Chapter 21: National Championships (Part 1)

On the empty and quiet runway, Su Zhe is constantly trying to adjust his own state and continuously carry out new 100-meter sprints, but his physical strength has been exhausted after a long period of training. He has some regrets, and there is no last sprint. Can reach his ideal state.

7 days ago, he added the 1 point attribute of the reputation value exchange and the 1 point attribute given by the system to the explosive power and endurance respectively, and then found that if he wants to completely integrate the new attributes with his physical fitness, he still needs to complete A lot of training specified by the system.

The role of attribute points is more like a 100% guarantee that the training effect will not be useless.

However, this is enough for Su Zhe. The steady improvement brought by solid training is much more practical than the illusory attribute addition.

After crossing the finish line, Su Zhe buffered for a while, and finally lay on the plastic floor of the training ground, with his limbs wide open, closing his eyes and starting to calm his breathing.

This is the seventh day of his training in the space. The skill points accumulated in the past two months and reputation points are almost exhausted in the training of these days, leaving only the last 10 points for reserve. But for Su Zhe, the additional training of these 7 days can be said to be quite rewarding.

Compared with other athletes, he originally had a two-year blank training period, and his training in his youth was not solid. In the previous period, he relied on his own talent and system status to bless him, and he ran quite amazing. Achievements, but after his score reached 10.18 seconds, further breakthroughs became very difficult.

His father, Su Yinsheng, was right: How many athletes can't reach the height of 10.05 after a lifetime?

Not to mention from 10 seconds 18 to 10 seconds 05, even 0.01 second progress, it takes a lot of time and sweat to water the final results.

He has only returned to re-training for less than 2 months. His best result has improved from 10.18 in the Provincial Games to 10.16 in training. This is a great achievement for many people, but yes For Su Zhe, such results are far from enough.

The 100-meter entry threshold of the next Olympic Games-the number of 10 seconds 05, hangs over his head like the sword of Damocles, making him always tense and afraid to relax.

He did not dare to share his arrogant thoughts with Su Yinsheng or Zhao Changhe, even if they had agreed that he was a genius, but he did not think that he would be able to get his score to 10 seconds 05 before the qualification period.

But Su Zhe knew that he could.

With the help of the sand sculpture system, he has the possibility of challenge-if he does not fight, he will not be reconciled.

When Su Zhe woke up the next day, it was only 7 am, he quickly packed himself up, and when he opened the door, he happened to meet Zheng Jian and Zhao Zhixuan who came to meet him.

This day is the day when the National Championships start.

At 8:30 in the morning, at the Comprehensive Sports Center of City G, the National Track and Field Championships officially opened!

As the top track and field event in the country, all provinces, cities, autonomous regions, and even independent system units have sent the highest level of qualified players. Except for some players who participated in higher-level events abroad, city g can be said to be All the athletes in the country have gathered.

As a city with a strong sports atmosphere, city g has hosted many large-scale sports events, and the general public is also willing to watch various types of sports competitions. In addition to **** sports fans, there are also many citizens in this championship. Buy tickets and watch the game in person.

The sports channel of the court channel also opened up a live webcast of the full course of the championship. At the same time, the sports channel will also be connected to live TV in the final stage of various popular events.

This was originally just a grand event in the sports circle, but because of Su Zhe's hot search not long ago, many people who eat melon have also had some expectations for the championship. The topic of the opening of the championship also unknowingly climbed to the top 50 on the hot search list.

On Su Zhe’s topic square, the "philosophers" girls are praying for the success of Su Zhe’s competition. During the National Championships, the preliminaries and finals of the men's 100-meter sprint, the 110-meter hurdles, and the final were all circled by the girls. , Published on the square as Su Zhe’s event schedule.

If you click on the personal homepage of a "philosopher" on Weibo, you will most likely see that she is reposting all kinds of lucky koi, and the content of the prayer is likely to be "I want everything to go smoothly.

In this tense atmosphere, the tournament schedule of the championship officially opened!

On the first day of the competition, all Su Zhe needed to participate in was the men's 100-meter dash preliminaries.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Su Zhe, Zheng Jian, and Zhao Zhixuan arrived at the athlete preparation area. Many players were already waiting in the preparation area.

After the three arrived, many athletes smiled and greeted Zheng Jian and Zhao Zhixuan-the domestic sprint circle is not large, and most of them are old opponents and friends who have met in various competitions. Up.

