Chapter 32: Achievements & Public Opinion & Turnaround

"Su Zhe!!! Great!!!"

In the stands area, there was a hoarse and desperate cry from track and field fans.

This young man who had been outraged by them out of the sports circle has completely conquered them!

This is a player worthy of their admiration and support!

"Su Zhe!! Lao Tzu fan your Lao Tzu proud for a lifetime!!! You are the best!!"

Su Zhe, who was kneeling on the ground, had already been soaked by the rain. Until Zhao Zhixuan and Zheng Jian helped him from the ground, his body was still heavy as if he was filled with lead, and even the simple movement of raising his arm was difficult to handle. To.

"Fuck, A Zhe, are you okay?" Zheng Jian looked at Su Zhe's pale face nervously, a little at a loss.

Speaking of it, it’s not uncommon for athletes to run out of physical strength. In fact, they are not uncommon. Ordinarily, they are not so flustered. It is just that Su Zhe’s appearance does not look like their rough guys at all, even if he knows this is a four-day The match is ruthless, but watching him lose his strength, he still feels that a heavier hand will hurt him.

Zhao Zhixuan watched Su Zhe letting off his strength and stopped saying anything. Instead, he signaled to Zheng Jian to take Su Zhe to the sidelines quickly to take shelter from the rain—it can’t get soaked anymore, let it go and get soaked in the rain for a while. Have a fever.

On the commentary stage, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan just breathed a sigh of relief.

In just over ten seconds, they seemed to have experienced a fierce battle in the rain just like the players on the field.

Just in the schedule just now, they almost squeezed a sigh of relief for Su Zhe together, watching him lag behind the sixth place since the start of the gun, and with a sigh of relief all the way, they finally counterattacked to the top three. The enthusiasm still stays in their hearts, making them difficult to extricate themselves.

Zhang Jing: "In the recent period, my partner Lao Wang and I have explained many games that Su Zhe participated in. His talent and strong strength are what we often talk about in private exchanges. At the same time, his Perseverance, one or two can be glimpsed from the injured participation in the championship. But today’s game still makes us feel boiling and shocked."

Wang Miaochuan: "Yes, this kind of boiling and shock is not only because of Su Zhe, every player on the field tonight is a real hero! They did not give up fighting because of the harsh environment, but gritted their teeth. , Never give up, this is the athletes of our country. Their actions truly interpret what is called sportsmanship!"

Zhang Jing: "Tonight's event, regardless of the final results of the players, will be the most exciting game on the first day of the World Championship Challenge!"

In such an atmosphere of emotion, the final results of the men's 100m final tonight have also been counted and sent to the audience. After receiving the statistical table of the final results, Wang Miaochuan began to announce the final results of the event to the audience one by one.

"First place, Zhao Zhixuan: 10 seconds and 15 (-0.8) to tie a pb; second place, Meng Hao: 10 seconds and 17 (-0.8); third place, Su Zhe: 10 seconds and 19 (-0.8)..."

The results on this form surprised Zhang Jing. He originally thought that such an environment tonight will inevitably have a certain impact on the strength of the players. The final results of the men's 100-meter final in the evening may be very unsightly.

But I didn't expect that the final score sheet was not bad?

In particular, Zhao Zhixuan, in such a rainy game and still heading against the wind, even tied his career pb-then if the weather tonight is not so bad, he may have refreshed his personal pb now, and may even be able to open it. 10 seconds in 10 seconds!

Thinking of this, Zhang Jing couldn’t help but pay attention to Zhao Zhixuan in the field. This Su Yinsheng’s disciple was amazing. He looked gentle and quiet. There was a senior brother like Chen Zhi, the king of sprinting, and the next. The presence of a genius junior like Su Zhe turned out to make him look a little ordinary, and he received less attention.

But is Zhao Zhixuan's strength really ordinary?

Zhang Jing picked up the information about Zhao Zhixuan: at the age of 23, he is about to enter the golden age of short gun players' performance. The personal pb that has just been refreshed this year is 10.15 seconds and steadily occupy the top three results of domestic active players. Third in the men's 100-meter sprint in the National Championships, with a result of 10.18 seconds, and the first in the men's 100-meter sprint in the World Championships Challenge. Under such harsh weather conditions, the average individual pb10.15...

