When Su Zhe came to the training ground early the next morning, he found that the machine and track layout of today's photography seemed a bit more exaggerated than usual.

The editor and director of the sprint team chapter of the track and field team training documentary. He Chao, known as He Datou, saw Su Zhe’s doubts. He smiled and pointed to the machine next to him: "Today is your first day with the relay team. Practice, of course you must focus on shooting!"

Su Zhe nodded clearly, did not say anything, but turned to the side to start the day's warm-up training.

In the live broadcast room, many friends, track and field enthusiasts and "philosophers" have long been holding their ground, just waiting to see how the joint training between Su Zhe and his teammates will be.

In a female college dormitory, Ding Yuwei squatted at her desk with a pillow, and looked at her computer screen a little nervously. Her roommate has become accustomed to the appearance of her squatting in front of the computer early in the morning.

The girl in the shop opposite Ding Yuwei was a little curiously lying on the edge of the bed and looking at her computer: "Xiaowei, is your Su Zhe really that good? This morning, you have to stare at the live broadcast so early without class? "

Hearing the question from her roommate, Ding Yuwei stared at the live broadcast room nervously, and couldn't help the soul of Amway igniting in her chest, and began to talk to her roommate about how good her cubs are.

In the bedroom of a suite in a community in a certain city, Huang Wenye was also staring at the live room screen on the computer, watching Su Zhe's warm-up action, showing a slightly expectant and erratic expression on his face.

He was very surprised by the results of Su Zhe's training the day before, but with only one day's training, he must trust Su Zhe. Will he have expectations that may exceed the results?

I hope that Su Zhe can lead his teammates to achieve an excellent relay performance as everyone wants, but also worry that the expectations he has paid will be mispaid.

This kind of sentiment, at this time, is flowing back and forth in the hearts of many track and field fans who are concerned about relay running, with mixed flavors.

On the Athletics Kingdom forum, another post was quietly ranked first.

[Voting post-Su Huo's huge bet, can you win it? 】

The information used in this post is obviously a comment made by Teacher Tao Sheng on Weibo the day before about Su Zhe's temporary participation in relay training.

This statement of gambling is recognized by most people in the sports circle.

After all, put a sprinter who has no experience in relay running into a national relay team and define him based on the standards of the core of the team.

This kind of behavior, if the coach who did this is not Su Yinsheng, and the players are not Su Zhe who has continuously proven themselves through various competitions during this period of time... Then this incident is expected to blow up netizens. Going to heaven, how can there be a situation where positive public opinion still prevails?

With the display of Su Zhe’s amazing ability to pass and learn yesterday, the victorious Libra seems to be constantly tilting in the direction of Su Yinsheng... But before the last minute, who will know the real result?

Wei Liang, the director in charge of the live broadcast room, was smoking a cigarette early this morning and pulled the technicians to squat on the side of the live broadcast machine. At the same time, he reminded the technicians not to cause the live broadcast room to crash or disconnect due to excessive load.

Facts have proved that Wei Liang is indeed quite prescient.

The news that Su Zhe joined the relay team has spread farther and farther on the Internet after the reversal throughout the day yesterday.

Since the start of the broadcast in the morning, the live broadcast room has successively flooded in. Only at around 10 am, the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached 70% of the usual peak hours.

The staff on the side asked curiously: "Speaking of Brother Liang, the first day of the relay team training together is such a highly uncertain thing, does Coach Su mind the live broadcast? There are so many people entering the live broadcast room now, Wan First, if the co-training effect is not ideal, isn't the impact not so good?"

When Wei Liang heard this, he laughed: "Okay, you guys worry more than other coaches. If you can achieve the best results on the first day of joint training, then they will not be called joint training, but called report test. Yes! I asked coach Su about this matter. In fact, you can understand after thinking about it. Yesterday, Su Zhe temporarily entered the relay team training is the biggest hot spot of public opinion. Yesterday’s live broadcast was broadcast. What are you afraid of today? "

When Su Zhe, Meng Hao, Zhao Zhixuan, and Wang Ming all completed the warm-up training one after another, on the track, the coaching staff had already drawn the starting marks for them on the track based on the data records among the players.

After Meng Hao and Su Zhe re-delineated the starting line, under Su Yinsheng's instructions, they finally let go of their speed and tried to practice passing at full speed.

This time, Su Yinsheng was on the sidelines, and he didn't say anything to tell Su Zhe what to pay attention to. He just watched Su Zhe complete self-adjustment time and time again in the process of just three passes.