"Oh, this is Su Zhe, right?"

An athlete turned his head to look at Su Zhe after greeting Zheng Jian.

This is a well-known topical figure in the track and field circle today. Who does not know that there is such a player who can double the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles, and also break into the main event of the championship in both?

"Well, hello, this is Su Zhe."

Athletes are mostly outspoken temperaments. After agreeing with a person's strength, they often have a particularly pleasant conversation. Before long, Su Zhe got to know most of the players in the preparation area.

The atmosphere of the preparation area is very harmonious and friendly.

Before long, I had seen Zhu Zhen and Luo Yongzhi also arrive at the preparation area in the qualifiers before. Luo Yongzhi greeted Su Zhe in a friendly manner. Zhu Zhen still had a grumpy and quick temper. When I saw Su Zhe, I didn't have the initial resistance, but turned his head with a hum, and it seemed that he still wasn't as embarrassed to see Su Zhe.

Compared with the qualifiers of the National Championships, there are not many contestants in the main competition. Except for Su Zhe and other three players who were admitted into the main competition through the qualifiers, the rest have taken 4 official games in this season. The results of the competition are comprehensively calculated for the top 21 domestic top players among the national players.

In this championship, the total number of participants in the men’s 100-meter event is the 24 players present. Among them, there are 3 brothers Su Zhe who studied under Su Yinsheng. The strength of the provincial sports team in the 100-meter sprint is in This is also evident.

The preliminaries of this competition are divided into 3 groups, each group will take the top 2 players to enter the finals, and the remaining players in the 3 groups will take the top 2 again, for a total of 8 finals places.

At 10:20, the preliminaries of the first group of the 100m have been prepared, and Su Zhe is compiled on the 3rd track of this group.

The real-time live broadcast of the 100-meter dash on the Royal Sports Channel also shifted the camera to the 100-meter arena at this time, and prepared two young new commentators Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan for the event.

Many "philosophers" who were not able to be there have long been locked in the live broadcast of the court, and some people who eat melon and track and field fans form the main audience for this live broadcast.

After the players came on stage, the live footage began to show every player present.

"As you can see, the players are already preparing. Currently on track 1 is Luo Yongzhi from Province G, and on track 2 is Wang Ming, a sprinter from Province J. Wang Ming has the best personal history. The best result is 10.24 seconds. He once won the fourth place in the 2014 Asian Athletics Championships."

As the camera switched to Su Zhe, both commentators noticed the rapid increase in the number of barrage in the background. In fact, when they saw Su Zhe, they couldn't help but admire.

Although it was known for a long time that there was a player like Su Zhe from the entertainment circle to the sports circle in this championship, when the live broadcast suddenly caught Su Zhe in front of him, everyone was stunned by the huge gap.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what kind of appearance is this is this to be so beautiful... 】

【……? ? ? Did this lens suddenly have a beauty filter? ? ? 】

[Sorry to bother me, may I be watching the live broadcast of the 100-meter preliminaries of the National Championship? What idol drama I thought I was watching in this scene? ? ? 】

The two commentators were also amused by the information on the barrage. Zhang Jing said: "It seems that everyone in the audience has also seen it. This third track player with a filter is a player from the provincial team of S. Su Zhe."

Wang Miaochuan also smiled and added: "Presumably everyone knows that Su Zhe's personal experience is quite special. He returned from the entertainment circle to the sports circle, but this player has a strong personal strength and has participated in the two hundred meters. In the event, the final results were at 10.18 and 10.19 respectively. Judging from the best results in personal history, Su Zhe also steadily occupied the top 5 of today’s contestants. At the same time, China’s 100m leader Chen Chen Zhi, and Su Zhe are also close fellows. I don’t know if Su Zhe can become the new generation leader of our country’s 100 meters like his brother."

Asia’s 100-meter sprint has always been at a disadvantage, and among the domestic 100-meter runners, only Chen Zhi has the ability to run the 10-second mark. This is why Chen Zhi always bears great pressure and expectations. .

s city, the shooting scene of the Zhuguang crew.

The light-by-light shooting has entered the final stage. Shao Xingchen is waiting for the shooting of his next few final scenes. At this time, he is watching the 100-meter preliminaries of the championship with his mobile phone in his hand.

But before the game started, the scene was about to start shooting the next scene. Shao Xingchen had to wring his eyebrows and put the phone aside and walked towards the scene.

