At five o'clock in the afternoon, the plane from Nihong to City B landed smoothly, and Su Zhe got off the plane with the rest of the national team members on the plane.

Perhaps it was because everyone was wearing uniform national team sportswear, and many tourists around turned their attention to Su Zhe.

" do you feel that the response of the people today is particularly enthusiastic?"

Zhang Minghao, a high jumper on the track and field team, looked at the surrounding crowd with a look of confusion.

Su Zhe did not have the experience of starting and returning with the national team, but when he set off for Nihong not long ago, he felt that he did not receive as much attention as he has now.

This high-profile confusion was finally answered after everyone arrived at the exit channel.

At the gate of the airport pick-up, more than a dozen reporters were standing there. After seeing the members of the track team appear, everyone carried their equipment. In addition, there were some little girls who were also holding their hands. The camera seemed to be guarding the star, but after seeing the track team members, his eyes lighted up, and then he started to press the shutter in the direction of the track team.

As athletes in unpopular events, except for the special moments of returning from the Olympics, members of the track team have never enjoyed the treatment of being blocked at an airport.

For a long time, domestic athletes, even those well-known national players in the fat ball circle, shouldn't they do what they should do when they come back from going out to participate in the competition? What's more, they are people who are not well-known.

At this moment, each team member was a little confused. After a moment of stunned Zhang Minghao, he turned to look at Su Zhe and said seriously: "A Zhe, these should be to stop you, right?"

The little girls at the airport, the surprise sounds after seeing Su Zhe’s figure are indistinguishable. They are indeed the little girls of Su Zhe’s family, but can't those reporters also be his fans?

In fact, Su Zhe is quite dumbfounded. You must know that even in his idol career, he has only enjoyed the treatment of picking up at the airport. Since he became a meme, this treatment is basically impossible. Come on, let alone why reporters are blocking people at the pick-up gate. Even if it is a genuine star, nothing will cause reporters to block the airport, right?

This Asian Championship Invitational, in terms of the importance of the event, is actually slightly worse than the previous World Championship Challenge. This time the return journey is not a collective return of the national team. How can there be such reporters blocking people at the airport? ?

Although I don’t understand why the incident happened, I still have to go through the passage. When everyone walked to the airport pick-up gate, reporters from all walks of life were already waiting, and the shutters of the photographers clicked and clicked. Everyone enjoyed the treatment of a superstar.

After everyone approached, a female reporter with the sports channel reporter card hanging on her chest took the lead in handing the microphone to Su Zhe, and then team members such as Zhang Minghao were also handed over various recording pens and other interview tools.

"First of all, we welcome all the players of the national team to return home! Congratulations to you for your excellent results in the Asian Championship Invitational!"

The female reporter from the Sports Channel smiled and expressed blessings to the track and field team members on behalf of the reporters-everyone’s achievements are indeed worth celebrating. Not only Su Zhe won the men’s 100-meter seat in this World Championships, but also There are Zhang Minghao, Wu Zikai, Liu Mingfei, Wang Ya and other players who also won their best results this year in the championship and qualified for the World Championships.

For the players who have returned to China this time, it can indeed be regarded as a fruitful.

Most of these reporters are professional sportsmen. This time, the reason for blocking people is that 80% of the reason is because the incident of Su Zhe in the past two days has been heated up on the Internet, but when you come to interview, you will not favor one another and ignore other athletes .

The interview questions of sports reporters are usually more harmonious, especially after the athletes win glory for the country, they will not ask some questions that add to the obstacles.

After the reporters took turns to ask the various players such as "what do you think of qualifying for the World Championships", "Do you have any prospects for your results in the World Championships" and so on, the reporters finally pointed to the final goal Su Zhe.

"Su Zhe, this is your first time participating in an Asian-level event. Did you feel pressure during the game?"

As soon as this problem came up, all the shots turned towards Su Zhe, but it should be said that Su Zhe deserves to be experienced with idols for two years. Facing these shots, he still behaves very calmly.

Recalling the change in his mentality during the two-day schedule, Su Zhe objectively said: "In fact, the pressure was not small for the first time, but with the help of the seniors and the coach, it can be considered effective to overcome the competition. Psychological problems have also laid a good psychological foundation for future competitions."

"So... Su Zhe, what's your impression of Nihong?"

This question is a bit abrupt, but it is not outrageous.

Su Zhe was slightly confused, and said seriously: "It's not bad. The organizers are very careful in the arrangements and preparations for the event. What surprised me is that there are many people who come to watch the track and field games. At this point, Nihong’s track and field atmosphere is better than that in China, and I am a little envious of Nihong..."

Just as Su Zhe was expressing his thoughts on Nihong, a female reporter from the Sports Channel suddenly said: "As far as we know, many people in Nihong, including the commentary on the event, are very fond of you. We have specially extracted it. Some Nihong people praised you, would you mind reading these texts yourself?"