Seeing this, Zhang Jing couldn't help taking a breath. This kind of performance... is not too bad compared to Chen Zhi back then. As long as this growth path is maintained, it is bound to be another domestic 100-meter sprinter in the future. The king of the field.

Su Yinsheng is worthy of being Su Yinsheng. His vision of selecting 100-meter athletes is too vicious. This level of training athletes is indeed amazing.

After the announcement of the final results, Zhao Zhixuan and Zheng Jian quickly exited with Su Zhe who had slowed down. When the three passed by the interview area, the reporters also saw that Su Zhe was in poor condition and did not ask too many questions. With Zhao Zhixuan and Su Zhe shooting all the way.

When they returned to the players' lounge, Su Yinsheng had already prepared functional drinks for them to replenish their physical fitness, and helped Su Zhe to massage and relax their muscles, so as to relieve the fatigue in the muscles.

When Su Yinsheng gave a few people a massage to soothe, Su Zhe was still a bit silent. When the people were about to clean up and prepare to return to the hotel to rest, Su Zhe said to Su Yinsheng: "Dad, sorry, I failed to play as planned... In the first preliminaries of the night, if I tried my best at the beginning, I might be able to qualify for the 100m...or, if I can reserve more physical strength for the finals..."

Hearing this apology, Su Yinsheng rolled his eyes habitually, rubbed his forehead and said: "Okay, you are afraid that you don't bury your head in training every day and train your brain to be stupid? The competition environment tonight is not suitable originally. Refresh the pb. In the 100-meter preliminaries, your judgment was correct. In the rainy arena, if you don’t take a little bit, you are the one who gets hurt and trouble. Of course, your kid couldn’t hold it back in the end. But in the course of the game, I want to rush forward. Well, this is understandable."

"What I can’t understand is that you all know that you have consumed so much energy in the preliminary round, and there is still a 110-meter hurdles final in the middle... even if your 110-meter hurdles final is completely useless, how can you guarantee that, In this state, can he break his personal pb in the 100m and win the 100m qualification for the National Championship?"

Su Yinsheng’s words made Su Zhe who had been completely caught in his thoughts startled for a moment. He has been blaming himself for failing to implement the original plan. His mind seems to have gotten into the tip of a horn. It is obviously a very simple truth, but he Dad Su Yinsheng didn't think of this at all before he said it.

"Young man, it's still not comprehensive enough, too naive." Su Yinsheng snorted, and finally said: "Okay, go back to the hotel. As for the qualification for the 100m World Championships, I didn't get a seat today. Down, the Tianguan Center shouldn’t be more anxious than you? Just wait with peace of mind. I guess, in just these two days, the new game notice will come down, and none of you can run."

Hearing this, Su Zhe was stunned, and then he remembered that the World Championships’ compliance cycle seems to have not yet expired. One of the purposes of the two-day challenge is to give athletes who have vacant seats a challenge. Opportunity, another purpose is to conduct a ranking screening for those athletes that have exceeded the quota.

It is not to say that if this challenge failed to meet the target, it completely lost the qualification for the seat of the World Championship.

Thinking of this, Su Zhe silently covered his face-he felt that his father was right. Perhaps he had been immersed in training and had already practiced his brain stupidly. Why did he not think of this level at all? ? ?

The curtain on the first day of the World Championship Challenge has come to an end, and the athletes have returned to the hotel to start their respective rest, but the topic on the Internet has begun to climax under the careful arrangement of the Cyclonus Group’s product promotion team.

On the day before the start of the World Championship Challenge, the topic #运动系美少年苏哲# has gradually climbed into the top ten under the operation of the product promotion team.

Many people who didn't know Su Zhe thought that this was another star who bought the hot search and started to hype.

But when they opened the hot search to take a look-Huh? It looks really good-looking, but it doesn't seem to know him well?

Take another look-hoo! An athlete? Still such a good-looking athlete?

