, that’s not the reason, is it?”

What do you mean, you’re clinging to my arm because I’m your cousin?

When you cling to me, I get scared and break out in a cold sweat, so I want you to stop, okay?

Of course, there was no way I could say such a thing to Rin, so I turned my gaze away from Rin and looked at Sakura-chan.

Then Sakura-chan looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“Onii-chan… give me a hug…?”


Sakura-chan was looking up at me with tears in her eyes, and for some reason she started begging for a hug.

Eh, uh…?

That was so sudden that I couldn’t think straight, okay?

“―No, Onii-sama! I won’t let you do that!”

Rin, who had been listening to the exchange between us, turned bloodthirsty and stopped me.


Then Sakura-chan looked up at me with her cute eyes, looking at me greedily.

I had to balance my fear of Rin against Sakura-chan’s cuteness― but without a second’s hesitation, I hugged Sakura-chan.


I pretended to be oblivious to the fact that Rin’s voice sounded murderous.

…No, I’m just too scared of Rin to turn around…


Unlike Rin, who was probably staring at me with a huge scowl, Sakura-chan’s voice sounded happy.

Then she rubbed her cheek against my cheek and started to pamper herself.

W-What’s this!?

I’ve never been rubbed on the cheek before!


When I was surprised by her pampered mode, Sakura-chan hugged me tightly.

“Just a little more… please…”


I wondered what had happened to Sakura-chan― she was as sweet as a thunderstorm today.

―A little while later, Sakura-chan left me.

I’m really sorry about that.

“Thank you, Onii-chan.”

Sakura-chan said, and smiled her usual angelic smile.

“Oh, I don’t mind, it’s just― Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

While I was talking with Sakura-chan, I felt a severe pain all over my body.

T-This is the… current!?

I almost fell to the ground, my consciousness almost fading, my body not moving well.

“Oops, that’s dangerous.”

But before I fell to the ground, Rin held me in her arms.

“What’s wrong with you, Onii-sama? It’s not safe for you to sleep here, you know?”

“You… the… Stun… Gun…”

When I looked at Rin’s face in my fading consciousness, she was smirking.

No doubt, she’s the one who did it.

“This is your punishment for ignoring my orders.”

Rin’s cheerful voice was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness―.

Part 2

(**Sakura’s POV**)


Suddenly, Onii-chan was hit by Rin-chan’s stun gun right in front of me, and he fainted.

Rin-chan stared at Onii-chan with a smile.



Sakura replied to Rin-chan, feeling a little scared of her.

“Sakura-san, do you like Onii-sama?”

“Eh…? Y-yeah… I love him…?”

Rin-chan’s sudden question surprised Sakura, but she answered honestly because she loved Onii-chan.

Because Onii-chan is very kind.

Earlier, when Sakura saw the emotions of the people who knew Onii-chan and felt unsafe, she wanted Onii-chan to reassure her, so she said something selfish in the middle of the city, but Onii-chan accepted her kindly.

Sakura likes Onii-chan very much because he always takes care of Sakura.

“Is it because he’s Onii-sama? Or do you like him as a man?”

Sakura nodded her head at Rin-chan’s question.

I like him as a man…?

You mean Onii-chan…?

I hadn’t thought about it like that.

Because Onii-chan is Onii-chan.

I’ve never seen Onii-chan as a man, and even when he helped me when I was little, he seemed like a cool Onii-chan, so I’ve never thought of him that way.

So I guess I don’t think I like Onii-chan as a man.

…But, I couldn’t put that into words.

I don’t know why.

Whenever I try to say the words, my mind gets so bogged down…

“I see, that’s what you mean…”

As Sakura wondered how to put it into words, Rin-chan nodded her head in agreement.

“What does that mean?”

When Sakura didn’t answer, she wanted to know what had convinced Rin-chan, so she asked Rin-chan.

“No, I just thought that Sakura-san was a person to watch out for. I won’t stop you from coming near Onii-sama when I’m around, but I won’t show any mercy if you are alone with Onii-sama or if you try to take Onii-sama away from me, okay?”

Rin-chan said and smiled with a cute smile.

But her heart wasn’t smiling at all.

She had turned her terrible feelings towards Sakura.

…No, I don’t want Onii-chan to be taken!

Thinking that Rin-chan would steal Onii-chan from Sakura again, Sakura got angry at Rin-chan again, even though she was trying to be friendly with her.

“No! Onii-chan is Sakura’s Onii-chan! So you can’t steal him!”

Sakura’s cheeks puffed out and she hugged Onii-chan’s arm, which Rin-chan was holding onto.

Huh… Just a moment ago, I wanted to be friends with Rin-chan, and I thought the two of us should be friends with Onii-chan, but why is Sakura so bothered and angry with Rin-chan?

Could it be that Onii-chan gave her a hug earlier, and that’s why she doesn’t want to give it to her anymore…?

Sakura was surprised at her own behavior.

“…Looks like I was wrong about that.”

On the other hand, Rin-chan, who had been directing her disgusting emotions at Sakura earlier, felt like she was letting down her guard.

But she would not let go of Onii-chan’s body.

“Shall we go into the coffee shop until Onii-sama wakes up then?”

“Ah… U-Un…”

Rin-chan said, and started to walk towards the coffee shop.

As Sakura watched Rin-chan, she couldn’t come to terms with the fact that she was feeling a bit bewildered.

But― Rin-chan, who wasn’t very tall, couldn’t drag Onii-chan along by herself, and since Rin-chan was frozen in place, Sakura concentrated on carrying Onii-chan in order to forget the bewilderment in her heart―.