"Okay, the referee is already signaling that the game is about to begin!"

In the commentary booth, Zhang Jing stopped the dialogue with Wang Miaochuan and brought the audience's attention to the scene of the game.

In the arena, the players on the eight tracks have already made preparations, all the noise has been temporarily stopped, and the tension of the game has instantly emerged.

"Everyone is in place, ready to—"

In the stands, many people stared at the track nervously, for fear of missing the next wonderful moment in just over ten seconds.

Soon, the starting gun fired!


All the players sprinted forward, and the battle began!

In the commentary booth, Zhang Jing began to explain the scene of the game to everyone: "Okay, the game has started! All the players have started. The fastest reaction time is veteran Wang Ming. It only took 0.149 seconds. He is indeed an experienced veteran. ."

"In the first 30 meters, Su Zhe's start and acceleration is very strong! The veteran Wang Ming next to him wants to bite Su Zhe's speed! Wang Ming failed! Su Zhe has one position ahead of him, and the gap is gradually widening. Big!"

On the field.

The advantage that Wang Ming won with his starting reaction speed has been lost. Su Zhe's actions to connect and accelerate after the start were very fast and smooth, and the burst of start made him quickly grab the front row position.

Only the first 30 meters has established a sufficient advantage.

Wang Ming tried to catch up with Su Zhe’s rhythm with his own experience, but he couldn’t keep up with Su Zhe’s speed and rhythm after accelerating to the highest speed. He kept speeding up his swing and pace, but still couldn’t keep up. Su Zhe is as vigorous as a cheetah.

In the commentary, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan had a clearer view of the overall scene.

Wang Miaochuan took over and said: "The schedule is over halfway, Su Zhe is currently in the absolute lead on the field, and the rest of the players are still in a stalemate. Among them is Meng Hao, a player from Z Province on track 7! "

Meng Hao is a strong player with the ability to run in 10 seconds and 20 seconds. He consciously feels that he is in good shape today, but he did not expect that Su Zhe would start to lead him by 1 position after accelerating from the start. He tried his best. He can only barely maintain this gap with all his strength, and this gap makes him a little frightened.

Isn't this Su Zhe's best time of 10.18 seconds? !

How can it be so fast?

"The last 30 meters!" Wang Miaochuan shouted in the commentary booth: "Su Zhe is still leading the way, followed by Meng Hao. They started sprinting! Su Zhe's speed has increased again!"

"Final pressure! Su Zhe still won, one position ahead of Meng Hao, and third is veteran Wang Ming. The referee team is counting the results, let us look forward to Su Zhe's results!"

At this time, Su Zhe fans in the stands were cheering, and their cubs took first place again! Although it's just a preliminary match, but the happy mood can't be restrained at all.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, fans and passers-by are also barraging and admiring.

[It is the first time to watch the live broadcast of the 100-meter dash, Su Zhe looks 666! 】

[They actually overwhelmed Meng Hao and Wang Ming. These two are famous domestic players, especially Meng Hao. Brother Meng's nickname is not for nothing! 】

[Brother Meng has been in good shape recently. Since this season, he has also reached 10.19 seconds. Can Su Zhe win by one position? 】

Soon, the coaching staff has completed statistics and synchronized them to the two commentators in real time.

Zhang Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly announced: "The results have come out. Today's first preliminaries, the situation is very fierce! The second place Meng Hao ran his best results of the season, 10 seconds. 17. Wang Ming, the third place, ran the best time in personal history, 10.22 seconds. At his age, it is not easy to be able to break through the best time in personal history!"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jing did not report Su Zhe’s results first, but reported the results of Meng Hao and Wang Ming. The one who was watching the live broadcast was taken aback, and then immediately understood from Meng Hao’s results that Su Zhe was in In the preliminaries, he also broke through the best result in personal history!

The live broadcast has begun to broadcast the athletes' results.

"First place, Su Zhe, 10 seconds and 15 seconds."

For an instant, there were a lot of exclamation and noise from the stands.

The "philosophers" girls only know that their cubs have won again, and their results seem to have improved again, while the track and field fans around them are a little emotional.

"It's 10 seconds 15?!"

"Except for Chen Dashen, this result is the best this season, right??"

"It's awesome! This Su Zhe is getting better and better!"