So good-looking, what kind of athlete are you? Why don't you enter the entertainment industry and give everyone a seductive look?

As long as the people with this kind of thinking are eating melons, they will be shocked again by the popular science about Su Zhe in the hot search topic-this is really mixed in the entertainment industry, and is the emoji himself who was popular for a while. ?

The people who eat melons can almost follow the route arranged by Hurricane's product promotion team, all the way from Su Zhe’s appearance to his past. Finally, they are convinced by Su Zhe’s current results. At the same time, the topic will return to this World Championship. Challenge, and the local sponsor of this World Championship Challenge-Cyclonus Group.

This was originally just a starting point for the Cyclonus product promotion team. Before they contacted the Zhuguang crew to start a joint hype, suddenly another big wave came on the Internet, sending them a wave of enthusiasm for nothing.

Several celebrities headed by Shao Xingchen have published Weibo, praising Su Zhe, and also praising all the players in this challenge. This accident made Cyclonus's product announcement group a great surprise.

On Shao Xingchen’s Weibo, the latest piece of content is @了苏哲 again.

【#苏哲#@苏哲, you are the best. 】

Fans who discovered that Shao Xingchen had posted on Weibo originally planned to come and blow a wave of their brother's rainbow farts, but the content of his brother's Weibo caught them off guard.

Su Zhe, you are the best? ? ?

How is this going? ?

And the boss... how did you learn to post on Weibo with topics? ? ?

With this skill, why not use yourself?

Although the "satellites" know that their brother has a good relationship with Su Zhe and admire him very much, other than that, the satellites usually rarely care about Su Zhe's entire situation.

After all, Su Zhe has retired from the entertainment industry. I also know from the daily Weibo of the "philosophers" that what he has lived after leaving the circle is just like an athlete. Everyday, he is constantly training, competing, and getting busy. There is no commercial Weibo or selfie, so there is really no need for much attention.

After staring at their boss’s Weibo for a moment, the "Satellite" management group quickly contacted Su Zhe’s fans and asked what Su Zhe was doing now and why his boss had such a huge picture. Like?

Su Zhe's fans "philosophers", they have been in a state of excitement for the past two days-their cubs have returned to participate in the competition after recovering from injuries at the National Championships!

This competition is another top-level competition in China, with all kinds of big-name track and field athletes gathered, and their cubs are one of them!

The sponsors of the competition are also very generous. Hot searches are arranged, luxury hotels, round-trip air tickets reimbursement, a full set of customized sports suits, and a large number of reporters' visits, etc.

This makes philosophers almost feel like they are celebrating the New Year.

The hot search #运动系美少年苏哲# the previous day was still on the hot search list. In the next second, #苏哲 locked in 110m hurdles World Championship qualifications in advance # has quietly climbed to the end.

Ask them to say that this kind of rich sponsors can come in a few more. Isn't the daily routine from now on?

Just as they happily licked Su Zhe’s airport map, knocked on the "Chasing the Light" clips, and planned to watch the live broadcast of the game again, some philosopher sisters released their cubs’ schedule for the whole day today. .

To sum up, it is 4 words, the devil's schedule.

After that, they began to worry about their cubs' night games.

Sure enough, not only was the race schedule full at night, but it also rained on the spot... At that time, many philosopher girls were wondering why the race was still going on after it rained? But their doubts cannot hinder the continuation of the live game.

After winning two consecutive games, their hearts have long been gripped by the tired figure in the live broadcast. They are proud of Su Zhe's victory, and also for Su who was supported by Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun after the game. Zhe felt distressed.

But at that time, their cubs still had the last game to complete.

From the end of the second game to the beginning of the final final, there is only a short break of less than an hour. Can he get over it?

The answer is of course no.

When the little philosopher girls watched their family Su Zhe fall behind from the start, and then gritted their teeth all the way to counterattack overtime, the image of Su Zhe once again appeared before their eyes, making many little girls red eyes. .

Yes, he has always had such a personality. Even in the entertainment industry, in areas he was completely unfamiliar with and not good at, what he did was gritted his teeth and constantly forced himself to move forward and improve.

