Chapter 150: An underwater ruin?

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 150: An underwater ruin?

ZhaoTian,loungingcomfortablyonhisbeachchair looked at Zhao Ying and Chi Miya returning with a watermelon but he couldn't see Zhao Suyin "Where is Mom?"

Zhao Ying smiled wryly "She is.. uh playing."

Zhao Tian frowned and used his Astral Sense looking around the whole Island. There he saw Zhao Suyin blindfolded, hitting the sand searching for the watermelon.

Zhao Tian shook his head helplessly glancing at Zhao Ying and she just snorted "It is her fault for wearing indecent clothes like that. Hmph! So I punished her."

Zhao Tian couldn't help but chuckle and stood up. "I will go and check on her." he muttered patting Zhao Ying's head.

Feeling his pats, Zhao Ying smiled and gave a reluctant nod "Well, I also feel bad for her now..."

Chi Miya uttered, "That's why I said this was a stupid plan from the start."

"I-I just wanted to tease Mom a little."


As Zhao Tian strolled along the sandy shore barefoot, he caught sight of Zhao Suyin swinging around the baseball bat.

He strolled near her and as she swung another time, Zhao Tian swiftly grabbed the baseball bat and Zhao Suyin was surprised "Ying'er?"

With his other hand, Zhao Tian pulled the string covering her nipple and let it go. *slech* causingittosnapagainsther skinwithasharp,stinging pain. "Ahh! T-Tian'er?" she stammered.

Zhao Tian raised his hand and removed the blindfold from her eyes. Zhao Suyin's eyes fluttered open and she glanced around searching for the watermelon.

"Eh, where is the Melon?"

Zhao Tian spoke with a chuckle "Ying'er already took it, she was just playing with you."

-_- Huh? "Then I was just swinging around randomly like a fool?" Zhao Suyin muttered in frustration.

With utmost tenderness, Zhao Tian gently scooped Zhao Suyin causing the baseball bat to slip from her grasp as she entwined her arms lovingly around Zhao Tian's neck.

"I want to spend all my day here with you alone... but I know I can't since Ying'er and Miya are also there." Zhao Suyin whispered softly as she leaned against his shoulder.

Zhao Tian smiled and walked towards the ocean. This made Zhao Suyin confused as she thought he took her in his arms to take her back to the resort.

"Then let's enjoy some time here." He entered the water and tossed her into the ocean. *splash*Zhao Suyin was startled and she quickly rose above the surface, she was fully drenched and the strings had already slipped off.



Zhao Tian spent the rest of his time of the day with Zhao Suyin, Zhao Ying and Chi Miya, eating and playing together.... while teasing each other, and having some sex in between.

And it was already nearing evening.

The sun was beginning to set, signaling that the day was coming to a close. Zhao Tian stood before the crashing waves, feeling the cool mist on his face as he stretched out his hands. "There is an eerie energy?" a mutter left Zhao Ying's lips, who now wore normal clothes.

Chi Miya had a frown on her face "There might be treasure or danger. And Tian, if there is anything dangerous for you... come back quickly."

Zhao Tian gave a soft nod and a transparent barrier appeared around his body in the shape of his body covering him like a thin layer.

As he entered the water, the water didn't touch him, and seeing this Zhaop Tian proceeded to go deeper into the ocean.

"Let's wait for Tian to return."


*swish* With a swift swish, Zhao Tian plunged into the depths of the ocean, propelling himself forward with the power of his Astral Energy. As he traveled further, he felt the eerie energy getting stronger and stronger.

And after a while of traveling in the water, he finally reached his place. At the bottom of the ocean, he found a massive structure resembling a box, towering at a height of 300 meters.

The surface of the box is adorned with numerous intricate markings, emitting a subtle yet captivating purple glow. "An Ancient Ruin? But I can't see any doors."

At this time, he noticed a single engravement on the box, glowing brightly "Hm?" Curiosity got the best of him as he reached out to touch the purple mark.


Meanwhile, In a distant corner of the vast universe, there is a woman sitting crosslegged inside a luxurious room and the astral energy seems to concentrate around her.

Sitting on the platform inside the cultivation chamber, she was deeply engrossed in her cultivation, her long black hair falling down to her waist.

*flick* *flick* Suddenly a necklace on her neck glowed faintly in purple color and it began to tremble in her neck. This necklace also has engravings which also glow in faint purple.

Because of the constant trembling of the necklace, the woman was startled as she opened her eyes, disturbed from her peaceful state of cultivation and as she saw the necklace glowing, she was taken aback.

"This is..."

I hope you guys liked this chapte