Chapter 31: The Devil's Schedule (Part 2)

"Ding, the target task is completed, and the task reward: Quickly restore physical skills (deep sleep) Lv1."

The prompt sound of the sand sculpture system sounded at the right time, and the reward skills for completing the task also appeared in the system for Su Zhe to watch and understand.

Quick recovery of physical fitness skills (deep sleep) Lv1: Using deep sleep skills Lv1, every 10 minutes of deep sleep time can restore 8% of the user's physical fitness and restore the upper limit of physical fitness, 40%.

In all fairness, this is an extremely useful skill for athletes, and it can even be called a magical skill.

Only need to have this skill, coupled with regular sports drinks, massage soothing methods and reasonable sleep, then even if they encounter a complex schedule for multiple days, it is enough to ensure that the athlete's physical fitness always reaches above the qualified line.

It's just that this Lv1 deep sleep skill can't completely solve Su Zhe's dilemma at this time.

But Su Zhe knew that being able to possess this magical skill, even if he couldn't completely solve his troubles at this time, was already enough to give him an advantage over many players.

On the venue still full of cheers, Su Zhe simply stunned, then bid farewell to Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun first, and declined his championship interview, dragging a slightly heavy and exhausted pace to the players’ lounge. Be prepared to take the time to rest as much as possible.

Su Yinsheng and Zhao Zhixuan have already been waiting for his return in the player lounge. Everyone knows that Su Zhe will have another 100-meter final. At this time, he has gone through three high-intensity competitions and needs as much as possible. rest.

For sports athletes, one of the best ways to eliminate fatigue and restore physical strength is originally deep sleep.

However, once you encounter a schedule like Su Zhe today, many players cannot sleep in a short period of time under excessive tension and excitement, not to mention the deep sleep that has the best effect in restoring physical fitness.

In foreign research and demonstration, it has been proved countless times that sleep is important to athletes. Sufficient and effective sleep can even improve the athlete's sprint speed and rapid reaction time.

In order to help their players recover their physical fitness, many coaches have worked with their coaching support teams to study various techniques to assist athletes in falling asleep quickly. For example, the coaches of Song Chen and Chen Zhi are good at related Skilled coaches can instruct them on how to quickly recover their physical fitness during heavy competition intervals.

Su Yinsheng originally thought that Su Zhe would struggle to fall asleep, but he didn't expect that Su Zhe just lay on the long bench in the lounge, wrapped in a towel and quickly fell into a drowsiness.

Su Yinsheng looked at this speed of falling asleep and felt a little dumbfounded.

But even if Su Zhe was able to fall asleep so quickly with the aid of the system and had the buff for physical recovery, but with a short rest time of less than 40 minutes, the physical energy he could recover was only a mere 32%.

Before the inspection of the 100-meter final was about to begin, Su Yinsheng and others had to wake up Su Zhe, but by looking at the exhausted look on his face, he knew that his physical fitness had not been fully recovered.

Su Zhe, who was awake, felt that his condition was fine, at least the de-strength and heavy state he had just finished running the 110-meter hurdles had faded, but his body's various conditions were a little more sluggish than usual.

It is foreseeable that in this state, the 100-meter final will be a hard fight for him.

After Su Zhe regained his consciousness, Su Yinsheng had no time to give him any more words or mentions. He patted Zhao Zhixuan on the shoulder and asked him to look at Su Zhe and Zheng Jian a little bit, then watched Su Zhe and his party. Go to the inspection area first to complete the inspection and other preparations.

At this time, the sky is still not beautiful, and the rain is even getting heavier. This is even more unfavorable for the 100-meter final to be held soon.

In the player preparation area, all Su Zhe's acquaintances were basically at this time.

Wang Qin, Qiu Xinchu, Meng Hao, Wang Ming, Zhao Zhixuan, Zheng Jian, Su Zhe, and an athlete who Su Zhe is also familiar with. This is the entire lineup of the 100-meter final.

