Chapter 43 It Seems I’ve Stumbled Upon Something Big, The Girl Named Xiaoling (4)

“Oh my goodness, you look like you’re trying to die!!!”

Seeing the arrow shooting towards him, Xiao Yan was stunned. His face turned cold, completely unexpected to be dragged into this just by passing through.

The person in the dark clearly didn’t consider him, a mere Body Realm cultivator, worth worrying about, acting so brazenly.

He was about to block the arrow when he heard a shout from the side, “Watch out.”

A strong force hit him, pushing him away.

With a puff, blood splattered. The arrow pierced the petite girl’s arm, making her face turn pale with pain, cold sweat dripping.

“Run, get out of here, or you’ll be caught up in this. You’re just a Body Realm cultivator; if you don’t escape now, you won’t be able to later.”

The petite girl, pale but with determined eyes, urged Xiao Yan to leave quickly.

Her expression turned cold, “They’re trying to kill me, but they didn’t even spare an innocent little cultivator.”


Xiao Yan frowned, surprised that this petite girl would willingly take an arrow for him?

Are there still such foolish people in this world? Just like his sister Xiao Hongdou, so naive and kind.

It seemed her enemies had anticipated this and shot at him on purpose.

“Why are you still here? Run! I can’t save you if you stay.”

The petite girl was anxious, seeing Xiao Yan standing there instead of running. “Are you scared stiff?”

Finally snapping out of it, Xiao Yan glanced at her and said, “Are you okay?”

“Are you crazy? Why worry about that now?”

The girl looked incredulous, gritting her teeth, “Forget it, if you want to die, I won’t stop you.”

“Fine, seeing you’re kind-hearted, I’ll help you tonight.”

Xiao Yan glanced at her, his suspicion eased.

Feeling frustrated recently, finally showing his skills tonight, especially in a “hero saving the beauty” act.

Even if he didn’t want to admit it, it felt good, clearing his mood.

Curious why the girl was being chased so late, he noticed she was quite beautiful, despite her disheveled state.

Xiao Yan couldn’t help but glance a few more times.

“The poison isn’t fatal.”

The girl, looking complicatedly at Xiao Yan, shook her head, “Sorry, I underestimated you. Thanks for saving me. If not for me, you wouldn’t be involved.”

Xiao Yan waved it off, asking, “Why are you being chased at this hour?”


The girl became wary, her face paling from the poison.

Seeing her stubborn and determined look, Xiao Yan shook his head, “Alright, let me help you tonight. I live nearby; if you trust me, I’ll take you back, let my sister detox and bandage you...”

The girl became more cautious.

Xiao Yan, shaking his head, said calmly, “You saw my strength. If I wanted to harm you, you couldn’t stop me. If I don’t help, you’ll collapse soon. If your enemies return, how will you defend yourself?”

The girl was silent, then asked, “You didn’t want to help before, why now?”

Xiao Yan, expression calm, said, “I help when I’m in a good mood, and don’t when I’m not.”

Partly because she was pretty, partly curious about her pursuers.

Xiao Yan felt he stumbled upon something significant.

“Thanks.” The girl followed Xiao Yan silently.

Returning to the stone gambling shop, Xiao Yan learned her name was Xiaoling, a rogue cultivator, orphaned young, accidentally acquiring a cultivation technique.

She often worked with adventurers, taking on tasks.

But why she was chased, she wouldn’t say. Though curious, Xiao Yan didn’t press further.
