October is not a suitable month for strong track and field players.

However, due to the extremely hot climate in the host country D, this year’s World Championships in Country D had to be postponed to the cooler season of October, but even the time was postponed to the cooler season of October. At this node, the capital of country D is still unbearably hot at this time.

Not only that, for the best track and field players in various countries, October should have been in the annual off-season, and the competitive state should have fallen back to the trough at this time, but in order to create good results in the World Championships, the players also have to Collectively adjust their competitive state to this stage.

Before this game, many people in the sports circle were discussing whether the players could still play their best state after forcibly delaying their competitive peak state?

There was a lot of discussion about this kind, and there was no conclusion until the opening of the game.

Track and field fans all over the world are waiting for this biennial event, looking forward to the countries and players they support to win the highest crown in this event.

On October 2nd, under the eager anticipation of track and field fans all over the world, this grand event finally unveiled its veil.

Located in the city center of the capital of country D, the Xilien Stadium, which can accommodate 70,000 people, has long been renovated for this grand event. In order to ensure that athletes can better play their competitive state and not be affected by the heat, it is rich in wealth. Country D has laid a high-tech open-air cooling system for this huge open stadium, so that everyone who enters the stadium can feel the coolness of summer that does not belong to Country D.

At this time, this huge grandstand area was already occupied by spectators from all over the world, with 70,000 seats occupied. In the VIP boxes belonging to the venue, the king of country D and members of the royal family also arrived on the scene to watch the event in person.

This is the second time that Su Zhe has participated in a world-class event since he retired from the entertainment industry in June and became a full-fledged athlete. However, he has already stood on the top world arena of track and field events. This kind of experience is enough to be called It is a legend.

At the scene, elites from all over the world are gathering here, just wanting to compete for the crown of the strongest throne. This kind of fierce atmosphere, as long as you stand here, it is hard not to boil over.

Sitting on the players' bench, Su Zhe scanned the hot atmosphere, only to feel that there was a slight tremor all over his body.

"A Zhe, what's the matter?" Zhao Zhixuan, who was also in the player's seating area like Su Zhe, found that Su Zhe's hand seemed to tremble, and turned his head to care.

"Ah." Su Zhe shook his head and smiled: "I don't know why. Although I felt that my condition had improved in the previous closed training camp, I felt that I could be faster, but I couldn't reach my ideal best. Fast state..."

"But just sitting here, feeling the enthusiasm of all the audience here, I suddenly feel that I can run faster!"

This feeling of being in an environment surrounded by strong players, this kind of excitement about the upcoming competition, all makes Su Zhe feel impatient-I really want to stand on the field immediately and feel the thrill of speeding on this field.

Hearing Su Zhe's answer, Zhao Zhixuan was taken aback.

He didn't expect to get such an answer.

Obviously, Su Zhe, who used to be completely nervous because of the game and kept himself in a state of tension all the time, has quickly shaken off his past mentality after experiencing the baptism of several games.

This kind of player who is excited because of being on the field and even feels that his performance can improve before the start of the game, after removing the possibility of blind arrogance...

Competitive players!

This kind of player will not be able to arouse the excitement in the body because there is not enough strong hand suppression in training. Only in the game, or even in the competition, will it achieve the best competitive state because of the physical and mental excitement!

Among the athletes, there are many training players. They tend to have excellent performance in training, but in competitions, it may be difficult to get the same good results as in training due to various reasons.

Contest-type players... They are born for big competitions. In large-scale competitions, their state is often much better than their performance in training. Even in competitions, they can constantly break through and refresh themselves. Record!

Looking at Su Zhe's shining eyes, Zhao Zhixuan also smiled beside him-now, he is also starting to look forward to the next game!

On the first day of the World Championships, after the opening ceremony, there will be a series of competitions.

Among them, the men's 100-meter dash preliminaries to which Su Zhe belongs were scheduled to start at 7 pm.

In this men's 100-meter sprint, there are a total of 48 approved participants, but in fact, these 48 people are not all runners who have ran 10 seconds 10 during the registration and evaluation period of the event. Approximately 42 players reached the standard during the evaluation period. In addition, there are 6 players who have participated in the competition according to their personal best results this season.

And even for the so-called replenishment players, their personal pbs are basically within 10 seconds 10, just because of the poor state of the competition during the evaluation period, and they failed to get better results.

