Chapter 144: Against the Ombudsman!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 144: Against the Ombudsman!

Zhao Tian and Zahra Ashante raised their gazes looking at the old man floating in the air. Sensing the overwhelming aura, Zahra Ashante's body shivered and a mutter escaped her lips "Monarch... Astral Stage?"

The Ombudsman's eyes glimpsed at the destruction below and felt the shards of ice energy and wind energy swirling in the air.

Zahra Ashante frowned her eyes and took a step back glancing at Zhao Tian "We should leave. Seems like he is this nation's Ombudsman."

Zhao Tian just stayed silent not moving from there and the Ombudsman looked down at Zhao Tian with a mix of frustration and recognition "Again you huh..."

*swoosh* He appeared on the ground in front of Zhao Tian "I already told you to refrain from causing devastation like this."

"I should have already captured you for your destruction of that private property resort and now you have demolished a whole forest, a public property."

"It is against the rules of this nation's government for cultivators to use their power and destroy other's properties."

His eyes narrowed "You are no longer a threat, now you are an Abomination. So I have no other choice but to arrest you... Zhao Tian."

The old man muttered and he took a step directly standing in front of Zhao Tian. As he raised his hand *threik* Zhao Tian moved and gave a punch at the old man's gut.

*crack* Zhao Tian heard some bone-cracking noises and the old man's abdomen convulsed because of the forceful punch *boom* "Urgh!" His pupils shrunk in pain and was blasted away as he rolled on the barren land.

"I am sure I told you not to pry into my private life." Zhao Tian muttered.

*gik* Zahra Ashante was shocked to see Zhao Tian throwing a punch at the Ombudsman of this country like that "H-How? I am certain he is in the 6th level of Emperor Astral Stage."

"Arghhh!!!" The Ombudsman let out a guttural cry of pain as waves of excruciating pain surged through every inch of his body, causing him to clench his teeth tightly. As he tried to stand up *cough* he coughed blood feeling his stomach mushed and kneeled on the floor clutching his abdomen.

He quickly retrieved a pill bottle from his storage ring and took a high-grade healing pill, tossing it in his mouth.

Zahra Ashante came out of her shock and looked at Zhao Tian "You just punched the Ombudsman of the country... do you know what that means?"

Zhao Tian gave a slight nod "I don't really intend to destroy public properties and cause nuisance to the government or people."

The Ombudsman lowered his eyes in contemplation as he remembered Zhao Tian clearing the Emperor level threat in the middle of the city "Seems like it is a misunderstanding in my place... I am grateful for the other day clearing Hun Chen."

"And it's not like I have any grudge towards you... I just want to keep this country safe from cultivators who are trying to destroy it."

The Ombudsman again looked at barren land "How am I supposed to explain to the public about the disappearance of the forest."

"Just say that the government cut the trees for wood." Zhao Tian replied.

The Ombudsman shook his head helplessly and sensing the presence of Zahra Ashante lingering in the air, he muttered "And that assassin woman... she looked like she is not from this country."

Zhao Tian spoke "You don't have to worry about that. I have some business with her."

The Ombudsman narrowed his eyes "I want to give you a warning. Just because you defeated me, it doesn't mean that you are the strongest cultivator here."

"There are people who are far stronger than me in the Holy Land of Zhenzhu, try not to provoke them. And I heard the Battle Maiden of the Royal Family, Yu Hua is in the human world... so be cautious."

Zhao Tian raised his eyebrow upon hearing the name, Battle Maiden Yu Hua?

As the problem was solved, the Ombudsman thought of leaving the place, and as he turned. *crack* he felt a sharp pain in his waist "Urgh!"

The Ombudsman turned to look at Zhao Tian "You are so cruel to punch an old man like that... the effect is still affecting me."

Zhao Tian shrugged "Just don't pry into my personal life and don't investigate about me."

"I won't..." *swoosh*


*woosh* At this time Zahra Ashante appeared beside Zhao Tian with a smile "It was really a surprise. I didn't expect you would be powerful enough to fend off the Ombudsman."

Zhao Tian squinted his eyes "Explain what happened from the start."