"This weather..." Meng Hao looked at the pattering rain in the arena, his face didn't look pretty. If the light rain is okay, the current level of moderate rain has an even greater impact on the players.

Is it true that their men's 100-meter event in this competition really has to reach the level where no one can meet the standards of the World Championships?

In the past events, whenever there was a need to compete for seats in various world events, Chen Zhiyi took the lead. He alone has relieved most of the pressure on men's 100-meter athletes.

As long as Chen Zhi takes the lead, he will definitely be able to win the target seat.

This idea has almost taken root in the minds of all men's 100-meter athletes. Until this time, after Chen Zhi was injured and had to go to Germany for treatment, they were originally behind Chen Zhi and also known as one of the best 100-meter athletes in China. The guy felt the pressure of Chen Zhi even more deeply.

Just like the 110-meter hurdles led by Song Chen, the men’s 100-meter sprint, in the current domestic state, can almost divide athletes into 2.5 categories.

Type 1 is Chen Zhi, and type 1 is other 100m athletes.

As for the extra 0.5, it was born out of nowhere, but it has not yet been able to fully grow up to replace Chen Zhi's Su Zhe.

"What's wrong with this weather." Su Zhe looked at the rain outside the waiting area. Even at this moment, his stamina still has a big gap, but standing in the preparation area, his expression is still firm.

Sports competition is originally such a cruel thing. Players may encounter various problems in the competition, such as injury, poor state, and weather.

He didn't think that weather problems of this degree would shake the psychology of the old athlete Meng Hao.

"Nothing..." Meng Hao sighed and shook his head: "I just thought of Chen Zhi. I think he is really too tired these years, and he is too strong... If he can compete, then this year's World Championships , We have successfully won at least one. Over the years, he has supported the domestic men's 100-meter sprint event, which makes this event seem to be at least competitive."

Meng Hao’s words made Su Zhe silent for a moment, and then said: “It’s meaningless to think about this now. What we have to do is to fill in the vacancies where Brother Xiaozhi is not as possible, and let him know that even if he is not, we can Do what he needs to carry. Let him heal his injuries with peace of mind."

After all, Meng Hao couldn't help but sighed again: "Oh, today's schedule...If you can have the condition and environment of the 110-meter hurdle in the morning..."

Hearing this, Su Zhe shook his head at Meng Hao: "Brother Meng, there is no such thing as sports competition."

Su Zhe's words also silenced Meng Hao.

Doesn't he know this truth? It was just that when he saw that his project might not even be able to win a seat in the World Championships, the anxiety and pressure in his heart made him show some weak psychology that was different from usual.

Su Zhe looked at Meng Hao’s state, patted him on the shoulder, and said seriously: “We will be annoyed by these problems. The essence is that we are not strong enough. In that case, what we have to do is to change ourselves afterwards. Stronger."

"Anyway, try your best to run through this game. At least don't let yourself regret that you didn't try hard at all after the game."

In the preparation area, everyone was silently listening to the conversation between Su Zhe and Meng Hao.

Before that, the ideas in Meng Hao's mind had actually been more or less in their minds, especially after seeing the weather factor getting worse, the environment and the overall depression of the staff made them look a little depressed.

Su Zhe's words can be regarded as a word to wake them up-yes, even if they are not strong enough at this time, but is this the reason why they can not fight for opportunities in the arena?

Human emotions are affected by other people and even environmental factors. Even athletes who are usually firm-willed will collectively fall into emotional depression at certain special moments.

At this time, Su Zhe's words awakened them and rekindled the fighting spirit in all their hearts.

Zhao Zhixuan looked at Su Zhe with a smile, and felt a little emotional. Although Su Zhe’s persistence in victory and the desire to fight are still too strong, on this occasion today, he is indeed the battle leader that everyone desperately needs. .

When everyone's fighting spirit was rekindled, the time had come for everyone to play.

The people who were a bit repellent to the rustling rain, after walking into the rain, could not help but stop, let the rain water to wet themselves, then waved their boxers to cheer themselves, and then continued to walk towards the track. go with.