In tonight's game, Su Zhe is going to have a duel on the field with 47 people who can be called the strongest in the 100 meters.

With the opening of the World Championships, a large group of people on the domestic Internet began to discuss topics related to the World Championships. Of course, the focus of the general discussion on the topic of the World Championships is what kind of results Su Zhe can achieve in the World Championships. Few people are even wondering whether he can get back a medal or two.

Recently, due to the popularity of Su Zhe’s live broadcasts on sports channels and the beer public account, the general public’s attention to track and field events has indeed increased a lot, but the public is concerned about the results in the actual events and the strength of the national sprint. There is no clear understanding.

Track and field fans are much more calm about this.

After being aware of the discussion orientation of the people on the Internet, many sports bloggers have spontaneously started popular science related to the project.

Lao Bai looks at track and field: [I am very happy to see everyone's eager anticipation for the game, Lao Bai, but to be honest, our country does not have any advantages in sprint and sprint events. Just look at the number of entries in the World Championships. In the men's track, from 100 meters to 15,000 meters, with such a large span, the only one to get a seat in the World Championships is Su Zhe's men's 100 meters. If Chen Dashen is not injured, we will at most take an extra seat for the men's 100 meters... Seeing this, you should also know how far our country is in track competitions and how far the track is strong. 】

As a sports blogger, what Lao Bai said is both cruel and realistic. After being taken out of the circle by sports fans, it can be regarded as a pot of cold water for the interested eaters.

Many Chigualu expressed their shock under Lao Bai's Weibo.

[Although but... before eating melon, I just knew that only Su Zhe participated in the men's 100 meters of the World Championships... As a result, the co-author is that only Su Zhe successfully won the men's 100 meters to the men's 15,000 meters. Qualified? ? ? 】

[Feel the illusion of reality... Why is the world of genius so terrible... Until now I still have his emoticon in my mind, but this emoticon is actually the only seedling in so many running events? 】

[Emmm...After reading this Weibo, I have deleted his emoticon from my phone before, to show my respect for the gangster. 】

[Ahem, friends upstairs, don’t have to, those emoticons are pretty cute after a long time...]

[I'm here to ask for popular science, so speaking of it, Su Zhe's participation this time, isn't it that he can only look at his participation? 】

In many comments, Lao Bai responded to this comment for popular science.

[According to past experience, as long as you play well in the preliminaries and run about 10 seconds and 12 seconds, you have a chance to enter the semi-finals. Just looking at Su Zhe’s performance in the training report test some time ago, he still has a good chance of running 10.12 seconds, but the athlete’s state will be affected by various factors. Now we can only look forward to Su Zhe’s running. Make a good result! 】

On the Internet, in addition to these track and field fans, "philosophers" have also been busy making small science popularizations of various track and field related knowledge.

After experiencing a series of competitions by Su Zhe, these "philosopher" girls are no longer in the state they were when they knew nothing about track and field. Many people were confused when they first watched the game. The points were sorted and put together to make a popular science tutorial on "Little White Watching Track and Field".

Although the original purpose was to popularize science for Su Zhe's game, because the content made by the little girls was simple and easy to understand, and it was indeed a large collection of misunderstandings by many audiences who first saw track and field, they soon made this popular science content. It was reposted and enthusiastically praised by the big V of various sports circles, and even the official WeChat account of the national track and field team reposted their popular science series.

The official Weibo of Su Zhe’s support club who originally sent this push, because of this Weibo and the subsequent interactive Q&A, even seems to have changed from a star-chaser blogger to a sports blogger.

In the fan base, the little "philosophers" girls who participated in the content production are happy and proud of this-their cubs are fighting abroad, and in the rear, they are also working hard like their cubs to create something for him. A good public opinion environment spreads his love of sports to more people.

This feeling of working together for one thing is the most beautiful existence on this road to chasing stars.

At the site of the Xilien Stadium in Country D, the time has moved to 6 pm.

The inspection time for the men's 100-meter contestant has come, and Su Zhe officially entered this huge venue in accordance with the guidance of the staff.

At this time, 48 players from various countries are waiting in line for the inspection.

