Chapter 42 My Heart is Bleeding, Hero Saves the Beauty In Distress Plan (3)

“Didn’t this guy just say a hundred spirit stones at most? Then he said he didn’t want it and was about to leave?”

“Good grief, if it weren’t for this young supreme of the Tianming Clan showing up, this guy would’ve scammed us all...”

“Isn’t this just a blatant attempt to rip people off?”

The surrounding cultivators, seeing this scene, started mocking.

Even with his strong will, Xiao Yan’s face turned pale and ashen, greatly embarrassed in front of everyone.

He glared at Tian Ming Zi, thinking the guy probably didn’t even know what it was, just here to mess with him and humiliate him.

“Shouldn’t there be a rule of ‘first come, first served’? And my offer is higher. Are you selling it or not?”

Xiao Yan, not an ordinary person, took a deep breath to calm himself.

Ignoring the mocking around him, he stared at the stall owner, asking again.


The stall owner hadn’t expected Xiao Yan to say that. Wasn’t he afraid of losing face?

But he was shrewd, knowing that raising the price would make it hard for him to stay in Nanque Sacred City.

“I’m not selling it to you. Look at you, looking all poor and stingy. Don’t waste my time. You acted like you didn’t want it before, and now you’re begging me to sell?”

The stall owner gave him a disdainful look.

Turning to Tian Ming Zi, he put on a flattering face, “Sir, please take it. It’s worthless, just a few spirit stones. If you like it, take it.”

This scene shocked the surrounding cultivators.

They admired the old man’s cunning, thinking he knew how to walk the fine line.

“Do you think I lack your three thousand spirit stones?”

Tian Ming Zi glanced at the stall owner, then waved his hand, making a pile of spirit stones appear.

He then took the palm-sized, person-shaped stone.

From start to finish, he didn’t even look at Xiao Yan, his face indifferent.


Xiao Yan couldn’t believe the stall owner dared to humiliate him.

Even with his patience, his face was dark and stormy.

He smiled faintly, not interested in the item.

Though valuable, it was incomparable to his five-colored immortal clothing.

How did he know? It was related to inherited knowledge.

At birth, Jiang Minghan had an innate understanding of many things, including heavenly principles.

He knew many things mortals thought only gods could know.

With his extensive knowledge, recognizing the Stone Spirit Treasure Cloth was easy.

Of course, with his status, he had no need to scour stalls for treasures.

“So that’s a Stone Spirit Treasure Cloth?”

Tian Ming Zi realized.

He had only seen it in texts, never expecting to see one in person.

Now he understood why his master was interested in that guy—he had a knack for identifying treasures.

Jiang Minghan giving him the Stone Spirit Treasure Cloth was no big deal; he knew Jiang Minghan lacked no treasures.

“By now, Yu Chu’s arranged people should be making their move.”

Jiang Minghan tapped the table, looking out the window with interest.

Night had fallen, and Nanque Sacred City was lit up brilliantly.


In a dark, remote alley, Xiao Yan, mostly recovered, was heading back to the stone gambling shop of Qingxu Holy Land.

Suddenly, he saw a small figure rushing towards him, looking panicked.

Despite the dim light, he saw it was a petite girl with a determined look.

“Seems like she’s in trouble.”

Xiao Yan frowned but decided not to get involved.

But the girl, noticing him, was surprised.

Contrary to his expectations, she didn’t ask for help but continued running.


An arrow shot from the darkness, not at the fleeing girl, but at Xiao Yan!!!