Chapter 205

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 205

An alarm started ringing incessantly first thing in the morning. I was dead tired and didn't want to get up at all. The summer heat had us both sweating balls. It didn't help that Mio was in my bed and curled up on top of me.

"Nngh... Hit the snooze... just five more minutes," Mio mumbled groggily.

"It's probably mine." I yawned and blindly felt around the nightstand for my phone but couldn't find it.

It wasn't there. I was unable to get up either, since Mio anchored me to the bed.

"Mio... You gotta get off if you want me to turn off my phone." I groaned, not at all wanting to get out of bed.

"But it's so comfortable like this... I'm choosing you over the ringing." Mio refused to get up.


That was a completely different sound from my alarm. It was my phone ringing. I snapped awake, knocking Mio off the bed and flat on the ground.

"Aw, you bitch!" Mio pouted.

I scrambled for my phone and checked who was calling. Reza. After we left, I put her in charge of staking out Tsuneo Cleaning for any signs of Emily Kotage.

"Queen Saeko!" Reza screamed into the phone.

"Ow..." I held it as far away from me as possible. "Don't yell, Reza. Technology is good enough that you can whisper, and I can still hear you!"

"Oh, sorry! I'm calling to inform you that the human named Emily Kotage hasn't come in for work. How should I proceed next?" she asked.

Didn't go in for work? Either Emily called in sick or it was her day off. Hopefully, it wasn't because she quit. Or went missing. That would be extremely bad.

"Hm... You know what? You should apply for a job at Tsuneo Cleaning. If I remember right, they were hiring. It'd give us eyes on the inside, and you'd have a job to start earning money. How about it?" I suggested.

"Cleaning after dirty humans doesn't sound very enticing... but I'll give it my best for your sake, my queen! How do I start? Should I just go in and charm the employers to give me the job?" Reza asked.

"No! Don't use your magic. That's cheating... Just go in there and say you want to apply for a cleaning position!"

Reza promised me she would try, and we cut the call there. I glanced over to Mio. She had fallen back to sleep, face still planted to the floor.

I sighed.

"I wish I could be so carefree."

It took some effort, but I managed to coax Mio awake. We headed to class together. Students were dying from the oppressive, humid heat on their way to and from buildings. So much for freshening up. I was covered in sweat the second we stepped into the sun.

"Ugh. This sucks. I forgot how hot summers are in your world," Mio muttered.

"It's your second summer in Japan. Not used to this yet?" I teased.

"As if anyone can get used to sweat dripping down your skin, getting all sticky and nasty. At least where I live in Elza, it's dry and not muggy as shit." She groaned aloud.

Just as we got to the lecture hall, my phone started ringing. I answered it expecting Reza to give me some good news. Instead, Kana replied from the other end.

"Hey, Saeko? I'm sure it's just nothing, but uh... Hitomi wanted me to ask you about something that's been bothering her. Says it might be her imagination. She saw a couple of girls with dicks today. Is that normal?" Kana asked.

I tripped over myself and nearly face-planted into the cement.

"W-Wait, are you sure she isn't just meeting girls with dicks to begin with. Er... first of all, how did she get into the position of seeing other naked girls? Did Hitomi and Rika break up?" I asked.

"Well, one of them was Hitomi walking in on her roommate. Earlier this morning, Rika thought for sure she heard two girls having sex in a locked bathroom stall on campus. There was a lot of clapping," Kana explained.

That had to be from the dick potions, right? There couldn't be any other explanation. Well, there could be. Some women were just born with dicks, were intersex, or in the middle of transitioning. But Emily Kotage lived in Tokyo. We already knew she was going around giving people these potions.

I told Kana to have Hitomi and Rika detain those students, then explained to Mio that we were skipping classes again. Of course, she was more than happy to. We flew to Tokyo as fast as our wings allowed, stopping once only because Mio fiercely insisted on getting ice cream.

Kana was waiting in front of the entrance into the dormitory building. It was mostly women here, judging by how few men were around.

"Are they inside?" I asked, greeting each other with a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah. Told Rika and Hitomi to keep them busy." Kana led us through.

The three of us stormed through the dormitory to get to Hitomi and Rika's place. Students and residential assistants stared hard as we passed. Once we got to the door, however, Mio kicked it open and—

"Alright, where are the dickgirls?" Mio exclaimed shamelessly into the room.

Hitomi, Rika, and three other university girls gaped at us. Kana and I put a hand to our faces. Someday, I needed to sit Mio down and teach her some human manners, because she hasn't grasped one bit of it even after a year of living here.

"What Mio meant to say is we're here to find out if you have penises," I politely corrected her.

"That's what I said!" Mio complained.

The three girls sitting at the dinner table across from Hitomi and Rika raised their hands.

"They only agreed to come because I threatened not to study with them. Apparently, college students have really bad study habits," Hitomi said.

"Hi, Mio! Hi, Saeko!" Rika waved at us.

"Hey, you're the succubus I hear so much about! Guess that explains the potion. Is that why we're here?" a platinum-haired girl asked.

Another with piercings all over her ears smirked. "What? You wanna find out so you can get some, too?"

"Oh, nice! Good on her!"

"Don't encourage this! Anyway, Reza? Text me the home address. I might as well put it to use... Just no more charming people! Words first! When you get home, I also want you to inform the rest of the nest to scour the city for Emily Kotage. Just keep an eye out. No mind-controlling people," I ordered and received an affirmative response.