When Su Zhe arrived at the checkpoint, the Bahraini player Balmain he met on the first day of arrival in Country D happened to see Su Zhe. He sneered and gave Su Zhe a thumbs-down gesture of contempt, and then did not wait for Su Zhe to give Any response, he turned his head up and headed to the waiting area of ​​the game.

Su Zhe doesn’t have much thoughts about this kind of arrogant opponent. Bahrain’s Balmain is not among the top naturalized players, although he ran a 9.95 before changing nationality. However, since the change of nationality, personal sb has only been between 10 seconds 06-10 seconds 07 for three consecutive seasons.

Judging from the current personal results, he really does not have the strength to crush Su Zhe, and it is difficult to say whether he can even enter the semifinals.

If you need to keep your heart horrified at all times for this kind of person, can you still devote yourself to the game on such a big stadium?

While Su Zhe was observing the audience in the stadium while waiting for the inspection, an excitement with a strange accent suddenly appeared.

"Su, Su!"

The visitor is the Japanese friend Su Zhe met in the Asian Championships, Shota Shiraishi.

After the invitational game, Baishi Xiangtai pestered Su Zhizhi to use WeChat and Weibo. Even when he did not speak Chinese at all, Baishi often tried to send some greetings to Su Zhe every day. In the process of difficult communication, Su Zhe had already learned the pronunciation of Shota Shiraishi's name and a little simple Japanese vocabulary.

"Hello, Bai Shisang."

As a track and field powerhouse with Asia's first-class sprint ability, the Japanese team is naturally more than Shiraishi Shota. In addition to him, Yuki Nanyama and Kobayashi Kobayashi standing next to him are the first and second players ranked before Shota Shiraishi in Japan.

Among the two of them, Yuki Nanshan set a new Japanese sprint record with a time of 9.99 seconds last year. However, at the same time, he has been suppressed by Chen Zhi in various Asian competitions before, and even once faced Chen Zhi. Chi pressure is too great, and it has fallen into a trough.

Not only Nanshan Yuki, but for Japanese players and even the current generation of Asian players, Chen Zhi is a nightmare in their hearts, an insurmountable mountain.

Although there were teammates by his side, Shiraishi Shota still did not conceal his happiness when he saw Su Zhe. Yuxi Nanshan and Gongyan Kobayashi beside them seemed to have been very used to them, and they showed a friendly smile to Su Zhe.

Even after Su Zhe left under the guidance of the staff, Shiraishi Shota did not restrain the happy expression on his face.

"Ah, it is the same beauty as in the legend!" Nanshan Yuxi also said at this time: "Although I have watched the video of the event, after seeing the real person, the impact is really greater!"

"Yes." Kobayashi Kohiko also nodded: "Mr. Ishida Ippei's words are really not exaggerated... With such a beauty, but also with great strength... What a heart-catching opponent!"

"Wow!" Bai Shi Xiangtai looked at his two teammates warily: "Su Ke is mine! Are you going to **** Su with me?"

"Puff, hahahahaha." Upon hearing Shiraishi Shota's words, Nanshan Yuxi couldn't help bursting out into laughter: "It wasn't me who said, Shiraishisan, Su seems to be just treating you as a friend, right?"

"Ah... **** it." Shiraishi Shota lowered his head slightly dejected: "I can feel Su's concentration and persistence in running. I am not confident that I can surpass his running status..."

"Don't be discouraged." Kobayashi patted Shiraishi on the shoulder: "At least you can be an unforgettable opponent first!"

Naturally, it is impossible for Su Zhe to know the conversation of Baishi and others.

After completing the check-in, he also knew his own competition group, the third group of the preliminaries.

Balmain of Bahrain is not in the same group as him, but Kobayashi of the Japanese team will compete with him on the same field, and the two races are adjacent to each other on the seventh and eighth circuits.

As the event approached, Su Zhe's excitement grew stronger. When he watched the first group of players in the waiting area, he couldn't help but eager to try.

Around him, the players in the same group started to warm up their bodies. The only person who noticed Su Zhe’s excitement was Kobayashi Kohiko. He slightly noticed Su Zhe’s growing vigor, and his face couldn’t help showing caution. Look.

In the preliminaries of the men's 100m event, each group alternates very quickly.

Soon, the players in the third group of the preliminaries were notified that they were ready to play.

