he made it!

Su Yinsheng sat in the position of the contestant area, clenched his fists, and looked at Su Zhe who was also waving his fists at the finish line to celebrate. He couldn't help but his eyes were slightly red, and a hint of wetness came to the corners of his eyes.

he made it.

He achieved the goal he wanted, and also achieved his unilateral and stubborn idea that he wanted to share the pressure of glory for Chen Zhi.

Thinking of this, Su Yinsheng finally couldn't help but silently wipe away the tears of excitement on his eyes.

Before the end of the World Championships training, or even before today, he had never thought that Su Zhe could really run into 10 seconds 05 during the Olympic performance evaluation.

The period after the end of the Provincial Games was the most difficult period for him to endure. My apprentice Chen Zhi was injured because of anxious training. After he recovered from the injury, I don’t know what the state will be and whether he can run in the Olympic performance evaluation period. Enter the Olympic standard of 10 seconds 05.

As a leading figure in the domestic sprinter, Chen Zhi was injured, and the domestic track and field circle was hit by a 10-magnitude earthquake. The original qualification for the men's 100-meter sprint was suspended.

What was the status of the domestic 100-meter project at that time? All the men's 100-meter runners from all over the country can run into the 20 mark of 10 seconds, including Su Zhe who finished the Provincial Games, a total of 6 people.

The qualifications for the World Championships require 10 seconds to run.

The qualification requirements for the Tokyo Olympics are 10 seconds 05.

The qualifications for these two competitions are the most stringent performance standards ever.

At that time, only Chen Zhi was the only person in China who really ran into 10 seconds 10.

As the strongest player in China and even in Asia, Chen Zhi is collectively called the light of the yellow race by the sports circles of Asian countries. Among the Asian sprint events that are gradually dominated by naturalized players, only Chen Zhi is the one capable The strongest player who suppressed the naturalized players and regained the previous Asian record from the naturalized players.

At the 2017 Asian Championships, the then 26-year-old Chen Zhi defeated all the naturalized players in the audience and broke the Asian record with a time of 9.90 seconds and became the king of the Asian sprint peak.

That battle achieved Chen Zhi's historical peak. Since then, he has tried countless times to climb this peak of his own, but failed.

In subsequent training and competitions, although Chen Zhi could still run into the 10-second mark from time to time, he still had a certain distance to break through his personal pb.

In order to break through his own bottleneck and peak, under the discussion of the foreign teachers and coaches hired by the national team, he resolutely chose to follow the foreign teachers' plan and adjust his own mature technical habits that are difficult to improve.

The process of technical adjustment is difficult and tortuous. In order to devote himself to training and complete his own technical transformation as soon as possible, he temporarily bid farewell to various events until the opening of the World Championships and the official announcement of the Tokyo Olympic competition standards.

The responsibility and pressure from the field management center, the national team, and even the entire track and field circle, and the eager anticipation from fans, these various factors, in the case of no new athletes in the country can support the men’s 100-meter dash. , All began to go to Chen Zhiyong.

His sense of responsibility and mission as an athlete made him persistently issue a request to increase training intensity.

In the end, this heavy pressure caused Chen Zhi, who had accumulated many injuries during years of training, to fall again.

It can be said that the day Xu Zhi sent the message that Chen Zhi was injured was a gray day for the domestic track and field circle.

As the gold medal coach of the domestic men's sprint event, since that day, he has quickly received questions from the Tianguan Center-besides Chen Zhi, who else has the hope of running into 10 seconds 10?

At that time, everyone in the Tianguan Center was also full of urgency.

But how easy is it to talk about?

Even without Chen Zhi's injury, Tian Guan Center has been paying attention to domestic sprinters for several years, but this is really too difficult.

Chen Zhi's strength, compared with all the players in the country, is a cut-off style.

At that time, the only one who seemed to be expected to reach the level of Chen Zhi's strength in Su Yinsheng's eyes was Zhao Zhixuan, but although Zhao Zhixuan's performance was progressing rapidly, it was far from being able to replace Chen Zhi.

