Chapter 22: National Championship (middle)

At the scene, the live broadcast footage has not been closed, because Su Zhe's high attention, the tail-moving footage still gave Su Zhe's back. In the commentary booth, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were still playing back the game, explaining to the audience how difficult it was for Su Zhe to win second in the game. Suddenly, Wang Miaochuan saw the live screen, Su Zhe slightly An awkward walking posture.

Wang Miaochuan: "Audience friends, we can see through the live camera that Su Zhe's walking posture is a bit awkward and seems to be a little uncomfortable. It may be that he was injured by accidentally hitting the hurdle during the game. Let's take a look at Su just now. The shots of Zhe contestants..."

The live broadcast screen was switched to the scene of the game. Su Zhe's hurdles' insteps collided with the trembling rails, which even caused the rails to shake more.

Zhang Jing: "From the screen, it is indeed possible that Su Zhe was injured while hitting the hurdle. I hope his injury is not serious and it will not affect his performance in the 100-meter final in the afternoon."

The audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked by this incident. The barrage was full of slumbers and worries, but Su Zhe had already left the arena with the support of Zheng Jian and Zhao Zhixuan. Of injury.

After Zheng Jian and Zhao Zhixuan discovered that Su Zhe seemed to be injured, Su Zhe's protest was invalid. Zheng Jian put him on his back without saying a word and took him to the station of the medical team.

After the nurse took off the shoe on Su Zhe's right foot, he found that the back of his instep was bruised, which was a sign of a kowtow, and the wound was slightly swollen. After the examination, the doctor on duty said that the injury was not serious. After taking out a bottle of compound chlorohexane spray and spraying Su Zhe's wound, he simply bandaged Su Zhe with a bandage.

After coming out of the medical team, Zheng Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is common for athletes to get injured. Both of them have suffered a lot of injuries. However, if Su Zhe's injury is serious today and must retire, it would be a shame to miss the next two finals.

Fortunately, the doctor did not stop Su Zhe from continuing to compete, which shows that the injury is indeed not serious.

Since the men’s 100-meter sprint final in the afternoon is scheduled at two o’clock, going to and from the hotel will only make them more tired and unfavorable for the competition. So after they left the medical team, they took Su Zhe to the organizing committee to prepare for the contestants. The temporary rest room was temporarily settled down.

On the Internet, the topic of Su Zhe’s injury in the game has also spread to a small extent. The discussion on the topic is mainly concentrated among sports fans, "philosophers" and some netizens who eat melons.

On the Athletics Kingdom forum, the clips of Su Zhe’s hurdles during the game and his walking posture after the game were all cut out for research. Netizens kept discussing Su Zhe’s injuries and were worried about whether his injuries would affect him. Follow-up game.

In Su Zhe's super words, "philosophers" are posting prayers, hoping that Su Zhe will be healthy, disease-free and disaster-free.

Amidst the discussions among netizens, the time gradually turned to 1:40 in the afternoon.

Su Zhe and Zhao Zhixuan came to the preparation area for the 100-meter finals together, and several players who also entered the finals were already in the preparation area waiting for the start of the competition.

Meng Hao and the others had apparently heard of Su Zhe's injury, and they came to ask Su Zhe's condition.

Meng Hao patted Su Zhe on the shoulder, frowned and said: "Brother is still waiting for a battle with you in the afternoon, but you are better off, and you hurt yourself first."

Although Su Zhe can appear on the scene, the injury is certainly not serious, but the slightest injury will inevitably affect the player's personal strength.

Not to mention, Su Zhe ran such a fierce 110-meter hurdles preliminaries in the morning. For the purpose of evaluating Su Zhe’s strength and other purposes, Su Zhe watched the game in the morning. The counterattack is too exciting, but this kind of competition consumes a lot of players' energy and physical strength.

Many people present have silently excluded Su Zhe from the list of competitors in the finals.

If Su Zhe is not at his peak of energy, physical strength, or even with injuries, he can win the first place in the finals, then they will adjust their competitive state to the best and wait for the players in the finals. What?