On the commentary stage, the live broadcast of the men's 100-meter final on the Sports Channel has been launched. Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan are introducing the difficulties faced by the men's 100-meter final tonight to the audience watching the live broadcast.

Zhang Jing: "In the men's 100-meter sprint preliminaries at 6:33 tonight, Su Zhe once ran a good result of 10.12 seconds, but this is still 0.02 from the men's 100-meter sprint at the current World Championships. Seconds. At 6:55 tonight, Su Zhe participated in the 110-meter hurdles final and won the championship in the final. These two consecutive high-intensity, high-quality competitions have already Exhausted a lot of Su Zhe’s physical strength. From the live broadcast of the game at that time, we can see that after the game, Su Zhe was supported by two players, Ye Jun and Zhou Tianjue. It can be seen that his physical strength at that time has been exhausted. Extreme."

Wang Miaochuan: "Yes, three races a day, and contributed high-quality results in all three races. This has proved Su Zhe's own strength. But in the next 100-meter final, today's top three The physical energy exhausted in the finals may be the biggest shackle to him."

Zhang Jing: "Among the players competing tonight, in addition to Su Zhe, Zhao Zhixuan, Meng Hao, Wang Qin, Qiu Xinchu and other four have a record of 10 seconds 20, although the rain at the game is still getting heavier. , It is bound to affect the performance of the players, but through the live footage we can see that the players just punched for themselves when they went on the field, and the players' fighting spirit is still very high! Let us wish them here and run a satisfactory Good grades!"

The sound of the rain can no longer extinguish the fighting spirit of everyone present. They are neatly adjusting the starting blocks on the track, trying to feel the feet of a start in the rain, and adapt to the more slippery track in the rain.

They are making various preparations with precision, trying to show their strength as much as possible in this unpretentious arena.

Just like Su Zhe said, if you haven't worked hard, should you regret your negligence in the game after the game?

As long as they try their best, then at least they have tried seriously!

In the stand area, the audience was also moved by the conscientious and persistent state of the players. Everyone shouted to cheer, the horns rang in unison, not just for anyone, but simply cheering for all the players who worked hard!

The preparation period soon passed. In the heavy rain, the players were already squatting on their starting blocks, waiting for the referee's order.

"Everyone is in place—ready—!"


The starting gun was fired, and the 100-meter decisive battle in heavy rain officially started!

In the commentary, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan watched the stadium nervously.

Wang Miaochuan: "The game begins!"

At the moment of the gunshot, everyone rushed forward like an arrow. Although they were already prepared, the impact of heavy rain is still unavoidable. Many people's reaction speed when listening to the gun weakened and kicked away. Because of the rain when starting blocks, his explosive power was weakened.

Among them, Su Zhe’s fighting will is the strongest, but the first two games of the night had a huge impact on him. Even with the supplement of deep sleep skills, his physical state at this time is also But half of the usual.

The exhaustion of his body reduced his reaction speed to the weakest. Even with the bonus of the system sprinting state, the so-called 15% state bonus was much weaker than usual when his own state was reduced.

The most direct reaction is that Su Zhe's response speed at the start has dropped from 0.15 seconds in a steady state to 0.20 seconds. The result of this is that he has lost the opportunity at the start stage.

But this did not frustrate Su Zhe’s will. Even if the weight of his body has severely dragged his hind legs, he still used his strong willpower to mobilize his remaining physical energy, sprinting forward with the strongest explosive force at this time. go with!

Can't give up, he doesn't want to give up either!

Su Zhe sprinted towards the front of the track with a slightly heavier pace than usual. At this time, he was already behind 5 people in the starting stage, and he was able to maintain the sixth place. There is no doubt that he returned to sports. The worst start since the lap.

Even so, Su Zhe's fighting spirit did not weaken by half!

He can still run!

He can also be faster!

