Translator: AJ1703

Editor: Matsu

(**Kaito’s POV**)

“So, where are we going?”

I thought I was going to be running all day today, but early in the morning, Alice-san told me we were going out.

And now we’re on our way somewhere in a limousine.

By the way, Sakura-chan, Shirousagi, and Camilla-chan are also with us.


Alice-san replied to my question in her usual way.

However, her answer was strange.

“…Can you repeat it again?”

I wondered if I had misheard her, so I tilted my head and looked at her.

Then Alice-san said the same thing again.

“Like I said… we’re going to America…”

“No, isn’t that too sudden!? I haven’t prepared my things, though!?”

“Don’t worry… I’ve sent all your stuff…”

“No, no, no, no! What’s okay with that!? That means my change of clothes and stuff too, right!?”

“Of course… Kai was busy running… so I had them prepare it for you instead.”


When I asked who had prepared my change of clothes, Alice-san just smiled and didn’t answer.

I was wondering who had prepared my underwear and other things.

I was really curious about that, but the smile on her face made me afraid to press on further.

However, I’m sure they’re probably giving me a new change of underwear or something.

After all, it hadn’t been that long since I came here, and the maids had made all my underwear and clothes here.

But it seems that I was wrong.

“Of course… I took it… from Kai’s house…” 

As I was trying to convince myself, Alice-san said to me, as if she could read my mind.

“Why are you taking the trouble to get it at a time like this!? Or rather, how did you get in there!?”

“Kai’s reaction… looked interesting… The key… was opened by the little angel…”

As Alice san happily laughed and told me how she got into the house, I looked at Sakura-chan and for some reason she turned her face away with red cheeks.

Why did she just turn her face away with red cheeks!?

Did Sakura-chan prepare my underwear or something!?

It was embarrassing to have my little sister prepare my underwear for me.

I even go out of my way to wash mine and my dad’s separately.

“Good response…”

As I was sweating profusely, Alice-san gave me a cute smile.

I was disappointed in her.

“Alice-san, please don’t mess with me…”

“Well… for a change of pace…”

A change of scenery is usually for the better, right?

I’ve changed my mood for the worse, haven’t I?

But when I saw Alice-san smiling happily beside me even now, I was afraid to say such a thing.

“So, why are we going to America?”

When I lost the urge to complain to Alice-san, I asked her a question that had been bothering me for a while.

“Because… we’re going to meet Kuro…”

“Eh? Kuro you say, was he an American?”

I had thought he was Japanese, but the fact that he was in America meant that he might be an American.

Originally, the only thing I heard about him was that he was attached to the Shinomiya Faction, so I assumed he was Japanese.

“No… Kuro is Japanese…”

However, Alice-san easily denied my question.

“Oh, I see. If so, is he studying abroad?”

If he was Japanese, there was not much else I could think of.

But again, Alice-san shook her head.

“No… Kuro went… to America… for surgery…”


“Yes… Kuro had a… brain disease and would have… died if he didn’t have the surgery… That surgery also had… a low success rate, and if it failed, he would have died… It seems that Chairman Shinomiya arranged for the… world’s best doctors to perform… a successful surgery…”

President Shinomiya didn’t make the arrangements, but rather, Chairman Shinomiya did?

If I recall correctly, Chairman Shinomiya only left his name on the company, but in fact he is already retired.

However, even though he is retired, he is still rumored to have a great deal of influence due to the management skills he showed while he was still active.

It’s not clear what the rumors are, but it seems that Kuro is the kind of person that even such a man would lend his support to.

“But why are you trying to get Kuro and I to meet together? I thought you didn’t want us to meet because we’re going to be rivals if anything?”

“That’s not true… The future Alice wants… requires the three of us to work hand in hand… It’s just that… Kuro’s influence is too strong, so I need… Kai to work harder… …In Alice’s opinion, the ideal… relationship is one that allows for friendly competition…”

Alice-san looked at me with clear eyes and told me what she thought.

I can tell from her eyes that she’s not lying.

“So you want to make me and Kuro become aware of each other by bringing us together?”

“That’s one thing, but… a little different… Kai right now lacks… what he needs, so I decided… to let you meet Kuro…”

“What’s lacking…?”

“Yes… That’s what it is for… Shirousagi and… Kuro…”

Alice-san said, and looked at Shirousagi.

Shirousagi is currently dealing with Camilla-chan and doesn’t seem to be listening to what we are saying.

“Shirousagi too?”

“Yeah… Well… you’ll know, sooner or later…”

“You’re not going to tell me?”

“It’s not …… something that can be taught… And Kai… still cares… about what he did, doesn’t he?”

When Alice-san turned her attention back to me, she pointed out the part I had been covering up.

It’s true that I can’t stop thinking about what happened the other day.

Every time I think about it, I feel gloomy.

But ever since Alice-san consoled me, I’ve been hiding it from everyone so that they wouldn’t worry…

“I’ve been very careful not to show it on my face or anything, you know?”

I thought hiding it would not work with Alice-san, so I confessed honestly.

“I can tell just by looking at you… It is admirable to be able to endure it, but it’s not good to accumulate too much… Alice would like to take care of everything for you, but there are some things that… Alice cannot tell you… I’m sure there are things that Kai can’t say either…”

For a moment, Alice-san seemed to have a look of disappointment on her face.

I could tell she was thinking about me a lot.

No, it’s not just me.

Sakura-chan had told me about what happened after I fainted that night, and about the meaning of Alice-san’s actions, but this person was also thinking about Sakihime and Kirara.

She’s the same age as me, and her body is quite small compared to mine, but how big can she be?

I knew that this person was different from me.

Anyway, didn’t she just say something amazing?

When you say something like, “I want to take care of everything for you,” it’s a bit misleading, isn’t it?

When I looked at Alice-san, she was talking to Camilla and the others with no expression on her face.

What does Alice-san think of me?

I began to wonder about that―.