During these three exercises, Su Zhe began to constantly improve his starting timing based on his observation of Meng Hao's speed. From the beginning, it also affected the state of running speed of both sides, and then quickly grasped the timing for the third time. , And achieved a relatively high-quality transfer action.

Zhang Ye watched Su Zhe's self-adjustment process and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Old Su, A Zhe's appearance... is really amazing!"

For athletes, their physical talents are of course very important, but they also have certain requirements in terms of observation and learning ability. For coaches, it is the athlete's "savvy".

After all, as an athlete, if you want to continue to grow in strength, you need to continuously improve your own technology. This process requires continuous efforts by coaches and athletes.

If an athlete can only adapt to his most comfortable state of exercise, but is difficult to learn and adapt to new technologies, it will be difficult to break through his own performance and bottlenecks, and eventually may miss the best performance period, and eventually become For mediocrity.

On the barrage in the live broadcast room, after the track and field fans watched Su Zhe and Meng Hao's pass and take practice, the masses were even more interested.

[Fuck, Master Zhe can do it at full speed, right? Looks not worse than yesterday's effect! 】

[It's okay... It's true that I was worried about the whole night last night, but worried that the next day, their training state would be worse than yesterday. 】

[When will the joint training begin? It feels like passing the baton now! 】

In the expectation of the masses, Su Yinsheng signaled the gathering of the four tentative members of the relay team.

"The practice of passing the baton is tentatively scheduled. After 5 minutes, the first joint practice will begin."

Not only the audience, but the members of the relay team are also looking forward to the effect of this joint training-poor training in the previous week is actually not good for the athletes' confidence.

You should know that repeated changes in the status of members during the training process, large fluctuations in performance, and lack of motivation from core members are all fatal factors that affect the state of the relay team.

"A Zhe, come on!" Before the joint training started, Wang Ming patted Su Zhe on the shoulder.

Su Zhe returned with a serious smile: "Come on together! Don't worry, Brother Wang, we can!"

On the track, all the temporary combination members of the relay team were in place. Qiu Xinchu and others also temporarily stopped training, and watched the first joint training of Su Zhe with the coaching staff.

There was a nervous, serious look on everyone's faces.

Zhang Ye acted as the referee for this joint training. After all the players confirmed, Zhang Ye issued an order to prepare and the joint training began!


The starting gun fired, Zhao Zhixuan quickly kicked out of the starting blocks, and the strong explosive force made him accelerate forward quickly. As the first leg of the relay, he started in the corner area, which made him not only need a strong explosive force at the start At the same time, you must be able to adjust and control your body in time, and don't run off your track because of the inertia of the corners during the start and acceleration process.

In the relay team of the Provincial Sports Team, Zhao Zhixuan is also the best first baseball player trained by Su Yinsheng. He has a strong control over his own corner starting skills.

From the pedaling force on the starting block to the convergence acceleration and entering the curve run!

Zhao Zhixuan’s entire starting process was completed smoothly. When he was about to approach the second shot area, Wang Ming had already completed the starting position, while observing the marking line from below. When Zhao Zhixuan reached the marking line, Wang Ming was also determined. Start quickly in the pre-run zone and accelerate.

In previous matches, Wang Ming had entered the relay team to replace Chen Zhi's second position. In training and competition, Wang Ming and Zhao Zhixuan had reached a certain tacit understanding in the first and second handover.

Both sides are advancing at full speed!

After Wang Ming entered the relay zone, Zhao Zhixuan had gradually approached Wang Ming!

When the distance between the two reached about 1 meter, Zhao Zhixuan decisively shouted from behind: "Wang Ming!"

Wang Ming's left hand stretched back quickly, making preparations to take over.


As Zhao Zhixuan opened his mouth, he turned his wrist and quickly pressed the baton down into Wang Ming's hand. The two completed the baton at about 17 meters in the relay zone, and then Wang Ming continued to sprint forward with all his strength.

The second team player is located in the straight area. For Wang Ming, all he needs to do is to keep running forward, try to maintain his highest speed and finish the second round, while completing the baton transfer with Meng Hao ahead.

Although Wang Ming's strength is considered downstream among the four relay team members, as an experienced and diligent veteran, his experience and speed endurance can be regarded as his biggest advantage.

After accelerating through the pre-running zone, Wang Ming can ensure that he maintains a relatively fast straight speed, from the time he takes over the baton area to the handover with the third baton, although he may not be able to complete the distance with other teams This task, but he is enough to ensure that the operation of the entire team is connected in a stable state.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was nervously watching this practice. After seeing Zhao Zhixuan of the first club and Wang Ming of the second club successfully passed, many people gave affirmative support.

