~: After quitting the entertainment circle, I became a big star and ended the contract (minor repair)

"Su Zhe, come to the company tomorrow and sign the termination agreement."


Su Zhe held the phone tightly, but did not answer.

On the other end of the phone, Su Zhe's agent Chen Cheng was a little helpless.

She picked Su Zhe from the crowd in the draft. She also devoted a lot of effort to Su Zhe, but regardless of Su Zhe's good growth, it still depends on her fate to become popular.

As an idol, Su Zhe is basically in the state of no such person in the entertainment industry.

Two years ago, the third season of the talent show "Young Idol" co-operated by Orange Channel and Lemon Entertainment began. It was Su Zhe who participated in this draft and was favored by Chen Orange.

He is a real amateur player, and the reason for participating in the draft is the same as the "sign up with friends" when countless stars debuted. It is to accompany friends to register for a draft during the gap in high school graduation.

Compared with other players who have been packaged, Su Zhe is at best a superior face. His handsome and indifferent face matches his slightly cold and alien temperament. To put it simply, he is the girl’s dream. The iceberg prince.

But dancing, singing, rap, stage experience, camera sense... these are the more important basic skills for idols, he is far from other players. His personality is a bit stubborn. During the draft, it can be said that he was chasing other members endlessly, but his talent in acting is really average... If it weren't for his outstanding face, it can be said that he could not hold up with Chen Cheng. Sign the contract, let alone get the last debut, have you made your debut?

After the successful debut of the combination, Chen Cheng served as both the limited combination and Su Zhe’s personal agent. During this period, Chen Cheng worked very seriously for him, and once used him as a successful amateur. The draft, I also took this to attract a wave of fans.

But the good times are not long.

At that time, major companies, online platforms, and TV stations almost launched new drafts and combinations. The "young idol" was not even in the top three in the major variety shows at the time.

The combination launched in the last two seasons is still working hard to attract fans. In the third season, in the vast sea of ​​drafts, there is really no big wave.

The third generation of young couples called thethird has 13 members, and only the C-position debuted slightly out of the circle, let alone Su Zhe, who was just barely touching the top.

Although Chen Cheng signed Su Zhe, it is difficult to get him any excellent resources when his debut ranking is at the bottom and his popularity is average. In terms of strength, after Su Zhe has worked hard, his singing and jumping skills can only be regarded as ordinary in the idol circle.

Insufficient popularity and strength, and Su Zhe is still a bit stubborn, unwilling to abuse fans and attract money according to the plan arranged by the company, because of certain things, he rarely publishes photos for business, let alone cooperates with the company's hype plan and sells corruption. .

With the passage of two years, the third limited time combination is about to disband, and Su Zhe has become more and more transparent.

To be honest, even Su Zhe himself couldn't understand why he was still reluctant to quit the entertainment circle.

In the end, he could only attribute this unwillingness to his unwillingness, but he has never been able to stand firm in this circle with his strength.

After hanging up the call with Chen Cheng, Su Zhe stood on the balcony of the rented apartment and spent a few minutes in a daze. Finally, with his mobile phone, he took a picture of the light and shadow of the sunset on the city buildings and posted it on Weibo. , With the text: Goodbye bye.

This one can be said to bid farewell to the showbiz Weibo, not even the hot search, but only some of his remaining fans are crying.

"Uuuu, Zaizai, are you really going to terminate the contract with the company?"

"Zab, tell us this is not true! QAQ"

"Cub, don't go, okay? We will always be with you..."

"Even if you cancel the contract with the company, remember to update this Weibo! Oh, this is our last thought..."

Hundreds of comments were already the peak of his Weibo traffic, but they didn't cause any waves. There were even puzzled passers-by passing by, wondering who the owner of this Weibo was.

Su Zhe took a look at the replies on Weibo with his mobile phone. After a long while, he finally quit Weibo and dialed a number in the address book.



The busy tone of the phone lasted ten times before someone answered the call, but neither the person on the other end of the phone nor Su Zhe spoke first, and seemed to fall into a silent tacit understanding.

It wasn't until more than ten seconds later that the person on the other side spoke angrily.

"What are you doing? Huh? What are you doing?"

"I don't want to call you Lao Tzu to say hello!"

"Where did you learn your dog's temper? How can your temper be mixed in the entertainment industry?"

"Your company was really blind when it signed you!"

After receiving a call from his son Su Zhe, Su Yinsheng's stomach was full of fire. After squirting wildly at the other end of the phone, there was no movement on the other side. This made Su Yinsheng even more angry that his eyes were not eyes and his nose was not his nose.

I was about to catch my breath and continue to spray this evildoer who said to be an idol and ran away from home, but suddenly there was a voice on the other side!

"So I ended the contract."


Su Yinsheng thought he had heard it wrong.

"I mean, you were right, so I was terminated." Su Zhe repeated it very calmly.

"...Fuck." Su Yinsheng swears.

"..." Su Zhe paused and suddenly smiled: "What about the quality? You are a national coach."

Su Zhe's father, Su Yinsheng, a well-known sprint coach in China, has sent many high-level sprinters for the national team, and they are also well-known in their provincial sports circle.

Not only that, Su Zhe, his grandfather, grandmother, and mother, plus the seven aunts and eight aunts in the family, can be said that from nutritionist to masseur to sports reporter, up and down, it can be called a family of sports. .