For the sympathy of everyone, Su Zhe smiled and said nothing, but after thanking everyone for their concern, he quietly squatted aside for a simple warm-up activity.

In the stands, many "philosophers" girls were on the scene early, anxiously waiting for Su Zhe to appear. In the front row of the stands, Tao Sheng and some track and field fans also looked anxiously at the location of the 100-meter preparation area.

Fortunately, after seeing Su Zhe showing up and being in good condition, the girls, Tao Sheng and others were finally relieved-being able to appear on the court at least proved that the injury was not serious.

"I don't know how Zhe Shao's state is... Oh, it's a pity, this is his first national competition. He was injured before the final." A middle-aged sports enthusiast in city g shook his head and discussed Su Zhe with Tao Sheng. Injury.

"From now on, the state is okay." Tao Sheng still has anxiety written on his face. Although the injury on the foot seems to have little effect from Su Zhe's movement in the preparation area, he still feels worried: " The game in the morning was too fierce. I don’t know how much he can play after his injury in the afternoon... and his injury is on the instep, which will affect his explosive power more or less... alas.

Soon, the staff began to guide the players into the arena, and the game was about to begin.

On the commentary stage, there are still Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan, but today they are not only facing the audience in the live broadcast room, but also the TV audience of the sports channel of the court.

The two men slightly converged to the state of being a little outside in the previous webcast. After introducing the 8 players present to the audience, they also turned the topic tacitly to the Su Zhe injury incident-this is currently the most concern of the majority of netizens. Use this to show that the strong and weak relationship on the field at this time is also suitable.

Wang Miaochuan: "According to what we have learned from the doctors in the medical team, Su Zhe’s injury is not serious, but only a minor soft tissue contusion. Of course, no matter how mild the injury is, it will still affect Su Zhe’s personal performance. For the first time participating in the national top For Su Zhe of the event, this may be a bit of regret."

Zhang Jing: "Yes, we can see that Su Zhe is making preparations before the starting blocks. He paid a little attention to his right foot, and the bandage seemed to make him a little uncomfortable."

On the field, Su Zhe's position at this time is on track 2. Like all players, he is adjusting his own state.

He tried to turn his right ankle and stepped **** the ground. He simply raised his leg and felt the state of the instep injury. Although it felt a bit tingling, it was still normal and tolerable. Within range.

Wang Miaochuan: "Su Zhe seems to be satisfied with his state. I hope he can show his strength in the next games without being affected!"

As soon as Wang Miaochuan's voice fell, the referee motioned to all the players to take their positions on the starting blocks.

After Su Zhe made the starting posture, he looked at the ground in front of him and completely threw the pain in his feet behind his head-on the playing field, he couldn't allow him to give his mind to that pain.

"Each in place!"

After all the players heard the referee's shout, they took a deep breath, squatted and supported the ground with both hands.


After all the contestants raised their buttocks and made preparations, soon the starting gun was fired!


On the track, all the players quickly kicked off the starting blocks, and the race began!

At the moment of the start, the system in Su Zhe's brain made a real-time mechanical sound.

When the sprint Lv3 status is activated, the sprint status is increased by 15%.

In the commentary booth, the two commentators also began to get nervous, staring at the changing situation on the field: "All the players start! Su Zhe and Meng Hao's start speed is very strong, but Meng Hao's explosive power is stronger, and he is starting to accelerate. The connection is very strong, and it currently ranks first!"

Although the injury on the instep did not affect Su Zhe in terms of pain, at the moment of the start, the contusion on the right instep still affected the force action of kicking backward at the start, causing Su Zhe to accelerate slightly at the start than usual. late.

Even if the system's sprint skills have been upgraded to Lv3, the percentage increase in the state does not make Su Zhe completely immune to the pain on the feet at this time. In the case of a low overall competitive state, the bonus effect of the sprint skills has been significantly affected. weaken.

After apparently noticing his lack of explosive power, Su Zhe quickly adjusted his state, increased his stride length, increased his stride frequency, accelerated his arm swing, and gradually increased his speed to catch up with the ferocious Meng Hao!