Perhaps his personality is a bit out of date, but no one can deny his charm when he is serious, hardworking, and doing his best.

When the "satellites" found Su Zhe's square, the "philosophers" were refreshing the screen for Su Zhe's event tonight, and the main content of the refreshing screen was very simple and straightforward, with only 7 words-@苏哲, you are the best of.

In the ocean of this square, the "satellites" noticed that one piece of content has been topped as a hot spot in the square, and it is from their boss' Weibo.

This discovery made many "satellites" feel a little dazed.

The little philosopher girls all expressed their enthusiasm for the "satellites" who came to the door. Shao Xingchen is a good friend of their cubs, so of course the satellites and philosophers are also good friends?

Under the careful and detailed science popularization of the little philosopher girls, the "satellites" also understood why the philosophers and even their own bosses are also publishing this topic-after watching the replay video of Su Zhe's four-day game , They could not help but be moved.

Soon after Shao Xingchen's Weibo push, another super celebrity successively published Weibo with the same content, while also following Su Zhe. Until one of them posted a Weibo, everyone knew where they met Su Zhe.

[At the backstage of the show recording tonight, I watched two track and field competitions with @邵星辰. I deeply felt the difficulty of athletes. Even in the rainy outdoor field, we must still stick to the competition and strive for better results. This spirit is moving. @苏哲, you are the best! 】

As the influence of celebrities’ Weibo pushes spread and the hurricane product publicity group’s close control, topics such as #苏哲日四赛# and #苏哲机场赛前穿铺# quickly became hot again. Search.

For a while, the hot search list was almost full of Su Zhe's name.

If this is not an athlete with a performance, but any niche, I am afraid that they have already been mocked.

Cyclonus’s product promotion team was paying close attention to the topic, and when the topic reached its peak, it dropped another blockbuster—a video clip of Su Zhe’s four games a day filmed with multiple cameras.

This video created by professionals is accompanied by exciting music.

In the video, Su Zhe's persistent gaze, perseverance, even his hair drenched in the rain, and images of the hoarse voices of track and field fans in the audience area, finally combined into this exciting video.

[@苏哲, the schedule of four matches in one day can't make him surrender, even if the battle is to the last minute, he will not give up any hope. 】

This well-made video quickly became popular due to the popularity of Su Zhe and the World Championships Challenge, especially the big V players or enthusiasts in the track and field circle. It can be said that it was reposted by everyone.

As Tao Sheng who initiated the #苏哲滚出体育圈# topic and then known as Su Zhe fan, it is naturally impossible to miss this video.

In fact, he has watched Su Zhe's 4 matches today many times, but after watching the carefully edited video, he couldn't help but be excited about it.

He originally planned to open the document and write a full praise article for Su Zhe, analyzing the various technical characteristics he showed in the game, as well as some shortcomings in the game arrangement. But after thinking about it for a long time, Tao Sheng finally only reposted the video, and finally @了苏哲, issued the same sentence-Su Zhe, you are the best.

This online carnival about the World Championships trials, Su Zhe, and Cyclonus Group continued for a whole night, and its follow-up influence continued to spread.

But in the meeting room of the Tianguan Center in city b, no one was concerned about this topic that was hot on the Internet at this time.

The director of the Field Management Center Sun Zhihai, the deputy directors Chen Guangping, Zheng Wensheng, etc. are listening to the staff in the conference room to report on the first day of the World Championships Challenge.

"As of the evening of August 21st, a total of 18 competitions have been completed on the first day of the World Championships Challenge. Among them, 9 events including 110-meter hurdles, pole vault, and javelin have reached the World Championships standards, including 110 meters. Four events including hurdles, pole vault, long jump, and women’s 100 meters have won full seats."

After the staff reported the specific data, Sun Zhihai and others nodded.

Regarding this data, everyone present was relatively satisfied. Sun Zhihai held a pen in his right hand and habitually recorded some data in his notebook. When writing related data in the 110-meter column, he suddenly looked up and asked: "I remember before. Isn’t the 110-meter hurdles this year that no one has reached the entry criteria for the time being? This challenge is just full?"