After hanging up, I received a text from Reza a second later on the whereabouts of Emily's home. We flew in that direction and came to a derelict two-story apartment complex. Some of the windows were boarded up. Paint peeled off the stairs and railing. The side of the building had been worn by weather without any signs of repairs.

Suffice to say, it was a shitty place. We nevertheless pressed forward, flying along the outside in search of Emily's apartment number. Room 24, second story, and the outside looking just as grody as the rest. I pressed an ear to the door, but I couldn't make out anyone that might be inside.

"Step aside. I got this," Mio said, pulling out a small case of lockpicking tools.

"Uh. Should I be concerned as to why you have something like that?" I glared.

"Got these from Hana. Been practicing on our own doors at the dorm." She grinned mischievously.

As Mio got to work, I was beginning to feel uneasy.

"Mio, this feels wrong! Actually, breaking into someone's house is wrong!" I whispered, grabbing her shoulders from behind and glancing down the corridor.

"Quit shaking me! You're making this hard. Talking all hushed like that also makes us look more suspicious." Mio finangled with the lock until something clicked.

The door creaked open. My jaw dropped that Mio actually did it. She flashed a patronizing smile and slipped the lockpicks back into her pocket. We entered the apartment, quietly shutting the door behind us.

Emily's apartment was small and cramped. It reminded me of mine and Mio's first place when we moved out of my parents' house. What little furniture and belongings existed were bunched up to make room. The futon was all wrinkly and pressed against the wall. Her apartment smelled funky, too. It was a smell I knew all too well from when I was a guy. The smell... of someone who had been jerking off too much. A quick look into the trash bin revealed balled up tissue papers. This was the source of the smell.

For someone working at a modest-sized company like Tsuneo Cleaning, Emily sure lived poorly. Though, I guess I couldn't blame her. I'd been there before. Whatever she made must barely keep her scraping by.

"Hey, look at this." Mio beckoned me over to a low bookshelf lined with all sorts of manga and light novels. She flipped through a random manga. It contained all manner of girls depicted with dicks. The next manga was the same.


"It's all porn, isn't it?" I asked.

"This chick was down horrendous for girls with dicks. What now? Stake out the place in case she comes home?" Mio suggested.

It was the best plan we had so far. With the Tokyo nest soon to fan out, it was only a matter of time before we got a lead. The two of us exited the apartment and waited behind a line of shrubberies at the edge of the complex. Hours went by. Mio and I took turns picking up food, going to the restroom, and keeping an eye out.

By nightfall, Mio was nodding off to my side and Emily hadn't shown up once. Another text from Reza snapped Mio awake. A succubus around Shinjuku came across a girl sucking the dick of another girl in Ni-Chome.

Ni-Chome? That place was a pretty diverse epicenter for people of all kinds of sexuality and orientation. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary for a girl to have a dick there, but it might be worth checking out.

It wasn't very far away. We reached Ni-Chome after a flight, and a succubus named Jennali, who was dressed in a gothic lolita attire, greeted us.

"Queen Saeko! The two girls are down here." Jennali led us into an alley where a pair of young women waited patiently and were clearly charmed.

I put a hand to my face. Didn't I explicitly tell them not to use magic?

"So, how'd you get this?" Mio waltzed right up to the one with a dick and grabbed it by the shaft.

"Mieru Night Club. A chick with big tits gave it to us and said we'd love it," she answered.

Mio and I gasped.

"How long ago?" I asked.

"Half an hour ago," the other one said.

"Emily might still be there. We should hurry!" Mio exclaimed.

I told Jennali to make sure the two girls got home safe and wouldn't remember anything before leaving. Mieru Night Club was a lesbian bar. Who knew how many people Emily gave the potions to.

We were above the club, a small speakeasy place along a strip brightly-lit by neon lights and flickering light posts. At this time of the night, there were a lot of people from a variety of backgrounds. Two large, potted ferns nested to either side of the door. I nodded to Mio. We landed in front of the door and pushed it open.

To say I was horrified was an understatement. It was a full-blown alcohol-fueled orgy in the club. Women were fucking and sucking each other on top of tables, under the tables, behind the bar counters, on top of the pool table, and more. All of them had one thing in common. They had dicks. They all had dicks.

"Where's the bitch who sold you the dick?" Mio ripped a woman off from riding the cock of another.

"Having sex... with a dick is so good... you should try it, too... ehehe..." She was completely delirious and out of it.

Something creaked in the distance. I lifted my gaze to see the backdoor shutting.

"Mio, she went out back!" I pointed.

We went for the fire exit, but all of the women— at least those who could still stand— rose to block our way with dicks swinging between their legs.

"We're not letting you get her!" She picked up a billiard pole.

"That's right. This is the best thing I've ever experienced. Don't take it away from us!" Another grabbed a stool to block our way.

"We'll stop you even if it costs us our lives..." The barwoman smashed a bottle and brandished the jagged edge at us.

I staggered back in shock.

"M-Mio... the dick potion doesn't cause the drinker to lose their freaking marbles, does it?" I asked.

"Nah. But hell. It's not just me, right? They all look like they've been charmed!" Mio warned.

The entire club lunged at us all at once.