In fact, although the Tianguan Center has been screening the list of key domestic sprinters since that time, they are just doing their best to obey their destiny. Everyone was in a gray state at that time, and even no one reached it. Preparation for the Tokyo Olympics standards.

At that time, Su Zhe had just returned to the sports circle.

In the turbulent topic of #让苏哲滚出体育圈#, he is still a guy who shouts and beats. No one believes that he just returned to the sports circle is qualified to stand on the provincial Games.

Until he shut up everyone with a record-breaking victory.

And the guy who just ran 10.18 seconds, but because he was worried about Chen Zhi, he tried to share the pressure for the top domestic powerhouse.

Su Yinsheng still remembers that he asked him at the beginning-[Do you know, 10 seconds 18 to 10 seconds 05, how many people can't bridge the gap in a lifetime? 】

How long has it been?

He even remembered how his unlucky child looked when he was out of balance after being injured.

And now...

Su Yinsheng leaned back against the seats of the stadium, looked at the joyous atmosphere of everyone around, and let out a long sigh.

Domestic, Tianguan Center meeting room.

On the first day of the start of the World Championships, the Tianguan Center from Sun Zhihai to the ordinary staff found it difficult to get home from get off work.

All of them voluntarily stayed late into the night, gathered together in the conference room, and paid attention to the key events of the day through the World Championship live broadcast room of the sports channel.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, when Su Zhe crossed the finish line in the first place in the third group of the preliminaries, everyone's excited cheers came from the conference room!

Zheng Wensheng, who was far away at the scene, also sent back information in real time-Su Zhe qualified first in the preliminaries.

Just this good news is enough to make everyone excited and applauded.

No one thought that the real surprise was yet to come.

Sun Zhihai and Chen Guangzhi were still happily exchanging congratulations and praised Su Zhe for his excellent state. The on-site commentator began to announce the results of the third group of preliminaries.

When Su Zhe's score of 10.05 seconds was announced from the commentator's mouth, the meeting room that had been eager and excited suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone looked at the live broadcast screen with disbelief.


Someone swallowed and looked at the results already displayed on the screen-Su Zhe (China): 10 seconds 05 (+0.6).

...10 seconds 05?

Wipe, is it really 10 seconds 05?

"This is... the Olympic standard?"

Someone tentatively asked this question. Then, Sun Zhihai and Chen Guangzhi both stood up abruptly and stared at the live screen.

"Fuck!!! Really tm is the Olympic standard! Su Zhe has entered the Olympic standard!!!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the conference room that was ten times, a hundred times more noisy than before!

Everyone present was flushed with excitement, even Sun Zhihai and Chen Guangzhi were so excited that their voices choked.

"Good, good...! Su Zhe did a great job!"

Sun Zhihai praised again and again, but his excitement made him no longer want to think about more praise, but he praised it again and again.

The jubilant atmosphere and mood infected everyone on the scene. After a long time, the staff responsible for media information remembered that this important good news should be announced as soon as possible!

Not only the field management center, at this moment, every person in the sports circle who pays attention to track and field events has been blown out of the water by this news.

As a live reporter sent by the Sports Channel to the capital of Country D, after Xu Zhi got the first-hand information, he sent the live photos and the urgently written press release back to China.

After seeing the short news release, the domestic editor on duty of the sports channel made a decisive decision and sent it directly to the official micro staff to push the news directly.

Sports Channel Official Wechat: [#D国田势世锦赛# On the first day of the World Championships, the men’s 100-meter sprint preliminaries, Su Zhe took the first place in the third group of the preliminaries with a time of 10.05 (+0.6). Our country won the precious qualification for the men's 100m in the Tokyo Olympics! #苏哲世锦赛预赛组第一##Su Zhe Qualifies for Men's 100 Meters in Tokyo Olympics#】

Along with this Weibo news short message, Xu Zhi reported on the scene in more detail, but after this news short message was sent, all people who saw the news were not in the mood to pay more attention to it for a while.

At the Athletics Kingdom Forum, it was already boiling.

Those in the forum are all sports enthusiasts who care about track and field events. Naturally, it is impossible to miss the first grand meeting of the World Championships.

