Chapter 204

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 204

We dropped by Aozora Heights before leaving Tokyo just to check in on how things were doing. I was about to knock on the door to Reza's apartment when the door swung open for us instead. A very disheveled Ms. Juna Hoshino was standing in the doorway. Her hair was a mess and unbrushed, her dress shirt wasn't fully buttoned up, and she was in the middle of kicking her right shoe on.

"Oh, uh... Hello. If you will excuse me, I have other matters... to look after." Ms. Juna cleared her throat and dipped away.Discover new chapters at

Inside the apartment, Reza was just now walking out of her room with only a towel around her chest.

"You had sex with her, didn't you?" I asked.

"We shared a few drinks, and she went along with it! W-Was I not supposed to?" Reza shrank a little like a child caught with a hand in the cookie jar.

Well, I didn't exactly tell her she couldn't.

Reza invited us in to drink the rest of the wine. I declined, but Mio accepted. Because why turn down a nice drink after having sex all night— was her reasoning at least. The apartment, as lavish as it was, lacked character. Although furnished, it only looked like those homes out of an online catalog. They were pretty to look at, but you also knew a hundred other housing designers went to the same furniture store that sold mass-produced stuff.

"Mmmhmm! Damn does this taste good after a night of eating Saeko's pussy," Mio said, taking a long and slow sip.

"Don't use how my pussy tastes as your standard of comparing... Anyway, Reza. We need to think about what you and the other succubi plan to do long-term. This is where you plan to stay, but you're going to eventually need to pay for it," I explained.

"I see. In other words, the nest and I will charm others into paying for the apartment," Reza said.

"Uh, no."

"We will have them pay half?"


Mio snickered off to the side.

"Queen Saeko, this is difficult... We're still new to this world. You can't possibly expect us to understand its customs and functions." Reza sighed heavily.

"I know for sure some of you were lurking around during your renegade phase. How did you get by?" I asked.

"We charmed humans into our thralls to do our bidding. Cooking, sustenance, shelter... all provided by them. We're succubus, after all. It makes sense that we rule over them— ow!"

After a swift chop to Reza's forehead, I settled back into my seat and folded my arms.

"We aren't ruling over anyone. The only one who rules is me, and my rules are not to lord over humans. Remember, you have to coexist alongside them. Otherwise, it's back to the dungeons with you," I said.

"I understand..." Reza sulked, clutching her forehead in disgrace. "In that case, what must I do?"

"You need a job. A place to work and earn money from in exchange for your labor."

"Does that not make me a slave to humans?" she asked.

"I guess in this day and age it is, but... there's a lot of different ways to earn money. You just need to find the one you don't mind doing for a living. Or at least enough to put up with," I explained.

"Why don't we go job hunting? Show her how it's done," Mio suggested.

It wasn't a bad idea, but that mischievous look of hers was giving me PTSD... Though, I did promise to help them acclimate to Earth.

I was about to say sure until Mio's eyes darted around the room. She started patting herself, then wracked her head over something.

"Hold on. Can we go back to that love hotel? I forgot something," Mio said.

"What'd you forget?" I raised a curious brow.

"Uh, nothing! Faster we grab it, the better." She spread her wings and flew ahead of me without explaining any further.

We promised to come back to Reza later and headed to the love hotel. Mio charmed the clerk at the desk to give us the key again. When we entered the room, she began to look everywhere. At first, I considered helping. But I didn't know what to look for. After all, she wouldn't say.

It began with Mio looking under the bed, behind the chairs, and even in the bathtub. The longer this went on, the more frantic she became in the search. Once she started turning over furniture, I had enough.

"Mio, can you tell me what you're looking for? Maybe I can help. It's something special like a gift, isn't it? That's why you won't say?" I asked.

"Fuck!" Mio threw her hands up in frustration and sighed. "Don't be mad, okay? I... had the box of dick potions right here. Now it's gone..."

I blinked blankly at her. "What do you mean it's gone?"

"As in it's not here! It's gone!" Mio exclaimed.

"C-Calm down. The room was spotless when we entered, right? Maybe the clerk has it," I suggested.

We returned to the front, where the charmed lady at the counter was happy to see us

"Alright, cunt. Where's my dick potions?" Mio reached across the counter to grab her by the collar.

"P-Potions? I don't know what you're talking about!" she cried.

"People who are charmed would never lie to us, so she really doesn't have it... Wait, we were gone for a while. Could someone have entered the room? Do you know who cleaned it or who occupied the room after us?" I asked.

The clerk thought for a moment. Sweat beaded down her face. I gestured to Mio to let her go. Once freed, she typed into the computer for something.

"We don't have employees do any cleaning. This hotel contracts a third party company for that. They come in every morning at 8 AM on the dot, during the period that we're closed between 8 and 10 AM. It's possible someone from that company picked it up," she said.

Mio and I exchanged uneasy glances. It was currently five in the afternoon. Half the day had gone right by. Whoever had it now could have done literally anything with it since then.

"What's the company's name?" Mio asked.