When he really set foot on the stadium and saw the newly paved pink track on the Xilien Stadium, Su Zhe couldn’t help but sweep his eyes to the stands. This huge stadium filled with 70,000 people, even if it’s 7 o’clock in the evening. At all times, people are still full of enthusiasm. Tourists from various countries waved their own national flags and cheered for their own players.

In the crowded stands, since Su Zhe’s debut, there are also some figures waving red flags desperately waving to Su Zhe, and even a hoarse cheering sound can be heard, which still carries his vaguely. first name.

Unlike other players around who were nervously preparing, Su Zhe stood on his eighth track for a moment, and even closed his eyes for a moment. A slightly noisy sound was transmitted to his ears through the air, an indescribable kind. The mysterious feeling of is flooding his chest.

It was not until the staff on the side reminded him to prepare immediately before the game, he smiled and nodded to the staff, and quickly squatted down to adjust his starting angle and distance.


Goal task: advance to the semifinals of the men's 100m sprint of the World Championships.

Task reward: the number of hours of perfect idol training space *5. "

When Su Zhe adjusted the starting blocks, the sound of the sand sculpture system sounded at the same time, which could be regarded as a random reward. It also seemed to indicate the difficulty of the system for his promotion to the semi-finals.

On the scene of the World Championships, the two commentators responsible for the game are introducing the third group of men's 100m preliminaries respectively. When introducing Su Zhe, the voices of the two commentators have a hint of ridicule.

Commentator Chris smiled and said: "Oh, the athlete on the eighth track, Su from China, just now, he stood on his track and closed his eyes. It seems that maybe he is listening to the voice of God?"

Birus also laughed: "This player is so exquisite that he looks like an angel from the East. Maybe he did hear the voice of God? Let's look forward to his performance later!"

In the ridicule of the two commentators, all the players have completed their preparations. At the side of the track, the starter has already stood with the starting gun, and the referee calmly issued preparatory instructions through the microphone system.



After everyone was ready, the shot "bang"!

The game has started!

From the moment the starting gun fired, Su Zhe reflexively stepped on the starting block with his right foot, and sent his body out with his strongest explosive power, using this strong force to complete the original acceleration from 0!

The closed training during this period and all the exercises completed in the training space have all turned into Su Zhe's strongest motivation and foundation at the moment.

In the arena of the World Championships, even if it is just a preliminary match, for Asian athletes, they are not qualified to stop their hands.

Su Zhe was like this at this time. He did not hesitate to release all the power in his body. At this moment, the explosive power in his body seemed to be endless, supplying him to continue moving forward.

The wind on the field blew his face. At this moment, Su Zhe felt that even the wind on the field was hot, and the blood in his heart was boiling hot.

Puff through, puff through.

It's the sound of heartbeat.

The rhythm of his heartbeat is also overlapping with the rhythm of his running, making his body more and more hot.

During the acceleration phase of the start, he could still feel that on his left hand, Kobayashi's starting reaction was also very fast, even squatting with him on the first 30 meters of the track for a while.

But these short seconds are fleeting.

In the next stage, the cheers of the audience and him seemed to be blocked by an unknown space. The shouts of the audience echoed outside the space, and his heart was only left with his own heartbeat. The sound, there is only one goal left in the eyes...

The opponents on the left side of the track have been completely forgotten by Su Zhe. He swings his arms and rotates his legs. The stride taken by each step between the two legs is in this period of training. He has been deeply imprinted into his instinct.


He can also be faster!

His legs are strong and powerful, and almost every step gives him the illusion of speeding.

He seemed to feel that he was leaping towards the end all the way.

Puff through, puff through.

Hot blood was flowing in his body, and the pulsation of his heart was jumping in his ears.

In the enthusiastic cheering on the field regardless of the country, everyone was surprised to see that Dongfang boy in red and white sportswear surpassed all his opponents and rushed to the finish line with a unique attitude.

On the commentary stage, the commentator Chris let out a surprised cry: "Oh oh oh! God, that oriental angel... he is suppressing all his opponents. He seems to have really sensed the power of God!! His running posture! It seems to be flying..."

In the exaggerated scream of Chris, Su Zhe crossed the finish line with absolute advantage!

Athletic World Championships, men's 100 meters preliminaries third group, first place, the Chinese team, Su Zhe!