Originally, before the start of the men's 100m preliminaries, there were still many fans posting discussions on the forum.

[Discussion, can Su Zhe make it to the semifinals tonight? I think it’s a bit hanging...]

1st floor: [Look at the status, he ran 10 seconds 12 in the training test before, this status is still good, if you can stabilize during the game, as long as you run to this score, you are very hopeful to enter Semi-finals. 】

2nd floor: [The second time to participate in a world-class competition is at the level of the World Championship... I hope he will not panic. 】

5th Floor: [Leave aside, Zhe Shao's state since his debut can be said to have been stable, with very small fluctuations in his performance. If this is not because he has too few matches, but the reference data is insufficient, then I am still very optimistic about him running into the semi-finals this time. 】

10th floor: [Don't be too optimistic, in the World Championships, there are strong players like clouds, even if it is only the preliminary matches, how can it be so easy to get through? I'm a little worried anyway...]

Not long ago, the discussion posts were still in my ears, but when everyone came out of the sports channel’s live game room, the previous discussion posts were crushed to the corner by various jubilant posts.

[Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! Long live Zhe Shao! ! ! The men's 100m Olympic qualification is now available! 】

[I was so excited that the display screen was almost smashed by me, Mad, Zhe Shao! ! ! ! 】

[At night, a big man of Lao Tzu had red eyes at home, and my wife asked me what happened... Someone was carrying the banner of the 100-meter project again, I was excited! Zhe Shao is awesome! ! ! 】

[Mom asked me why I was watching the game on my knees, because there was a strong boss in the game, and only a soft knee can show my respect and sincerity...]

On Weibo, at this time, it has also fallen into the carnival of sports fans.

#苏哲Get Tokyo Olympics Men’s One Hundred Meters Qualifications# This topic was smashed by track and field fans on the hot search list at the same speed, and the rising speed did not show signs of decline.

The big V from all walks of life forwarded the news of the sports channel, and the cheering atmosphere of celebration was almost like the New Year.

As Su Zhe's number one fan, Tao Sheng even posted 10 Weibo posts after the competition, each of which showed his uncontrollable excitement.

[Su Zhe advances to the semifinals first in the preliminaries! Good job! ! ! 】

【! ! ! 10 seconds 05? ! ! 】

[Su Zhe in the pre-race of the World Championships out of 10 seconds 05! ! Have you qualified for the Tokyo Olympics? ! ! 】



[Can’t believe it...I’m still in a daze with excitement, as if I’m dreaming...]

[After pinching myself hard, I confirm that I am not in a dream... The men's 100-meter Olympic qualification is now available! Su Zhe has created a miracle! ! 】

After posting 10 Weibo posts in a row, Tao Sheng finally forced himself to calm down, but after forcibly organizing the language for a long while, he found that besides the idea of ​​applauding Su Zhe, he really couldn't take any coolness in his mind. Analyze the thinking of the competition performance.

In the end, Tao Sheng still posted a Weibo like a rainbow fart: [It’s hard to sleep tonight! Since Chen Zhishang, the haze that has enveloped the men's 100-meter sprint has finally been blown away by a gust of wind. In just a few months, @苏哲 has grown from an unattended contestant to a new banner in the men's 100-meter event! Thanks for having you, your appearance must be a miracle bestowed by God! 】

This rainbow fart Weibo, no sports fan feels disgusted with it. Everyone enthusiastically forwarded all the content related to the preliminaries Su Zhe of the various sports veterans, and cheered on Weibo. On the carnival.


Everyone has the same mood in their hearts.

Chigualu, who pays attention to the World Championships because of the live broadcast of the sports channel, is also promoted by sports fans and joined the carnival together.

If anyone at the World Championships still doesn't know the importance of this event in track and field, then Su Zhe's qualification for the Olympic Games is a national event that even passers-by can't help but admire.

Just as everyone cheered, it was the Pear official account and released a new masterpiece from Zhuo Siming.

[#娱乐圈迎苏哲返##让苏哲滚出体育圈# From the contempt of the whole people to the hero of the whole people, have you contributed obstacles to Su Zhe's road to the king? 】

The content of this official account details how the sports circle rejected Su Zhe in the original national language violence incident. With its progressive analysis and in-depth analysis, it almost allows everyone who reads the content of the official account to You can feel how unfriendly the sports circle was to Su Zhe at that time.

