At 11 o'clock in the morning the next day, Su Zhe had arrived at the gate of the Provincial Sports Workers Team outside the Fifth Ring of S City.

There was nothing unexpected about the termination of the contract with Lemon Entertainment in the morning, but before leaving, Chen Cheng stopped him and asked him what he planned next.

"Next, ah, I'm probably going to participate in a competition." Su Zhe thought of the task bar refreshed this morning, in addition to the daily task is still 10 kilometers running, there is an additional target task: participate in any game Official sporting event.

Although I don't understand why this so-called super idol system must push him into the sports circle, Su Zhe intends to try it out according to the system's guidelines.

"Competition? Is there any well-known talent selection recently? Or is there any new show?" Chen Cheng was a little confused. As a senior agent, there can be no news that Su Zhe knows but she doesn't know, unless that show It was too watery, and there was no value to her attention.

"You are from Shao Ou. Although Shao Ou is not in the top three in the draft brand, it is also an old draft ip. If you go to participate in other drafts, not to mention what the company executives will think, your personal image will be It is completely nailed to the dull coffee that rubs the draft everywhere. I suggest you better not take the draft game."

After all, the true feelings have brought Su Zhe for two years. Although Su Zhe is not popular, he is humble and has no tricks. Among a group of impetuous entertainment circles, he appears to be particularly peaceful and has an appetite for Chen Orange.

If it weren't for Lemon Entertainment's high-level strategic adjustments to clear out the artists who seem to have no idol prospects, she would still take Su Zhe to look hard.

Now that Su Zhe seems to be going on the wrong road, how can Chen Cheng relax?

Thinking of this, Chen Cheng sighed: "In this way, I wanted to tell you before. I know a few companies that are engaged in the idol market. I can help you with them. Don't participate in the draft indiscriminately and ruin your future. ."

Su Zhe scratched his head and understood that Chen Cheng had misunderstood: "Sister Chen Cheng, I'm not talking about a draft game."

"...What kind of game is that?" Chen Cheng curled his eyebrows, looking at Su Zhe's eyes as if he was watching his own astray boy.

"Uh, I will report to the sports team in a while, and then take a physical test, and start to resume training." Su Zhe was a little vacant: "Next, depending on the training status, I will probably start participating in track and field competitions."



Chen Cheng felt that he had probably been hearing voices.

"Sports team? It's the kind of serious athlete team? What are you going to do? Track and field competition? Are you going to run??" After taking Su Zhe for two years, Chen Cheng felt that Su Zhe has a talent for telling jokes.

"Ah, yes." Su Zhe looked at Chen Cheng who seemed to be frozen, and smiled embarrassedly.

"You want to retire and become an athlete???" Chen Cheng thinks this is simply a fantasy. I have only heard of athletes who retire and come to the entertainment industry. This is the first time she heard that an idol in the entertainment industry retire. Then I'm going to be an athlete...

This means that Su Zhe is really not popular, but if he is a little bit hot and can make some achievements in the sports circle, Chen Cheng can immediately launch 10 sets of different hype packages for him, making Su Zhe a big hit.

Thinking of this, Chen Cheng rolled her eyes: "You can still transfer athletes? You used to be an athlete? Why haven't you told me?"

"Um...but I didn't have any results at the beginning. I participated in several city competitions in high school. The results were not very good, but I also took a national second-level athlete. Now I go back to resume training for a few months. , Maybe you can see me at the National Track and Field Championships next year, Chen Cheng?"

Su Zhe was not very embarrassed about Chen Cheng's question. In fact, it was because he did not want to link his past athlete experience with his later idol status, so he did not mention it.

In the entertainment industry, there are not few artists who are qualified as athletes. This is also a good label. Such details will also affect the specific direction and personality of the artists when making commercial packaging.

The late news made Chen Cheng a little angry, but it was too late to say anything at this moment.

"Okay, take part in your physical training." Chen Cheng said in a bad mood: "What national track and field championship, how many people in the country can watch this? When will you participate in the Olympics, sister, I will pay for it out of my pocket and go to the Olympic site. Watch you play!"

Thinking of Chen Cheng who rolled his eyes when he was parting, Su Zhe was not as embarrassed, scratching his head and thinking, turned around to buy some small gifts to send to Chen Cheng, coax her, and apologized.

Thinking wildly in his mind, Su Zhe didn't notice that there were some staff members outside the sports team's gate who were not like the sports team, so he walked straight into the gate.

"Eh, wait, who are you?" A staff member dressed in black and carrying a work permit strode over and stopped Su Zhe: "We rented the venue for the sports team, except for the internal personnel of the sports team today. , Idle people are prohibited from entering."