With such a firm will and self-hypnosis, Su Zhe's tired face and bright eyes still stared straight at the end point ahead-that position is his only goal on the track.

In the stand area, the audience naturally saw Su Zhe's state. His footsteps were much heavier than usual. Step by step, he seemed to be stepping on the hearts of the audience.

When he was running on the track, every drop of water splashed under his feet made the audience feel a tremor.

Everyone watched that Su Zhe went from being far behind the sixth place in the leading group at the start, to taking a heavy and firm step, slowly chasing and overtaking the other players ahead.

On the side of the stand area, Su Zhe’s fan group “philosophers” girls have shouted hoarse, their favorite, beloved, and even beloved idols are now fighting on his battlefield. His figure looks like That kind of exhaustion.

They feel distressed for his hard work, but also proud of his firmness!

The hearts of pure track and field fans have long been pierced by Su Zhe. They frantically waved the flags in their hands, and with the loudest voice and the most sincere emotions, they waved the flag for Su Zhe and every player on the field!

"Master Zhe!!! You are the best!!! I will support you all my life!!!"

"Brother Meng rush!! What are you afraid of heavy rain!! You are the fastest!!"

"Brother Xuan, come on!!!"

The various shouts finally gathered into a supporting force, which made everyone on the field more energetic and forward.

Meng Hao is gritting his teeth and doing his best to control his speed and rhythm. His advantage is always in the starting stage. His starting sprint ability can even be shorter than that of Chen Zhiyi, but he is better after entering the run. The high-speed maintenance ability is much weaker than that of Chen Zhi. He often starts to lose strength after running 30 meters, and it is difficult to maintain the follow-up speed. He can only rely on his initial advantage and still be stronger than ordinary runners on the way. Sprint ability to integrate final results.

At this moment, he has passed the sprint stage he is best at, but he still gritted his teeth to bear the fatigue and inert instinct that surged in his body, and insisted on continuing to advance at high speed on the stage on the way.

Damn, that kid Su Zhe, who has run 3 games today, can still run this fourth game full of fighting spirit now. In comparison, what is the feeling of exhaustion?

There is also Zheng Jian who has the same mentality as Meng Hao, the boy Azhe, who is so exhausted that he can still fight like this. What qualifications does Zheng Jian not have to fight?

In the arena, whether it is in the right state at this time, or the state is as bad as Su Zhe, everyone is burning their will and fighting spirit, no matter the result of the game, just ask for their own hard work!

On the commentary stage, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were already infected by the atmosphere on the court at this time. They suppressed their excitement and tried to say something, but after they really spoke, all they could say was cheer. .

Zhang Jing: "Come on! Let's cheer for all the desperate Xuansou!"

Su Zhe's footsteps are still heavy, but his tenacious will mobilizes the remaining physical energy in his body to maximize the effective use of his own strength.

Every step and movement of kicking the ground has a clear picture in his mind. During the step, he tries his best to control himself not to raise his steps arbitrarily-only a more reasonable and effective stride length and frequency can Let him catch up with the opponents ahead bit by bit!

After the sprint stage, Su Zhe's advantage over stride frequency and stride length gradually emerged. He maintained the fastest stride frequency and maximum stride length he could currently achieve, step by step overtaking the one in front of him. Wang Qin and Zheng Jian.

On the field, no one noticed that Su Zhe had gone from sixth in the starting sprint to fourth. At this time, only Meng Hao, Qiu Xinchu and Zhao Zhixuan were left in front of him.

In the stand area, the voices of the audience were already hoarse, but every time they saw Su Zhe surpassing one person, the shouts of cheering would be higher.

Come on!

Come on! !

This feeling of boiling blood flowed in everyone's hearts, and even the heavy rain at this moment could not extinguish the flames in their hearts.

Su Zhe is still trying to speed up his pace and cadence, but the exhaustion of his body has actually reached the limit that his will can bear. He can no longer mobilize more strength to improve his pace, and can only manage to maintain it. The current cadence cadence.