Meng Hao is worthy of the nickname of his "Brother Meng". In the domestic arena, he has always had near-dominant strength in the first 30 meters of the schedule. His start-up reaction is fast, explosive, and the start-up and speed-up technology is also Very smooth and skilled.

At this time, on the field, the top three dominant groups were Meng Hao, Su Zhe, and Zhao Zhixuan.

Zhao Zhixuan’s explosive power is slightly inferior to Meng Hao’s. Su Yinsheng once said that he is a stride type player. He is naturally more neurotic. At present, his stride frequency can reach an average of 4.2 steps per second. There is another breakthrough in cadence and it is not difficult to break the 10 seconds 10 mark.

Zhao Zhixuan on the field is completely different from his usual temperament and calm temperament. His eyes are fixed on the front, his energy is highly concentrated, he controls his own state, concentrates all his strength and runs forward, his sharp eyes are more sharp. Lightning is normal.

On the commentary stage, the spirits of Wang Miaochuan and Zhang Jing were also very tight for the fierce competition on the field.

Wang Miaochuan: "It can be seen that the current leader is Meng Hao, who is nicknamed Meng Hao. His dominance in the first 30 meters is undoubtedly revealed in today's final, but Su Zhe behind him is also catching up! The gap between them is not big! Followed by Zhao Zhixuan, who was also born from Su Yin!"

Zhang Jing: "The three of them formed the first echelon on the field. Meng Hao is trying to speed up to get rid of Su Zhe and Zhao Zhixuan's pursuit, but his lack of endurance on the way made him unable to complete this plan. Su Zhe has Endurance advantage and late acceleration advantage are likely to overtake Meng Hao in the latter part of the schedule!"

Zhang Jing stared, looking at Su Zhe on the field, and once again felt that he was looking at the gods-he was obviously injured and had participated in the 110-meter hurdles preliminaries. It was obvious that there was no physical advantage, but he was able to gradually progress in the 100-meter finals. Overtake a master like Meng Hao? !

In the stands, no one could sit in a stable position and watch the game. Tao Sheng and others stood up, clenched their fists and stared at the figures on the track, for fear of missing any moment when Su Zhe might overtake.

"Su Zhe!!! Come on!!!"

Many sports fans can't help but yell out loudly.

On the other side of the divergence with the sports fans, the "philosophers" of Su Zhe's family are also waving their hands and small flags to cheer for their idols!

Even if they are not fans of Su Zhe, the ordinary citizens of City g who come to watch the game have already felt the fierce atmosphere on the arena. Everyone is eagerly staring at the arena, watching the light-like youth gallop on the arena.

On the track.

Su Zhe could no longer feel the pain in his feet. He only had the track ahead. Even if Meng Hao was still in front of him, he didn't give him any extra energy at all.


He can be faster!

The pace of the foot is adjusted again-if Zhao Zhixuan is an excellent cadence type player, then Su Zhe's talent in cadence control can be called a god.

After discovering his talent for cadence, Su Yinsheng and Zhao Changhe deliberately strengthened Su Zhe’s training on cadence control ability during training, allowing him to more calmly control the rhythm throughout the game and allocate his physical strength to a more appropriate level. Go in the stage.

After adjusting the cadence again, Su Zhe used his cadence to the limit at this moment. He had forgotten to save the physical strength allocated for the 110-meter hurdles final of the next day. He just kept adjusting his breathing and running forward.

The players in the rear have already seen Su Zhe's state. Many people exclaimed in their hearts, "Is he crazy?"

The veteran Wang Ming, who is in the fifth place, has been in a frenzy since seeing Su Zhe's speed: [What about the injury? It was said that I just participated in the 110-meter hurdles preliminaries in the morning. Why can this guy run so fast? ? ? Sympathizing with his ego before the game is like a fool! 】

In fact, Meng Hao’s heart is also very broken. He is in the right state today. He is confident that he can run into 10 seconds and 17 or better today, and Su Zhe is still injured. Now he is gradually catching up with him and will soon Overtake yourself? !

