After Su Zhe returned to his fan Shao Xingchen and retweeted his Weibo response, the "Satelite" and "Philosophers" finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got in the mood to start licking their faces.

Fans’ enthusiastic rainbow farts are all the fans.

[Your eyes are the brightest star in the night sky, and the light contained in it guides our direction; your beautiful face is a treasure carefully carved by Michelangelo, and there is no face that can surpass yours...]

【_(:З」∠)_ Kneeled to the rainbow fart boss upstairs, in the same nine years, He Ruxiu. 】

[Withered, illiterate can only scream... Our boss is still so handsome and handsome, a training suit is really awesome! awsl! 】

[Boss has worked hard! I heard that in order to shoot the light, I participate in training like real athletes every day. Men who work hard are the favorite! Charm max! 】

[A slippery kneel from a kilometer away! How can the boss be so A! I can use these 3 words, I'm tired of saying...]

The satellites licking Shao Xingchen, licking and licking, of course, will also take Su Zhe, whom Shao Xingchen attaches great importance to, to compliment.

[Hey, say quietly, "Lu Ming" I can also...Sultry beauty, how can it be so touching...]

[After putting aside the emoji filter... it really works! ! ! It's a pity that he has already retired...]

[By the way...Does anyone think that this pair of good brothers...(﹃) Ah, this brotherhood feels so good...]

【? ? ? Is it poisonous upstairs? ? Don’t know if this drama has a heroine? This time just put the makeup photos of Xie Wei and Lu Ming first, don't smash it! 】

Fans from all walks of life, you and I are fighting each other, and occasionally there will be sunspots in it, but Shao Xingchen’s support club has already experienced this, so the overall situation is under control and thriving.

Su Zhe flipped through Weibo at random, and found that during this period of time, he actually had 1 million followers. This new data is more than the original zombie fans and real fans on Weibo. This part Among the people, there are people who watch the excitement because of getting out of the sports circle, and there are also people who pay attention to themselves because of the news of the two days of the Provincial Games, and some of them are about after the announcement of the makeup photos.

Since quitting the entertainment circle, he has lived more and more like an idol on Weibo.

Su Zhe watched the Weibo interface and posted it for a while, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that fate is so wonderful.

After opening the @messages of the people he followed, Su Zhe found out with a laugh that in the past two days, in addition to directly @自己的邵大佬 and Jiang Hanning, there are actually his former teammates.

It's just that they @自己’s way is more wonderful, they all reposted Dashao Shao’s Weibo, and then wrote their own greetings.

For example: [@苏哲新世界, new and exciting! @邵星辰: @苏哲 congratulates you, on the road of chasing light and shadow, took the first step to success. Next, Xie Wei will take Lu Ming's dream and move forward all the way. 】

Rao Su Zhe was still regarded as an insider of this sorrowful operation, still stunned.

After being speechless, Su Zhe flipped through other Weibo, but unexpectedly saw Tao Sheng's @. He curiously poked Tao Sheng's Weibo homepage and glanced at Tao Sheng's Weibo related to him from the bottom up.

From the initial outrage filled with righteous indignation, to going to the Provincial Games to see his declaration of retirement in person, Tao Sheng did not delete his original Weibo, but after watching the game and returning home, he seriously sent a tweet.

[Su Zhe's debut in the competition, the results are amazing! I sincerely apologize to @苏哲, and hope to see you more exciting performance in the future competitions! At the same time, I still firmly believe that sports competitions need to be fair, just and open, and coaches should fulfill their own responsibility of selecting talents. The object of my indignation is wrong, but it is undeniable that this is still an issue worthy of attention from the sports world! 】

The netizens below did not maliciously mock Teacher Tao, but everyone was ridiculing his image of cheering for Su Zhe while waving his hands in the stands.

Many people in the comment area made Teacher Tao's expressions of cheering Su Zhe and had a great time.

In the daytime today, Tao Sheng also published a eloquent long article, focusing on the analysis of Su Zhe’s preliminaries, semi-finals and finals yesterday, from Su Zhe’s technical characteristics to technical weaknesses, and made a comprehensive analysis and suggestions.

Tao Sheng also noticed the technical weaknesses of Su Zhe’s starting reaction speed and bubbling acceleration. He focused on Su Zhe’s several starting times. The preliminaries, semifinals and finals were 0.28, 0.20 and 0.18, respectively. The reaction speed for the first start was not particularly satisfactory, only the third time was considered good.

First-class sprinters, the best starting reaction speed is usually stable at 0.15, while Su Zhe's state is fluctuating. The 0.18 time is more like he ran out of luck.

Secondly, there are some flaws in his starting and accelerating technical connection. Tao Sheng also speculates in his discussion that this is because Su Zhegang has just returned to training and his skills are not proficient enough.

This long article can be said to be targeted, and the analysis is almost the same as the technical weaknesses pointed out by Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe today. In the last part, Tao Sheng expressed his expectation for Su Zhe’s future achievements. After being proficient, he created new achievements on the field.

Because of the hot topics in this period of time, many people have read this article by Tao Sheng. In the following comments, except for some "philosophers" who recognize Tao Sheng as his relatives because he is waving Zhe Baobao's hand, most of them are People who eat melons or track and field lovers, the content of the discussion is also varied.