He must mobilize the final strength of the body with the strongest willpower, and control all the rhythms to keep it from collapsing.

At this time, the schedule is over halfway. As the first group, Meng Hao and Zhao Zhixuan are ahead of everyone. Qiu Xinchu has a certain distance from the two in front. Su Zhe keeps approaching with a barely maintained stable frequency behind him, even Attempt to finish catching up with him!

"Fuck! Damn it! Is there any physical strength to catch up????"

In the stand area, a man uttered an unbelievable cry, and at this time he was far more shocked.

On the track, Wang Qinzheng, who was completely behind because of the start and slip, looked at the stalemate ahead with a shocked expression-Su Zhe was almost shoulder to shoulder with Qiu Xinchu, Qiu Xinchu was trying to get rid of Su Zhe and move forward. Catch up, but even if Su Zhe seemed too heavy on his feet, he still stuck to Qiu Xinchu, preventing him from having a chance to completely overtake him.

Damn, is there anyone who is so tired that they can still be so awesome?

Su Zhe is indeed exhausted to the extreme at this time, and even his willpower is almost unable to completely control his body. He can run to this level, it can be said that he is sprinting forward entirely on his own obsession.

This short one hundred meters has entered the final sprint stage.

Originally this was the stage that Su Zhe was best at, but his exhaustion had completely dragged him down. Under such exhausted state, his ability to accelerate in the future can only barely allow him to maintain the current speed, but he still bites. Ya, leaned forward and began to sprint forward with the last strength of his body!

This is the last 30 meters!

The last 20 meters!

The last 10 meters!

The loud voices in the stands, the cheering shouts on the commentary stage, the surging will in the heart or the obsession with the game, all these intertwined forces supported Su Zhe to rush forward at this last moment!

He can speed up!

He is OK!

Qiu Xinchu, who had been on a par with Su Zhe, was shocked to see Su Zhe dragging his heavy steps to increase his speed again. It was this speed that completely crushed him in the end, completed his overtaking, and finally surpassed him. The ranking is fixed in fourth place.


On the commentary stage, Zhang Jing finally did not hold back his own voice. He said loudly and authentically: "Su Zhe, with his strong and tenacious will, he managed to finish from sixth to sixth in the starting stage despite his exhaustion. In the end, the third counterattack went ahead!!"

"Higher, faster, stronger, this is the spirit of sports, this is the meaning of competition!!!"

In the sound of Zhang Jing's cheering, Su Zhe who reached the end was finally unable to support his body, his knees softened, and he knelt down on the finish line.



Today is also a wilted vegetable that has sunk 6... Counting today’s work documents, it’s actually tens of thousands of days. [Melancholy to see the sky]

In a daze, Cai Cai remembers that today I seem to have seen a scene where little angels are discussing if Su Zhe is attacking... I shook my head frantically... I, Cai Cai, have no brains to accept the party! Seeing Cai Cai, my righteous gaze and the death stare of Dao Shao in the background! (`へ?*)ノ!

What's wrong? Strong acceptance is also acceptance! We, A Zhe, also have beauty aura and flourishing beauty! 【←Ok, this vegetable is crazy..._(:з」∠)_】

Orz Caicai's mind has become so stiff at the moment, I forgot what I had to talk about... Anyway, I will give you one first!

PS: This article is a happy brainless cool article, but Shuangwen's life also has ups and downs=w=...... Please believe that I will wander again soon! ~Wow~~~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Xuemu, My Neighbor Totoro, Yoyo, The South Wind Is Not Up, The Romance Will Endure One;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Meow, Sun, Qinyu Weiwei and Hanhan who love to climb trees; 9 bottles of Mu Muxi; 19,398,538 bottles; 6 bottles of small; 5 bottles of cute cats, Xiying, Yeqiu; Lonely street and Liangxiang, flowers Open Banxia Liangcheng empty? 3 bottles; Muyue, Qiran, Ming Yiguang, Luze, Daydream, Lord Grim annoying 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!