As track and field fans, these people are most worried about the lack of talents in domestic sprint events in recent years. Counting down from Chen Zhi, the talents in the middle are severely disconnected. Except for Chen Zhi, none of the domestic active players can run into 10 seconds 05. A figure of the Olympics entry barrier.

Even the two disciples of sprinter Su Yinsheng, Zheng Jian and Zhao Zhixuan, are still in the growth stage, and there is still a long way to go from Chen Zhi.

Who could have imagined that it was Su Zhe who came out half way, and the protagonist who made the topic #苏哲滚出体育圈# because of his transfer from the entertainment circle to the sports circle will now become the heart of track and field fans. Where is the rising star of hope?

Tao Sheng was also watching Su Zhe's preliminaries live today. At this moment, he was standing up excitedly, waving his fists vigorously to vent his excitement.

The scene was noisy for a while, with the exit of the first group of competitors, the audience finally calmed down again.

In the commentary booth, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were still explaining the significance of the 10:15 score to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Wang Miaochuan said: "Su Zhe's score of 10 seconds and 15 seconds is the second best performance of domestic players this season, and it is also the rare result of Chinese players in recent years."

Zhang Jing: "I hope that Su Zhe will continue to work hard and create miracles in the next competition!"

Su Zhe's results were quickly moved to Weibo by netizens who eat melon, causing a small amount of heated discussion.

The discussion on the forums of the Kingdom of Track and Field is much higher.

Many track and field fans in the forums just came back after watching the live broadcast. In the heated discussion, the sand sculpture question of a poster was recognized by everyone, and it quickly airborne on Weibo and became a new generation of classic jokes.

[This Su Zhe stayed in the entertainment industry for two years, and when he came back, he was able to quickly run into 10 seconds and 15... Then the question is, what kind of terrible species are fans in the entertainment industry and can force people to be like this? ? (Doghead saves life.jpg)]

On the first day of the men's 100-meter sprint preliminaries, after Su Zhe, there were no more hot spots. The final ranking was not unexpected. Su Zhe entered the final with a preliminary record of 10.15 seconds.

Zheng Jian failed to make the final due to a starting error.

"Hey, I made a mistake in the start, and I will be scolded by Su Laohu again when I go back." Zheng Jian scratched his head. The five-big and three-throw people have a sad look on his face. It can be seen that he is very afraid of Su Yinsheng's lessons.

Zhao Zhixuan rolled his eyes at him angrily: "Starting mistakes, such a low-level mistake, even if the coach doesn't scold you, I can kill you, okay?"

"Okay." Zheng Jian hugged his head with a melancholy expression: "Next, I will serve you two as logistics, especially Azhe. Tomorrow is going to run two games in a row, we have to go back and rest quickly!"

Although Zheng Jian was obviously evading the reprimand, what he said was right. After the preliminaries were all over, Zhao Zhixuan, the most stable of the three, brought them back to the hotel and finished the meal at the restaurant designated by the competition. Later, he arranged for Su Zhe to go back to regenerate his energy and urge him to keep the amount of practice to a minimum today.

"The coaches should have explained to you. Don't use unnecessary physical exertion during the game, and keep your best competitive state." Zhao Zhixuan said a little windy: "Today you ran a new personal record, the consumption of physical strength and energy. It should be a lot. Tomorrow will be the 110-meter hurdles preliminaries in the morning and the 100-meter finals in the afternoon. You can rest for no more than 4 hours in the middle. It will be a great challenge to your physical strength."

Su Zhe nodded cautiously, then returned to the room to get ready to rest and adjust his body.

In fact, in the Provincial Games, he used to play three matches a day. The frequency of the matches was higher than now. However, he did not fully perform in the preliminary rounds. The interval between the semi-finals and the finals was enough for him to recover. . The point is that he only participated in the 100-meter sprint at the time, and did not need to adjust his body's competitive state for different events.

This time the 110-meter hurdles and 100-meter serial events will indeed be one of his great tests.

On Weibo, Tao Sheng also expressed his concerns about Su Zhe's second-day schedule.

[@苏哲's performance in today's championship, once again surprised me! From the stable and excellent starting reaction speed to the unprecedented explosive convergence and acceleration, the first 30 meters of the race have completely occupied the leading position, and the excellent late acceleration sprint is an indispensable part of today. But what is worth worrying about is that tomorrow @苏哲 will face a series of 110-meter hurdles preliminaries and 100-meter sprint finals. Will it be possible to allocate physical strength and energy reasonably, and whether to adjust the competitive state in time, or it will affect both Su Zhe The overall result of the project! Hope carefully! 】

For more than half a month, Teacher Tao Shengtao has firmly stood in the camp of Su Blow, as if he was the head of Su Zhe's fan in the sports circle.