[Pharaoh can! 】

[Yes, the transfer of the first rod and the second rod is very smooth! 】

Soon, Wang Ming entered the pass area of ​​the second and third bars.

Meng Hao had already concentrated on his preparations.

In fact, the adjustment of the team this time was not easy for Meng Hao.

Prior to this training, Meng Hao had been playing the fourth position in the relay team of the national track and field team. All he needed to pay attention to was that after receiving the third pass, he sprinted to the finish line with all his strength.

However, neither the combination of Wang Qin, Qiu Xinchu, nor Su Zhe is suitable for the third team. In the end, Meng Hao changed from the fourth team to the third team to complete the entire pass. The task of running with corners.

"Meng Hao!"


Although Wang Ming and Meng Hao had not completed the cooperation of passing the baton before, in the previous week's training camp, in order to enhance the tacit understanding, the two had conducted a lot of passing and baton practice.

The effect of this exercise was also successfully demonstrated at this time!

The transfer between Meng Hao and Wang Ming proceeded very smoothly. The two veterans were robust enough to give people a sense of security during the second and third rods!

The third shot is a huge curve run, but it is not a difficult point for Meng Hao, who has trained for 200 meters.

In order to counteract the centripetal force when running on the curve, Meng Hao leans slightly inward during the run. At the same time, in order to have a complete control of his body on the curve, Meng Hao did not sprint with all his strength, but slightly converged. A little bit of its own speed.

But even so, with Meng Hao's strength, he still ran an extremely excellent result in the corner!

"It's about to take over the three or four shots..." Zhang Ye stood beside Su Yinsheng. Both of him and the surrounding Wang Qin, Qiu Xinchu and others were staring at the arena: "Meng Hao's curve. The speed is very good, let him run the third, plus Su Zhe's final sprint... Maybe there will be unexpected results in the subsequent games!"

In the arrangement of the relay players, there has always been a default basic rule. The strength levels followed by the four players are often: second, third, fourth, and strongest.

From this theoretical point of view, Meng Hao’s position should not be in the third bar, but in the actual relay team arrangement, the coaching staff will still consider various comprehensive factors, and finally clarify the arrangement of the athletes.

When Meng Hao’s curve was about to end, Zhang Ye stopped talking as he approached Su Zhe. Everyone was engrossed in watching Su Zhe who was waiting for Meng Hao in the pre-run zone—the passing between them. Great, is the key node of this joint training!

In the pre-run zone, Su Zhe concentrated all his energy, waiting for the moment Meng Hao appeared on the starting line!

When Meng Hao ran through the curve and was about to reach the starting mark line, Su Zhe suddenly frowned, and he was slightly slow before starting to accelerate.

In the coaching area, Wang Qin was taken aback for a moment: "Hey, isn't A Zhe's start a little slower?"

Others also discovered that Su Zhe only started after Meng Hao crossed the marking line.

However, Su Yinsheng frowned for only a moment, then shook his head: "It's not slow... Meng Hao's speed is a little slower than during the previous practice."

Yes, when Su Zhe was observing the rear, he found that Meng Hao's running speed seemed to have changed, so he suppressed his starting movement and started after Meng Hao crossed the mark line.

Sure enough, under Meng Hao's full force, he and Su Zhe smoothly met in the relay area. At this time, the distance between the two was close to 1 meter, and it was the most suitable time to pass the baton!

"Su Zhe!"


Under Meng Hao’s command, Su Zhe stretched out his hand backwards without hesitation while running, palms up. After touching the baton handed by Meng Hao, he did not hesitate to pinch it and began to swing his arms quickly. Sprint forward.

After crossing the relay zone, Su Zhe's speed became faster and faster, and the results of day and night training during this period of time have been vividly displayed on his body.

The increase in agility has improved his reaction and control. The increase in explosive power shows his sense of existence in every powerful running action. The increase in endurance allows Su Zhe to make himself longer. Time stays in the Mercedes-Benz state at the highest speed.

In the previous training, the coaching staff even restricted his habit of freely changing the stride length, allowing him to fully grasp the optimal stride length calculated by the coaching staff. After a short period of training, although Su Zhe has not yet fully mastered this This kind of stride rhythm, but there has been a new improvement in the control of its own stride.