Afterwards, Zhuo Siming marked all the previous dilemmas of the men's 100-meter event in the track and field circle one by one, and at the same time focused on the injury of Chen Zhi.

After that, every game and every progress of Su Zhe was clearly listed by Zhuo Siming.

Competition, injured participation, and two qualifications for the World Championships;

After training, he was temporarily caught in the 4*100m relay team and became the core member of the sudden relay team.

Every one of them was full of enthusiasm, and I couldn't help but sigh Su Zhe's genius and power.

Finally, the timeline shifted to tonight. With his own strength, Su Zhe advanced to the first group preliminaries in a stadium like the World Championships and won the qualification for the Tokyo Olympics.

Su Zhe's short sports career alone is enough to be called a legend.

Many people who have read this article by Zhuo Siming have felt that their blood is on the top-what kind of fairy is this? Real genius is suffocating.

And after seeing the topic brought by the Pear official account, the Gua Lu people burst into laughter.

[Hahahaha, what the hell? The entertainment circle welcomes Su Zhe's return? Your family is too dare about this topic, right? But you are right. If Su Zhe wants to return to the entertainment industry, I will welcome with both hands and feet at any time! 】

Obviously, the contrast and impact of these two topics is actually the commonly used method of pulling and stepping in the entertainment circle, but this time the object of pulling and stepping has been replaced by the two huge circles of the sports circle and the entertainment circle. Its essential operation The spirit of the core is the same.

After seeing the news, the entertainment circles and the big Vs also laughed and laughed. Upholding the spirit of entertainment, everyone also reposted this topic.

So, just after the topic #苏哲Getting the Tokyo Olympics Men’s One Hundred Meters Qualification# rushed to the top ten of the hot search list, #娱乐圈迎苏哲归回# and #让苏哲滚出体育圈# These two topics also Followed by, rushed to the top 30 of the hot search list.

This upsurge of topics that was triggered by Su Zhe's qualification for the Tokyo Olympics has completely detonated Weibo.

After reading Zhuo Siming's manuscripts and titles, some professionals couldn't help but feel that Zhuo Siming's bones are unique and good angle-use the perspective of the entertainment circle to write a news hot spot in the sports circle, and even better , The object of writing is now a supernova in the sports circle, and he was indeed a figure from the entertainment circle.

Regardless of the topic figures, topic angles and subtle writing techniques, Zhuo Siming's article is already perfect. Just two articles about Su Zhe gave Zhuo Siming a firm foothold in the editorial department of the Pear official account and even won a large bonus.

The carnival of gossip topics in the entertainment circle, naturally, quickly passed back to the sports circle through the @ of the people who eat melon.

Although the masses in the sports circle also understand that these topics have only received so much attention and reposting because of entertainment, but can the attitude of sports fans be ignored because of this?

Of course not!

If after Su Zhe comes back, he sees the topic that invites him back to the entertainment circle, and then he is still moved...what can I do?

After someone put forward this dangerous hypothesis, sports fans began to rush to report, and began to brush up on other topics related to Su Zhe, and strive to welcome Su Zhe in the entertainment circle, and let Su Zhe get out of the entertainment circle. Two topics are crushed and there is no scum left.

The hustle and bustle on the domestic Internet has nothing to do with Su Zhe who is on the scene in Country D.

After confirming that his score reached 10.05, Su Zhe finally happily waved his fists to celebrate his success.

He has done the dream of running into the Olympic competition standard countless times in the past few months.

Even with systematic help, he has experienced many setbacks on the way to this dream. Whether on the actual training ground or on the training ground of the system space, he uses every minute of his time to the extreme.

In addition to all the training, the lack of game experience almost made him sink into the mud.

Fortunately, he succeeded!

Looking at the stands and the seats in the Chinese players area, everyone was excitedly waving to him. Looking up again, the Chinese audience on the scene was frantically waving the small flag in their hands, even though they were far away. , Can feel their intense and passionate pride and pride.

