Chapter 13: Strength & responsibility

Su Zhe received the news that Chen Zhi was injured after he arrived at the indoor training hall the next morning.

At the end of the dinner party the night before, he drove Mr. Shao’s car back to his apartment. He did not pay attention to all kinds of network information, but tried to use the system rewards drawn yesterday—the hurdle technique.

Under the guidance of the system, he lay down and closed his eyes, and then entered an empty training ground. A serious hurdle coach was already waiting for his arrival in the training ground.

In the following time, he was instilled with a lot of hurdle experience. In that strange space, he seemed to have personally experienced everything the coach dictated. This way of acquiring experience shocked him. The power of the system seems to be far above his expectations.

During the next 6 hours of deep sleep, he began to train the basic movements of hurdles under the guidance of the coach until these basic movements formed muscle reflexes during training and became his reflex habit movements.

The efficiency of this kind of training made Su Zhe in training uncontrollable, and there were 60 hours of such training sessions. Su Zhe could almost predict that after 60 hours, he would be able to master what professional hurdlers should be. Have all knowledge skills and practical skills.

This is almost equivalent to forcibly instilling the basics that an athlete needs to practice for several years to be proficient in him. I just don't know whether his body can get used to the changes brought about by this training after he is out of the system.

When he woke up the next day, Su Zhe clearly felt that his physical behavior and habits seemed to be slightly inconsistent with his brain thinking, but this incoordination was quickly disappearing with his self-regulation after waking up.

The training effect in the system can be brought to reality!

This recognition made Su Zhe a little shocked and a little excited. He was going to take advantage of the gap in today's training to try his skills in the hurdles field.

But as soon as I arrived at the training hall, I saw Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe on a video call with someone worried.

"Dad, Uncle Zhao." Su Zhe greeted softly.

Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe who were on the phone heard the sound and noticed Su Zhe who was there, and then a hearty voice came from the phone.

"Is Xiaozhe here?"

Su Zhe was stunned, and immediately heard whose voice it was: "Brother Xiaozhi? Dad, Uncle Zhao, what are you talking about with Brother Xiaozhi?"

At the other end of the video, it is Chen Zhi, the leader of the domestic sprinter.

From being selected by Su Yinsheng from a school in S City at the age of 14, to Chen Zhi entering the national team at the age of 22, Su Yinsheng almost treated him as his own son. At that time, if it were not for the leaders of the sports team and the Sports Bureau of S Province to try to stay, Su Yinsheng planned to accompany Chen Zhi to the national team.

After Chen Zhi entered the national team, Su Yinsheng has always been paying attention to all his matches and training. The communication between the two has not been separated by the change of distance.

But this time the injury was temporarily concealed by Chen Zhi. Su Yinsheng didn't know the news until the basic condition of the injury had been confirmed after inspection and had to be announced to the public.

It was too late when I received the news last night. Su Yinsheng tossed and turned for the whole night and did not dare to affect Chen Zhi’s rest. In the end, he talked with Zhao Changhe on the phone for half the night. Both of them speculated that Chen Zhi’s injury was for the sake of Prepare for the World Championship Challenge in August.

The qualification standards for this Olympics are particularly high, and there has been heated discussion in the sports circle since the announcement. But the standards have been announced, and they can only make every effort to meet the entry standards.

Chen Zhi obviously hoped to have excellent results in this competition, so he increased the amount of training, which led to this accident.

It wasn't until he got to the call screen that Su Zhe found that Chen Zhi was in the hospital at the moment, and he immediately understood why Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe looked worried.

"Brother Xiaozhi, what's the matter with your injury?" Su Zhe frowned, his tone serious.

"Ah, nothing." Chen Zhi smiled heartily. If you only look at his face, you can't even tell that he is injured: "It's just a small injury. It will be fine after two months. Don't worry."

Su Zhe frowned: "Okay, it's all athletes. Is it interesting that you lie to me like this?"

Su Zhe has been behind Chen Zhi since he was 7 years old. Xiaozhi is long and Xiaozhi is short. Chen Zhi also regarded Su Zhe as his younger brother all the way. He left at the beginning. When the sports team went to the national team for training, the person who couldn't let go of it was Su Zhe except for Su.

On the other side of the video, Chen Zhi had to laugh. He knew that he couldn't hide from Su Zhe, but he still didn't want to worry too much about his little brother, who has grown up since childhood.

Perhaps it was because the two parties had been talking for a long time before, and the doctor next to Chen Zhi interrupted the conversation by gesturing, indicating that the examination time had come.

When hanging up the video, Chen Zhi still smiled and said to Su Zhe: "Little Zhe, come on, I am waiting for you to exceed my score." Obviously, even if he was sick, he also paid attention to Su Zhe's yesterday's match.

After the video was hung up, Su Zhe learned about Chen Zhi’s current pressure and the causes and consequences of his injury. After learning that Chen Zhi’s injury report has been sent to Germany, and preparing to travel to Germany urgently for injury treatment and follow-up rehabilitation, Su Zhe is also considered Barely relieved.

"10 seconds 05..."

This terrible threshold is now looming in front of all Olympic countries participating in the Olympics. This line of compliance can be said to be the most stringent of the previous Olympics, and even reached the final level of the previous Olympics.

Although Chen Zhi once ran into 10 seconds, the athlete's competitive level is not static. Because of factors such as training status, technical adjustments, physical conditions, psychological factors, and even the competition field, the results will have certain fluctuations.

Since this season, Chen Zhi has been in a technical adjustment period and his state in the competition has fluctuated. Since July, he has truly entered the qualification certification period for Olympic contestants. This is exactly what Chen Zhi forced himself to increase. Because of the amount of training, I hope to recover to the best state as soon as possible.