Wait... the breath of conspiracy!

The moment the female reporter spoke, Su Zhe became vigilant, but the surrounding reporters, including members of the track team, showed a good show after hearing the question.

Soon, a question board that had already been prepared was placed in front of Su Zhe's eyes.

Everyone around, including the "philosopher" girls of Su Zhe's family, couldn't help showing a funny look.

Sue never knew his nickname in Nihong or the content of Ippei Ishida's commentary. Zhe finally got off the plane and was surrounded by sports reporters when he was out of the plane. He saw a series of rainbow farts with his own eyes.

With Su Zhe's calm personality, Rao couldn't help turning his head silently at this time, not wanting to face the attack of the camera lens.

"...How can these things be pronounced?"

Su Zhe endured and endured, finally after reading a whole paragraph of Ishida Ippei's commentary, he bitterly complained.

The surrounding sports reporters and track and field teammates who glanced at the content of the question board immediately burst into laughter. Among them, Zhang Minghao laughed the most exaggerated and kept patting Su Zhe on the shoulder.

Holding a pile of recorders in his hand, Su Zhe, who was unable to shoot Zhang Minghao, had to turn his head reluctantly to avoid Zhang Minghao's attack.

In the camera of the magic sports photojournalist, Zhang Minghao took Su Zhe's shoulder with a burst of laughter, and Su Zhe's bald expression turned into the most classic photo of this interview.

After finally answering the reporters' questions, the long-awaited "philosophers" girls finally came forward and summoned their courage to say hello to Su Zhe.

Su Zhe is still very grateful to these little fans who have supported him all the way. The little girls did not ask too much, just hope to get a group photo and autograph.

The little girls also brought a training suit and sportswear specially selected by all fans on Weibo to the airport as gifts.

This gift is not expensive, but it is what these little fans feel for Su Zhe. After hesitating for a while, Su Zhe still received the gift, and left the contact address of one of the fans, ready to share the previous one. The propaganda plan prepared by the organizer of the championship confessed to these little girls, so that they would give back this little gift to their partners who have always supported him.

When Su Zhe and the members of the national team left the airport on the bus together, it was already about an hour later. After getting on the bus, Su Zhe thanked all the teammates on the bus and thanked his companions when they were at the airport. Wait patiently.

After Su Zhe and others left, the little fans in the airport couldn't help but express their feelings about picking up the airport on Weibo.

[Uuuuu, the gift was given to the cub, it’s great to see the cub with my own eyes...]

[I saw an army of sports reporters at the airport today. Rounding up is another luxurious interview lineup... I used to think it was an illusion that the cubs became more and more red after retreating. Now it seems that the cubs are really red.

Many young fans who did not arrive at the airport to pick up the plane were waiting for the latest news from the pick up party. After seeing the pick up party’s latest Weibo, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

In the past few months, everything they have experienced, looking back, is almost dreamlike.

The transparent little idol that was originally pink, did not fall silent after retiring, but after switching to professional athletes, all the way to success, hot searches continue...

Although there are also sunspots making troubles, like this whole internet hacking incident, the sunspots were trampled underfoot by the official media before they thought of a way to deal with it.

This kind of thing, placed a few months ago, I didn't even dare to think about it. Not to mention that there are various official media giants who have specially visited the airport for interviews...

These little "philosophers" girls, recalling what they have seen and heard in the past few months on Weibo, can't restrain their happy mood at all.

After learning that Su Zhe had also prepared a small handwritten gift for the fans, the super chat was even more joyous, running and celebrating.

In the forum of the Kingdom of Track and Field, these rough guys of Su Zhe have a completely different style of painting from the "philosophers".

Although no one on the forum went to the airport to pick up the plane, many people know that under this wave of championship craze, journalists from Sportskou will definitely come to the airport for interviews.

These reporters are all about quick words for interviewing and pushing news.

Before Su Zhe and the track and field team members arrived at the national team training base, the reporters had edited the interview draft at the airport, and the content was transmitted back to the editorial office, which was quickly submitted.

After these press releases were pushed, the link was immediately forwarded to the Athletics Kingdom Forum.

[Looking at Zhe Shao's own answer, the state of the preliminary round was really not very good...]

[Yes, but Zhe Shao adjusted his mentality very quickly. I don’t know who taught him... Didn’t Su Lao follow him to go abroad? 】

[In the list of players going abroad this time, Ye Jun should be the one who is most familiar with Zhe Shao? Jun Ye is also a veteran, with rich experience in the game, so it's no problem to enlighten the newcomers! 】

[It is estimated to be Jun Ye +1]

Based on the clues in the interview, the track and field fans can be regarded as restoring Su Zhe's mentality change during the two days of the championship. The overall journey is surprisingly consistent with Tao Sheng's long article.

