Several of Su Zhe’s fans in Japan were a little late when they entered the venue because they were in the foreign exchange union. When they entered the venue with their hands in hand, Su Zhe had already arrived at the check-in point with the staff and began to line up for the check-in.

Several little girls were a little excited to exchange content related to Su Zhe, and brought their own self-made Su Zhe postcards to each other. One of the girls was still a big touch, the handwriting commonly used by "philosophers", above The Q version of Su Zhe's image comes from this big touch.

Just as the little girls were exchanging information about Su Zhe, there was a cherry blossom girl around finally plucking up the courage to come forward and strike up a conversation.

"Hello, are you fans of that Chinese player?"

Huh? ?

The little girls froze for a moment, and then saw Mei Sakura point to the homemade postcards in their hands.

Wow, their cubs, is this a cherry blossom fan? ? ?

After getting a positive answer from the "philosophers" sisters, Sakura sister immediately beckoned to her companions, and began to ask the "philosophers" about Su Zhe's name and competition events, and asked the "philosophers" to send postcards, etc. Let them see the materials.

"Ah, of course there is no problem with this!"

After handing Su Zhe’s various photo postcards to Sakura Sister, several Sakura Sisters watched them separately and exclaimed in admiration. The voice of "Sri Lanka One" is always one after another, ringing non-stop.

After seeing a few pictures of Su Zhe, Sakura sister finally found something wrong.

"Huh? Isn't Su contestant China's men's 100-meter champion? Why is there a stage photo in his photo?"

This sentence caught the attention of other Sakura girls, and they also discovered that the photos in their hands were obviously photos of the stage scene.

After learning that Su Zhe was once an idol in the entertainment industry, the Sakura girls gave out a brand new surprise.

"Student Su is really an excellent and powerful person. Even if he turns from an idol to an athlete, he has achieved the best level!"


Regarding the understanding of the Sakura girls, the "philosophers" looked at each other and explained that Su Zhe was very popular when he was an idol—just to say, "Our cub is a big fan."

However, the Sakura girls did not believe this.

"? With the beauty of the player Yisu, whoever sees him, is there anyone who doesn't like him?"

For the doubts in the eyes of the Sakura girls, the "philosophers" are also difficult to explain. Obviously, these Sakura girls have been completely captured by Su Zhe from the first sight.

Su Zhe's exquisite appearance, fair skin, and slightly cold temperament, and his sense of conflict with his identity as a strong track and field player, are all the reasons for attracting Sakura.

"China is really a place of beauty, but it's really hard to find the beauty that pierced my heart like Contestant Su..."

"I didn't have a player to cheer for, but I saw player Su...ah, I want to learn Chinese! I want to see more news about player Su!"

In the communication between the "philosophers" and Sakura Sister, time passed by quickly.

Soon, 6 groups of 100m qualifiers will officially kick off.

In the waiting area for the players, Su Zhe is moving his body quietly. The waiting area for the players on the scene is divided according to the players' participating groups. The only Shiotao Baishi who knows Su Zhe is not in his current area. Moreover, in the language of both parties, even if Shiraishi Shota was on the side, the two could not have any effective conversation.

While waiting to go on the field, Su Zhe turned his attention to the athletes present-in the rest area where he was, there were 16 athletes gathered. These are theoretically the 100-meter champions of Asian countries, but Su Zhe But there are some athletes who obviously should be of African descent.

This reminded him of the large amount of materials his father Su Yinsheng prepared for him before he set off. Among them, he mentioned the programs of naturalized athletes that are prevailing in Asian countries, especially those in West Asia.

For athletes of Asian descent, the average explosive power required by the yellow race for sprinting is much weaker than that of the black athletes. This makes the yellow race athletes lack of congenital conditions compared to black and white athletes.

Facing the disadvantages of their own descent, some Asian countries, in order to quickly improve their national sports performance, have attracted a large number of outstanding and talented naturalized athletes from sprinting powers such as Jamaica, thus achieving sports performance in a short time. The rapid improvement.

Judging from the naturalized athletes present, we can know how serious this trend is today.

Even Japan, a country with a traditional track and field tradition in Asia, is trying to further improve sprint performance by cultivating black and Japanese hybrids.

This choice is unassailable from the perspective of national interests, but if you want to really enhance your country's sports strength, it is absolutely impossible to rely solely on naturalized athletes.

As the preliminaries unfolded, the atmosphere in the waiting area obviously became tense.

The players present are all top 100m players from various countries, but apart from the popular naturalized players such as Garin and Qatar, the 100m level of the rest of the countries is not at the same level. Many countries are waiting. In this Asian Championship Invitational, he ran a good result and won a seat in the World Championship for his country.

When everyone had similar goals, the smell of war became stronger in the waiting area...

When the staff came in and invited the third group of players to participate in the competition, Su Zhe sorted out the number plates in front of him, and followed the staff to the track.

His position is the 3rd track.

Although it was only the men's 100m preliminaries, Fuji TV also arranged a live broadcast for the game. At the same time, Ishida Ippei, a well-known track and field commentator in Japan, played the role of the track series commentary for the game.

Ishida Ippei: "Oh, new players have already appeared! Next are sprint champions from the Philippines, China, Indonesia, Malaysia... and other countries! Now everyone is preparing..."

In an unfamiliar country and unfamiliar stadium, Su Zhe clearly felt that his state was not quite right. It is not the discomfort in the physical state, but the difficulty in reaching the ideal state of excitement in the mental state.