Su Zhe, who was stopped at the door, was stunned and explained: "I'm here to find Coach Su, and I have an appointment with him for the physical test today." Su Zhe didn't say that he was here to find his father. Look at the staff. Su Zhe vaguely guessed which crew had rented the sports team venue, and 80% of them did not know his father Su Yinsheng.

The black staff frowned and looked up and down Su Zhe: "Which boy group are you idol? I have an impression of your face. Where did you find out about our crew? The news is pretty good. But just like you, with thin arms and legs, do you look like an athlete?"

Uh... what you said makes sense?

Su Zhe was overwhelmed by what the staff said.

After two years of idol for the men's team, Su Zhe is no longer what it used to be in terms of clothing or temperament.

Although he's almost gone through the center of the earth for more than a year, he has never been interrupted in the company's training courses. It may not be obvious in the comparison of the surrounding staff or teammates, but he is an ordinary athlete. , It is easy to make the staff feel insulting IQ.

Fortunately, at this moment, the uncle of the door guard of the sports team poked his head out when he heard the movement and saw Su Zhe who was blocked at the door.

"Oh, Xiao Zhe, you are here!" The chubby doorman Li Uncle smiled when he saw Su Zhe.

"You can be regarded as seeing you. Your dad told me this morning that you are going back to resume training! That's great! Grandpa Li is waiting to see you play!" As the doorman said, Grandpa Li pulled Su Zhe. Walked his hand into the sports team.

"Eh, no, sir..." The black staff was a little confused: "Is this really an athlete on your sports team? I clearly remember which men's team member he is... Look at him like this, where is he like an athlete? "

Uncle Li was a little unhappy with the words of the black staff: "Nonsense! Why don't we Xiaozhe look like athletes? He trained in our sports team when he was a child, and is a seed player of our sports team! Did you break the idol after two years of doing it? We, Xiaozhe, are now getting back to the righteousness and we are going back to resume training. If you talk nonsense, I'm not polite to you!

Uncle Li's words completely shocked the black staff. He turned around and looked at the other people around him. The companion who was also a crew member was also bewildered.

What's the matter, this little idol who can't remember their name is really an athlete? Originally from the Provincial Sports Team? Now this little idol is ready to retreat and become an athlete again? ? ?

Boy group idol idol transformation athlete? What kind of **** operation is this?

And... why did the sports team come back from the entertainment circle to get back to the right? Is there any criminal organization in the entertainment industry?

There are too many slots, and several staff members looked at each other a few times, and they all felt aggrieved not knowing how to complain.

The black staff member who first stopped Su Zhe recalled Su Zhe’s appearance and temperament, and then remembered his identity as an athlete. A thought suddenly flashed in his mind—this is just a familiar little idol, and maybe it’s going to be lucky. Up.

Following Uncle Li towards the track and field team, he found that one-third of the track and field team’s indoor hall was paved with tracks, and various equipment was being set up. A camera was being debugged near the training area. There was a middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap. Su Zhe looked at him a little familiar, but before he could think of anything, he was distracted by the attack.

"... Coach Su, do you want your son to lose his mind?" Su Zhe covered the back of his head, and a heavy blow from his father just now caused him great damage.

"Cut, since you became that broken idol, you have no IQ online. Lao Tzu's memorial is to celebrate your IQ is back online." Su Yinsheng akimbo his hips, pulling his face angrily: "Look. What kind of clothes are you wearing? What can you do in your body? Don’t you hurry up to change and warm up Laozi?!"


Su Zhe reluctantly rubbed his forehead and walked to the locker room of the indoor hall. This is the second time that his outfit was rejected today. Both times were for the same reason-unlike an athlete.

Seeing Su Zhe walking to the locker room from the back, Su Yinsheng finally felt a little okay.

His son, who had good athletic talent at the beginning, was able to squeeze into the top four in the city's competitions by focusing on the college entrance examination and occasionally maintaining training. You know, under his influence, the sprint in their city is considered a strong event. Under such conditions, it can be said that Su Zhe has an outstanding talent.

As a result, Su Yinsheng had not waited until the end of the college entrance examination for Su Zhe to fudge people for long-term training, and he got the decision of his son to be an idol. This made him angry...

Fortunately, now people are back.

Su Zhe is still less than 21. For sprinters, his true golden age has not yet arrived. As long as he restarts training, with his talent, he can start to show results in one or two years, using the words in their idol circle. In terms of...this is the real future!

Thinking of this, Su Yinsheng showed a smile on his face. In an instant, Su Yinsheng remembered that he just forgot to tell his son that there seemed to be someone in the dressing room...

But this was not a big deal, and was immediately left behind by Su Yinsheng.