In fact, even Su Zhe, who was a junior, was a sprinter. His talent is not bad. When he was in high school, he also participated in city competitions and obtained a second-level athlete certificate.

If he hadn't graduated from high school and participated in the draft by accident, he might be drawn by Su Yinsheng to the provincial sports school that summer to continue training, and then embark on the path of an athlete.

It is precisely because of this that his father was particularly angry at what idol he ran away from home, thinking that he was wasting his talent and was dazzled by the entertainment industry.

"Fuck you, I'm your turn to take care of my swearing?" Su Yinsheng cursed and said loudly: "Since the contract has been cancelled, please get me home quickly. Your mother hasn't seen you for 800 years. .Just the broken idol you are, except during the competition, you have not seen your shadow for more than a year."

"Well, that's why I am not popular." Su Zhe admitted.

"...If you know it's not red, don't worry about this crooked mind in the future." Su Yinsheng scratched his head violently on the phone: "Come back to practice sprinting with Lao Tzu, and resume training for a few months, see if you remember. How to run."

Hearing Su Yinsheng's violent speech, Su Zhe smiled slightly, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on his face, causing a beautiful arc in his eyes.

"Okay." Su Zhe promised: "I have already made an appointment with Sister Chen Cheng to terminate the contract at the company in the morning. I will come to the sports team to see you tomorrow afternoon."

The phone hung up, and at this moment, a strange mechanical sound rang in his mind...

"The condition judgment has been triggered, the system is started, and the initialization is in preparation..."

Su Zhe was stunned, what sound was this?

"Host binding is successful, host identity is confirmed, system activation conditions are confirmed, and system startup is successful."

After the mechanical sound transmission was completed, Su Zhe suddenly felt that there was something in his mind. With a movement in his heart, a translucent interface appeared before his eyes.

"Super...Idol system?"

Looking at the words on the interface, Su Zhe was a little bit dumbfounded. He, a transparent person in the entertainment industry who is about to terminate the contract with the company, has 1 million followers on Weibo, and does not exceed 100 daily replies, how can he become a super idol?

Moving his eyes downward, Su Zhe saw an entry called Today's Task.

Today's task: 10 kilometers running

mission rewards:? ? ?

Failure penalty: None

In addition, on this interface called Super Idol System, there is no more part that he can click on.


Su Zhe was a little speechless, what kind of sand sculpture system is this?

There are only tasks, no rewards, no penalties for failure... No matter how you look at it, this system is not very reliable, and... As a super idol system, the first task turned out to be a 10km run?

"This is really... a wonderful day." Su Zhe scratched his head and laughed.

Outside the balcony, the setting sun has set, and the lights in the city are still gradually lit. He returns to the room, walks to the kitchen, prepares to cook himself a dinner, celebrates this strange day, and replenishes himself with some physical strength by the way, and then try What rewards can I get for completing system tasks?

When opening the refrigerator, Su Zhe stunned again. A star suddenly appeared in his eyes among the ingredients in the entire refrigerator. Some of them were marked as 4-star high-quality ingredients, and some were marked as 1-star not recommended for consumption.

Su Zhe glanced roughly at the ingredients in the refrigerator, and he knew that the ingredients marked with 4 stars are all ingredients that can supplement the body with high-quality nutrition. After he took a few samples of beef and vegetables, the system also matched the cooking method and the nutritional score of the final product for the ingredients he took out.

Is this a super idol system or a healthy eating system?

With a mixed mood, Su Zhe got on the treadmill in the living room of the apartment one hour after the meal and started today's 10km running task.

With the background of systematic training since childhood, Su Zhe looks thin, but in fact his physical fitness has been quite good. After signing the contract, in order to catch up with the singing and dancing level of other members, he has continued to practice and maintained good physical strength.

Although the task of running 10 kilometers sounds tiring, it is not too difficult for Su Zhe.

About 40 minutes later, a mechanical sound of Ding appeared in Su Zhe's mind again.

"A total of 10 kilometers of running, the running skills have been activated, and skill points are obtained. The first time you obtain skill points, the skill points will be automatically matched. Congratulations to the host for activating the sprint skills. Current sprint skills: level 1."

After a period of system voice, Su Zhe called up the system panel again, and the translucent panel he saw in the evening finally showed some new information.

A skill description named Running appears in the corner of the panel. After clicking it, you can see that the skill tree for running has been activated. At the same time, the branch skill sprint under running is also lit up, and the small print next to it shows level lv1.

At the same time, another section of the system sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for completing today's mission and rewarding skill points*1. Congratulations to the host for completing the system mission for the first time and rewarding random supporting actors*1."

Su Zhe was taken aback by this new voice, random supporting role? Is this really going to make him an idol star? But he will terminate the contract tomorrow morning. What job opportunities will he have next?

And this running skill...

Staring at the transparent interface of the system for a few minutes, the only thing that can add skill points is sprint for the time being. The sprint lv1 activated tonight does not know what the effect will be. Su Zhe left it behind and decided to wait until tomorrow. When the physical team is doing physical tests, after seeing the effect of sprint lv1, try to add more points.


0.0 A lonely vegetable appeared sluggishly...Big guys passing by...please ask for a collection?