Translator: AJ1703

Editor: Matsu

(**Kirara’s POV**)

“So why are you adding more seasonings without my permission?”

After seeing Momoi’s poisonous dish, I decided to teach her how to cook, so I immediately started cooking with her.

She said something like, “I’m going to ask Kai-kun to teach me how to cook,” which made me very jealous, but I ignored her.

If I left her alone, she would just start mass-producing those poisonous dishes while living with me…

I wanted to avoid that, and more importantly, this was my way of making amends.

For girls, cooking is a weapon.

I thought teaching it to Momoi, who is fatally lacking in it, would be a way to make amends.

…I’m sorry.

I’m not lying about my feelings, but I’m a little jealous.

Because lately I haven’t been able to be with Kaito at all!

And yet, Momoi can not only stay at home and have a drink, but can even cook with him!

I was the first one to attack him, and even confessed my feelings to him, but lately I can’t be around him at all!

It’s not like he dumped me!

…I don’t know, I don’t even remember being rejected at all.

Because even if I’ve been rejected in a roundabout way, that doesn’t mean I’ve been dumped!

I’m not going to admit it unless you say it outright!

Well, well, that’s that… What should I do with this girl…?

In front of me, there was Momoi, whose cheeks were puffed up and sulking because I had scolded her earlier.

This is not Momoi at all!

Before I know it, she and Sakura have switched sides!

In front of this childish Momoi, I couldn’t help but make a comment to myself.

Or rather, isn’t this a bit unfair?

Momoi’s face is so cute, but if she showed me her childishly cute figure like this, any guy would fall for her in a heartbeat!

I don’t stand a chance!

To be honest, I thought that Momoi at school wouldn’t be in Kaito’s taste, but I think this is really bad.

Because Kaito seems to like this kind of girl…

S-Should I try to be like Momoi?

With that in mind, I tried to picture myself acting like Momoi or Sakura.

―Ugh, I’m starting to feel nauseous…

I tried to imagine it, but it didn’t suit me and it made me sick.

If I show my face like this, I’m sure Kaito will be attracted to me.

Yeah, I shouldn’t do that.

Besides, I have my own charm even if I don’t have to do this!

If I don’t have it, I’ll make it!

With that in mind, I changed my mind and called out to Momoi.

“Why do you want to add so much seasoning?”

Maybe it was because I was dealing with a childish Momoi, but I spoke to her in a gentle tone.

Then Momoi glanced at me and opened her mouth.

“The more you put in… the better it tastes.”

It’s not that I don’t like it, but I think it’s cute.

But I have a hard time agreeing with the content.

Hey, I’m pretty sure she’s a regular at the top of the national examinations, isn’t she?

Is it possible that she’s only good at studying and is actually a disappointment?

I thought she was an idiot for thinking that adding a lot of seasoning would make things taste better, so I taught her about cooking over and over again until she was convinced―.

Part 2

(**Sakihime’s POV**)


When I went back to my room to sleep, I laid down on my fluffy bed and looked at my phone.

The reason I was looking at my phone was to see if Kai-kun had replied to my message.

But it wasn’t my account that I sent the message to, it was Hanahime’s account.

Because I didn’t know what kind of reply I would get if I sent a message on my account now that I had said those things to Kai-kun.

That’s what I’m really afraid of.

But I wanted to keep in touch with him.

That’s why I turned to Hanahime’s account… Even though I sent a message to Kai-kun the day after he was taken, I still haven’t received a reply from him.

It’s― very painful…

When I think that Kai-kun is with that Byodoin-san girl, my heart gets so tight and I feel so painful.

I want to see Kai-kun.

Such a feeling comes up from inside my chest.

Until a while ago, if I had a bad day, Sakura would have healed me and I could forget about it.

But even Sakura was taken away by that Byodoin-san.

Why did she take away those who are important to me…?

Give me back both of them…

I felt my eyes burning and my pillow was getting damp, but I didn’t care, I pressed my face into the pillow.

I can somehow force myself to distract myself with Saijo-san before I go to bed.

It’s not that hard, because I’ve always been able to distract myself with other things when I’m having a bad day.

But I don’t like the idea of having to rely on someone who had treated me so badly before and is now trying to steal Kai-kun from me.

But I can’t go back to my grandmother’s house because Rin-chan is there and I’m scared.

Even if I wanted to go back to the house where I usually live, I don’t have enough money because I spent so much on Kai-kun’s birthday present…

So I have to rely on Saijo-san, no matter how much I hate her.

She’s being very nice to me, but I won’t be fooled.

Because she’s a horrible person.

I opened Umi-kun’s account, determined not to let Saijo-san get to me.

Just looking at that account made me cry, remembering all the things I’ve done.

“Kai-kun… I miss you so much…”

I didn’t try to wipe the tears from my eyes, but just kept looking at Umi-kun’s account―.