Chapter 37: Solve the knot! (Two more)

"Oh oh! I have got the score sheet for the third group of the preliminaries! Let's take a look at the final results of this group of players!"

Ishida Ippei enthusiastically began announcing the players' results. When he reported to Su Zhe's name, his voice was full of admiration.

"Finally is Su Zhe from China! Our beautiful and powerful Snow Leopard boy! What is his final score? Oh ~ 10 seconds 16! Very beautiful number, easily enter 10 seconds 20 in the preliminaries, really let People look forward to his next performance!"

On the commentary stage, Ishida Ippei continued to praise him, while Su Zhe, who was on the track, couldn't help frowning after learning about his results from the staff.

10 seconds 16... even worse than his results in the preliminaries of the National Championships... You know, at that time his sprint skills were still Lv2, but he had already ran 10.15 seconds, and he is now in the state of Lv3 sprint skills. Under the bonus, the speed is still only 10 seconds 16. The difference is enough to explain the problem.

He doesn't feel any discomfort in his body, but it is difficult to enter the best competitive state. If it were not for the sprint stage of the schedule, the Indonesian player's sudden acceleration made him feel a sense of crisis, thus tensing his spirits, perhaps his results would be worse.

With these questions in mind, Su Zhe left the stadium unconsciously and retired to the rest area specially prepared for athletes, waiting for the other members of the Chinese team to complete the game.

Ye Jun finished the 110-meter hurdles preliminaries. When he came to the rest area, he saw Su Zhe who was in a daze. He walked to Su Zhe in threes or twos and greeted him.

"Azhe, what's the matter? He looked listless and didn't run well in the preliminaries?"

Su Zhe smiled bitterly and nodded: "Well, the state is not very good, only 10 seconds 16..."

Hearing Su Zhe's answer, Ye Jun raised his eyebrows and patted his shoulders and said: "Wait...A Zhe, you kid...Your 10:16 score, you said it was not in good condition?"

After a pause, Ye Jun reluctantly added: "Do you know how many 100m runners in this year's domestic scoring 10.20? Counting you who turned out to be born, and Chen Zhi who was injured and went to rest. Only 4 people, Wang Qin, Qiu Xinchu, Zhao Zhixuan and Meng Hao! Among them, the personal pbs of Wang Qin, Qiu Xinchu and Meng Hao did not exceed 10 seconds16."

Su Zhe was taken aback by Ye Jun's words. He had just been completely immersed in his mood of poor competitive state. His already somewhat anxious and extreme thinking was suddenly interrupted, and he began to gradually return to his normal thoughts.

He roughly understood the meaning of Ye Jun's words. This was already a very good result, and he didn't need to worry about it.

However, Su Zhe was silent for a moment, and still hesitated: "But... what if it's just compared with my own past state?"

"Compared with your own state?" Ye Jun saw the hesitation in Su Zhe's eyes, and still insisted: "Is the gap between you and your best results more than 0.20 seconds? Your personal pb is 10 seconds. 12. Even if you can run for 10 seconds and 10 in training, your performance will fluctuate in less than 0.1 seconds, which is completely within the normal performance fluctuation range."

"Azhe, you have to know that we are humans, not robots. We can't do everything in accordance with the plan and do everything without difference." Ye Jun said with a serious face: "You need to clearly understand your previous thoughts. Quite wrong. The ups and downs of athletes are not terrible. What's terrible is that you can't accept the ups and downs of your state."

"When you encounter the ups and downs of the state, find the cause and solve it. Only by successfully conquering your own psychological problems can you grow into a qualified athlete."

Ye Jun's words made Su Zhe stunned. After a long time, he showed a wry smile-the three words of the robot completely woke him up, and he finally understood where his heart was.

Since the emergence of the sand sculpture system, although he has been telling himself rationally not to rely too much on the system, he subconsciously thinks that with the help of the status buff, his performance should always be in the best condition... This is simply to put himself As a running machine that can't be missed.