On his Weibo, many Su Zhe’s "philosophers" girls and some sports enthusiasts who are looking forward to Su Zhe have gathered.

Many people agreed with Tao Shengfa's new Weibo.

[Although Su Zhe’s performance in the 110-meter hurdles is quite good, but in the 110-meter hurdle, his height disadvantage is too great. In this project, 188 can be called a mini figure, using his own shortness against the strength of others. Slightly unwise. 】

[Big brother in front, you can't say that. Su Zhe can still run 14.05 at such a disadvantage. His talent in the 110-meter hurdle is by no means worse than the 100-meter sprint! 】

[I hope he can adjust his competitive state and make some choices when necessary...]

Sports enthusiasts are bald for Su Zhe’s serial events, and the "philosophers" girls are also a little panicked after seeing Tao Sheng’s Weibo. These little girls who have just started to understand track and field With the information collected from various places, I strive to understand all kinds of competition information and knowledge related to athletes.

They hope that the next time their cubs face such a problem, they can also detect the problem in advance and make better judgments, and at the same time, they can not bring jokes to their idols because they don’t understand the situation. Or stress.

They also hope that they can learn more about the world of their idols little by little, and understand how proud of the honor he has won, instead of headless flies, which can only be obtained from the popular science microblogs of various sports big V Limited information.

The championship soon entered the second day of the schedule.

For Su Zhe and those who follow him, the most important events today are the 110-meter hurdles preliminaries at 10 am this morning and the men's 100-meter sprint final at 2 pm.

The night before, he received calls from Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe one after another, and even Mr. Shao sent him a message, congratulating him on being the first in the preliminaries and asking him to be cautious in the next day’s game. Tao Sheng’s @ on Weibo He has also watched it carefully, and he also understands that if you don't allocate your energy well, it is possible that both matches will fail today.

After considering the importance of the two events, Su Zhe decided to relax a little in the 110-meter hurdle in the morning.

In the 110-meter hurdle preparation area, Su Zhe still looked the least like a hurdler among all people. After seeing him on the field, Zhou Tianjue made a gesture to him to indicate his height. After being deliberately ignored by him, he turned his face away with an unhappy expression.

Like the men’s 100-meter preliminaries, the 110-meter hurdles preliminaries are also divided into three groups. Su Zhe was divided into the third group today, staggered with Zhou Tianjue who was in the first group preliminaries.

Today, Zhou Tianjue has completely let go of the haze of the previous defeat against Su Zhe. In the first group of preliminaries, he won the group first with a score of 13.68 seconds.

At the end of the game, Zhou Tianjue lost a triumphant look at Su Zhe, like a male peacock just showing off on the screen.

Su Zhe ignored Zhou Tianjue's self-satisfaction, but waited quietly for the next game alone.

The rhythm between each group of preliminaries was very fast. After a short wait, Su Zhe and other athletes walked onto the hurdles.

In the preparation time, everyone is relaxing their bodies, trying to run on the starting blocks, and coordinating and adapting to their own state and the venue.

Su Zhe patted his thighs and calves, kneading his shoulders and neck, gradually relaxing his body.

In the stands, the "philosophers" were holding small banners that Baby Zhe cheered on. Su Zhe, who caught a glimpse of the content of the banners, couldn't help but waved toward the stands with a smile.

Suddenly, a cry of excitement came from the stands.

Today’s 110-meter hurdles preliminaries, the commentators of the sports channel are still Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan. The two of them also noticed the excitement in the stands, and laughed and joked: "Su Zhe is really the most idol-like player in the sports world. Players."

Then the two began to introduce the players in the third preliminaries to the audience in the live broadcast room. During the introduction, the two specially introduced the heights of each player. When Su Zhe was introduced, the huge height gap on the court appeared. come out.

Wang Miaochuan said: "The average height difference between Su Zhe and other players on the field is about 13 cm. For Su Zhe, competing with these players with obvious advantages is one of his best in the 110-meter hurdles. Great difficulty."

Zhang Jing: "In other words, being able to break into the championship at the height of 177 is enough to prove Su Zhe's talent in this event. If he can be 10 cm taller, he will be in the 110-meter hurdle. Perhaps it will have the strength of the ruling class."