The staff nodded affirmatively, and then called up the relevant data during the 110-meter hurdle race.

"This time the 110-meter hurdles met Su Zhe: 13.36.36, Zhou Tianjue: 13.44. Ye Jun: 13.45."

After seeing this data, Sun Zhihai was very pleased and smiled: "Okay, okay! Not only is it full of players, but Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue are both young players. Now we have such results. After Song Chen, our There is new hope for the 110-meter hurdle!"

The surrounding Chen Guangping and Zheng Wensheng also nodded in agreement with a smile.

Zheng Wensheng also smiled and said: "This Su Zhe... At our last meeting, I also opposed the inclusion of him in the 110-meter hurdles key observers. How could I think of temporarily adding him to the 110-meter hurdles of the challenge? Achieving such a result? With this result, seeing the Tokyo Olympics standard is close in sight!"

"Who said no?" Chen Guangping also smiled: "This kid is really amazing...Well, but isn't his main item 100 meters? Didn't he get 10 seconds 10 this time?"

Upon hearing this question, the staff couldn't help but smile and said, "Su Zhe's best performance in this men's 100-meter dash was 10 seconds 12 (-0.6) in the preliminaries."

When Chen Guangping heard this result, he was quite satisfied: "Isn't it still raining in L city yesterday? At the same time, he ran against the wind for 10 seconds 12, which also equalized his personal pb. Turning on 10 seconds 10 is just around the corner."

Sun Zhihai nodded, then turned to look at the staff: "This is a good result, is there any secret?"

The staff then explained with some hesitation: “When we submitted Su Zhe’s 110-meter hurdle entry requirements to the organizing committee, it was a bit too late. The organizing committee did not pay attention to it at the time, and did not specifically call out a concurrent event. It seems that Su Zhe’s personal schedule is a bit dense..."

"The schedule is dense?" Sun Zhihai was taken aback and looked up at the presentation ppt made by the staff. It marked the time schedule between the pre-finals of the various competitions. Finally, he saw the 110-meter hurdles pre-finals and the men's 100-meter pre-finals. After the time node, his face changed.

After a long while, Sun Zhihai sighed, "It's a pity."

With the strength shown by Su Zhe, if the time of these two competitions can be divided into two days, the men's 100-meter seat may have already been obtained.

Zheng Wensheng at the side looked at the timetable and Su Zhe's results, and couldn't help but rub his hands: "It's a pity not to mention it, isn't the competition period until September 7th? There is still half a! Xiaolin, first go and get out the race schedule for this half month!"


_(:з」∠)_Wow, today is also Cai Cai with huge dark circles... The late update is out again by my day.

I saw a little angel asking, why bother

In fact, in sports events, the operation of concurrent events is quite conventional, such as the mutual events between long jump events, 100 meters, 200 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters, etc. Some events have the same training points. Even because of part-time training, the performance of one of the projects will be improved

The other is the rain competition. This is indeed the norm in track and field competitions. As long as it does not reach the level of heavy rain, basically it is to compete as much as possible when the competition is possible. Therefore, in actual competitions, athletes will often encounter various Kind of unfavorable factors, oh~~

So a Cai Cai that was so sleepy and demented went to sleep first_(:з」∠)_ woo woo woo, little angels late (morning)!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: A fan is just hungry;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 2 fans are hungry; Junkai 1009, I drop an old swan, 11;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of ALLSen; 15 bottles of Nini’s radishes; 18 bites 27, purple ice orchid, one bookworm, Loki L, Momeng purple, H? 10 bottles; Yuanliyue 7 bottles; south wind is not rising, rot Jun 3 bottles; Lord Grim's annoying, Xiying 2 bottles; Yue sama, Luo Su, Silent of the Silent House, Love Qin in Your Dream, Wangjiu, One, Jennifer, Mo Xiaoli?, Bone Candle Rot, Deer , 1 bottle of small kelp, Yeqiu, Xia Fei, Muyue floating in the wind;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!