In the past games, during the pre-match preparation stage, his spirit has been very tense, but at this moment, he originally planned to let go of the preliminaries as much as possible, and strive to make good use of the three opportunities of the preliminaries, semi-finals and finals. , Working hard to achieve a score of 10 seconds 10, but although what I thought has not changed, it is difficult to be completely immersed in the game like in the past.

Su Zhe knew in his heart that this might have been caused by his lack of game experience-he was confident that he already had the ability to open 10 seconds and 10 scores, but this confidence at this moment made it difficult for him to mobilize his competitive state. .

This kind of situation that he had never encountered before caused a trace of anxiety in Su Zhe's heart. He took a deep breath and forced himself into a more focused state.

The short preparation time passed quickly, and the referee stood at the designated starting point and began to call out the preparation order.

"Each in place-ready!"


The sound of the electronic starting gun is the signal to start.

After the gunshot, the eight athletes on the track responded and the game was instantly ignited!

At the beginning of the game, Su Zhe's anxious state and overly calm physical state improved slightly under the influence of the sprint buff, but he still failed to reach his peak state.

Compared to the usual starting reaction speed that has been reduced and stabilized at 0.15 seconds, Su Zhe's starting reaction speed has increased to 0.18 seconds.

A gap of just 0.03 seconds is enough to affect the probability of Su Zhe running into 10 seconds 10.

Although he knew that his starting reaction speed was slightly slow, Su Zhe still did not give up. He quickly completed the link between the starting movement and the acceleration run after the start. After months of training, this set of movements has been in his body. A perfect conditioned reflex was formed on the game, so that he, who had been lacking in starting and accelerating technical connections, had almost no flaws in this action.

Perhaps the live broadcast photographers couldn't help being attracted by Su Zhe's appearance. After the live broadcast shots came on stage, they intentionally or unintentionally focused more on Su Zhe's body.

This moment is no exception.

From the start of Su Zhe in third place to the acceleration of the start to overtake the two consecutive runners, these scenes were faithfully recorded by the live footage.

Many Japanese people who watched the game on the Fuji Live Network instantly felt the crit from the beauty, and even some people who were watching the live broadcast issued a suspicious barrage-"What we are watching is indeed the 100th Asian Championship Invitational. The preliminaries will be broadcast live, right?"

After quickly surpassing the two top players, Su Zhe clearly felt the strength gap between the other players on the field and him. Most of the teams he was in were not outstanding in track and field, and they did not introduce naturalized players. country.

The strongest of them is probably the player from Indonesia-Indonesia's national record for men's 100 meters was created by this player who usually competes with Su Zhe, but he obviously did not run out of his personal pb10.13.

When entering the mid-run stage, Su Zhe even felt that he still had enough energy to observe the players around him, but this state was quickly converged, and he forced himself to continue to lift up his energy, maintain his stride, and walk towards the finish line with all his strength!

As he was about to enter the final 30-meter sprint stage, perhaps because of his personal technical characteristics, the champion from Indonesia finally improved his condition and began to quickly catch up with Su Zhe in front.

After feeling the pressure of the chasers from the rear, Su Zhe's spirit tightened and his state finally recovered. In the final sprint stage, his strong technical characteristics and warm-up competitive state finally allowed him to run out of the usual. feel.

Unfortunately, the short 30-meter sprint passed in no time.

After running to the finish line, Su Zhe still had the urge to continue sprinting. His warming state made his body run completely after 100 meters.

Although he is not satisfied with his state, Su Zhe's attitude of taking first place is already very amazing to the audience and the Japanese people who are watching the live broadcast!

The commentator Ishida Ippei admired: "This is the first time I have seen a Chinese player Su. His strength is as amazing as his beauty! His vigorous and charming posture...what is it like? Oh! He is like The charming snow leopard is simply a combination of deceptive beauty and extraordinary strength!"

Exaggerated commentary and admiration have always been the style of Japanese commentary, but Ishida Ippei's praise is not over yet.

"In the past, contestant Chen was always the representative of China. His fierce and fast pace has always been a weapon to tear the confidence of Japanese contestants, but today...the Chinese Empire has sent a more terrifying secret weapon! With such a beautiful appearance, Do you want everyone to ignore player Su's strength because of his beauty, and finally deliver a fatal blow to us?"

This exaggerated rhetoric made the little "philosophers" girls who were watching a track and field game for the first time stunned-they thought they were already qualified "Su Blows". They never expected that they were just a commentator. Defeated their daily routine? ? ?

The Sakura sisters and the guys around them all agreed with the commentary, yelling excitedly about the name of Su Zhe they had just learned from them.

The enthusiastic shouts from the stands finally caught Su Zhe's attention. He was a little surprised when he saw the girls holding his hand, but still smiled and waved at them.

Amid the happy screams of the "philosopher" and Sakura girls, Su Zhe's third group preliminaries were also passed to Ishida Ippei...


Wang cried out...orz, the remaining 3k will have to wait till night QAQ...

Quietly touch the little angels, then roll away to sleep...

PS: In the last chapter... there were sand sculpture digital bugs and some typos, T__T, but it is not easy to review the text now, so I won't move it for the time being, I hope to understand. Follow-up Cai Cai will pay more attention to the code word, oops!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 firework swallow flying;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

xgjgbng147 bottles; 30 bottles per hour; 100910 bottles of Shi Qiu, Xuanhanlian, and Junkai; 5 bottles of Moliang and Miming; 13 bottles of Jiangzhi; 2 bottles of Fireworks and Swallow Flying; 1 bottle of Yiye;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!