This topic has also been discussed by many sports fans these days-if Su Zhe's height can be higher, then maybe he is the king of the new generation of short-span events.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

After the referee signaled all the players to prepare, it was quiet again.

Wang Miaochuan: "Okay, friends, the third group preliminaries of the 110m hurdles are about to start!"

"Everyone is in place, ready to—"

The referee held up his starting gun, "Bang!"

The game has started!

All the players on the track exploded quickly, kicked back and rushed forward.

These players, including Su Zhe, use the eight-step hurdle technique. The speed gap between them is often reflected in the cadence. For Su Zhe, who is at a disadvantage, the same eight-step hurdle technique should be applied. Technical action, it is destined that the stride length of each step must be larger than that of tall players, which also causes his step frequency to slow down.

After accelerating, Su Zhe quickly pulled his body's center of gravity up and quickly ran to the first railing. His starting speed and acceleration connection still have certain advantages among these hurdlers, but due to the weakness of step frequency, he is even at a certain disadvantage in the front run stage of the 110-meter hurdle.

His real advantage in the 110-meter hurdle lies in his excellent inter-hurdle rhythm and the final sprint stage.

When Su Zhe reached the first hurdle and started attacking, he was in the third position. When he was about to reach the front of the hurdle, his stride was slightly paused, the hurdle legs exploded quickly and kicked forward and adjusted his body quickly. The center of gravity began to attack the hurdle forward.

In the commentary booth, Wang Miaochuan and Zhang Jingzheng paid attention to all the information on the arena in real time, and at the same time commented the game to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Wang Miaochuan: "Amazing! Su Zhe's hurdle rhythm is definitely at the top level in the country. He has rushed from the third position to the second... No! Su Zhe has now taken the first position with a slight advantage and keeps it. !"

The uninterrupted training in the system space for many days has allowed his explosive power, endurance, and overall technical proficiency coordination to reach new heights. Even if Su Zhe did not go all out today, he also relied on his superiority. The rhythm between the hurdles gradually takes advantage of approaching the first position.

But the changes on the court are unpredictable for everyone.

The player on the left of Su Zhe hit the hurdle head-on when crossing the fifth hurdle and kicked over the fifth hurdle. The overturned hurdle actually knocked down the sixth hurdle, and Su Zhe was about to cross the first hurdle. The six hurdles also vibrated slightly.

The player who fell also happened to fall near Su Zhe's foothold...! This series of changes, Rao Yi Su Zhe's calm can not help but slow down.

While avoiding the players and continuing forward, Su Zhe's hurdle legs accidentally hit the hurdle when crossing the hurdle.

Runway No. 2 player Ye Jun, who had fallen behind Su Zhe, has reopened the gap with Su Zhe. The player who was in third place on Runway No. 8 also took advantage of the momentum and gained a slight advantage in front of Su Zhe.

This is the first time since Su Zhe returned to the sports circle that he was truly at a disadvantage in the game. He quickly forced himself to calm down, regained the rhythm between the hurdles, and attacked again!

In the stands, the track and field fans and Su Zhe's fans all showed nervous expressions when they saw such a sudden burst. Many girls covered their mouths and did not dare to let themselves scream out for fear of affecting the people on the field. Race.

The audience in the live broadcast room also exclaimed.

[Fuck, this is too thrilling...! 】

[Su Zhe is so powerful that he can continue to run down in this situation. If it were me, I would be scared to the spot on the spot. 】

[Unfortunately, Runway 8 and Runway 2 have caught up, and it will be difficult to catch up next...]

The two commentators were also nervous because of the unexpected situation on the court.

Wang Miaochuan: "The psychological quality of Su Zhe is too strong! There have been many players on the scene that have been affected to varying degrees due to the mistakes of the runners on track 4. Su Zhe, who should have been the most affected, has recovered his own. Status, is constantly catching up with the two players ahead!"

The player on the 8th runway faced Su Zhe's advantage and was quickly leveled by Su Zhe. In the 9th hurdle, Su Zhe had already caught up with him again.

But Ye Jun, a runner on track 2 was originally a famous 110-meter hurdler in China. He was in excellent form in this event, and he quickly expanded his advantage while Su Zhe was affected.

When he crossed the 10th hurdle, although Su Zhe also completed the attacking hurdle after that, there was already a gap of about 1 meter between him and him!