In the dressing room, Su Zhe, who opened the door and entered, was taken aback, and saw a person sleeping on the bench in the dressing room, wearing a black training suit. His skin was too fair, but his muscles were very beautiful. At first glance, I have gone through long-term training in the gym, but I am not overly pursuing a muscular figure.

Moreover, the person lying on the bench had long hands and feet. Su Zhe looked at the other's hands and feet and compared them with the length of his own. He estimated that the height of the person lying down was 185 upwards.

Is this a newcomer to the sports team in the past two years?

Su Zhe guessed wildly, then turned around and found his cabinet back then and opened it. As expected, there was a brand new training suit and running shoes in it.

Seeing neatly sized clothes and shoes in the cabinet, and even sports water cups, towels, etc., Su Zhe smiled and quickly completed the change-needless to say, these were prepared for him by his grumpy father .

After the change, Su Zhe saw that the young man on the bench was still asleep, so he left the locker room lightly. What he didn't notice was that after he turned around, the young man on the bench took away the arm covering his face, revealing an unusually handsome face, staring at his back after changing clothes, showing a thoughtful expression .

After returning to the indoor hall, Su Zhe was thrown by his father to the side of the hall to warm up, preparing for a later physical examination.

Su Zhe, who was warming up, noticed that several athletes from the sports team had come in the stadium, and there were also his acquaintances. He smiled and waved to the players in the distance. They also noticed him, but when several athletes were about to come to greet him, they were invited to the side by someone who looked like a crew member.

Su Zhe roughly knows that 80% of this time is a sports-related drama to be filmed. It seems rather particular. He actually found the scene of the sports team, but he didn't think much about it, just continued to stretch his body and finish warm up.

Su Zhe, who was consciously similar, said hello to his dad, planning to try a run on the indoor track before the physical test, mainly to try the effect of sprint lv1.

Su Yinsheng had nothing to do with Su Zhe's request, but he habitually walked to the starting position, and his partner coach Zhao Changhe also ran to the finish line with a smile, holding the stopwatch and preparing to time Su Zhe.

None of the three people who were preparing on the track had noticed that the camera on the side of the crew had turned the camera to Su Zhe who was about to start.

"Prepare..." Su Yinsheng raised his starting gun.

With a "bang", Su Zhe bounced from the starting block and rushed out like an arrow from the string.

At the moment he started running, the system in his brain made a real-time mechanical sound.

When the sprint lv1 status is activated, the sprint status is increased by 5%.

Su Zhe only felt that his condition was better than ever before, his body was light, his pace was steady and full of strength, and the scene of the surrounding venues was moving back quickly!

"Fuck, look at A Zhe, why is he so fast?!"

Not far away, a former training companion of Su Zhe exclaimed.

"Fuck, how come I feel he is faster than me?"

Everyone was surprised to watch Su Zhe pass by them like a shooting star, and his galloping figure even seemed to form an afterimage to stay in front of everyone.

Su Yinsheng stared at Su Zhefei's back, and severely stopped the timer when his galloping figure crossed the end.

"Fuck!" Su Yinsheng lowered his head and glanced at the number on the timer, then cursed another swear word.

"Lao Su! Lao Su! What's your time there?!" Zhao Changhe waved the timer in his hand and exclaimed excitedly.

"10.43." Su Yinsheng replied grimly, and then glared at his son fiercely again.

"Sure enough!" Zhao Changhe looked excited: "My hand count is 10.42! A Zhe, a kid who hasn't trained for two years, came back and ran into the level of an athlete on the first trip! Waste, too wasteful !"

Hearing Zhao's comments, Su Yinsheng's heart became even more irritable-Su Zhe, this kid, could have achieved this result without training for two years. If he had not wasted time in these two years, he would have been able to enter the big race and get out of the game!

Su Zhe, who had just run 100 meters, was also taken aback when he heard his own results. He did not expect that the effect of sprint lv1 would be so good. You must know that two years ago, his best score in 100 meters was only 11.34. With this result, he also squeezed into the top four in the city competition and won the title of second-level athlete. After hearing the conversation between Zhao Changhe and his father, Su Zhe's scalp tightened again.

After he ran out of this result today, he will surely make his father feel even more resentful for his two years of idol career.

And in the corner where everyone did not notice, behind the camera, the middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap, the photographer and other crew members all looked at the playback on the monitor with bright eyes—

In the lens, the young man in training clothes is galloping like the wind, with sharp eyes looking at the finish line unwaveringly. His hair is thrown back because of his running, revealing his flawless and handsome face.

"That's him!" the middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap said firmly.


0.0 Today is also a vegetable that I earnestly ask for collection...?