How could he forget that before the emergence of the sand sculpture system, even if he was constantly working on various dance training every day, when he was actually performing on the stage, it was difficult to ensure that his stage performance was 100% presented?

Ye Jun is right. Since he is a human being, there will be times of ups and downs in his state, but his strength is enough to guarantee that even if he is in a low ebb state, his performance can still be stabilized at a height that many people can't reach, even in In the game, he also has the status buff bonus of the sand sculpture system, so that he will never fall into the worst state.

What he has to do is to really only use the system as a tool to improve his own strength, rather than let himself become a system dependent.

After thinking about this, Su Zhe suddenly felt relieved, and the slight tension during this period of time also disappeared.

There is nothing wrong with it. If the state is not good enough, find the reason for the lack of state and try to improve your competitive state!

Seeing Su Zhe's expression clearly relaxed, Ye Jun also laughed aside: "What? Finally figured it out?"

Su Zhe smiled and said, "Yes! Thank you Brother Ye, I feel much more relaxed now!"

Ye Jun nodded with satisfaction: "That's good, you are one of the most talented athletes I have ever seen, and Coach Su is on the side to help you. I think even if I don't tell you this, Coach Su should be It can help you solve your psychological problems step by step."

During the chat between the two people, the phone in Su Zhe's sports bag suddenly remembered. He took out his mobile phone and saw that the caller was his father Su Yinsheng.

Su Yinsheng’s words were very brief, only to tell Su Zhe that he passed a new training plan to his WeChat and asked him to complete the corresponding training one hour before the semi-finals in the afternoon.

Obviously, his father is also paying attention to his game, and he can see his current problems through his game results and status. It's just that he didn't directly explain the corresponding reasons, but chose another way to relieve him-too slow to enter the competitive state? Then let yourself warm up before the game! Even if you sacrifice a little physical energy before the game?

Just as Su Zhe resolved his happy knot and returned to the hospitality hotel with his father’s training schedule in a state of ease, Japanese Twitter also appeared scatteredly on Twitter after watching today’s game. Tweet.

[You must not believe that I saw angels at today's Asian Championship Invitational! ! ! Su Zhe, a men's 100-meter sprinter from China...He must be the perfect prince! Everyone present surrendered to his beauty. Mr. Ishida called him a beautiful Snow Leopard boy... I think His Royal Highness from the Chinese Empire is more in line with his image! (The attached picture is the screenshots related to Su Zhe in the live broadcast and the remade postcards)]

[I saw player Su too! He is really perfect! With great strength and perfect appearance...Please be sure to watch the replay in the Fuji TV webcast! You can definitely feel his charm! 】

[Please be sure to watch Su's game! Player Su, I will be there again this afternoon to support you! 】

At the same time, the Japanese "philosophers" girls who had watched the morning game have also temporarily left, are gathering for lunch and waiting for the start of the afternoon semi-finals.

When several girls opened Weibo and Twitter, and also wanted to post some messages related to Su Zhe, someone first saw the content posted by the Sakura girls who had exchanged their Twitter accounts.

"Uh...this." The girl whose nickname is'I am chasing cubs in Japan' looked at her companion with a sad look: "What to do? I always feel like I have lost..."

Although I have stayed in Japan for quite a while, I have generally understood the exaggerated language style of Japanese Sakura girls, but I saw on the scene that even the sports commentator can casually make a rainbow fart, a few "philosophers". They began to reflect on themselves one after another-this is really too bad, their flattery of cubs is actually not comparable to foreign fans like others!

That does not work!

"Go, apply for authorization! Let's forward the translation of their tweets back to Weibo, so that everyone can learn the essence of Nihong's rainbow fart! In the future, we can also produce such a professional rainbow fart!"

With a mentality that loyal fans can’t lose, several young girls quickly translated the authorized tweets and the commentary series of uncle Ippei Ishida’s flattery into Chinese, and posted them on Weibo Su Zhe’s super chat Among them, then, as expected, received a large number of hahaha and admiration for Nihong Caihong.

