Chapter 151: A monster?

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 151: A monster?

"Hm?" Zhao Tian was confused as he saw the intricate designs in the box continue to glow in its purple shade.

"How to open this box?" He muttered under his lips as he swam around the box, checking if there are any buttons or shit there to open it.

"Maybe is it something that should not be opened?" He contemplated with a slight frown etched on his face.

*threik* But at this time, the box suddenly began to tremble and the ground shook a little, and the aquatic fishes that had once peacefully resided there hastily scattered in all directions in a state of panic.

*thud* In the next moment the black box split open into four separate pieces and Zhao Tian saw a pitch-red hand coming out of the box placing it on the edge of the box.

Huh? Zhao Tian was taken aback by the gigantichand popping out of the box. Ah, fuck my luck!

*thud* *thud* The box pieces also slowly fell off and Zhao Tian saw the abomination that he just unleashed into this world.

Standing before him was a demonic creature, its skin a deep shade of crimson and its form eerily humanoid. The grotesque contortions of its face and skin were enough to send chills down anyone's spine, instilling a sense of terror in all who laid eyes upon it.

Its piercing red eyes glanced around the surroundings and it was at a height of 160 meters. (Pic here)

*clank* At this time, the creature took a large red axe from the ground which was sealed along with it in the box.

"GRRRRRRAHHHHH!" With an earth-shattering roar that reverberated across the vast expanse of the ocean for several kilometers, causing ripples and tremors, the creature unleashed its fury, leaving the aquatic fishes in a state of terror.

Zhao Tian had a deep frown on his face, 'What is this creature? Surely not an Astral Beast.'

'And it is not an ancient ruin, seems like I accidentally opened up a seal and unleashed this. Well, then I'll just have to kill it then.'

'I have to ask Shenyi what it is...'

*woosh* Noticing that its movements are slow inside the water, the creature jumped from the ocean floor launching itself towards the surface.

Zhao Tian also followed it along. *splash* Pushing away the water, the creature appeared on the surface standing above the surface of the water.


Zhao Suyin chuckled to herself seeing Zhao Tian "What a bad Mom I am... I should never think he'll lose. How can my son lose?"

The creature felt its whole body being numb as it was relentlessly beaten with waves of scorching fire and bone-chilling cold one after another. *swish* Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the creature materialized in mid-air, brandishing its slashing at Zhao Tian.

'Fucking fast!' Zhao Tian muttered in shock as he narrowly dodged the slash of the axe 'Even Shenyi was scared, so this shit must be from the High stars, and if it regained its full power... fuck.'

The creature also knew that Zhao Tian was the problem and swung the axe at him again. But Zhao Tian just dodged the attack once again and used his movement technique space ripple steps for short instantaneous teleportation appearing in front of the creature's face.

He pulled back his fist as he flowed his astral energy in his palm and punched right at the damn face of the demon. *thoom* His powerful punch snapped the creature's neck and it took three steps back before falling back into the ocean staggering.

*thrasshh* The creature's whole body got drenched by the seawater. A smile appeared on Zhao Tian's lips and *crack* suddenly, bolts of purple lightning crackled and danced across his entire body.

And as the fire flowed through the bolts of lightning, the color of the lightning changed to red and its intensity increased swirling around him in a mesmerizing glow.

Saltwater is a better conductor of electricity than normal water. *thrash* The bolt of red lightning was shot toward the creature as it tore through the air reaching the creature that just stood up.

And as the creature raised its axe in an attempt to cleave the lightning, the bolts of lightning split itself into two and struck the creature from both sides.

"GAAAAARRRGHHHH!" The creature let out a guttural scream as it experienced the searing pain of fire and lightning energy coursing through its body, causing its flesh to tear apart from within as its body trembled standing above the ocean water.

As the bolts of lightning continued to damage the creature, Zhao Tian was not idle. With a swift dash, he kicked the creature's face with his foot blasting it away in the ocean.

He continued to throw hands not letting the creature have any rest to regain its power back. 'How much time left?' he mused in his mind again delivering a powerful punch.

'Ah here it is...' Zhao Tian quickly backed away from the creature and maintained a good distance from the creature.

*cough* As the relentless beatings stopped, the creature also slowly got up trying to regain its strength. *swooosh* a distinct sound pierced through the silence, resonating with an electrifying crackle.

The creature raised its head and saw a silver spear falling down from the sky at breakneck speed, its speed almost tearing the space itself.

Before the creature could react and dodge the strike, *BOOOOOOOOOM*

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