Feeling all this, Su Zhe couldn't help showing a cheerful smile.

It's great to be able to run on the field.

It's great to be able to represent your country, run on the track, and run for all your compatriots behind you!

In such an exotic arena, it’s great to look up and see a red figure supporting you all the time!

After saying goodbye to all the players on the field, Su Zhe retired to the place where the Chinese players' bench was.

After seeing him, Su Yinsheng waved at him, and soon handed the phone that was in the video call to him.

On the other end of the video, Chen Zhizheng looked at him with a smile in an environment that was obviously a hospital rehabilitation center. On his smiling gentle face, his eyes were reddening, and the corners of his eyes seemed to have traces of tears.

Seeing Chen Zhi in the video, Su Zhe's eyes lit up first, but after seeing Chen Zhi who has not recovered after surgery, he also has a trace of worry: "Brother Xiaozhi..."

"Why this expression? Don't worry, my operation was very successful." Chen Zhi first greeted Su Zhe with a smile, and then said sternly: "Xiao Zhe, I just watched your game, you are very Baton."

Without waiting for Su Zhe to reply, Chen Zhi suddenly said, "Are you happy to chase speed on the court?"

Hearing this question, Su Zhe was taken aback, and immediately understood what Chen Zhi meant.

Fourteen years of brotherhood and friendship, without him even needing to explain, Chen Zhi understands that he once pursued Olympic qualifications with the mentality of sharing the pressure.

He remembered a sentence Chen Zhi once said to him: [I like running, I like to chase speed. I am on the field, even if I shoulder heavy responsibilities, but the first thing I want to grasp is the speed in my heart. pursue. 】

He understands that Chen Zhi is worried. Once he attaches too much importance to the stress-sharing heart, he will forget what he really wants to chase on the field. Once so, over time, he will lose his heart to compete.

Looking at Chen Zhi on the other side of the video call, Su Zhe smiled and said: "Brother Xiaozhi, don't worry, I really like the feeling of running on the field...I still remember your words, passionate, running more than."

In the video, when he heard Su Zhe's words, Chen Zhi also showed a gratified smile: "The blood is endless, and I can't stop running. Xiao Zhe, I'm already looking forward to the day when we meet on the field."

Seeing Chen Zhi's confident and eye-catching smile in the video call, Su Zhe also grinned: "Well, I'm also looking forward to the day we meet on the field!"

I believe that the day when they compete on the field will never be too far away!


_(:з」∠)_Zhanping, I have already felt abandonment of the update time. Naicai... Woo, JJ has been convulsing yesterday until now. It is just luck to read comments... I hope to see the comments tomorrow The complete replies in the district... (sorrowful cry)

A tranced vegetable must go to sleep first, everyone is late (morning)~~~


Question: Why is there no Shao in today's speech?

Answer: Of course it is because the day of his early days is far away, so he is angry and invisible today! =w=……!

(Shao Dao: =_=+++++Explosion.gif you are done!)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: wow khaka, yoyo, licking screen fungus, hello I am your little baby, purple ice orchid, big orange is important, Mignon, Xitong-forget it, tomato flavor 1 carrot;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Bottles: 87 bottles; choked with 50 bottles; today, Yuebai is also beautiful in 30 bottles; ALLSen, 25 bottles of invisible masterpieces; 20 bottles of Goose Huizhufeng, Kaya, and Buried Sea Flower Soul; οo浅浅孤孤ゝ浅笑19 bottles; 16 bottles of Susha rice; change a better name, Xiaoxiaodai, 37769790, quietly be a month and a half, the wind is gentle, Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Zi, Tong Tong, Qing Ming, Miracle, Little Cone 10 bottles of small bread anvils; 276 bottles of 18 bites; 5 bottles of Hoshino, sweet noodle sauce, canned cats, a Peter Pan, snow, and Abu; 3 bottles of huh, 2 bottles of Qingyan; , Qingjiu, the silent family of the silent family, Su Zibaifang, Aqiong y, if. , Xiying, Liuliu, Victorique, Deer, Talk and Smile, 622222221 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!