In the process of sprinting, he worked hard to adjust his breathing state and arm swing frequency, and achieved the effect of sprinting forward faster by matching his own stride and stride frequency.

Even if it was just the most basic joint training, Su Zhe still showed the state of facing the game.

Under everyone's attention, he gradually entered the final sprint stage!

Is this speed okay?

Can he be faster?

Su Zhe’s eyes were staring at the finish line, and his late acceleration started again. The energy accumulated on the track before burst out in the final sprint section. When the body muscles obviously should be in a state of hypoxia, he still Able to run at an amazing speed.

at last.

With the attention of thousands of people, Su Zhe successfully crossed the line!

This is just a temporary team. In this first attempt, they successfully completed their joint training!

In the live broadcast room, everyone breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

[Okay! The first joint training was successful! 】

[During the course of their running, I always worry about whose passing will not go well... But the tacit understanding of the relay team is much better than I thought! 】

[Did Zhe Shao a little bit slower in the final start? I was scared to death, I thought he and Meng Hao would kneel after the pass...]

【Is that right? But isn’t their passing smooth? Both of them were at high speed, and they succeeded in one baton, but they didn't even hold the baton unstable...]

[Personal speculation, Ha, did Su Zhe notice that Meng Hao's speed has changed from his previous speed when he saw Meng Hao's speed, so he started slightly slower? 】

[...Upstairs, although Shao Zhe is awesome, it's a bit overwhelmed to blow it like this. How long have they practiced now and can they have this tacit understanding? 】

[Ah, what about the results? I just want to know the results! Where is the location of the electronic timer? ? ? Doesn't the director of the live broadcast room give a close-up? ? ? 】

The coaching staff on the field is naturally able to see the final results the first time.

The digital timer near the end of the track is showing a bright red number: 38 seconds 63.

Seeing this number, everyone is happy-there is a show!

You know, in the previous relay team training, the team’s best speed has been maintained at 38.70 seconds. This is only the first trial run for the team with Su Zhe as the core, and the speed has improved a lot. 0.07 seconds.

At present, the tacit understanding and running-in between the various members of the team has not reached the optimal level, including whether to adjust the position of each athlete in the relay zone and other issues are still waiting for confirmation.

It was just a single training session, and it ran into such a result...There are more than 20 days of training schedule in the future. After further cultivating the tacit understanding between the players, how can the team's performance grow to?

In the live broadcast room, director Wei Liang also cut the screen to the digital timer showing the results of the first joint training.

After seeing the final co-training results, the live broadcast room was also boiling.

38.63 seconds. This result is placed in the Asian Games. It is already a delisting result. Although in the world championships level, you need to work harder to enter the finals, but as the result of only the first joint practice, This achievement is already proud!

Naturally, Tao Sheng has been paying attention to the joint training of the relay team. He is also looking forward to the success of Su Yinsheng's gamble.

Tao Sheng also let out a long sigh of relief after seeing the answer sheet handed over by the relay team.

The hope of the relay team is still there!

As long as you maintain this result, hone in the subsequent joint training, improve the handover technique, and increase the tacit understanding between the players, then the hope of running into the final is still great!

After exiting the live broadcast room, Tao Sheng couldn't help but write a long article about the current status of the relay team. The title of the article echoed the content of the previous day-"This is a huge gamble, Su Yinsheng wins. ! 》

At the last moment when the article was written, Tao Sheng couldn't help but put forward an idea.

[As everyone knows, if you want to stabilize the relay team at a world-class level, then the strength of each member of the relay team should be within 10 seconds and 15 seconds. The reason why the relay team of the Japanese team can dominate Asia for a long time is also equipped. The world-class strength is also due to the average strength of their players in 10 seconds.

If after Chen Zhi recovers from injury, he returns to our relay team and retakes the important task of the second bar... How high can our relay team grow by then? 】

After this long article was published, it was reposted by sports fans again.

After rejoicing that the relay team finally regained the core of the lineup, everyone also missed Chen Zhi, who was recuperating after the operation.

As the undisputed first person in the domestic sprinter, Chen Zhi has an incomparable position in the hearts of all track and field enthusiasts. For a long time, Chen Zhi has been carrying the banner of domestic sprinting by himself, so that everyone has a kind of heart. The domestic sprint has the feeling of dominating Asia.

But after Chen Zhi’s injury this time, the domestic 100-meter event and the 4*100-meter men’s relay race suffered heavy losses, which made more people truly realize how much Chen Zhi’s hard work and contributions had been made before. It also reminds many people of the time when Chen Zhi was injured. Some brainless sprays on the Internet discredited Chen Zhi's injury.