Although as the country’s highest-ranked 100-meter athlete, even if no one in the country can reach the standard, he can participate in the Olympics as the country’s highest-ranked athlete, but as a real athlete, no one wants to see himself as In this way, he was "comforted" to enter the Olympic Games.

Su Zhe knew that in addition to this reason, Chen Zhi’s sense of responsibility as a domestic leader in the 100-meter race was also at work. He did not want his country’s qualification for the 100-meter race to be derived from the "care" of the organizing committee. After all, when a player reaches the Olympics, it is also a time to promote the country's comprehensive sports strength.

"Okay, Azhi is not something you should think about now." Su Yinsheng rubbed his forehead: "This year is the track and field year, and there will be national competitions one after another. In order to encourage young players, a special addition has been made to this championship. There are 3 alternate places, you need to add an extra game before the start of the championship, and the top three players in the total score will be eligible for the championship. We have prepared you to register for the alternate race, let you go to the championship Give it a try."

At this time, Zhao Changhe also turned over the record book that he brought with him for a while, turning the page and saying: "Your results changed too much yesterday. Today we re-take the test. In your game yesterday, the acceleration in the future is amazing, but you His starting reaction speed and starting acceleration skills are still lacking. For the next training plan, your dad and I also need to make adjustments."

Seeing that Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe had finished speaking, Su Zhe hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Dad, Uncle Zhao, I want to try the World Championship Challenge."

Upon hearing Su Zhe's words, Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe both frowned and did not speak.

In fact, they initially considered whether to let Su Zhe try the challenge of the World Championships. With Su Zhe’s performance in the Provincial Games, it is still very competitive to participate in the challenge, but they are not sure yet. Whether Su Zhe's state is stable or not, the second is that the National Championship and World Championship Challenge are both scheduled in August, and the difference between the two competitions is less than 10 days.

Since Su Zhe resumed training, he has only participated in one provincial sports meeting. He has not experienced the cyclical adjustment of state from training to competition. If he participates in two consecutive high-intensity national competitions, they are not sure about Su. Can Zhe's own state bear it?

In the end, out of prudent considerations, Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe decided to only let Su Zhe participate in this championship for the time being, to feel the atmosphere of the national level competition.

Su Yinsheng understood that Su Zhe saw Chen Zhi injured and was stimulated, and wanted to be a hero to help Chen Zhi relieve his pressure. But this kid didn't want to think about Chen Zhi, as the nation's number one person in the 100 meters, can anyone help to share his pressure?

From 10 seconds 18 to 10 seconds 05, how many people can't bridge the gap between years?

Many players, in order to break from 10.18 to 10.17, need to undergo unforgettable training-and may not be truly successful.

Su Yinsheng glanced at Su Zhe, turned his head in silence without replying.

Of course, Zhao Changhe understands what Su Yinsheng meant. He patted Su Zhe on the shoulder: "Little Zhe, don't be impatient, and train well. Let's stabilize your current results before we can talk about future progress."

Su Zhe naturally understood the reasons for his father and Zhao Changhe's attitude. He just couldn't help but think of the pressure on Chen Zhi and the dilemma facing the track and field world at this moment.

He is swollen...

Su Zhe patted his head, and temporarily threw these thoughts out of his mind.

His current identity is just a young athlete who has just transitioned from the entertainment circle to the sports circle, and the only achievement he can get is the record-breaking provincial Games championship.

Under this status, he thought about what to share with Chen Zhi. In the eyes of others, what was he not overpowering?

Train well!

Su Zhe took a deep breath and warned himself to keep calm at all times.

After a busy day of training and 10km jogging, Su Zhe had time to get on Weibo, ready to say hello to his long-lost fans, and at the same time @了陈志, let him get a good treatment.

Unexpectedly, when I opened Weibo on the mobile phone this time, the mobile phone was really stuck for 2 minutes. The motionless interface made him almost ready to shut down and restart.

Finally, 2 minutes later, Weibo finally returned to normal. Su Zhe glanced at the information prompt bar at the bottom of the interface, and it was already full of bright red numbers.

Yesterday, after winning the 100m championship in the Provincial Games of S Province, Su Zhe certainly understood that there must be a lot of @ own netizens on the collar, but is this number a bit too alarming?

He opened the message with a confused face, and saw that countless private messages were repeating the same sentence——

[@苏哲路鸣, Kuai Kang Kang Xie Wei! @邵星辰He is following you! 】

Looking at the row after row of messages, not only Shao Xingchen’s fans, but also many "philosophers" are also madly leaving comments, worrying that his not replying to fans in time will affect the perception of passersby.

Su Zhe just remembered that yesterday, the crew propaganda was still telling him to take the time to go online and follow the crew’s Weibo and the Weibo of the actors in the same group, and at the same time bring the identities of the characters in the play for some interaction.

and so……

The current situation is that Mr. Shao paid attention to him first and then @ him, but he has not yet returned to reply?

Su Zhe is big, no wonder Shao Xingchen’s fans are madly messaging him, especially after he went online, perhaps after receiving his online reminder, the private messages to him began to increase one by one, and the content was the same.

Su Zhe immediately found Dadao Shao's Weibo and clicked on it, and turned to the message of @自己 yesterday, and forwarded it again.

[@邵星辰Thank you, Lu Ming believes that Xie Wei's next journey will also be infinitely exciting and live up to expectations! 】


_(:з」∠)_ Plant a new chapter, how many points can you get from the little angels? XDDD [A dish with a praying face]

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 Hou Nanfeng;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Hold the milk can tightly without letting go of 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!