After five days of live broadcast of "Let's lose weight and fitness with the national champion!", Su Zhe deeply felt that the aesthetics of my colleagues on the sports channel is probably nothing to save.

The only thing Su Zhe can't understand is that with such a natural taste of live broadcast, are the directors of the sports channel deliberate or deliberate?

These days, the number of people watching videos about the track and field team training is very stable in the daily stage, but whenever the time progresses into the evening, popular players such as Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun, Zhang Minghao, and Su Zhe are about to be broadcast before the broadcast... Live room data There will be a wave of climax!

Yes, the sand sculpture that Su Zhe didn't want to recall, "Let's lose weight and exercise with the national champion!" The show was on fire.

Because the live broadcast time of this live broadcast room of the sports channel is too long, the function that can be broadcasted by time is set. If you pull a peak line of video on demand and the number of live broadcast viewers throughout the day, you can find that "weight loss fitness "The time period is almost like Mount Everest uplifted from the ground. It is as eye-catching as it is.

As early as the live broadcast of "Weight Loss and Fitness" on the Internet, the people who eat melons on the Internet broke out earth-shattering hahaha, and Guayou edited the contents of the "weight loss and fitness" sessions in all live broadcast rooms separately. After they came out, they were made into collections of Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun, Su Zhe, Zhao Zhixuan, etc., providing a wealth of after-dinner entertainment for the people.

#Follow the national champion to lose weight and exercise! #This topic, along with the live broadcast of the track and field team training, has steadily occupied the top 20 or 30 hot search positions all the way, and even can be in the top ten in some periods.

Whether it is the "philosophers" of the Su Zhe family or the straight male fans of the sports circle, everyone can't help but burst into laughter when they see the famous track and field players who are forced to operate.

[Hahahahaha, Zazai, how much do you owe to the sports channel... It's better to owe more, I feel that this live broadcast will have another 100 episodes I can! 】

[Where is your conscience, sister in front? XDDD But I think I can catch up in 200 episodes! 】

[Did anyone watch Zhou Tianjue's live broadcast? The cool boy online sand sculpture business, every time he says "please train with the champions", his indifferent eyes will penetrate the screen! 】

[I, I, I, I watched all the collections, and the only one who worked hard is about Ye Jun... I feel that he has a face that is especially suitable for this kind of business! 】

[Puff, because Ye Jun looks particularly like a coach? 】

In addition to the simple hahaha, many people have noticed the professionalism of the video content.

[Ahem, although the athletes are forced to open business, although it is funny, the content of the dry goods in this wave of videos is not too small, and they are all small skills suitable for ordinary people to exercise. 】

[That’s right, many training tips are conducive to improving cardiopulmonary function, muscle endurance and explosive power. The content of the current course is relatively random, but it seems to be a system. Here is classification and records, and the final set of training programs is estimated. , Not only in terms of cardiorespiratory endurance and core strength, but long-term practice should have better results. 】

Although Su Zhe and others can't bear to review their performance in the live broadcast, the collection of this group of videos has gradually spread and spread on the Internet. It has become a source of happiness for many eating melons, and has even been made into various groups. A sand sculpture emoticon pack.

Nowadays, if you open a news item in the sports circle, Zhou Tianjue's "Death Gaze", Su Zhe's "Forced to Business" and "Ye Coach Is Watching You" and other series of expressions may appear below.

As the live broadcast of the national track and field team continues to become popular, the contact between Cyclonus Group and Su Zhe has reached the final stage.

After receiving a call from Chen Cheng one night, Su Zhe remembered that Cyclonus Group that sponsored the World Championship Challenge was the group that planned to ask him and Shao Xingchen to take photos of sports advertising together.

During the phone call, Chen Cheng seriously apologized for the previous sunspot incident, which also showed that the team member who put the black material behind Su Zhe had been hidden by the company. At the same time, Chen Cheng blamed herself for not being able to spot the signs in time before, and felt very guilty for Su Zhe. She originally wanted to negotiate all the affairs of the Cyclonus brand for Su Zhe free of charge, which counted as compensation for Su Zhe, but Lemon After the third member of the third player who started Hei Su Zhe in the snow, Entertainment also warned Chen Cheng and ordered her to shift her focus to her company's affairs.

As a last resort, after Chen Cheng apologized to Su Zhe, she asked Su Zhe whether someone could take over Su Zhe.

Regarding this matter, Su Zhe didn't know much about the situation, but he vaguely remembered that the Tianguan Center had a marketing department.

Sure enough, after asking his father Su, in the eyes of his father, Su Zhe received a call from the person in charge of the Marketing Department of the Tianguan Center.