[Tsk Tsk, Teacher Tao is worthy of being Zhe Shao’s No. 1 fan, and he is too good to speculate on Zhe Shao’s mentality and state... (attached with a photo of Tao Sheng holding his hand to cheer Su Zhe at the Provincial Games)]

As soon as this photo of Tao Sheng came out, there was another hahaha underneath. This photo of Tao Sheng's one-second turning powder can be regarded as a treasure in the track and field circle.

Of course, after Su Zhe's unlovable picture of the rainbow fart was posted by the sports news media, the interesting legend of the track and field circle quickly added another strong player.

Just in the blink of an eye, this picture was marked with texts such as being unlovable, not wanting to speak, refusing to answer, etc., and became the king of the new generation of emoticons in the Athletics Kingdom Forum.

[Laughing at me, Master Zhe is really the first time I know my title in Nihong, right? This reporter is too cruel...]

[Can't help but want to say that the reporter did a great job XDDD]

[The fancy rainbow fart that Nihongren gave me was publicly executed...I almost saw Zhe Shao’s tears, it was too miserable (hahahahahahaha)]

This [Su Zhe Airport personally read the Nihong Fancy Rainbow Fart] press release, under the enthusiasm of the Haha Party of the Track and Field Kingdom, has also been inexplicably overwhelmed by the popularity of sports-related information these days. .

After seeing the original text of Nihong Rainbow fart and the desperate expression of Su Zhe left by the sports reporter, the passing by Guazhong left hilarious figures.

When Su Zhe and his party arrived at the national team training base, it was already night.

At this point, most of the team members in the base should have completed a day's training, and have returned to the athletes' dormitory to rest and recover their physical fitness.

But after Su Zhe and his party returned to the team to report, they learned from the staff that there will be a meeting for all athletes tonight. Let Su Zhe and other returning players go to the meeting immediately. Don't miss it.

Although I don't know what meeting was so important, Su Zhe and others rushed to the meeting room immediately following the staff's guidance.

When passing through the training venue, everyone discovered that many staff members were arranging something. After careful inspection, they discovered that the staff were setting up various camera equipment, and these equipment were facing the athletes. The training venues cover a wide range.

What are you doing?

Zhang Minghao scratched his head, very dumbfounded: "What is this going to do? Do you monitor our training progress every day?"

Of course, athletes have their own tasks to complete in the training camp, but the number of coaches is limited. Even if there are assistant training staff, it is difficult to stare at the athletes to complete their training volume one by one. It is indeed occasional. There will be situations where athletes are lazy and do not have enough training.

But for athletes who want to make progress, no matter how hard the training is, the final result is their own. So there are still a few athletes who really want to be lazy in training.

Not to mention the pre-match training for the World Championships. For those who can enter the training camp, who does not want to achieve a good result in the World Championships?

Under such circumstances, it would be unreasonable to say that surveillance is installed in the base to monitor their training.

Su Zhe looked at the staff's movements, feeling a little confused, but finally shook his head.

"Forget it, the meeting in a while may be related to this, and you will probably know what is going on when you arrive."

Everyone agreed with Su Zhe's statement, temporarily put aside their curiosity about the staff and the camera, and speeded up their pace to the location of the meeting room.

The evening meeting was held in the auditorium of the training center because of the large number of people.

When Su Zhe and everyone came to the auditorium, there was already a lot of money in it, and they were ready to start a meeting at any time.

In the auditorium, including Su Yinsheng and his coaching staff, Lu Fei and his coaching staff, the coaches and coaching staff members of various events, as well as all the participating players in the country, have all arrived.

Under the guidance of the staff, Su Zhe and others quickly sat down in the empty seats, ready to hear what the meeting was saying.

The first person to take the stage was Wang Zhao, the supervisor of the training center. After he took the stage, he first gave all the personnel on the scene a lot of effort, and then explained that because the general public is enthusiastic about sports events, especially track and field events, sports The channel communicates with the Tianguan Center, and a new attempt will be made in this training camp.

The training center will open the live broadcast of part of the project training to the public.

To be honest, this kind of training live broadcast is really not the first time, but track and field events have not been tried in the past. Of course, only part of the basic training is involved in the live broadcast. It can be regarded as an opportunity for audiences interested in track and field events to have a deeper understanding of track and field sports.

At the same time, the Sports Channel will have a dedicated film crew stationed in the training center to take this opportunity to record a complete documentary on the World Track and Field Championships.

This news was the first time I heard of the athletes at the scene, but the coaching staff had been separately communicated by Chen Guangzhi of the Tianguan Center.

Judging from the popularity of the Asian Championships in the past few days, the public's enthusiasm for track and field events has increased a lot-not to mention the real reason for this popularity, but at present we should try our best to maintain this popularity, which is also for track and field. The broader development and future of the project itself.