In the final sprint stage, Su Zhe’s late acceleration has a strong advantage, but the accident and the re-stabilization of the state just encountered in the attacking lane have cost him a certain amount of strength. In order to ensure the 100-meter final in the afternoon, Su Zhe Gritting his teeth and gave up the full sprint.

In the final press, the gap between Su Zhe and No. 1 Ye Jun was less than half a meter, but the winner of this preliminary match still belonged to Ye Jun.

In the commentary, Wang Miaochuan and Zhang Jing were still amazed at the rapid adjustment of Su Zhe's state and the strength shown in the follow-up pursuit.

Zhang Jing: "Su Zhe is really for the infamous young player. With such a height disadvantage, he can not only gradually gain the advantage in the offensive column, but even in the event of an accident, he can quickly adjust his state to recover the advantage."

Wang Miaochuan: "In the final sprint stage, he had a more obvious ending, and he did not show the most powerful sprint speed like he did in the 100-meter sprint. This may be the situation where the 110-meter hurdles final place has been guaranteed. Next, give priority to retaining physical strength to ensure the competitive state in the afternoon 100m final."

At this time, the game on the field has ended, and the scores of the players sorted by the referee team have been sent to the speakers.

Wang Miaochuan: "The first place in the 110m hurdles preliminaries, Ye Jun, 13.88 seconds. The second place, Su Zhe, 13 seconds and 98......!" Wang Miaochuan's voice revealed a sense of disbelief.

Although it is known that Su Zhe successfully held the second place, it was only after seeing the final result that Su Zhe, who had encountered an accident in the game, exceeded the 14-second mark in the final result and even surpassed him. The results of the qualifiers of the National Championship not long ago? !

And he didn't go all out in the game...

So if he finishes the whole race without accident, what will be the result? !

In the live broadcast room, many track and field fans who thought of this key point were a little boiled. Where is Su Zhe from? In the live broadcast room, the "philosophers" who were worried that Su Zhe would not be the first to be ridiculed by the group this time were a little dumbfounded to watch the barrage in the live broadcast room become rainbow farts that they themselves dare not to praise. .

In the stands, Tao Sheng was editing the content of Weibo in his own position with excitement——

[@苏哲 In this morning’s 110 hurdles preliminaries, although he only won the second place in the group preliminaries, his excellent psychological quality, superb control of the rhythm between the hurdles, and unconcealable strength foundation all let me see It is the hope of the rise of my country's track and field sprint and sprint events! @苏哲 You are the best! ! ! 】

This wave of rainbow farts was a moment of confusion among netizens who watched melons, and they were very puzzled. Why would Su Zhe take the second place in the preliminaries and become the hope of the rise of my country's track and field?

The people who eat melons are just about to laugh at a wave of Tao teachers, how much promotion fee you have charged, so the sports fans on Tao Sheng's Weibo pointed the way to the online game replay of the court sports channel.

Until the people who eat melon came back after watching the replay of the game, they all showed a trance expression.

[I haven't seen him for a few days, why do you think this Su Zhe is even better? In this case, he can win one round, and can still run to second? 】

[It’s not that I don’t understand, after all, the world of genius doesn’t require me to wait for mortals to understand... (sigh light a cigarette)]

And Su Zhe, who came down from the field, was now having a familiar mechanical sound in his mind——

"Ding, the preliminaries of the 110-meter hurdles at the National Athletics Championships scored 13.98 seconds. The goal and task has been completed.

Task reward: unlock the sprint Lv3 upgrade function. "

"Ding, it has been detected that the amount of host skill points meets the upgrade conditions, and the system has automatically upgraded for you.

Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the sprint Lv3 skill. "

This series of actions of the sand sculpture system was completed quickly before Su Zhe could react. Feeling that the system had already used up the last 10 skill points that he had stored as a spare, Su Zhe could only rub his forehead silently.

Of course, his problem now is not that the sand sculpture system has used up all his current reserve of skill points, but that the foot that just hit the hurdle on the field seems a little painful.

Walking out of the arena slightly awkwardly, Su Zhe raised his eyes and saw Zheng Jian and Zhao Zhixuan who were staring at him with worried faces.

"Are you...injured?" Zheng Jian stared at him, frowning tightly.


_(:з」∠)_I...Finally...I gave out Wan this little fairy...I am already a withered vegetable

Today is really not time to reply to the little angels, as usual, I will give you a one by one here>///