"If you have this kind of thing in the future, don't make contact with yourself." Su Yinsheng said with a face: "Since I have returned to the sports circle, we will act in accordance with the rules of our circle. The Field Management Center still supports athletes' commercial activities. The center is there, so you won’t get scammed by others, or conflict with the projects the center will pick you up."

"As long as you do a good job of your own training, I also oppose you to take these activities. But I warn you first, if you get into the eyes of money, or get dazzled by the entertainment industry, I will be the first one. Hit you first!"

After receiving the cold-faced education from Papa Su, Su Zhe scratched his head and talked with the person in charge of the marketing department of the Tianguan Center to explain the situation.

One thing that Su Yinsheng said is correct. Among many centers, the Tianguan Center's support for athletes in business activities and affairs can rank in the top three.

Compared with other centers, the field management center only 5% for athletes' commercial activities, and coaches 5%, athletes can take 90% of the income from commercial activities.

From this point alone, the Tianguan Center can also be called out.

Just after Su Zhe had communicated with the person in charge of the marketing department and was about to hang up, the person in charge on the other end of the phone suddenly remembered something.

"Huh? The Zhuguang crew is visiting?" Su Zhe was a little taken aback when he heard what the other party said, but he was also very happy. After all, the members of the Zhuguang crew have a good relationship with him. During this time, he has been immersed in training and competition. , It’s been a long time since I met these friends.

"Yes." Jiang He, the person in charge of the marketing department, said with a smile: "Zhuguang this drama originally had the basis of cooperating with the Tianguan Center. Wasn't it the scene of your provincial sports team before? For this excellent, The center is still very supportive of dramas that can convey the spirit of track and field. This time they proposed to visit you and visit the training camp, which is also a good publicity point. The center agreed here."

After this greeting with Su Zhe, Jiang He said that when the follow-up crew actually came to visit, they would know the other way, and then hung up with Su Zhe.

After Cyclonus Group’s contact matters were resolved, it was already around 8:30 in the evening. At this time, the day’s training mission had already ended, and the live broadcast mission had been completed, but Su Zhe still turned and walked towards the training ground.

Since entering the training camp, Su Zhe has not left the daily 10 km task in addition to completing the system's daily forced business tasks.

Training space is important, but based on Su Zhe's understanding of the tone of this sand sculpture system, skill points are also an indispensable part of the system. If you don't pay attention to accumulate, then there may be a shortage of skill points again at any time.

Su Yinsheng also knew this habit of him. He had already passed Lu Feigou, and included his daily 10km running in his daily physical consumption and observed it.

In addition to the purpose of completing daily tasks, the 10-kilometer trail running is also a daily training requirement that integrates attribute points.

On the plane returning from Nihong, due to insufficient data storage space in the sand sculpture system, Su Zhe had to exchange reputation points for free attribute points, and after consideration, added attribute points to agility, explosiveness and endurance.

But if he wants to fully integrate these new attributes with his physical fitness, he still needs to complete a lot of training specified by the system.

After redeeming and using attribute points for the second time, Su Zhe gradually realized that the operation of adding attribute points is more like the potential development of the system for the human body, but the appearance of these developments is covered by the addition of attribute points, and then Through the formulation and implementation of a series of training plans, the goal of'enhancing corresponding attributes' is achieved.

This discovery made Su Zhe couldn't help but marvel in his heart. If this conjecture is true... Then after finishing the systematic training plan, it can be completed by other athletes in daily training. Will the same effect of potential development be achieved in the end?

This idea has made Su Zhe a little hot in his heart, but it is not yet possible to verify his idea. He can only hold this conjecture in his heart and plan to organize the training plan of the system into detailed documents in the future, in case there is a chance. When trying to verify.

Step on...

In the empty outdoor training ground, Su Zhe was the only one who was still training for the 10km cross-country running.

The staff of the sports channel had already been withdrawn for the next day’s live broadcast preparations and material sorting work, but tonight’s equipment inspection and maintenance time was delayed for some reason, so there was a technician who discovered that Su Zhe was already in the evening. After completing all the training, he is still practicing alone.

When the technical staff sent a small video of Su Zhe's late night training to the director, the director returned to the training ground without saying a word.

They didn't mean to disturb Su Zhe. Instead, they turned on the special machine for documentary filming, and quietly recorded the lonely person on the track.

That night, the editor posted a piece of content on Weibo with a lot of emotion: [No one's success is easy to obtain. Behind the genius is self-discipline and hard work that people don't know. 】

In the middle of the night when the athletes are all resting, the coaching staff is also constantly working on the athlete's various data, training status, technical adjustment details and other issues.

In the coaching office of the sprint team, several coaches headed by Su Yinsheng are analyzing the data of the athletes in front of them one by one. For these athletes who have reached a certain level of skill and condition, even if they have a basic training plan, the content of their training the next day may be due to the training status of the previous day, the problems they showed, etc. Need to temporarily fine-tune.