[Since this year's season, Su Zhe's performance can be counted into the top 10 in the country, right? Will there be enough people running 10 seconds 20 in China this year? 】

[Top 10 in the country? Brother, as of July, this result is said to be stable in the top 5 in the country. I didn't expect that such a strong rookie player would emerge silently. 】

[It's really weird. Why didn't this talent be sent to the World Junior Championships back then? He has never been seen in the National Junior Track and Field Championships. 】

[Fortunately, it is not surprising. There are also many players who suddenly become active after reaching a certain age. It depends on how his subsequent results are. Don't make a debut and be the peak. 】

[Dear brothers, just ask if you don’t understand. Has anyone ever suspected that he took stimulants? This result can be achieved by a guy who has been in the entertainment industry for two years? 】

[Back upstairs, are you afraid that the doping prosecutors are not used as decorations? For formal second-class competitions like the Provincial Games, the Athletics Association is equipped with specialized technical representatives and technical officials. Can the urine test after the game disappear? The first place in each event must be inspected, and all record-breakers in the competition must be inspected. Su Zhe is not only a double required inspector, but also the topic on Weibo before the competition has been reposted on Tianlian Weibo. If he is After taking a stimulant, is there nothing wrong now? 】

[I'm afraid that he is not a foolish black man, isn't it that Su Zhe has been hacked to the bottom of the earth in the entertainment industry? If he can maintain his current competitive state, I will be his sports fan in the future! 】

Seeing the direction of this topic, Su Zhe stepped out amused, and then paid attention to Tao Sheng. This big V and him can be regarded as strangers.

After finally posting @陈志's Weibo, Su Zhe withdrew from Weibo.

In the next week, Su Zhe completely completed the last part of his shooting in the chase.

On the day of the finale, he was filming the scene of his death in the hospital. He was lying on the hospital bed, and Mr. Shao held him to tears, and the world was in the same sadness.

After the final scene was finished, Su Zhe took the "died" red envelope handed over by Director Liu, looked at the crew in the crew, and finally smiled and hugged everyone goodbye.

After the performance, he was truly separated from the bright stars of the entertainment circle, and he was about to devote himself to training.

"A Zhe, come on for the next game! Strive to break his national record!" Director Liu said to Su Zhe with a smile.

This time, Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe both gave him a big surprise. One devoted himself to performing seriously, and the other was even more powerful. During the performance, he actually ran a record-breaking provincial sports meeting. The champion of the rice is a big wave of publicity for free.

Su Zhe smiled and thanked Director Liu for his words.

This period of time in the Zhuguang crew turned out to be his most rewarding period in the entertainment industry. Thinking of the many new friends added to his mobile phone during this period, Su Zhe was also dumbfounded.

After committing suicide, Su Zhe's entire time was clearly arranged by Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe.

From July 19, the two have prepared two weeks of periodic training for him, ranging from flexibility to explosiveness, strength training, technical proficiency training, etc., all-round training will fill Su Zhe’s daily time. .

Especially in response to his technical weaknesses, Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe fine-tune different plans almost every day, in order to make him familiar with and master related technologies more quickly.

Su Zhe was completely stable within 10.25 seconds, and even his best time of sprinting to 10.16 in training made Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe gradually relaxed.

In a blink of an eye, more than half of the training time passed, and Su Yinsheng suddenly received a call from the National Track and Field Administration Center.

"Hello, Director Chen? This is Su Yinsheng."

"Old Su." Director Chen and Su Yinsheng of the Tianguan Center on the other end of the phone are also old acquaintances. He also knows Su Yinsheng's character, so he said straightforwardly: "You didn't register your Su Zhe for the World Championship Challenge?"

Su Yinsheng was stunned when he heard the words: "No... the time for the World Championships Challenge and the National Championships is too tight. Zhao and I plan to let him go to the national competition first to feel the atmosphere of the game, and he also lacks continuous participation in the competition. Experience, for the sake of safety..."

Before he finished speaking, Director Chen on the other end of the phone interrupted: "Oh, Lao Su, sometimes don’t take security seriously. Let’s put it this way, there was a meeting here, Director Sun. Well, I hope that the top 10 players in the country this year must participate in the challenge of the World Championships. Now among all the players, your family Su Zhe has not signed up."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yinsheng frowned and conveyed the news to Zhao Changhe.

They also understand that the domestic sprint strength was originally relatively weak, and Chen Zhi was injured at this time. The current pressure on the Tian Management Center should not be small. Now such a request can be regarded as a wide net.

It's just sports, the strength you really need, so that you can cast a net widely, which is nothing more than finding a needle in a haystack.

"Forget it." Zhao Changhe patted Su Yinsheng on the shoulder: "Azhe is now in a steady state and making progress. It doesn't matter if he participates in two consecutive competitions. It just makes him feel the constant pressure of this kind of competition and learn how to do it. Adjust your state between games."

Su Zhe's training during this period of time has given Zhao Changhe a lot of confidence. Hearing what he said, Su Yinsheng barely accepted this statement.

However, before the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, Li Mingdeng, the director of the sports team, and Zhou Hongzhi, the coach of the hurdles team, suddenly hurried towards Su and Zhao.

"Lao Su! Lao Su!" Li Mingdeng and Zhou Hongzhi's expressions were a bit horrible.

"What's the matter?" The two coming together made Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe feel bad.

Li Mingdeng handed the stack of forms in his hand to Su Yinsheng's hands: "The following new staff member, when filling in the 100-meter full championship qualifier registration form for Su Zhe, put the 110-meter column of registration options Hook it too."

"Now the organizing committee has officially released the list of entries."

what? !

Upon hearing this news, Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe's real faces turned green.


Plant a new chapter happily every day, and then wait to harvest the source of happiness from the little angels (?﹃?)

Next, we will soon enter the next crazy event cycle...XDDD

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

I am drunk and sleepy 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!