Chapter 143: One after another!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 143: One after another!

Zhao Tianand the womanshiftedtheirgazetowards thefigureapproachingthem from thedepthsof the forest. The woman narrowed her eyes seeing his outfit and she knew who it was "Poison Blade?"

Poison Blade chuckled hearing his name from the woman "Kikiki... as expected, the powerful female assassin Windwhisper is indeed beautiful.""

"Tch!" The woman clicked her tongue in frustration as she had never revealed her real face in the Assassin Organization where she works.

She turned to face Zhao Tian and muttered "Actually Windwhisper is not my real name. It is just my Assassin name, so don't think my name is weird ok?" she clarified as she didn't want Zhao Tian to misunderstand.

Zhao Tian gave a slight nod "I also thought the name is lame."

The woman giggled and leaned in near Zhao Tian, gently whispering in his ear "My real name is Zahra Ashante."

The Poison Blade got annoyed seeing Zahra Ashante not minding him and looking at Zhao Tian "Windwhisper!!"

Zahra Ashante turned her cold eyes toward the Poison Blade withadisdainfullook "Can you shut up and leave, you dumb fucker. You are wasting my time with my love."

Love? Zhao Tian squinted his eyes "I am not your love?.'

Eh? Zahra Ashante turned her face to Zhao Tian, her cold face replaced with a wide smile "What are you saying? I fell in love with you when I just met you... so we are lovers."

The Poison Blade got even more annoyed and yelled "You bitch! Do you know why I am here?"

"You are above me in the rank of Assassins and it frustrates me to see a woman rank higher above me. And I also eavesdropped you signing a new target and is paid millions."

"So today I will kill the target and you. I would get both money and I would also rise up in the rankings."

Zahra Ashante's eyes narrowed "You want to kill him?" cold words escaped her lips. She doesn't care if he targets her but targeting the love of her life is unforgivable.

*swoosh* With a sudden whooshing sound, a shimmer of green energy reflected in her eyes as she swiftly charged towards Poison Blade, brandishing the single dagger in her grip.

*clank* But Poison Blade pulled out a sword which was twisted like a snake, blocking her attack.A mischievous grin spread across his face as he emitted an eerie chuckle that seemed to echo in the air "Kikiki..."

There they saw Zhao Tian hovering in the air as a large spear made of ice materialized in the air in the length of 100 meters.

"What the-" Poison Blade and Zahra Ashante were completely taken aback as they gaped at the large spear before them. Zhao Tian waved his hand aiming it at the Gigantic Scorpion.

*swooosshh* *BOOOM* As the spear collided with the scorpion a large explosion sound reverberated through the surroundings demolishing the trees and fragments of ice splattered in the air.

The impact and the shock wave spread through the surrounding and Zahra Ashante's hair fluttered in the air, the crazy smile again creeping on her lips "He is strong..."

As the dust settled, Poison Blade narrowed his eyes in concern 'Who is this guy? Oblerating my poison scorpion with a single move?"

*ROAR* At that very moment, a thunderous roar pierced through the air, causing him to jolt in surprise. He swiftly swiveled his head, his eyes widening in disbelief, as he caught sight of the green phantom of a tiger behind Zahra Ashante.

As the phantom tiger lunged towards Poison Blade, he instinctively lifted his hand and unleashed a green, viscous liquid that splattered towards the beast in a swirling, ghostly dance.

But the phantom dodged and the tiger jumped at Poison Blade as several deep cuts appeared all over his body. giving him excruciating pain.

"Arghhhhhh!" Letting out a gut-wrenching cry, he screamed in pain as the slashes barraged at his body leaving him totally clad in blood-red clothes with deep cut marks all over his body.

"Don't worry I'll just kill you..." Zahra Ashante said coldly and *woosh* rampant amount of green wind energy burst forth from her body and Zhao Tian also noticed her intense aura.

*woosh* The air itself seemed to bend around her and her purple eyes glistened in green energy. The green energy of a large cyclone swirled around her.

Poison Blade whose body is battered with wind slashes looked at the concentrated energy surrounding Zahra Ashante and *WOOOSH* In the next instant a large green vortex of wind appeared before.

Before he could even react, his body was engulfed by the powerful vortex of wind that tore his body apart into tiny fragments, blood splattering in every direction. The cyclone vortex continued to swirl demolishing the remaining trees in the forest.

The small amount of forest that had escaped Zhao Tian's ice attack was also now shattered leaving nothing but barren land.

Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow 'As I thought, she was really holding back during her fight with me and there was no killing intent. She was just playing around."

Hm? Zhao Tian turned his head to look in a direction and frowned "Why is he here?"

*woosh* An old man appeared with a slight frown on his face "Who dared to wreak havoc in my country?"