The current job of the coaching staff is to analyze whether a certain athlete’s training plan and direction need to be fine-tuned from training videos, training data tables and other materials.

In the sprint group, Su Zhe is actually the only one who really wants to participate in the single event in this World Championship.

Zhao Zhixuan and Meng Hao did not open the 10 seconds 10 in the finals of the National Track and Field Grand Prix.

Among them, although Zhao Zhixuan refreshed his personal pb in the semifinals and ran into 10.13. However, there were ups and downs in the final. In the final, he lost to Meng Hao with a score of 10.21 and won the runner-up.

Therefore, among the team members, except for Su Zhe, the training focus of the rest of the team is focused on the 4*100-meter relay race.

At this time, Zhang Ye, the coordination coach of the sprint team, was constantly reviewing the joint training of the relay team, his brows were frowned. Obviously, the training effect of the players did not meet expectations.

The 4*100m is the only collective event among the current track and field teams that can enter world-class events. In the past few years, the 4*100m national team has also achieved good results in Asia under the leadership of Chen Zhi. , Even in the last Olympics, it was among the top five.

However, with the former veteran Liu Hanjiang retiring from the team and Chen Zhi injured, the current 4*100m track and field team can be said to have reached its weakest period in recent years.

In this World Championships, the Field Management Center has considered the impact of the retiring of veteran Liu Hanjiang and the injury of Chen Zhi’s failure to participate in the competition. The goal for this World Championships has been reduced to enter the finals and win the finals.

But if you want to steadily enter the finals of the World Championships, the current team must run at least 38 seconds and 50 seconds in order to be guaranteed in the game.

Among the 4 currently tentatively selected players, Zhao Zhixuan personal pb/sb (the best of the season) 10 seconds 13, Meng Hao pb/sb 10 seconds 16, 10 seconds 17, Wang Qin personal pb/sb 10 seconds 18, Qiu Xinchu personal pb/ sb10 seconds 19.

In theory, the best performance of the four people can reach 40.67 in flat running, but in actual training, the current best result is still hovering around 38.70.

Among the four people, only Zhao Zhixuan and Meng Hao have stable performance and speed. They are also veterans of the 4*100 sprint team. Under normal conditions, the two of them can basically stabilize the flat running performance at 10 seconds 20. Up and down, at the same time the transfer rod technology has become more mature.

For the time being, Wang Qin and Qiu Xinchu, who are currently selected for the team, performed very erratic in the flat run. When they are in good condition, they can run continuously for 10 seconds and 20, but it is also possible that in the next second, their results will fall to 10 seconds and 35 minutes away.

In order to stabilize their flat running results, Su Yinsheng has prepared a series of plans.

But Wang Ming, Jiang Zhongyan, and Sun Weitong, who also trained in the team, are in a relatively stable state.

Among them, Wang Ming and Jiang Zhongyan's flat running performance in training can basically be maintained at 10.30. Sun Weitong can occasionally cross the 10.35 barrier in 10.40.

After observing 5 training days, Su Yinsheng, Zhang Ye and others reintegrated the existing team, and all members were divided into 2 different combinations.

They are:

The first group: Zhao Zhixuan, Qiu Xinchu, Meng Hao, Wang Qin;

The second group: Zhao Zhixuan, Wang Ming, Jiang Zhongyan, Meng Hao;

The two different combinations are also caused by the pressure on the coaching staff caused by Qiu Xinchu and Wang Qin's erratic personal status.

Currently, these two combinations have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In the first group, when Qiu Xinchu and Wang Qin are in good condition, they can point straight to 38.70, but if the two are unstable, they will drop to 39 seconds.

The second group's performance is the opposite. It has always been steadily maintained at 38.90 seconds. At the same time, with the increase of training and the enhancement of tacit understanding, the performance has risen slightly.

In both combinations, it can be said that there is a lack of Dinghai Shenzhen level players like Chen Zhi.

In the past events, Zhao Zhixuan's first start can guarantee a good first score. Chen Zhi can quickly get away from other teams after he takes the second shot. At the same time, the experienced veteran Liu Hanjiang takes the third place. Great, he has excellent cornering skills and a stable state, usually able to keep his advantage from falling behind. In the end, Meng Hao ran at full speed and sprinted for the fourth.

This kind of golden combination has brought a peak of performance to China’s 4*100m relay in the past few years, but in this relay race, the coaching staff can almost be regarded as breaking the east wall and making up the west. wall.

Although the two players Wang Qin and Qiu Xinchu already have certain corner running skills, they are still relatively technically lacking. Therefore, the coaching staff eventually adjusted Meng Hao, who had been running the fourth bar, to the third bar and handed over the sprint task. To Wang Qin.