"Tsuneo Cleaning," the clerk answered promptly, then handed us their business card.

"Crying?" I tilted my head.

Over the gentle music, someone was definitely weeping inside one of the stalls. She was muttering something, and sounded both extremely confused and frustrated.

"Sorry, I'm just... going through some things right now..." what sounded like a young lady said in a quivering voice.

"If it's about a bad relationship, it ain't worth it!" Mio tried to give her therapy in a restaurant's restroom.

"No, it's... something else. Please, forget about it and leave me alone..." she said.

The woman sounded distressed. I felt bad for just leaving her here. Mio shrugged and headed for the exit, but I grabbed her shoulder.

"Are you being stalked or something? Is that why you're hiding in here? We're actually succubus, so we can do something about it," I offered.

"S-Succubus? Like those magic sex demons I've been seeing around? Then... Then you can do something about this!" She opened the stall door to show us a limp penis between her legs.

Mio pointed and laughed until I elbowed her in the gut.

"That's clearly from the dick potion!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, fuck. You're right. My bad! I just thought she was griping over erectile dysfunction or something." Mio still had the giggles.

"So, you do know what this is! I don't know why or how it happened... One moment, I'm enjoying a mixer. The next, I have a full blown erection!" she cried.

Just so we didn't clog up the restroom, the three of us occupied a table in the restaurant and talked over sushi dinner. Mio helped herself to mouthfuls of sushi and wasabi. The woman introduced herself as Himeko Sanagawa, a student from Tokyo University. She was a gyaru. Her hair was bleached blonde, she had a rather deep tan, and extremely caked-up nails.

"Now that you're calm, can you explain exactly what happened?" I asked.

"Well, I came here for a mixer. You know, where a bunch of single guys and girls try to get to know each other. We had one of the private rooms. Everything was going fine, and I was chatting up a cute guy. I really thought we were hitting it off, too! Then he pointed out that I had an erection and got turned off. Ugh!" Himeko sighed.

"If you didn't have a dick to begin with, chances are it's the dick potions that we're looking for. Guessing you didn't drink one on purpose?" Mio questioned her.

"No! Sure, I like dicks, but I don't want one on me!"

"That means Shinyama, Kotage, or Mie were attending the mixer! One of them had to have it and spiked your drink," I concluded.

"Why the hell would they go giving other people dicks for? What a waste. Use 'em yourself!" Mio complained.

"Wait... Kotage? I think I recognize that name... Emily Kotage? She was another girl attending the mixer!" Himeko exclaimed angrily.

Mio and I looked at each other. A woman had it.

"Those balled up tissues had to be fucking jizz puffs!" Mio shot to her feet.

"Y-You seriously call them jizz puffs? But it makes sense... Emily probably tried one, grew a dick, and couldn't get enough of masturbating... That would explain the smell..." I thought aloud.

"Hey, is there something you can do about this dick? I tried masturbating, and it hurts. I don't want it. I rather go back to taking it instead," Himeko said.

"Try lube next time, and it'll go away on its own in a few hours!" Mio assured her.

"Seriously? Thank god! I thought it was permanent!"

"Himeko, I know this has been a very traumatic experience for you, but do you know where we can find Emily?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"I dunno her. Emily didn't look like she was interested in any of the guys anyway. Tried to hit on me, but I was too distracted with a guy. She ended up leaving with one of my friends, Fuutan. I think they went to her place? I'll text her." Emily clacked into the phone with those long nails of hers.

We waited for a few minutes, but there was still no response. Emily tried calling, but it went to dial-tone instead.

"I don't like where this is going..." Mio glowered.

"Weird. Fuutan always picks up like right away." Emily continued to text worriedly.

"We might be able to catch up. Can you tell us where your friend lives?" I asked.

"Ehh... You're kind of strangers—"

"Where does Fuutan live?" Mio placed a charm on her.

Himeko obediently gave us the address. Fuutan didn't live far from here. We paid for our food, apologized to Himeko, and booked it to an apartment complex over in Chiyoda. Apparently, Fuutan lived alone in a studio apartment on the third floor. Since they came back from a mixer, that could only mean one thing...

When we got to the door to her apartment, however, it had been left ajar. The lights inside were still on. I gave Mio the go-ahead, and she opened the door. Immediately, we were assailed by the heavy scent of sweat. We found out why, entering the living room.

Lying on the floor, twitching, and covered from head to toe in semen was a woman around Himeko's age. She had deeply-dyed green hair and a piercing on her lower lip. A limp penis rested on her belly, a sign that she had drunk the dick potion, too.

"Heh... Hehehe... I love dick... having one... feels so good," Fuutan mumbled deliriously.

Mio gave me an 'oopsie' look.

"Emily's going around having sex and giving girls dick potions... How many potions were in that box?" I asked Mio.

"Well... uh..."

I squinted hard at her.

"I wanted a lifetime supply... so... I asked Shayle, and she gave me an enchanted item called Box of Endless Storage... There's gotta be like thousands in there," Mio confessed.

"THOUSANDS?! Oh... no..." I buried my face into my hands.