On Weibo, someone said: [In the past, under the leadership of Chen Zhi, Chinese athletes participated in the World Championships, the Olympic Games, and the Diamond League, and they were always able to suppress the Nihong players, which gave us the birth of our men's sprint. The illusion of strength...The really strong person is Chen Zhi. If it were not for the sudden emergence of Su Zhe, we would even face the dilemma of no one in the men's 100 meters at this World Championship. I hope that some sunspots will stop insulting heroes, and let the heroes who are already carrying the burden shed blood and tears. 】

This piece of content has aroused widespread support for sports fans who are quite popular in sports recently, and once again suppressed some brainless sprayers in the sports circle.

Among the popular reposts on Weibo on this day, there is also a rather interesting content that has attracted the attention of the fans.

[The uncrowned king behind the eighteenth men's sprint event, Chen Zhi, Su Zhe, and Zhao Zhixuan were all raised by him. The contemporary Bole in the track and field circle, the mother of the sprint champion-Su Yinsheng. 】

When Zhang Ye swiped on Weibo and saw the news, he suddenly burst into laughter. After showing this Weibo to Su Yinsheng's eyes, he finally reaped the rewards in Su Yinsheng's ruthless and indifferent eyes. A bunch of data integration work...

Soon, the Weibo blogger sent out a comment from Su Yinsheng in the comment area. The content of the comment is only 3 Weibo with its own emoticons-furious, furious, furious.


[Kneel knees first to respect...]囧, I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long, and I was late for two hours...The alarm clock at 8 o'clock in the morning failed to wake me up orz... when I woke up at ten It's too late... Silently cover her big face...

Today I reviewed yesterday’s writing and found that 7 years of dog planning can also be written by me as 7 days of dog planning. I can’t help but wonder if there are still many uncanny bugs that I haven’t caught before... It’s also difficult to catch insects... scratch your head

Yesterday I received the first deep-water torpedo ever_(:з」∠)_嗷……Thank you very much! Spicy chicken dishes online surprise! Cai Cai will work harder later! Love everyone! muah!

PS: The update time tonight is normal or after 0 o'clock, because there are some personal matters that need to be dealt with at night, so it should be updated around 3 o'clock, oh!


Quietly push a pen friend's text=w=

Title: After Adopting Paranoid Villains

Author: bite Orecchiette

Copywriting: Ji Tang has a ghost shelter, which specially adopts ghosts who are too grieving, and gives them the warmth they couldn't expect in their lifetime.

It didn't take long before he became a favorite among the Li ghosts.

Li Gui, a world-class musician with piercing ears: "It doesn't matter if I can't hear everything, he is a more beautiful existence than the world's voice."

Li Gui, the general who has suffered a thousand years of injustice, said: "Everyone thinks that I am victorious in all battles, but I lost to him."

Li Gui, the talented painter whose eyes were dug out: "Since I met him, the light of the world has been eclipsed."

Later, all Li ghosts discovered each other's existence.

Season sugar: 0v0 cute.


Everyone thinks that someone who can subdue so many ghosts is at least a burly man.

Until they saw the master of these ghosts. A soft-looking teenager with a milky taste.

Everyone: ∑ ̄▽ ̄


I who died thought everything would end. Until I met you.

The black and white sky became deep and blue. Thousands of miles of frozen soil has since melted away from ice.

The heart beats hot again, tears burst into his eyes.

——You are a crazier existence than life.

*Fine Points Attack X Heartbeat Healing, Healing and Redemption Text, not only three ghosts, at least eight.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Shallow Water Bomb]: 1 Peng Xiongxiong;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mine]: Z, Ailyar, Mu Chen., Junkai 1009, 1 Jun'er;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

50 bottles of Susha rice; 30 bottles of ALLSen; My **** is Ren Yankai, 20 bottles of curry rice; 17 bottles of stinky; 12 bottles of cats; 11 bottles of Axun; Garfield eats lemongrass, Captain America’s little fan girl, today Qi Are you drunk, orange soda, the author has updated 10 bottles; Li Susu, aurora, rendering, CHING, Mu Muxi, 14445592, Hoshino, Xue Xiaoman 5 bottles; Luoluo, Rouge 4 bottles; Three Ancients and Three Saints , Yoyo 3 bottles; Lu, Junying, Guo Xingxing, Pu Yao, Huang Shaotian in my bed, Ruan Ruan, and a small apple have passed 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!