But Wang Qin's sprint ability is not very prominent, especially when the pressure is high and the state is not good, it makes the coaching staff quite a headache.

Although the second combination maintained the original positions of Zhao Zhixuan and Meng Hao, Wang Ming and Jiang Zhongyan could not replace the positions of Chen Zhi and Liu Hanjiang at all. Although the overall tacit understanding and stability were acceptable, the explosive power was seriously lacking and the final result was even better. It's mediocre.

Whether it is either of these two combinations, can it really guarantee that the team will enter the men's 4*100 relay final of the World Championships?

After hesitating for a long time, Zhang Ye once again sorted out the information in his hand and handed it to Su Yinsheng.

"Old Su, let's consider letting Su Zhe join the relay training... Our team currently lacks an absolute core. With the current two combinations, it is difficult for us to enter the finals of the World Championships."

This time, Su Yinsheng did not directly refuse.

In fact, in the observation of the past few days, he has also felt that the situation of the relay team is more severe. In the two split teams, there is a lack of core and dominant players. Therefore, in the team training program, The coaching staff has been repeating it all the time and it is difficult to come up with a final decision.

In the training of this kind of collective project, only after the core personnel are clarified, can the overall training program be based on the core personnel and make the most suitable and complete program content.

Not only Zhang Ye, but Su Yinsheng also considered letting Su Zhe join the training of the relay team to see how fusion is.

After rubbing his head with a headache, Su Yinsheng sighed: "But Su Zhe’s transfer baton skills and cornering skills are almost zero. If you spend time on these technical training, then the time for cultivating tacit understanding with teammates will be far longer. Far from enough..."

Hearing Su Yinsheng’s question, Zhang Ye also had a headache, but the silent physical coach Wang Jingsheng interjected: “With Su Zhe’s sprint technique, if you want to arrange it, he must be ranked fourth... What are you so worried about?"

This sentence can be said to wake up the dreamer.

Su Yinsheng always thought that Su Zhe had not trained in cornering skills, but he blinded himself with this idea. He completely forgot that except for the first and third rods that require cornering skills, the second and fourth rods are on straights. Sprint.

On weekdays, I always educate others not to be blinded by inherent thoughts. When it is my turn, I never thought that I would fall into this blind zone of thinking.

After covering his face speechlessly, Su Yinsheng sighed: "Fuck, you are right, Lao Wang, if the old man tmd asks Su Zhe to run the fourth, you need to consider some tricky cornering technique."

After a pause, Su Yinsheng said again: "Furthermore, for the fourth rod, you don't need to pass the baton technique, just let the kid learn to take the baton... In this way, this time may be enough!"

After filling in his thoughts, Su Yinsheng gritted his teeth and said: "I will inform Su Zhe tomorrow and try out for 3 days. If the running-in effect is good, start to adjust the relay team with him as the core. If the effect is not good , He withdrew in time to avoid affecting his other two training programs."

Determined to this point, Su Yinsheng immediately began to discuss the team plan with Su Zhe as the core with Wang Jingsheng and Zhang Ye. At the same time, he turned out Su Zhe's training list and considered how to rearrange Su Zhe's training time and plan.

At the same time, Su Yinsheng also called Lu Fei urgently to communicate with him about the readjustment of Su Zhe's training time, in order to achieve an optimal balance between the training of the three events.

Under the overnight communication of the coaching staff, Su Zhe’s 3-day training run-in plan was quickly released. This is a plan that takes 3 days of precious training time as a bet. If successful, the national team may hope to enter the finals of the World Championships. Greatly increased.

If it fails... the coaching staff must immediately implement Plan B, quickly select one person between Wang Qin and Qiu Xinchu as the weak core of the team, use it as a benchmark, and adjust other players according to his state and performance in the game. The field reaction. It's just that the implementation of this set of plans is too difficult, and the other personnel in the team need a high degree of stability. By then, it is bound to be necessary to screen out one of Wang Qin and Qiu Xinchu from the team...

The next day, in the morning.

When Su Zhe arrived in the sprint group, he got the news that he would join the relay training.


_(:з」∠)_嗷……Sunday and sunrise update……

The tiger touches the little angels, Cai Cai has no strength to talk about it for the time being... Then it is better than a huge heart, everyone is late (morning)!

PS: Thank you for your concern. Caicai is also working hard to coordinate work and codewords, but it is estimated that it will take a while to enter a healthier QvQ cycle.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: purple ice orchids, 260134171;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

46 bottles of honey lemonade; 10 bottles of mayfly fan bones; 5 bottles of Davaana and Huang Shaotian on my bed; 3 bottles of Mu Muxi; 2 bottles of Luo Yi and Tangling; 1 bottle of Mu Yue, Xiaomi, Liuliu, Shuying;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!