When Su Zhe crossed the finish line in the first place, dozens of Chinese spectators at the scene made crazy shouts. At the same time, on the players' stand, the Chinese team leader Zheng Wensheng and the coaches of the sprint group, The other athletes on the track team who came to watch the game all expressed excitement at the same time.

"Su Zhe!!! Great job!!!"

For this year's national track and field team, which lacks Chen Zhi, the original idea of ​​the Field Management Center is that someone can win the men's 100 meters World Championships.

Zheng Wensheng never expected that Su Zhe could not only get a seat in this World Championship, but he could even reach the semi-finals in the preliminaries with a group first posture!

Such a record, even if Chen Zhi participated in the competition today, is nothing more than that.

What can be dissatisfied?

On the Chinese team's players stand, everyone was hugging each other to celebrate Su Zhe's victory, but Su Yinsheng was still staring at the arena.

After Zheng Wensheng passed the news that Su Zhe's group had reached the semifinals back home with excitement, he looked up and saw that Su Yinsheng was still serious and couldn't help showing a curious look.

"Old Su, your family A Zhe is so arrogant, why do you still look serious? Shouldn't you celebrate?"

Su Yinsheng took a deep breath when he heard the words, pointed to the commentary booth, and signaled to Zheng Wensheng that he was listening to the results of the third group of the preliminaries to be announced next.

It turned out to be ready to listen to the preliminary results!

Zheng Wensheng's face is clear, but his face is still very relaxed-the preliminaries, anyway, the first in the group has been won, what else can be nervous?

During the talk, the players' scores were already obtained in the commentary and began to broadcast.

"Men's 100-meter sprint preliminary third group, first place, Su Zhe (China): 10 seconds 05 (+0.6)..."

When this result came out, Zheng Wensheng hadn't reacted at first, but soon he stiffened on the spot and didn't have the mind to listen to the results of other players...

"Old, old Su...!" Zheng Wensheng stood up almost excitedly, and the surrounding players also showed expressions of surprise and ecstasy.

10 seconds 05!

Almost everyone present can tell the meaning of this digital lock.

"Old Su...I heard that right?! What is the result of Su Zhe just reported?!" Zheng Wensheng's hand trembled, he looked at Su Yinsheng nervously, for fear of hearing a negative answer.

Only then did Su Yinsheng really show a look of relief. He looked at Zheng Wensheng with certainty, and said every word: "Yes, the result is 10 seconds 05!"

Hearing this affirmative answer again, the surrounding Chinese players' seats broke out again with shocking celebrations, and Zheng Wensheng couldn't help but shout hello with excitement!

At this moment, no one in the Chinese players' stand is willing to suppress their excitement. Even if someone from other countries around the player area casts a curious look, it can't stop everyone's excitement at this time.

On the first day of the World Championships, the Olympic qualification for the men's 100-meter dash is now available!


_(:з」∠)_sigh, it's this point again, woooo... I saw a little angel recommending shaved hair and wigs... melancholy, such a bald dish like Cai Cai, have you never played with wigs? ? However, fake goose feathers are really boring...I feel I can only wear QAQ in winter...

In addition, a little angel said that the whole world speaks Chinese...Sadly, English dialogue...Illiterate Cai Cai can't handle it (Erkang hand)

Well, before the last Balmain played yesterday, Cai Cai remembered to write a sentence, "English with a strange accent"... But it seems that I deleted it because of Mao when I modified it. Orz... Everyone defaulted Most of their conversations with crooked nuts are in English...


As for the emotional drama of the sad Dalor Shao...simply light a cigarette, the road is long

Mr. Shao: =. =Today's Shiraishi Shota, what do you mean?

Cai Cai: =. =...There is no way, he can't grab the position of running in Zai Zai's heart! do not worry!

Mr. Shao:...... So I can get it?

Caicai: emmmm...then what...you too, let's talk...


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mine]: Mu Chen., Yao Xinhan, Big Orange, Jasmine?, Xunxun Xiaoyu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

100 bottles of ruoruo; 60 bottles of C Baola; 10 bottles of Fengye and Still Water; 5 bottles of Ichiyo Zhi, Anyi 123, and Master Fox; 4 bottles of Hoshino and Sesame Glutinous Rice Balls; 3 bottles of Aqiong; 1 bottle of Junying, Big Orange, Xiying, Aneng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!