On the Athletics Kingdom forum, many track and field fans are discussing the state of Su Zhe in the morning preliminaries. Everyone has been a track and field fan for many years, so it is natural to see that Su Zhe's competitive state is not good.

[The reaction of listening to the gun is 0.18. This state is obviously not right. When Zhe Shao was in good condition before, the reaction of listening to the gun should be within 0.15. 】

[Probably because I am not quite used to the international arena... This is Zhe Shao's first time going abroad to compete, and there is also the pressure to open the 10 seconds 10 score in the game, perhaps due to the ups and downs caused by the psychological pressure. 】

[To be honest, the score of 10 seconds 16 is already very good in the preliminary rounds. It’s just that you can clearly see that Master Zhe was not going well at the start, and the progress was too slow. Look at the live broadcast, after rushing to the finish line, Master Zhe is still rushing forward. Obviously he is in the sprint stage. Only then really entered the state... I hope that this will not continue in the subsequent games. 】

[The previous polling post is correct...Zhe Shao has been at the top before, don’t fall into a low ebb at this critical moment...]

Just as everyone was discussing and worrying about Su Zhe’s status, someone transferred the rainbow fart series of tweets translated by the "philosophers" girls to the forum of the Kingdom of Track and Field. Suddenly, the atmosphere that was still slightly tense changed. It became a while hahaha.

Someone quickly raised a soul question under the post.

[Hahahahaha, you say, these rainbow farts of Nihong, does Zhe Shao himself know? 】

[Want to know this question +1, the Japanese rainbow fart is still so wonderful, I want to see how Zhe Shao himself reacts when he receives the rainbow fart...]

[Hahaha, big brother upstairs, I advise you to be kind. 】

In this joyful atmosphere, time quickly entered the afternoon.

Su Zhe didn't know how much he was touted by Rainbow Fart. After completing the training plan given by his father, he followed the Chinese team to the stadium again.

Before the start of the game, although Su Zhe felt a little tired, the happy mood of completely resolving the knot and the eagerness to try out from the bottom of his heart have already made him look forward to the next game!

Ye Jun, who was beside him, clearly felt his mood and smiled and looked at him: "How is it? Looks good?"

Su Zhe smiled and nodded: "Well, I can't wait!"

After saying this, Su Zhe waved with Ye Jun, and then followed the staff to the preparation area of ​​the 100m semi-final.

Soon, a new battle will start!


Keke, the update before 0:00...! _(:з」∠)_That’s great and I’m not late today...【Cover your face】

A deep face, the rainbow fart of Nihong, the second country of China, is also served today... Judging from the feedback from the little angels in the comment area... Everyone is a person who has watched wonderful touted videos. XDDD

PS: When it comes to Nihong’s various runs, it really has a certain national character... In the matter of running, the Neon people are really full of love. There is even a section of the road in Narita Airport that has been turned into a runway. The form......_(:з」∠)_ is also...... very hard

PS: I need to take a leave for the update after 0:00. I am a bit tired recently. I want to take a rest early tonight, but tomorrow is Saturday, plus the updates owed before, tomorrow will be 9th. One day, it is estimated that the update time will be before 8 o'clock tomorrow evening, wait for me! ! =w=!

Give everyone a huge heart! (Super loudly) I love you! ~~~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Dear Da Da Da, 17772970, Xia Fei Ai Drink Bing Kuo Luo, Tina 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of ALLSen; 20 bottles of passerby; 16 bottles of um; Lin Xi, 15 bottles of Ink Danqing; 14 bottles of hi source; I want to read novels, sweet tea pomelo, Lan Lu Zi, grilled fish sauce, yunandlv, so-called Yiren, go Go to 10 bottles; 9 bottles of astringent; 6 bottles of May; 5 bottles of Rumo, Moliang, Sweet Noodle Sauce, Fengqiyicheng Liluo, Wumo Xiaorui??? 5 bottles; 2 bottles of cc; 1 bottle of Jennifer and Muyue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!