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, the barrage is full of crazy cheering!

[Fuck, Su Zhe, come on! ! ! Fuck him! ! ! 】

[Come on! This game made me feel passionate! Su Zhechong! 】

The commentary of Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan hardly stopped. Soon, Zhang Jing’s surprise cry reached the live broadcast room and in front of the TV!

Zhang Jing: "Go ahead! Su Zhe surpassed Meng Chao at a position close to 70 meters! The schedule began to enter the sprint stage, and Su Zhe's ability to accelerate backwards was once again used. He is getting rid of Meng Hao at a speed visible to the naked eye! Finally! 20 meters! The last 10 meters!!! Won!!!"

Zhang Jing was so excited that his voice broke and he almost forgot that he was also doing a live TV commentary. He shouted loudly: "The winner is Su Zhe! Su Zhe with an injury on his foot started to exert his strength in the middle of the race. The position surpassed Meng Chao, and finally got rid of all the players with unparalleled ability to accelerate the distance, and stood alone at the forefront!!!"

Wang Miaochuan also has an incredible look: "Before the game, we predicted that Su Zhe's personal performance might be affected by his injuries and physical decline. However, it seems that his condition on the court is still top-notch! Now the referees are nervous. Counting and checking the results of the players, let us look forward to what Su Zhe's final result will be!"

In the stands, many excited male audience roared, mixed with the shouts of many girls.

"Su Zhe!!! Great job!!!"

"Zhe Shao mighty! It's amazing!"

"Long live the cub!!"

At this time, regardless of whether it was Su Zhe’s track and field fan or Yan fan, they were all impressed by his demeanor on the field, including ordinary city g citizens who came to watch the game. Everyone’s eyes focused on the light. Of the teenager.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also boiling.

[Fuck, fuck, my dignified eight-foot man now has tears in his eyes, watching a sprint of 100 meters, this is the first time I saw it! 】

[Hahaha, Su Zhe is poisonous! I also see my heart surging, and I still can’t calm down...]

[Ah, so what about the grades? Did the results come out? I feel that his final speed is so fast. I don't know how it will compare with the preliminaries? 】

[But is he injured? Although we think that the race is fast, it will never exceed the preliminaries, right? 】

In the live broadcast room, there was a heated chat on the public screen barrage, and the two commentators were in high spirits and kept throwing up various topics.

In the arena, all the players who ran to the finish line looked at Su Zhe with a "fuck" face, as if they were watching a living alien.

Before the game, anyone who had thought in his heart that there was no need to put Su Zhe in his eyes in this game, at this moment, he felt a sharp pain in his cheek.

Why do such people exist? I hurt my foot, and I can counterattack in the schedule, and finally win by absolute advantage...

At this time, another figure emerged in their minds-the king of the 100 meters in China, Chen Zhi.

Su Zhe's terrifying speed and aura on the field made them unable to help but overlap him and Chen Zhi. Many people couldn't help thinking—Chen Zhina was a legend who ran into 10 seconds many times, this Su Zhe...I wonder how far he can go?

At the finish line, Su Zhe finally sat on the ground at this time. He looked down at his right foot, and he could clearly feel it, because he ran with all his strength just now, and the injury on his right foot worsened.

Zhao Zhixuan squatted beside him and took off his shoes. It was obvious that the swelling on the instep seemed to increase.

Frowning, Zhao Zhixuan seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, but tentatively helped Su Zhe press his feet slightly to relieve the pain and pressure on his feet.

The results statistics of the referee team have been released, and the results were quickly delivered to Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan.

After quickly finding the name at the top of the statistical table, both of them were stunned by the number following the name.

Wang Miaochuan: "Now, the final results of all the players have been sent to our hands." Wang Miaochuan simply gave up the conventional way of counting from the first place, and started from the last one.

Wang Miaochuan: "5th place, Wang Ming, 10 seconds 36... 3rd place, Zhao Zhixuan, 10 seconds 18, second place, Meng Hao, 10 seconds 17." After a pause, Wang Miaochuan continued: "First place , Su Zhe, 10 seconds 11!"