At the same time, through the live broadcast, not only can the people's interest in the track and field events be maintained, but it can also be directly connected to the October World Track and Field Championships. During this period, is it not good to strive to cultivate the people's attention to the track and field?

Although there are some controversies among the coaching staff, they think that these things should not be done in the pre-match training of the World Championships, but the film crew of the sports channel and the live broadcast channel have stated that they only need to broadcast the basic training area. It will not involve the athlete's confidential training plan.

Furthermore, although it is said to be a closed training camp, in the past training camps, when sports media came to interview, the training scenes were still open to interviewers as news materials.

With several trade-offs, the coaches don’t think it’s hard to accept the live broadcast of some basic training.

Thinking about it better, there are live broadcasts staring at it. In basic training, the problem of athletes' laziness can be solved a lot, which is a good thing.

However, since it is a live broadcast, it is inevitable to engage in some flowers.

After conducting a survey, the sports channel has established a list of highly popular athletes in various sports. It is hoped that the athletes on this list will spend a few minutes extra to interact with the audience in the live broadcast room outside of the daily training time. At the same time, to popularize some track and field knowledge for the audience-if you can combine hot spots, such as how to exercise effectively to reduce fat and increase muscle, it would be better!

They have even prepared the name of the interactive program in the live broadcast room-let's lose weight and exercise with the national champion!

This little flower head, which can't take a few minutes a day, is of course allowed.

And Su Zhe, if he only talks about popularity and recent public popularity, he is undoubtedly the first place among all athletes-so of course he was also undoubtedly sold to the camera crew of Sports Channel.

Also sold are Zhang Minghao in the high jump event, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun in the 110-meter hurdles and so on.

Until the meeting was over and he returned to his room, Su Zhe was a little confused-he knew the truth, but why did he change his job to become an athlete and still be in charge of business?

That night, the news that the national track and field team opened the World Championships training session was posted on the Internet. As expected, this topic quickly attracted the attention of the fans.

After all, the final goal of the recently widely watched Asian Championship Invitational is to win more seats for athletes in the World Championships.

At this time, news related to the world championships in track and field is of course more susceptible to the attention of the fans.

Many people happily met together on the second day to watch the daily training of the national team members in the live broadcast room-in a sense, this is a collection of "national team", "closed training", "track and field events" and "Su The live broadcast of hot words such as "Zhe’s Training Daily" is still quite attractive.

Moreover, the director of the sports channel for this live broadcast is very active. In addition to setting up separate training live broadcast rooms for each project, it also cleverly arranged pen-hold cameras and live broadcast rooms for several highly popular athletes.

This operation can be said to be very angry.

In the dormitory, Su Zhe had originally accepted the setting of interspersing part of the live broadcast tasks in daily training.

But when he finished washing and was about to enter the training space for targeted training, the sand sculpture system suddenly emerged.


Added time-sensitive daily tasks: live broadcast.

Mission Objective: During the training live broadcast, complete daily random live broadcast missions.

Task reward: perfect idol training space training hours *1"

This task... Su Zhe rubbed his forehead, wondering whether he should praise the sand sculpture system and finally remembered that he was a "super idol system".

But no matter what, the reward for this daily task is what he badly needs.

Therefore, before going to bed that night, Su Zhe adjusted his training goals for the next period of time-training should be refueled, live broadcast... It seems that he has to refuel.


_(:з」∠)_嗷……I am strong in today’s update, and then I am ready to go sleepy (holding my head)

Seeing yesterday’s comments, the little angels felt that if you add a relay, there will be a lot of projects...emmm, in fact, when it comes to multi-projects, it’s really okay. Let’s not talk about it, look at Sun Meng Comrade Meng, from the 200-meter freestyle, 400-meter, 800-meter to 1500-meter...orz and has achieved excellent results in all of them, 囧, Cai Cai, who write cool sand sculptures, think this is a winner in life. In addition, Xie Zhenye of the sprint event also achieved top results in both 100 meters and 200 meters. Of course, he is also a team member of the relay race...XDDD So, Comrade Su Zhe, we must work hard, and fight like our predecessors. ~~~

Come on, everyone, good night!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Mignon, Huaer Laughing at me, Zi Binglan, Wu Xing Xiao Zu, Mu Chen. 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of Xilumang; 20 bottles of Jian Yi and Junzi Ruyu; 15 bottles of Sanyou Syndrome; 10 bottles of IOU Ting, Scarlet Mandala, and Qiqi; 9 bottles of Gongzi Wuji; 8 bottles of C Baola; Ping An Joy , FDT, Luo Yunxi 5 bottles; Abu 3 bottles; Yo yo, blooming flowers waiting to be picked, tangled, broken pen, Nancheng 2 bottles; kj speechless, Mu Yue, xx, Yunmian, HT, Zhiren, Lu, 1 bottle of orange orange;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!