Su Zhe, who was injured, not only ran into 10 seconds 15 again, but the final result was infinitely close to the 10 seconds 10 mark!

The boiling sound rang from the stands, the webcast room and even in front of the TV.

Su Zhe was injured in the competition, but in the end he achieved such brilliant results. The twists and turns, which made everyone who followed the men's 100-meter sprint finals feel excited.

But at the moment when everyone was boiling, Su Zhe's mood was not so good. He endured the swelling and pain in his right foot, and then looked back at his own results on the digital timer.

Wind speed, 1.8 meters per second, speed, 10 seconds 11.

Whether it was due to poor condition or other reasons, he still failed to break through the 10.10 barrier, and it was even more useless to run into the 10.05 Olympic standard.

Su Zhe knew that his mentality was wrong, but he couldn't control this eager and persistent mentality. This is a flaw in his character, just like when he participated in the draft, even if he knew that his foundation was poor and his aptitude was not good, he still tried his best to practice and fight for it, so persistent that he almost forced himself to sleep day and night.

His father Su Yinsheng also knew of his problem, and it was precisely because of this that he did not stop him from participating in the 110-meter hurdles competition, but chose to support him in the competition, but warned him before departure to know how to use his physical fitness, Distribute your energy and don’t forget to do your best on all projects.

It's a pity that he tried to control, but still couldn't help trying his best in two consecutive games.

Zhao Zhixuan looked at his injury and sighed: "You look like you, can you still participate in the 110m hurdles final tomorrow afternoon?"

Su Zhe pursed his mouth, with a hint of rejection on his face.

He also knows that his current state is probably no longer suitable for tomorrow's 110-meter hurdles finals, but the four words quitting the game circled his throat and swallowed back in his stomach.

It is extremely difficult for him to say the word quit.

When Zhao Zhixuan frowned and wanted to say something more, the stretcher and doctor that the staff called for Su Zhe had arrived, so he had to help Su Zhe get on the stretcher, and everything went to the medical team.

Su Zhe's mood is also a bit low, no one can tell, he is just the winner of the men's 100-meter dash.

As Su Zhe was lying on the stretcher and was about to arrive at the medical team, the familiar mechanical sound rang again.

"Ding, the host's reputation value has reached 20 million, and the perfect maintenance halo upgrade system is activated."

"Ding, the perfect maintenance halo has been upgraded successfully!"

"Perfect Maintenance Halo Lv2 is here for you!"


_(:з」∠)_Yesterday's chapter, the comments are infinitely approaching 90...Shadiao Caicai bows online...Thank you to all the little angels who supported Caicai! >///<

Everyone's gentle and support made Cai Cai simply expand XDDD. I never thought I could get so much encouragement!

Give all the little angels one by one!


Keke, here is the update time of Cai Cai

If there is no special explanation in the speech, the update time is usually between 0:00-00:30 every day. Sometimes the bald Calvin will be later, but it is basically at this time.

In the next update, Cai Cai...I will try hard to see if the little fairy’s [sorrowful face, 800 per hour and no manuscripts are crying online QvQ]

Even if the day is less than 6, Caicai will be guaranteed at least 4 days! 【Melancholy.jpg】


Today is still a day without Dao Shao, but I have seen many little angels who have said that Dao Shao is who he does not need to appear...

Certain dish: Well, what do you think about this, Mr. Shao?

Mr. Shao: =_=+ You should be the one to reflect on, right? ! !

A dish: Ahem Ahem Ahem, big brother goodbye!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 Rarity;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 cats pounced; Yu Yuyu, 37097622, ​​Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang, anita, Jin, looking back and smiling! , It is a C treasure;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Fei Ying Ruo, eating and sleeping, reading novels 50 bottles; Qiong Qiong, Mao Mao, Ming 20 bottles; small bookworms??? 16 bottles; lucky magician 10 bottles; maple leaf dihua, early to bed and early to get up 5 bottles; shrimp , Haojiu, 2 bottles of Yueyu; 1 bottle of the notch of the setting sun;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!